Svoboda Diaries Data

The Joseph Mathia Svoboda Diaries can be downloaded for study and analysis in other software, including text mining and analysis tools such as Voyant.

To download, please click here: diaries

In this distribution, you will find the following versions of the diaries:

  • TXT: plain text versions of the diaries that you can use in text mining applications such as Voyant
  • XML: the XML versions of the file may be useful for those who would like structured files that can be imported into other software or transformed into another format for analysis
  • PDF: PDF versions are good for screen reading
  • HTML: HTML versions can be viewed through Internet browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari
  • Summaries: useful for those who would like a concise summary of the diaries

The following versions of the diaries are currently available:

  • 47: November 4, 1897 – August 3, 1898
  • 48: August 3, 1898 – February 28, 1899
  • 49: February 28, 1899 – October 11, 1899

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

We welcome any feedback that you have about this distribution. Contact us here.