Joseph Mathia Svoboda Diary 49
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Margin Notes
There are marginal notes in Arabic written in ink by the Baghdad historian Yaqub Serkis sometime after he received them from Alexander Svoboda probably in the late 1920s. Because these notes are a later addition extrinsic to Joseph Mathia Svoboda’s writings, we have gathered them in an appendix where they are listed under unique identifiers–for example [A47_006_09:001]–recording the diary number, place in the diary, and numerical order.
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[pg: 1]
[1:] Diary N. 49
[2:] 1899~
[pg: 2]
[pg: 3]
From Diary No. 48 [28 FEB 1899 --- V049_00_S] (//)
[page torn]
We finished Cargo at 3
P.M.; having loaded very
The Waly of Basreh
Enis Pasha & the Commander
of the Troops Mohsen Pasha
came to see the Shahzada
the cousin of the present
Shah of Persia, his name
is Abdulhussein Mirza
Farman Farman,
also the English Consul Mr.
Wratislaw, Mr. Hamilton
the Agent of Hotz & Co. &
is also the American
Consular Agent; Mr.
Richards of Lynch Brothers
& a wole lot of Persians
& other people; he has
[page torn] two cabins for
[page torn] 1st Class
[pg: 4]
[ripped off] on Deck
[ripped off] came to me,
[ripped off] going to Gorna tomorrow
to see his property for
about 10 days absence,
and then he promised
me if his mother has really
decided to go to Paris
to bring Alexander, he
will accompany her;
Basreh to Baghdad [1 MAR 1899 --- V049_01_N] (//)
Abdulhussein Mirza Farman Farman
Passng | Okes | GSP. Local | Draft |
20 ½ | 247336 | 27,126 ¼ | 4,,10 |
At 4,,20 P.M. We left
Basreh, flood tide is
running up;~ The Persian
Shahzada with his Doctor
& Interpreter in 1st C. Cabins
are messing by themselves
At 10 P.M. landed 8
passengers at Gorna they
are Nasser el Sagur,
Abdulla Rawandoozi the
Lawyer & Mr. Misakyan
[pg: 5]
the Civil Engineer & followers
going to measure the
date properties so as to
levy a tax in future at
so much per Jerib; Ali
Beg Mudir of the Tapo &
Rufail are also coming
to Gorna tomorrow;
1st Wedn Th@ 6. 58
1899 Mch
1899 Mch
Light air & rather warm
weather; At 2,,50 Am
passed Azair~ at 4
anchored, & at 5,,30 We
left;~ Weather very mild
I finished with the passengers
tickets we have in all
143 ½ (5 in 1st Class, the
Shahzada, Abdulhussein
Mirza Farman Farman
whose sister the Shah of
Persia Muzaffar el Mulk
has married, and a
German Mr. W. Grieger
[pg: 6]
and Yousif Shamoon
Nazo, but the two cabins
of the Shahzada are
also used by his attendants
going in & out, and 2
in 2nd class Nassoory
son of Georgis Ilo and
At 10 Am landed 4
passengers at Kalat
Saleh & Went on at 10,,5,
the guard turned out &
saluted the Persian
Shahzada; We are flying
the Persian flag for
S. Erly Wind & Weather
Getting Cloudy~
At 4 P.M. arrived
at Amara, a guard of
soldiers saluting the
Persian Shahzada, and
the whole population
[pg: 7]
was on the bank, the
Crowd was very thick
& all hurried on board,
the Motserrif & all the
functionaries, the Persian
Consular Agent in his
uniform & the milè
was so thick on board
that I had to go in my
cabin from the crash
& confusion;~ We
landed 12 passengers
and 7 Bales of cloth;
We could not Coal
ship on Account of the
Crowd & so We left at
4,,50 P.M. ; Took 32 ½
Wind shifted to N. Wester
& fine Weather;
The Shahzada & his Doctor
dined with us this evening
I was interpreting between
him & Capt Cowley
[pg: 8]
& the others in Persian
and french~
2 Thurs. Th@ 6. 46
Modte N.W. & fine cold
Weather, sharp wind
and the river is rising;
At 7,,5 Am passed
Ali Gherbi [symbol] At 2 Pm passed the
SS Baghdad going down
Very sharp Cold Wind is
At 0,,20 P.M. passed the
S.S. Mossul & Barge going
up at AbooDood [symbol]
At 8,,5 P.M. arrived
at Coot landed 7 ½ passeng.
& 8 Bales of P. Goods;
We took 12 Tons from
our Coal boat which
had not been landed yet,
so we did not go alongside
some people came to
visit the Shahzada
the Kaimakam Jaffer
Bey & the Persian Agent,
[pg: 9]
At 10,,30 We left Coot,
fine & cold Weather;
3 Frid Th@ 6. 47
1899 Mch
Light N.W. & cloudy
At 6,,30 Am passed
Memlah; gave tickets to
411 ½ Coot passengers;~
I paid the Ship’s Company
their wages for Feby;
At 3,,15 P.M. passed
Azizieh Village;
At 3,,30 met the SS.
Khalifah coming down,
We stopped & sent Mr.
Taylor’s letters, him &
his wife are on board
going back, I got a
few lines from Henry
he says that my Wife
has no news at all
from Alexander,
Michail Yaghchi is also
on board going down
to Basreh, the
[pg: 10]
Khalifah has 47,000
Okes & 228 passengers
We went on at 3,,40
N. Erly wind & cloudy
all over~
At 7,,10 passed Baghdadieh
Weather getting fine;
4 Satur Th@ 6. 48
1899 Mch
1899 Mch
Light N.W. & little cloudy
on the East~
At 6,,5 AM we came
to alongside the bank at
Ctesiphon to let the Persian
Shahzada Abdulhussein
Mirza to Visit the Tomb of
Selman & the Arch; but
he did not land till 7 am
after having made his
prayers & took his tea;
At 8,,30 the Persian Shah-
zada came & We left
Ctesiphon~ He sent for
me telling me that he wishes
to give the Crew & servants
some present of few
[pg: 11]
Kerans & wants to Know
how many the crew are,
I told him 26 Mossullees &
the Tindal etc; he sent me
120 Kerans to be distributed
that is 3 K. to each of the crew
& 10 K. to Meekha Tuidal, &
4 K to each servant etc;
What a mean & stingy man
he is, he has given to Capt
Cowley a small carpet worth
about 25 Beshlics; He
also gave me 7 Envelopes
to be given to the Chief, 2d
& 3rd Engineers & the Chief
& 2d Mates, to Metty &
to myself to keep as a rememberance
from his part, every one
I found Contains 5 ¼
Toomans in Gold, which
amounts to about 10
Beshlics, the Engineers
& Officers have refused
taking them, but Metty
& Myself Kept it; as it
Will not be nice to
return them to the Man
[pg: 12]
I told Capt Cowley of
it, & he told Metty to
take them & give them
to the poors through
the Nuns or Priests;
they all took it back afterward;
River is rising, & wind
blowing sharp from N.W.
At 0,,5 P.M. passed Diala
River~ Ship is going
very slow on account of
the river;
At 2,,10 P.M. landed a
Deckman at Gherrara with letters
& went on;
At 5,,10 P.M. landed
the mails at the Residency
We went up to the Custum
House, Great many people
Crowded the banks, the Custum
House & the Bridge, The
head Constable Mukhlus
Effendi & the Aide de Camp
of Kadem Pasha came
the former from the part
[pg: 13]
of the Waly & the latter
from that of Kadem Pasha
to greet the Shahzada
also the Persian Consul
Without uniform but in
a dirty clothes, they took
the Shahzada to Persian
Consulate on the other
side of the river~
I went home saw Eliza
also Antone Marine
was there;
I found letters from
Ibrahim Gejou from Paris
dated the 3 Feby, he
sends me back my
letter of the 15 Decr which
I had written to Alexander
after the receipt of his
last letter to me of the
13 Novr. & Ibrahim
says that he could not
send Alexander in Paris
& so he sends the
[pg: 14]
letter back; an other
letter from Mr. J. Böhm
from Paris where he had
gone for business and
says that he had received
from me my telegram in
which I had told him
that Alexander had wired
to me from Constple
that he was going to
Port Said & coming here
& he hopes that he has
now arrived~ an other
letter from Yousif Serpos
dated the 9 Feby, in which
he acknowledges the
receipt of my telegram
to him of the 6 Feby asking
him if Alexander had
come to Egypt, he says
that he had received a
letter from him of the
18 Jany from Paris &
[pg: 15]
he answered him and
sends the copy of the letter
Eliza tells me that Mr.
Richarz the German
Consul told my sister
Medula that the Austrian
Consul at Paris writes
in Answer to my complaint
made on the 15 Decr,
that the Police have not
found Alexander in Paris
and that he must have
gone to England & so
he wants to know what
he is to do with the 300
frcs I sent to him for Alexanders
expenses~ No other
news we have of Alexanders
5’ Sund Th@ 6 38
1899 Mch
Light N. Erly & little
Cloudy & Cold Weather
I did not go to Church,
but I called on Henry’s
[pg: 16]
Wife, & on Sister Medula
& came home at 11~
Some Visitors called~
At 1 P.M. I went to see
Antone Marine & then
called on Mina Abood,
Went to call on Mr. Richarz
but met him in the road
& I told him that I will
call on him in two hours
more; I went to Sister
Eliza, & on Edward Blockey
but he was not at home,
I then called on Mr. Richarz
but he had gone out,
I called on Capt & Mrs. Cowley
& on Moseigneur Altmayer
he is getting better with
his rheumatism,
his holyday of St Henry
was on Thursday the 2d
Mch, I came home
at 6 P.M~
[pg: 17]
Weather getting fine
& clouds disappearing;
6’ Mond Th@ 6. 42
1899 Mch
Light N.W. & fine
cold morning; at 8
AM I came on board,
the Mejidieh is inside
since yesterday discharging
The river is falling;
at 10 Am I went to see
Mr. Richarz, also Dr. Hesse
who showed me a letter
from the Consul General
of Beyrout dated the 6 Feby
in which he says that the
Consul General of Austria
of Paris writes that after
having searched for
Alexander at No. 124
Rue de Rennes he was
not there, & was informed
that he was in the Hotel
de Bon Marché No. 22
Rue Placide, there
[pg: 18]
he was told that Alexander
had left & probably
gone to England
so the money of 300 frcs
is left with the Consul
and wants to know what
he is to do with it; I
asked Mr. Richarz to write
again to let the money
remain for the present
until probably Alexander
may wire for money
& then I can refer him
to the Austrian Consul
to get it from him, so
Mr. Richarz is going to
do so, I left & came to
the office for some
Gold sovereigns to pay
the Officers~
Sister Medula called
also Eliza & Adoola my
[pg: 19]
The SS. Mossul arrived
at 10 Am~
I took a hot bath~
Fine cold weather;
7’ Tuesd.
1899 Mch
Light N.W. & fine Weather
cold~ Sister Eliza
called on us also Madm.
Saccazan~ At 9 AM
I came on board~
The SS. Ressafah left this
morning at 5 Am; River
Keeps falling;
At 11 I went home; At 2 P.M.
called on Catterina Yaghchi
& Louisa my niece;
Antone Marine called on
us, him & Major Melville
had been at Kadumain
Visiting the Shahzada
Abdulhussein Mirza
he is going to stay here
for about 4 months more,
Light N.W. & fine Weather
& mild;
[pg: 20]
8’ Wedn
Light N.W. & fine weather
at 8 am called on Sister
Medula & at 9 came on
board; the Mossul went
inside to discharge;
We are shipping some cargo,
at 11 went to breakfast
& returned at 2 ½ P.M.;
We shipped galls & wool;
At 4 ½ I went home &
at 6 Eliza & I went over to Sister
Medula & spent the evening
Johny & Artin also came there
We left at 8 & came home,
9’ Thursd Th@ 6. 50
Light air from S.W. & cloudy
all over~ At 8 Am I came
on board;~ River is falling
At 11 I went to breakfast
& came on board at 12;
I sent two letters to the
Damascus Post one for
Mr. A Schweiger & one
to Mr. Böhm Vienna &
told the latter every thing
about Alexander;
[pg: 21]
At 2 P.M. the SS. Phrat
arrived from Basreh;
Weather keeps cloudy,
with a light S. Ely breeze,
At 5 P.M. we finished
loading, handed off the
bank;~ I went home,
Sister Medula & Grzesiki
called on us to spend the
evening; they left at 8 P.M.
S. Ely light air & cloudy
a little ~
10 Frid
Light S. Ely, & cloudy
All over, Raining slightly
at 5 am. I came on
board, rain ceased
after few minutes, but
just to wet the ground,
it keeps cloudy;
[pg: 22]
Baghdad to Basreh [10 MAR 1899 --- V049_02_S] (//)
Passg | Okes | GS Piast | Draft |
253 | 97,178 | 19875 ½ | 3,,9 |
At 6 Am. we proceeded,
Weather very cloudy and
gloomy;~ It began to
rain drizzly at 7 ½ after
passing Gherrarah Bridge
At 7.45 passed Diala
river; ~
At 8,,45 passed the
S.S. Khalifah at Menary
going up, I saw Père
Pièrre & P. Jèan onboard
going up;~
At 9.5 passed Ctesiphon
At 1,,10 P.M. landed
the son of Elias Serkis, Rezooki
at Swera on the opposite
side of the village & went
on at 1,,15;
We have altogether
233, Passengers (7
[pg: 23]
in 1st class; 2 Mahomedan
Pilgrims in one cabin,
Eassa Khdery, Abdulrezak
Khdery to Amara free
with Return Ticket; Edward
Blockey going to London
for 9 months, paying Deck
& Mr. Faragher with him
in the big cabin free
going to be reemployed
at Mahomerah by Mr.
Taylor free; and Naoom
Loca to Basreh; also
2 females of Eassa Khdery
in 2d C. Cabin to Basreh
three other men with free
passage by S.Lynch & Co,
At 2,,15 P.M. passed
Baghdadieh; still very
Cloudy all over; ~
At 4.20 passed
Azizieh; ~
At 7,,10 we rounded
[pg: 24]
and anchored at Um Sneyem
little cloudy & light S. Ely
wind ~ Wind Shifted to
a fresh N.W. and clouds
cleared off & became fine,
11 Satur Th@6.52
Light N.W. & fine clear
weather ~ At 5,,15 am
left Um Sneyem;
At 7,,30 passed Memlah
The SS. Baghdad & Barge,
passed up this morning
at 5 am; ~
At 11,,45 am. arrived
at Coot landed 19 Passeng.
& 3 Packages;
I received Henry’s letter,
the Khalifah had 242000
Okes of Cargo & about
120 passengers;
At 0,,45 P.M. we
left Coot, took 11 ½
passengers ~
At 4.30 P.M. passed
[pg: 25]
Sheikh Saad;
At 7,15 we rounded and
Came to for the night at
Maghessil Grove; Fine
Clear weather & modte
N.W. wind;
12 Sund Th@6.42
Modte; N.W. & fine cold
weather ~ At 5,30 Am
we left Maghessil, at
5,,40 passed Ali Gherbi;
At 1 P.M. arrived at
Amara landed 22 Passengs
(Abdulrezack Khdery in
1st Class Cabin) and 52
Packages; ~Took 5 Tons
of Coal~
At 2,,20 P.M. left Amara
took 8 Passengers ~
At 5,,30 passed Kalat
At 6.10 anchored at
the Canal of Abdulla ibn
Ali for the night;
[pg: 26]
Light S.W. & cloudy
At 5,,30 Am. proceeded
from Abdulla ibn Ali,
13 Mond Th@6.57
At 7,,55 passed Azair
Wind shifted to N.W. &
became fine; ~
At 10,,40 landed one
Basreh passenger at Gorna
I saw Rufail Sayegh
here, he came up after
we had left Basreh last
trip & will return tomorrow
or the day after, ~
At 10,,50 we went on;
At 2,,50 P.M. arrived
at Basreh; Flood tide
made an hour ago, todays
moon is 3 days old
The Mail Str Kilwa is
the only boat in quarantine,
the Persian St. Husseini
has just left as we
arrived she goes to
[pg: 27]
Jedda with Pilgrims,
The SS. Abdulkadur
is at Fao bound for
Jedda, also taking
Pilgrims ~
Rezooki came to me
for ½ hour & went away,
The Malamir is
also in quarantine
she will leave on Thursday
for Mahomerah &
Mr. & Mrs. Taylor will
go in her & up the Karoon
to Ahwaz & Shushter;
At 5 P.m. I went up
to Rezooki Sayegh only
himself there Rufail being
at Gorna; I dined &
slept there; very strong
N.W. wind blew for
2 hours at about 7
P.M. & then died away
Fine Cold Weather
[pg: 28]
14 Tuesd
Modte cool N.W. wind
At 7 am I came on
board; we discharging
and loading cargo,
Edward Blockey went
yesterday to put up
with Mr. Hiles of Muir
Tweedie & will go down
in the Kilwa either to
Karachi or Bombay
thence to England ~
Rezooki Sayegh called on
me, also Nassoory Andrea
Michail Yaghchi who came
down in the Khalifah to
sell his Liquorice from
the Euphrates, also Yousif
Metchich ‘etc’
We finished loading
at 4 ½ P.M. & got the
mail on board;
Flood tide is running
up since 3 P.M ~
We are awaiting for the
flood tide to ebb
[pg: 29]
Basreh to Baghdad [15 MAR 1899 -- V049_03_N] (//)
Passeng | Okes | G.S. Piast Local | Draft |
310 ½ | 238,030 | 26,511 ½ | 4, 10/11 |
At 6.35 P.M. flood tide
slacked, we got underway
Light N.W. & fine weather,
We have 10 Horses, one
mule & one donkey belonging
to the Shahzada Abdulhussein
Mirza Farman Farman
whom we tock up last time,
they came up from Shiraz
charging the Horses at 14
Mejidies each, the mule 11
& the donkey 8, with 7
persons, 4 are allowed free
as Saises for the 12 animals,
I wrote a letter to Yousif
Serpos to Cairo by this mail
Via Bombay dated the 10
Instt; all about Alexander
a copy I have kept;
[pg: 30]
At 7.50 passed the
S.S. Mossul & Barge going
down; ~
15 Wedne Th@6.55
At 1 AM passed
Light N.W. & very mild
weather & fine~
At 6.15 passed Azair,
At 11.15 landed 7 passengers
at Kalat Saleh and
went on at 11,,20 ~ Took
one passenger~
We have altogether
from Basreh 162 ½
(6 being free by L. Brothers)
(2 in 1st Class Mr. Zerlendi
a Greek trader in Baghdad
and Miss Martin an
English woman of the
missionary society
of Baghdad)
Weather getting cloudy
[pg: 31]
in the afternoon ~
At 4,,35 P.M. arrived
at Amara landed 17
passengers & 5 Bales of
P. Goods; Took 8 Tons
of Coal & 10 Bales of Hides
At 6 P.M. left Amara
Weather cloudy a little
16 Thursd Th@6.54
Modte S. Ely wind and
cloudy weather ~
At 6,,35 AM. landed 2
passengers at Ali Gherbi
& took one, went on at
6,,40 ~
Gave tickets to 55,
Amara passengers, (one
Turkish Officer Noory
Effendi in 2nd Class)
We passed the SS. Phrat
& Barge going down last
night at 11 P.M;
At 11,,30 landed one
Passenger at Sheikh Saad
Strong wind from S. Est
[pg: 32]
Winds keeps blowing strong
S. Ely & weather cloudy
At 6,,20 P.M. arrived
at Coot landed 14 passeng
& 5 Bales of P. Goods;
an awful confusion and
a rush of passengers was
made for about an hour
we were unable to Coal,
so many passengers from
Coot, Shatra Hai etc etc,
came pouring, as it is
the time for the pilgrimage
to Kerbella etc; we
took 6 tons of coal;
At 8,,50 we left
Coot, strong S. Ely wind
& cloudy ~
17 Frid Th@6.56
S. Ely wind & it became
very cloudy gloomy weather
At 5,,15 AM passed
Memlah ~
[pg: 33]
Gave tickets to 91 Coot
Wind blowing Strong S. Ely
and opened the clouds
without raining; all
the country is dry & have
not had rain for more
than a month; people
are fearing the scarcity
& bad Crop & the price
of every thing will again
commence to rise;
At 1,,45 P.M. passed
Azizieh ~ Strong S. Ely
wind still blowing
At 3,,30 passed the
S.S. Khalifah going down
at Rmelat ~
At 5,,15 passed Baghdadieh
Fort; very strong wind
& heavy swell still;
cloudy weather;
At 5,,35 passed the
S.S. Baghdad & Barge
[pg: 34]
going down at Thaji;
At 12 P.M. being very
dark and cloudy, we anchored
at Bostan ~
18 Satur
S. Ely wind & cloudy
At 5,,30 AM we proceeded
very light drizzly rain came
last night for few minutes,
At 8,,15 passed Ctesiphon,
At 10,,40 passed Diala
river ~
At 11,,50 went alongside
the bank just below the Bridge
of Gherrarah & landed
the 10 horses one mule
& one donkey; ~
I landed at 12 & walked in
to Baghdad there has been
some slight fall of rain
here last night;
reached home at 1 ½ P.M.
the Mejidieh arrived at
2 ½ ~ I saw Eliza
[pg: 35]
she is well; I found a
letter from Rezooki
Metchich from London
for me dated the 15 Ulto,
he tells me that Alexander
is in London, but he cannot
tell me all about him &
what he is doing because
he is afraid of him
getting angry etc etc,
It begun to rain drizzly
for about 2 hours &
made the streets muddy
weather keeps very cloudy
It rained at night too
19’ Sund
Holy day of St. Joseph
S. Ely wind & cloudy
at 8 am I went to church
a high mass with music
& organ; we visited the
priests, Pere Pièrre (who
is now the prefect superior
in place of the late Père
Marie Joseph) I then
[pg: 36]
called on Asfar, Antone
Marine, Habib Chiha,
Yaghchi, Sister Medula
& came home, many people
called on us to wish me
the holy day of my patron
St Joseph; ~ I called on
Yousif Tessy, Pehlewan
& at 3 P.M. with Antone
Marine on Yousif Korkis
& Sister Eliza & came
home at 5 ~ It rained
in the daytime too, &
weather keeps cloudy;
20 Mond Th@6.56
Light N.W. & cloudy
weather, at 7 ½ AM I
called on Menusha &
then came on board,
no steamers are here,
The Mejidieh is alongside
discharging cargo
I sent money to the office
& went home at 10; Menusha
was there; I tock a warm
[pg: 37]
bath ~ Louisa (Henry’s
daughter the wife of Yousif
Yaghchi) & others called
on us; ~ I called on Mily
widow of Naoom Serkis,
Antone, Johny & Artin &
Johny Pehlewan called
on us in the evening; they
looked at my new Bicycle
which I got out for
Alexander lately, and
Johny & Joory Antone’s
son rode it round the
court yard ~
Light N.W. & fine weather
but is getting warm;
21’ Tuesd Th@6.56
Light N.W. & fine weather
Called on Sister Medula
& came on board at 9 ½
We are discharging;
The river is rising a little
At 11 went home found
Terooza wife of Antone &
Philomena Chiha there,
Eliza & Adoola my cousins
[pg: 38]
called in the afternoon
Also Mr. Richarz, the
German Consul; he tells
me that he wrote by last
Post about my son Alexander
to the Austrian Consul
of Paris to keep the money
now standing, I requested
him to write again
& to say that Alexander
is in London & to let the
Consul write to London
to the Austrian Consul
At 5 ½ Eliza & I went
over to Sister Eliza & spent
the evening till 8 P.M.
& came home;
22’ Wedn
Light N.W. & fine
weather ~ at 10 AM
I came on board,
We are shipping cargo;
River keeps rising much
since the day before; It
rose about 12 feet altogether
The Bridge was cut
[pg: 39]
open today, the rush is
strong & keeps still rising,
At 11 I went to breakfast
& came on board at 2
P.M. ~ Some boats of the
brige got swamped &
sunk; ~ Others also were
carried away on the opposite
At 5 P.M. I went home;
Fetoohi Dowd Maghak
our opposite door neighbour
has opened a shop near
the door of his house and
cleaned & repaired the road,
and called it Bon Marché
he has spent a large sum
lavishly in this enterprise
23’ Thursd
Light N.W. breeze and
fine ~ At 7 ½ AM I
called on Sister Medula
for ½ hour & came on
board; the river is still
[pg: 40]
rising, it rose 8 bricks since
yesterday evening, it must
have risen about 14
I wrote a letter to Edward
Blockey by todays Post
to Cheshnut (London) &
told him all about Alexander
& to look for him in London,
At 11 I went home to breakfast
and returned at 12 1/2;
Weather getting cloudy;
the River is stand still,
We shipped cargo about
87,000 Okes;
At 5 P.M. I went home
Johny & Artin called on
us till 8 ~ Weather fine
& light N.W. breeze;
24 Frid
Light N.W. & fine
weather ~ At 5 AM I
came on board ~
The river has fallen
one foot since yesterday
[pg: 41]
Baghdad to Basreh [24 MAR 1899 --- V049_04_S] (//)
1899 Mch
1899 Mch
Pass | Okes | GSP | Draft |
[N/A] | [N/A] | {N/A] | [N/A] |
We kept working in heaving
the anchor getting buried
At 6 AM. hove up and
proceeded; All the gardens
& property have been well
irrigated through their
Canals; ~
At 7,,30 passed Diala
river, this had also risen
considerably & nearly
overflowing the embankments
At 8,,25 passed Ctesiphon
The river here about is nearly
in a level with the bank;
At 0,,25 P.M. passed
Baghdadieh Fort;
Finished with the
Passengers tickets, we
have altogether 138 ½
(5 in 1st class, Yousif
Georgi Asfar with free
Return ticket by SLynch,
Ali Beg son of Kassim
[pg: 42]
Pasha Zheir, Mr.W. Grieger
the German Zoologist
with 37 Gazelles bought
for Hamburg, charged
12 1/2 G.S Piasters each,
and the wife of Abdulrezack
Khdery with her brother
Seyd Mahomed to Basreh,
this latter paying deck
& Capt Cowley invited him
in the cabin with his
sister to occupy,
and 2 Afghans in 2d
Class) ~ Besides we have
Polus Bahoshy with 4
Tilkeflies to Amara to
the wool Press of S Lynch
At 2 P.M. passed
At 4,,50 passed the
S.S. Khalifah going up
at Sheresh, Naoom Loca
[strikethrough] was
on board ~
[pg: 43]
At 5,,40 passed Memlah,
At 5,,55 passed the
S.S. Mossul & Barge at
Anchor above the village
of Bughela apparently
on account of the strong
current; Artin Apikyan
on board of her going from
Bughela to Baghdad;
Also Sleman Durion
from Basreh;
At 9,,10 P.M. arrived
at Coot landed 39 passeng
and 229 Packages (150 Poles
for Lynch's wool Press)
I received Henry's letter &
my papers, the Khalifah
has 204480 Okes of
cargo & about 260 Passengers
The river is high here
reaching nearly to the
top of the banks ~
[pg: 44]
25 Satur
[x symbol] took 9 passengers (1 in 1st Class the wife of Kassim Khdery)
Light nw. & fine ~ At
5,, am. left Coot; Took
one passenger;
At 10,,35 landed 9
Packages at Ali Gherbi
took 6 1/2 passengers and
went on at 11,,00 ~
Light clouds & S. Ely
At 1,,25 P.m passed the S.S
Ressafah & Barge going
up above Ali Sherghi,
At 5,,40 P.m. arrived
at Amara landed 25 1/2
passengers & 23 Packages,
the river here is about
one foot below the bank;
We shipped 4 cases of the
Pellican feathers; ~
At 7 P.m. we left Amara
full noon today ~
Weather warm & Calm;
[pg: 45]
with some clouds ; [x symbol]
At 8 we anchored above
Aboo Sedra, Fine moonlight
night, & the river is high
with the banks ;
26 Sund
1899 Mch
Light, n.w. & fine calm
weather ~ At 5,,15 Am.
we proceeded ~ at 7 passed
Kalat Saleh;
At 9,,45 passed Azair
the country is not flooded
here but the river is high
within few inches below
the banks;
At 0,,35 P.m. landed 2
of the Basreh passengers at
Gorna, took 9 passengers
the family of Neshat
Effendi Kaimakam of
Gorna (now just appointed
here instead of Akif
Effendi who went up
to Baghdad 15 days ago)
We went on at 0,,40
[pg: 46]
Flood tide made up at
2 P.m. ~
At 4,,10 P.m. passed
the S.S. Baghdad & Barge
going up at the Island
above Maghil;
At 4,,45 arrived at Basreh
There is only the mail
Str Pemba in quarantine
Rezooki Sayegh came off
to me & then we went up
I landed at Jeboory Asfar
for an hour & then went
to Rufail where I dined
with him & Rezooki & slept
27 Mond
Fireman Shabo Franso drowned
1899 Mch
Light S.W. breeze & warm
weather, since 1 am
I awoke & could not sleep
at all; at 7 I came
on board, we are discharging
& shipping cargo;
Our Fireman Shabo
ibn Franso while he
[pg: 47]
was working in the
starboard wheel fell
in the river & struggled
& cryed until he got
to opposite my cabin
under the sponsoon and
sunk & disappeared not
knowing how to swim
& the Barge being close
alongside the steamer
so no help could be
rendered immediately
expecting him to drift
down to the ship's stern
but he got drowned
the whole crew were
gathered to his rescue
but they failed; he
was an old servant in
the service for about 15
years ~
We have a lot of passengers
coming mostly Arabs
of Hassa & the river here
& from Basreh going
[pg: 48]
to the pilgrimage of the
Moharrem festival next
Lunar month; I have
let all the Cabins, the
weather is very calm &
unusually warm it is
82° at noon in my Cabin
Rezooki Sayegh, Rezooki
Angoorly his brother Toni,
Nessoory Andrea etc came
off to me; I have been
giving tickets all the
day ~ we finished
shipping cargo by 5
P.m. & received the
[pg: 49]
Basreh to Baghdad [27 MAR 1899 --- V049_05_N] (//)
Passg | Okes | G S Piast Local | Draft |
416 | 192,562 | 27,808, | 4,,9; |
At 6,15 P.m. we got
underway & proceeded,
very calm & warm weather
I cannot support the
woolen clothes; the
ship is deep; we are
going slow;
28 Tuesd Th @ 5,68°
1899 Mch
At 1,,10 A.m. passed Gorna
[strikethrough], Fine weather and
light n.w. air;
At 6,,15 passed Azair,
wether warm ~
Finished with the Passengers
tickets we have Altogether
273 (4 1/2 in 1st Class, they
are, H. Hmood el Mellak,
Gool Hayat the widow of
Sheikh Jaber & Sheikh Mezel
of Mahomerah; Michail
Yaghchi, & Rezooki Besboori
[pg: 50]
Tessi with his nephew the
son of Tanton Eassayi,
& two Jews in 2d Class
one of them is free by
S. Lynch & Co. a relative
of Abdulla Eliahoo) ;
At 11,,5 landed 6 passengers
at Kalat Saleh & went
on at 11,,10 ~
At 5,,5 P.m. arrived
at Amara landed 16 Passeng
& the 10 Zaptyehs guards,
We shipped 10 Bales of
Lamb Skins & took 10 Tons
of Coal ~
At 6,,35 left Amara
S. Ely light breeze & warm,
18: 29 Wednes
Major Melville left Baghdad
1899 Mch
At 2,,30 am we passed
the S.S. Baghdad & Barge
going up near Ali Sherghi
N. Ely wind & cloudy
all over
[pg: 51]
Gave tickets to 80
Amara passengers;
At 8,,55 am landed
2 passengers at Ali Gherbi,
& went on at 9; very
cloudy, S. Ely breeze &
some drops of rain ~
At 2,,30 P.m. passed
Sheikh Saad; S. Ely
wind & cloudy;
At 2,,45 met the Comet
coming down with major
Melville the Acting Resident
of Baghdad going away
& the Comet will bring
Colonel Loch who will
be in Basreh today to
take his post in Baghdad
after his leave of absence,
At 3 we went on;
The river has fallen about
one foot below its higher rise ~
rise ~
Wind shifted to a Strong
[pg: 52]
N. Wester & became
cool ~
At 10,,20 P.m. arrived
at Coot landed 19 1/2
Passengers & 6 packages
cargo, Lost of passengers
came most of them had
to remain on the lower deck
We took 8 tons of coal,
At 12 P.m. left Coot
light n.w. & fine weather
30 Thursd Ther @ 5,49 noon 60
Light n.w. & fine cool
weather, the river fell
about 3 feet~
Gave tickets to 62
Coot passengers;
At 8,,45 am. passed
Memlah; The river
has fallen here about
4 feet;
I paid the Ships crew &
officers their wages for
this month ~
[pg: 53]
At 6,,30 P.m. passed
Azizieh village;
At 10,,45 passed Baghdadieh
Fort; Fine clear weather;
5: 31 Frid Ther @ 5,59
1899 April
Light n.w. & cloudy a
little ~ At 7 am passed
Bostani Kesreh; The S.S.
Ressafah is in sight ahead
of us going up we had
met her on Saturday last
at 1 1/2 P.m. ~
At 8,,25 we cought the
Ressafah & passed her at
the turn of Semreh reach
and just at this time the
Khalifah is coming down
also and we passed her
after two minutes ~
At 10 passed Ctesiphon
Strong n.w.wind blowing
At 0,,50 P.m. passed
Diala river ~
At 2,,15 I landed at
Gherrarah & walked
[pg: 54]
to town, Michail Yaghchi,
Metty, Yousif Metchich
Rezooki Bashoory and
3 Jews also landed,
I reached home at
3 1/2 having walked slow
on account of Michail
Yaghchi who could not
walk having pain
on his knees; ~ Eliza
is suffering from stomach
ache like me for
the last 10 days; no
letters or news from
Alexander whatever,
This is Good friday I
went to the Chaldean
Cathedral, immense
people were their & the
Patriarch was preaching
I started home &
Eliza came too,
[pg: 55]
The Mejidieh arrived
at 4,,50 ~
Light n.w. & fine cool
night ;
1’ Satur Ther @ 5,50
Light n.w. & fine
cool weather at 8 am
I came on board,
The Mossul & Phrat
are here the former
leaves tomorrow ~
The S.S. Ressafah arrived
this morning at 4,,20
am; I went home at 10,
I took a warm bath;
Johnny called in the evening.
The river is rising a little.
: 2’ Sund Ther @ 5,52
1899 April
Easter Sunday ~
Light N.W. & fine weather
at 8 am we went to
Church & then I called
on many people the French
priests, Patriarch, Bishop
& other Priests; and
visited many Christians
[pg: 56]
came home at 12, many
people visited us, I again
made visits until sunset,
I called on 33 houses,
& came very tyred &
knocked up ~
The river rose about
4 feet~
Light N.W. & fine
3 Mond Ther @ 5,52
1899 April
Light Ely breeze and
fine ~ I called at 4 1/2 am
on Père Pièrre to ask
him to give me his account
of the money he has
advanced to Alexander
& he showed me all his
letters which he wrote
to him begging him to
advance the money
and all the receipts
which I took note
of, since the 4 of Nover
[pg: 57]
up to the 11 Jany he
has paid him 1,350 Frcs
exclusive the 220 frcs
which I had sent on
the 27 Octor through the
Ottoman Bank ~ I
paid P. Pierre 20 Turkish
Liras on account, all
what I had saved &
asked him to await
for the rest in about one
or two months hence;
I called on Iskender
Aziz, & on Fetoohi Loca
& came on board at 9 1/2
the Mejidieh went inside
to discharge ~
The S.S. Mossul left for
Basreh yesterday morning
I went home at 10; called
on some more Christians for
the Holyday; After breakfast
I also called on Antone
[pg: 58]
Marine, on our Tindal
Meekha saw his wife;
on Yousif Metchich etc,
came home at 4 P.m.
some more Visitors called,
Weather became very cloudy
with some slight drops
of rain; It kept blowing
& thundering during
the night; and at about
midnight it rained hard
with strong lightning
& thunder;
4 Tuesd
1899 April
S. Ely breeze & fine
weather; Terrooza wife
of Antone Marine & daughter
also Antone came
At 10 am I came on
board; The Phrat left this
The Phrat left this
morning at 5 am. The
wife of Ezra Daniel
the apothecary went down
[pg: 59]
in her to go to Vienna
in the Goolistan;
The river is falling ;
The SS. Baghdad & Barge
arrived yesterday morning
at 3 am ~ I went to see
Mr. Kritchly of the Ottoman Bank,
to ask him if he can allow
Rufail Sayegh to draw the
1000 Date Boxes & give a bond
payable after 5 months, during
the date season, but he said
that he cannot do it until
he writes to Alois Schweiger
at Vienna meanwhile
the cases will have to be
kept in the charge of his
agent Daverzica in
Basreh ~
I went home; Fetoohi Magho
came to see my samples
& he will give orders for
some goods~
Eliza went out driving
with Antone Marine
[pg: 60]
and his wife in his dog
carriage at 4 P.m. I
called on sister Eliza &
came home ~ At 6 P.m
Eliza & I went over and
passed the evening at
sister Medula, Mr. Guilietti
& his son Antoine came
there, also Artin my nephew,
We came home at 8 P.m.
Light N. W. & fine weather
5’ Wedn
Modte n.w. fine cool
weather; called on Menusha
at 8 am & thence came
on board ~ Took no cargo
& there is none but very
little I suppose tomorrow,
River keeps falling ;
At 11 went home, sister
Medula is here, we then
went to call on Madme
Danon who is going down
with us for Paris in the
SS Goolistan, her husband
[pg: 61]
will follow in about 6 or
7 months hence; ~
At 2 P.m. I came on board
no cargo is taken, I went
home at 4 P.m. ~
Light n.w. & fine weather,
rather warm in the room
6’ Thursd
1899 April
Ely breeze & fine ~ at
4 1/2 am I came on board;
The river has fallen still
lower; ~ we are shipping
some cargo ~ at 11 went
to breakfast & returned at
1 P.M. ~
We finished shipping cargo
by 5 P.M. we have only
about 27,000 Okes & few
passengers on deck;
At 5 1/2 P.M. I went home,
Artin my nephew called,
The Damascus Post
has just arrived; I only
received a letter
[pg: 62]
from my sister in law
Blanche from Constanple
dated the 12 March;
she answers my letter
of the 9th Febry ~
Light n.w. & fine weather
7 Frid
Light air & fine weather,
At 4 1/2 am I came
on board ~ River
is low & keeps falling;
Baghdad to Basreh [7 APR 1899 --- V049_06_S] (//)
Passeng | Okes | G.S. Piast | Draft |
134 ½ | 2,8711 | 10,899 ½ | 3,, |
At 5,,20 am we got
underway & proceeded,
At 7 passed Diala
Gave tickets to the Passeng,,
we have in all 110
(5 1/2 in 1st Class, they are
[pg: 63]
Mr. & Mrs. Hurner & their
two sons both boys for
half passage; Mr. Hurner
is accompanying his
wife to Basreh & will
return with us; also
Madme. Danon & her 3 young
children as her husband
is shifted to Alexandria
in 6 months hence, she is
going to Paris for the present,
to see her friends; also
the Assyrian Bishop
Aghnatios going to Basreh
for two or three weeks,
and a Mr. Rigo an
Inspector of the Public
Debt to Basreh; and
one in 2nd class Ferida the
mother of Hannosh Kass
Hanna the Clerk of Lynch
Brothers;) We have three
Priests to Basreh on
the Lower Deck our
[pg: 64]
Assyrian & two Chaldeans
also Iskander Aziz
on Lower Deck to Coot,
There is no cabin for him
he messes with us as
well as the Bishop also
At 8,,5 we rounded and
came to at Ctesiphon to
repair our steering chain,
S. Erly breeze & fine,
At 8,,35 proceeded,
At 11,,50 passed the SS.
Khalifah going up at
Swera; she is very deep
& full of passengers even
on the lower deck and
aft; I saw Yousif Asfar
on board~
Weather getting cloudy
At 9,,55 P.m. passed
Bagdadieh Fort;
At 2,,30 passed
[pg: 65]
At 6,,45 P.m. passed
Memlah~ Clouds clearing
off; & getting fine;~
At 10,,30 P.m. we arrived
at Coot landed landed 32
passengers & 32 Packages
we remained for the night,
I received Henry’s letter &
Papers; the Khalifah had
190,000 Okes & over 520
passengers besides what
she took from Coot, all
Arab pilgrims going for
the Moharrem festival,
A 1st Class passenger
Mohamed ibn Omer one
of the respectable & wealthy
handed propritor of
Basreh going up to meet
the New Waly for Basreh
Hamdi Pasha, died
on board suddenly
[pg: 66]
the night before, I believe
from appoplectic attack
& was landed at Coot,
the Plague in Bombay
keeps increasing alarmingly
about 280 deaths per
8 Satur
Light S. Erly & cloudy
At 4,,45 am we left
Coot, took 6 Passengers
At 7,,20 passed Sheikh Saad
At 11 landed a young
Jew employé of the telegraph
to remain here & transmit
the foreign telegrams to
Basreh by steamers as
the line is cut & plundered
by the Benî Sudd Arabs
followers of Hassan el
Khayoon on both rivers
At 11,10 we went on
weather cloudy & light
[pg: 67]
S. Erly breeze~
At 6,,50 P.m. arrived
at Amara landed 21 ½
passengers & 69 Packages;
The river is very high here;
I heard that Hamdi
Pasha the Waly for Basreh
left Baghdad yesterday noon
in the Ressafah coming
from Constantinople;
We hauled out & remained
for the night;
9 Sund. The @ 5,,74 noon 85 4 P.m
Dismissal of Anis Pasha
Waly of Basreh & arrival of Hamdi Pasha
Strong S. Erly wind &
Cloudy weather;
At 5 Am left Amara
Took 9 ½ passengers (3 ½
for Azair paying Return passage
Cloudy all over & fresh
S. Erly wind warm and
disagreable weather;
we have 9 Zaptyes ~
At 8,,15 passed Kalat
Salih; Clouds clearing
[pg: 68]
off, but weather very hazy
Detained at the Elbow
the wind drove the steamer
toward the west bank,
and again below the reach
& further down too,
from 9,,40 till 11;~
At 0,,15 P.m landed 3 ½
Jews at Azair from Amara
& went on at 0,,20 P.m.
warm sultry cloudy
weather & fresh S. Erly;
At 3,,20 P.m. passed
Gorna, Flood made up;
Wind shifted to a strong
N. Easter & hazy weather;
it cooled the atmosphere
it was very warm at 4 P.m
Therm was 90˚;~
At 7,,40 P.m. arrived
at Basreh, Modte N.W.
wind blowing & dark
[pg: 69]
The S.S. Goolistan is here
arrived about 11 days ago
& is leaving tomorrow,
also the S.S. Comet is
here with Colonel Loch
the Resident for Baghdad
is out of quarantine,
Mr. & Mrs. Livingstone
have also arrived in the
Goolistan & are going up
in the “Comet” by invitation
by Colonel Loch, as well as
the superintendent of
Post Offices;
The mail Str. Pachumba
is in quarantine~
We did no work at night
as Capt Cowley wants to
leave on Tuesday~
The SS. Comet left at
11 ½ for Baghdad with
Colonel Loch the Consul
of Baghdad;
[pg: 70]
The S.S. Goolistan left
at 0,,30 P.m. & passed
down, she takes Mrs. Hurner
& their two boys, Mrs.
Danon & 3 children
Mrs. Egra Daniel the
Viennese woman, Mr.
& Mrs. Lanfield clerk
of Lynch Brothers who
leaves for good, and
Mrs. Parry the Agent of
Lynch Brothers at Ahwaz,
All our Cabins are
let Mr. Hürner returning
with us the Cadi of
Basreh Ibrahim Ferid
Effendi; H. Ali Abootaleb
a Mousully horse dealer,
& Mr. Nicoli Greek merchant,
& now the Waly of
Basreh who being
dismissed Enis
[pg: 71]
Pasha who has only
been here about 11 months
(see 2nd May 1898 in
my Diary) his dismissal
is attributed to some
English policy; has sent
to ask us when the
Mejidieh was going to
start as he intends going
up with us; I said that
all the cabins are let
Hamdi Pasha his
successor (who was here
some 3 years ago) is now
expected down today
in the Ressafah
At 3 P.m. the Mossul
went to the other side of the
river alongside the Turkish
Hospital & took on board
a detachment of Troops
to be landed at Medina
up above Gorna to
[pg: 72]
punish the tribes of Beni
Sudd which have been
committing plunder &
cutting the telegraph Lines
& thence she will go up
to Baghdad; she left at
4 P.m.~
The S.S. Brooksid arrived
at 4 P.m. from the Bar
where she had been aground
there since 7 days;~
At 4 ½ I went with Rezooki
Sayegh up & landed
at Jeboory Asfar; I
did not want to go to
Rufail as he has some
Turkish Officials since
yesterday awaiting the
arrivel of Hamdy Pasha,
The whole functionaries
& Officials of Basreh
are out, & many went
up river in steam
[pg: 73]
Launches to meet the
Ressafah, Troops and
Horse artillery are also
awaiting on the bank
above the Ashar Creek,
by they were all disappointed
for the Ressafah came
& passed down at 10 ½
P.m.~ Rezooki had come
for an hour & went away;
Mr. Hurner came to
dine at Asfar being invited
& he went away at 10 ¾;
I slept as Asfars~
11 Tuesd.
Light N.W. & fine
cool weather; I had
a very bad stomach ache
& heart burn all the night
from the heavy dinner
we had~ At 6 am.
came down to the ship,
Lots of Bahranies &
Hassawis passengers
coming on board
[pg: 74]
The deck is getting full;
Rufail came to me,
also Rezooki, Ali Beg
the mudir of Tapo etc,
We took little cargo
today, we could have
left yesterday very easy;
The ship is getting very
crowded, passengers
are obliged to stop on
lower Deck;~ Lots
of Turks & Officials came
to see the Kadi of Basreh
off~ Flood tide made
& we had to await until
it ebbs~
[pg: 75]
Basreh to Baghdad [11 APR 1899 --- V049_07_N] (//)
Passg | Okes | G S Piast Local. | Draft |
511 ½ | 169138 | 40102¾ | 4,,8,; |
At 5,,20 P.m. we
got underway & proceeded,
New moon today of Moharrem
Very calm & warm weather;
At 11,,30 P.m. landed one
passenger at Gorna & went
on at 11,,35; very light
& calm weather;
12 Wedn Th @ 5,,65
x at 11,,30 P.M passed the SS. Baghdad bound down,
Light N.W. & fine~
At 5 am took the 3 ½ Return
Jews for Amara from
Azair & went on at 5,,5;
Finished with the passengers
tickets; we have in all
409 (4 in 1st Class, Mr.
Hurner returning with us,
the Kadi of Basreh, Ibrahim
Effendi Ferid, Mr. Nicoli
Giocalas a Greek trader
in Basreh & H. Ali
Aboo Taleb a Mousulli
horse dealer)~
[pg: 76]
Our passengers are all
Arabs of Bahrein and
Hassa & they pack very
thick & close and very little
baggage, had there been
any Persians or Basreh
& Baghdad people, the
Deck would not have
sufficed to such people,
there are only about 30 or
40 persons below & the rest
are on the upper
Deck; we have also 10
Zaptyes with us as usual,
At 10 landed 3 Passengers
at Kalat Saleh & took
We passed the S.S.
Mossul at Anchor this
morning at 3 ½ on her
way up;~
Weather getting cloudy
sultry & warm;
At 3,,30 P.m. arrived
[pg: 77]
at Amara landed 13 ½
passengers & the 10 Zaptyes;
Took 8 Tons of Coal,
the telegraph line is
interrupted & broken &
so we could not wire,
At 5 P.m. left Amara
weather warm & cloudy, x
13 Thursd Th @ 5.66
Very light air & cloudy,
Sultry & the ship ful with
At 6,,30 Am. landed
7 passengers at Ali Gherbi
& a packet of Telegrams
took 2 & went on at
We took 61,, Passengers
from Amara in all;
The river looks to have
again risen since we
left Baghdad, it is
in a level with the
bank; Fresh N.W.
[pg: 78]
wind blowing;~
At 11,,40 passed Sheikh
At 7,,10 P.m. arrived
at Coot, landed 14 ½
passengers; Took in 6 Tons
of Coal; Crowd of passengers
came & they put up any
where down on the lower
deck an awful confusion;
No head or tale we are
full everywhere; there
is no limit as rule
on board, passengers can
come & do what they
like, there is no discipline,
money making is the
order of the day~
At 8,,30 we left
Coot fine weather &
Modte N.W. breeze;
the river has only risen
[pg: 79]
about ½ foot~
14 Frid
Modte N.W. & fine cool
At 5 Am. passed
Gave tickets to 33 Coot
Passengers; Aslo Polus the
wool Press Engineer of Lynch
and 5 men with him
free (himself in the 2nd Class
I have the stomach ache again
Came back since that
night I dined & slept at
Jeboory Asfar, I suffered
all the night from pain
& heartburn, & since it
begun to pain new fearfully
especially in the afternoon
& after midnight;
At 2,,15 P.m. we
passed the S.S. Khalifah
going down just at
the Village of Azizieh
[pg: 80]
She has some Jews for
Azair their first trip
At 6,,20 P.m. passed
Baghdadieh Fort, weather
became very calm and
rather warm in the Cabin,
River keeps low about 6
feet below the bank, it is
a singular occurrance at
this time of the year, it
appears that there will
be no high rise coming;
15 Satur
Light N.W. & fine, some
Clouds on the East & South;
At 4,,45 Am. went
alongside at Ctesiphon to
land all the passengers,
the Bahrein Arabs had
offered 100 Rps to visit
the Tomb of Selman, after
having landed them &
the 100 Rps brought to
[pg: 81]
me, Capt Cowley did not
want to wait & hauled
out & weighed, half of
the passengers were on
shore, he again went
alongside & landed them
& had to wait for them
At 6,,30 we proceeded
At 9,,10 passed Diala
At 10,,30 I landed &
walked in to Baghdad, I
went straight to Lynch’s
office arrived at 12,
I had to enter some
freight on cargo of Mr.
Hurner in the manifest,
which in Basreh L. Broth
referred us to Baghdad for
the rate to be charged
& I left after ½ hour &
came home, saw my
wife, there are no letters
or news at all about
[pg: 82]
Alexander & his whereabout
Eliza has shifted our
sitting from the room to
the veranda, it is
getting warm;
The Mejidieh arrived at
1 P.m.;
Light N.W. & fine, it is
too warm to sleep in the
16’ Sund Th @ 5.62
Light N. Erly & rather
At 8 am we went to
Church; I called on
Antone Marine, his
son Gabriel is getting
prepared to start for
Beyrout to school, in
about 10 days more
with Yousif Metchich
via Aleppo; he is to go to
school for 2 as three years
We then went to call
on Monseigneur Altmayer
[pg: 83]
I called on Yaghchi, Sister
Medula, Menusha &
came home at noon,
At 3 P.m. called on Sister
Eliza & came home;
Light air & warm;
17 Mond
1899 April
Light N. Erly & fine
At 8 am I came on board
sent money to the office
& left at 10;
At 11 I went to call on
Colonel Loch the British
Resident who had gone
on leave last year, he
received me very well &
we had a long talk I
left at 12 came home
At sunset Eliza & I
went over to Antone Marine
Capt Cooper of the Comet
was there also; Joory
(Gabriel) Antone’s son
[pg: 84]
is starting in about 10
days to Beyrouth with
Yousif Metchich;
Light air & rather
warm at 8 we came
home; It is too warm
in the room;
18 Tuesd
Light N.W. & warm
at 8 AM I come on
board; the river is very
low, about 8 feet below
its highest rise;
At 11 went on shore called
on Sister Medula~
Weather warm & Clouds
hanging about, No rain
at all since the last
trip I was here it had
rained a little, this
year has been one of
an exceptional occurrance
for want of rain and
high rises of the river
Sister Medula &
[pg: 85]
Adoola called on us ~
Bedri Bey the employè
at the museum of Antiquities
at Constple has come
down via Aleppo Urfa,
Nessibin & Mossul
With the new Wali for
Mossul; he called on
me this evening, he is
going to Hilla to join
the German Mission
who went there a month
ago to excavate in
Babylonia for the Govermt
of Germany & the Museum
of Berlin;
Artin & his Sister Terrooza
called in the evening &
left at 8 P.M.;
Light Air & rather warm
19’’ Wedn
1899 April
Light Air N. Erly & clouds
are hanging about;
At 8 AM I came
[pg: 86]
on board; found the
SS. Mossul arrived last
night at about 11 P.M.;
At 11 I went home &
returned at 1 1/2 P.M;
The SS Phrat & Barge
arrived at 1,, 15 She
brings the dismissed
Waly of Basreh Anis
Pasha, who is to leave
for Constple in a few
We shipped a lot of
through cargo, as Galls
Skins, Abbass, Carpets et,
Weather very warm,
sultry & cloudy with
a light S. Erly breeze,
At 5 P.M. I went home,
Antone Marine & his son
Gabriel came to see us
as his son is going to
[pg: 87]
Beyrout in a week's time,
also Yousif Metchich &
[strikethrough] Mr. Benford
the Gunner of the Comet
who has married Yousif's
niece Mina, also Fetoohi
Dowd Maghak to whom
I am giving some patterns
of Alois Schweiger of Vienna
to get goods out for
him & he pays me 1 %
commission etc;
Light N. Erly & Cloudy
Sultry & warm weather,
20 April. Thurs. Ther @ 5.74
1899 April
Very Cloudy Sultry &
warm; at 6 AM it
rained for 1/4 hour and
remained cloudy & warm
At 7 1/2 I came on board
there is no cargo to be
shipped today it was all
shipped yesterday, we
are getting a lot of
[pg: 88]
Jews for Azair, some
went in the Khalifah
last time;
At 10 1/2 I went home and
returned at 12, weather
very warm & disagreable
The Thermotr. at noon stood
at 95˚ such warm
weather in April has never
occurred yet;
At 5 P.M. I went home,
I went to see Gabriel.
(Joory) son of Antone
Marine to bid him
good bye as he leaves
for Aleppo & Beyrout
before I return, but he
was not at home, I
asked his father & mother
to let him come & dine
with us, I came home
Père Emmanuel called
on us for an hour
[pg: 89]
Joory came & dined
with us & went at 9 P.M.
Weather still bad the
air an Easterly & clouds
Easterly breeze with
some clouds~ At 3 1/2
AM I came on board;
Baghdad to Basreh [21 APR 1899 --- V049_08_S] (//)
21 Frid
1899 April
1899 April
Passgrs | Okes | G.S. Piast | Draft |
275 | 49,541 | 22,350 | 3,,4 |
At 4,,45 AM we left,
Very cloudy calm & warm
At 6,,30 passed Diala
At 7,,45 passed Ctesiphon
At 8,,30 passed the SS.
Mejidieh going up at
Semra, I saw the Assyrian
Bishop Agnatios, on
board returning;
At 0,,35 P.M. passed
[pg: 90]
Baghdadieh Fort;
We have altogether 248
passengers, (5 in 1st Class,
they are Ahmed Pasha
son of Kassim Pasha Zheir
who comes from Constple
by way of Aleppo after
having been there 15
years detained by order
of the Sultan & now only
allowed about 3 months
leave to see his parents
being escorted by a
Turkish Officer as Aid
de camp under Surveylance
a man named Noori
Beg, also in 1st Class,
and the mektoobchi of
the Waly of Basreh
Assim Bey a Secretary
to Hamdi Pasha,
& the fourth one is also
[pg: 91]
a Turk called Izzet
Beg an aidede camp of
Kadem Pasha going to
see his brother Sherif
Beg the Halai Beghi of
Basreh, all these 4 persons
mess with us at the
Table; & the fifth one
is Rezooki son of Elias
Serkis is going to Basreh
for the Liquorice business
with G. Asfar; and
there are 3 Jews in the
2nd class going to Bombay
(2 women & a man).
We have 128 Jews
with Return Ticket for
Azair for the first trip, of
the season (the Khalifah
took last time 39 1/2),
At 4 Mejidies a person
besides 6 with free tickets.
[pg: 92]
At 1,,45 P.M passed the
SS. Baghdad & Barge
going up~
Weather cloudy all over
and S. Erly wind, very warm
& disgusting weather
At 2,,5 P.M. passed
At 5 1/2 a very hard Shower
of rain came down for
about 15 minutes, it also
thundered & weather
remained cloudy all
At 6,,20 passed
At 6,, 35 we rounded
at Bughela & landed specie,
and went on at 6,,50,~
Thermomter in my Cabin is
84˚- is sill warm, the
wind has shifted to a
[pg: 93]
N. Est;
At 10,,30 P.M. arrived at
Coot landed 34 passengers
and 32 packages, I
received Henry's letter &
my papers; the Khalifah
had 214,000 Okes & about
300 passengers; We
hauled out & remained
for the night;
22 Satur, Therm @ 5. 76
1899 April
S. Erly breeze & Cloudy
all over warm & disagreable
weather; Took 8 passengers
from Coot;
At 9,,45 Am passed the
SS. Ressafah & Barge
bound up;
At 10,,50 landed 2 Passeng
& 15 packges at Ali Gherbi
took one passenger and
went on at 11,10;
At 6,,20 P.M. arrived
[pg: 94]
at Amara landed 32 Passeng
and 43 packages;~
The brothers of Ahmed Pasha
Zheir, Abdulmohsen and
Abdulaziz as well as
Eassa Cheleby Zheir his
Cousin & others came here
to meet him; & a great
many people came, the
Motserrif of Amara Ahmed
Anwary Pasha etc;
S. Erly breeze cloudy wind
very warm, moon 12
days old;
Yesterday was the first
day of the Moharrem
festival, it should have
been on Thursday~
At 7,,30 we left Amara
A strong S. Erly wind blew
in a Squall with lightening
[pg: 95]
& some rain so that
we were obliged to anchor
At 7,,50; the wind then
died away & remained
At 9.15 we proceeded~
At 10 anchored for the night,
S. Ely breeze & warm;
23 Sund.
Light S.Erly breeze and
Cloudy all over ~
At 4.15 AM. we proceeded
Gave tickets to 24 Amara
passengers (6 for Azair)
we have Abdulmohsen &
Abdulaziz brothers of Ahmed
Pasha Zheir also Eassa
Son of Abdulla Zheir and
the son of Salem Bedur
these are all aft on the
quarter Deck I charged
them double deck fare
Viz 2 Mejidies each;
Detained at the Elbow
[pg: 96]
from 7.45 till 8 am;
At 9,,15 went alongside
at Azair and landed the
Jews, 128 with Ret Tickets
6 also free, & 6 ½ from
Amara and Coot;
At 10 we left Azair.
At 11 we landed Izzet Beg
our 1st C. passenger the Aide
de Camp of Kadem Pasha
at Sareifah where some
soldiers are encamped,
& his brother Sherif Beg
the Halai Beghi of Basreh
is here;~
At 0.50 P.M. we met
the [strikethrough Lynch] Steam Launch
of Gray Mackenzie with
a lot of people coming
to meet Ahmed Pasha
Zheir just above Gorna
we stopped & Ali Beg
[pg: 97]
Zheir & Abdulwahab
the nephew of Eassa Kartas
& others came on board
& we went on, passing
Gorna at 1 P.M. ~
Weather Cloudy Sultry
& warm; Therm 85 at
The wind Shifted to a
N.W. at about 2 P.M.
and the sky cleared
off & became fine~
Flood tide made up
against us~
At 5,,5 P.M. arrived
at Basreh; the SS. Brookside
for G. Mackenzie is only
here; there is the S.S.
Arabistan in quarantine
Arrived 5 days ago, the
Mail Str. Khandalla has
left Basreh about 2 days
ago~ I did not go up
[pg: 98]
to Rufail’s house as I found
there were Tookyeh & her
children & other women,
there; ~ we are discharging
cargo & taking 45 Tons
of Coal at night; It is
very warm in the Cabin,
there is a light N.W. breeze,
24 Mond.
Light N.W. & fine weather
we are discharging and
Nessoory Andrea, Rezooki Angoorly
& Rezooki Sayegh came off
to me from Rufail’s house;
they are there with their family
Jeboory Asfar wrote to me,
asking me to join them to
a breakfast party in his
date garden in the Hakimyeh
up the Rubat Canal
as all the family of Angoorly
& Nessory Andrea etc are
also invited – I excused
myself as I thought we
[pg: 99]
were leaving today unless
we are to wait to take up
the machinery of the wool
Press to Coot of Lynchs
which is being discharged
from the Arabistan;
The S.S. Brookside left
Basreh for London at
12 ½ AM; Naoomy son
of Elias Kroomi went in
her to Marseilles to find
business there~
We are going to leave
tomorrow so as to ship
the Wool Press: Passengers
came on board about 70 or
80 thinking we were going
At 4 ½ P.M. Rezooki came
to me & I went with him up
to Rufail’s house, found
there Tookyeh her husband
Rezooki & her two sons,
Nessoory Andrea his wife
& children etc come back
[pg: 100]
from Asfar’s Picnic party
and then they went in to
The SS. Muristan for
Asfar arrived up to Basreh
she comes right up without
making quarantine,
as she did not touch at
any Ports~
I hear that cases of
Plague broke out at
They forced me to remain
to dine & sleep at Rufail
& so I did; weather
not so cool & pleasant,
25 Tuesd
1899 April
Very light N.W. breeze,
with some clouds on
the East; at 5 ½ am. I
dressed & came down to
the ship, living all the
rest asleep yet;
Weather getting warm
& air changing to West
[pg: 101]
& S West;
I hear we are not to
leave Basreh until we
get the wood Press of
Lynch shipped for Coot,
whether it will be out
of the Arabistan, tomorrow
or the day after;
Breeze shifted to S. Est
& became very warm;
at 3 wind again shifted
to North~ We received
the mail at 5 P.M.~
We are not going wait
for the wood Press, it
will not be out before
Thursday they say, so
Lynch Brothers Agent
Mr Richards is going
to let us go~
Rezooki Angoorly and
Rezooki Sayegh called
on me~
[pg: 102]
Basreh to Baghdad [25 APR 1899 --- V049_09_S] (//)
Passeng | Okes | G.S.P. Local | Draft |
246 ½ | 227,582 | 22,388 ¼ | 4,,10 |
At 5,,15 P.M. we got
underway & proceeded
Modte Northerly breeze,
It is too warm in the cabin,
At 12 passed Gorna,
26th Wednes, Therm @ 5.81
Light N.W. but warm and
sultry weather, I could not
sleep from the heat in the
At 5,,10 AM. arrived
at Azair boarded 10 Jews
and took 13 others with
return ticket and left at
5,,40; (and 4 ½ without R.T.)
At 10.45 landed 3 Passeng
at Kalat Saleh & went on
at 10.45;
We have altogether 172
passengers from Basreh
(2 in the 1st C. Cabins,
[pg: 103]
Ezra Daniel the Apothecary,
& Kass Petros the Chaldean
Priest, who paid 2nd Class
fare & occupied a 1st Class
by Captain’s permission,
and one woman Tooza
Nazo the mother of Hannosh
Lynch’s clerk paying &
her two daughters paying
deck & staying with her,
We took from Azair
17 ½ Jews 4 are for Amara,
& 13 ½ for Baghdad (13
are with Ret. Ticket 4
of the Mejidieh & 9 of the Khalifah)
Weather very warm
& sultry; It is getting cloudy too;
At about 3 P.M the wind
shifted to fresh N. Wester
& became cloudy all
At 4,,20 P.M. arrived
at Amara landed 43
[pg: 104]
passengers & the 9 Zaptyeh
guard;~ We took 8 Tons
of Coal~ The river keeps
high here within the
bank, & even they say
there is a little rise;
At 5,,20 left Amara
Took 30 ½ Passengers;~
Modte N.W. & fine weather
It became a little cooler;
Moon 16 days old;
27 Thursd,Therm@ 5.70
Light N.W. & cloudy
all over but it is cooler
than the days before;
At 7,,30 AM. landed
2 passengers at Ali Gherbi
& took 3,, Jews and
went on at 7,,40~ The
river is rising it rose about
1 ½ foot at Ali Gherbi &
is still rising~
At 1 P.M passed Shekh
[pg: 105]
River keeps rising, & is
nearly in a level with the
banks, Cloudy still;
At 4 ½ P.M. it blew strong
N.W. with slight squall
& dust & is cloudy all
over; but it has refreshed
the atmosphere;
We passed the S.S. Mossul
and Barge going down
at 0,,30 P.M.; ~
Weather very cloudy &
At 8,30 P.M. arrived
at Coot landed 12 ½ passengers
Took 7 Tons of coal,
River is still rising;
I did not live my letter &
Paper for Henry, as the
Khalifah will leave on
Sunday, our departure
having been altered now
instead of fridays~
At 10 P.M. left Coot
[pg: 106]
28 Frid, Therm @ 5.73
Light S. Ely & Cloudy
At 6,,40 we passed Memlah,
Took 23 ½ Passengers from
Weather very troubled
cloudy dusty & fresh
S. Ely wind & warm
At 4 P.M. passed
Azizieh ruined village;
At 4,,5 passed the
S.S. Phrat & Barge going
down;~ River is falling
a little;
The weather keeps very
unsettled, Cloudy misty
variable winds & warm,
this month has been one
of the worst we have yet
seen; my cabin is so
warm, it is 90˚ at sunset
[pg: 107]
At 8.5 P.M. passed
Baghdadieh; Strong S. Erly
wind & dark Cloudy
29 Satur Therm @ 5.74
Antone Marine’s son Gabriel left on 27 for Beyrout ~
S. Erly breeze & hazy
warm weather;
At 6,,35 AM. passed
Ctesiphon~ River has
fallen about one foot;
I paid the Ship’s Company
their wages for this month
as they wanted it very
At 9.10 passed Diala
At 10.35 I landed at
Gherrarah & walked in
to town; I felt the heat
very excessive especially
when I got between the
Gardens where the S. Erly
wind behind me ceased
& got so calm
[pg: 108]
I could not go on & had
to sit on a Saky & washed
& took a rest; I then
walked in to town,
arrived at 12 ½ saw my
wife she is well but,
there is no news or letters
from Alexander at all
he does not write & we
do not know where he
is;~ we are in such an
awful way about him,
Rezooki Korkis has written
to his brother saying that
he has been searching for
Alexander in London but,
could not find him, he
was told that he had
gone to America; Eliza
asked Yousif Korkis to
wire to Rezooki and
inquire 5 days ago
[pg: 109]
but he has not yet got
the answer;~
We slept in the big room,
it is very warm;~
30’ Sund
Light N. Ely or variable
breeze cloudy & sultry,
at 8 AM I called to see
P. Pièrre & went to hear
mass; I then called on
the Bishop Aghnatius, on
Antone Marine, his
son Gabriel (Joory) has
left for Beyrout in company
with Yousif Metchich
via Aleppo on thursday
morning the 27th a large
Caravan & many people
had gone, Harems of
some Turks & Pashas
also Napoleon the son of
Michel Jesuit, & Kass
Yousif Kasha the Chaldean
priest etc etc.
[pg: 110]
I called on Sister Medula
& on Menusha where I
saw Alice, I came home
at noon, Some visitors
called;~ at 2 P.M:
I called on my niece Guiseppina
daughter of Sister Eliza
& on Sister Eliza, I
then called to visit the
Nakib of Basreh Rejeb
Effendi son of Seyd
Mahdi Said Effendi
my old friend, but he
was not at home, he
came up in the Ressafah
& is living in the house
of H. Mahmood Pachachi
next door to Sister Eliza’s
house; Johnny came
with me, we then called
on Mons Rouet the
[pg: 111]
french Consul & he
was not at home left
our cards; we then called
on Mr. & Mrs. Livingstone
& they were not at home
& we left our cards~
I came home, found
Sister Medula & Artin
there, then came Captain
& Mr. Cowley & Antone
Marine & Abduljebbar
Effendi; weather became
very cloudy squally &
dusty, but it passed
off without rain;
weather keeps cloudy &
warm very disagreeable
& plenty mosquitoes in
the rooms;~
[pg: 112]
1st Mond
Light N. Erly breeze and
sultry some clouds &
warm; at 7 ½ AM called
on Sister Medula then
came on board, we are
discharging cargo;
The Khalifah left yesterday
morning, Henry had come
to see me on Saturday
evening for an hour;
The S.S. Baghdad also
left together with the
Khalifah; I went to the
office & got some pounds
Sterling to pay the officers
The son of Mr. Hall, S. Lynch’s
clerk about 10 years died
last night from an
attack of Typhoid fever
I came home, had a
warm bath; in the
evening Eliza & I went
over to Sister Medula
[pg: 113]
for an hour, we prepared
to go down in a Goffa
tomorrow morning to
visit the Yaghchis who
are encamped in the
Garden of Farhat, next
to Asfar’s & also to
visit the Tantons, Asfar
& Regina my niece
who is living in the
Garden of Baher;
Light N.W. & fine
2’ Tuesd.
1899 May
1899 May
Light N.W. & fine, but
getting cloudy; at
6 ½ am Sister Medula,
my wife & myself went
down in the Goffa to
Farhat’s Garden to
Yousif Yaghchi his wife
Louisa, my niece &
Catherina Sayegh his
mother~ while there
the SS. Comet came
[pg: 114]
down with a large party
on board invited by her
Captain Cooper, to take
Tea on board; there were
all the Europeans as well
as Yousif Asfar & his
sisters, Antone Marine
& family, Capt & Mrs. Cowley,
the Bottomleys etc etc
The Comet went down
as far as the Kher and
came up at about 2
P.M & went alongside
the beach below Asfar’s
Garden & all the party
landed to Asfar’s Garden
where they took Tiffin,
We visited the Tanton’s
family; their mother
Medool is ill with leaver
desease of dropsy;
we also visited Regina
[pg: 115]
my niece; but we breakfasted
at Yaghchis & spent the
day the wind got up
& blew very strong by
3 P.M. & clouds of dust
rising, it blew a regular
squall & the dust was
blinding. the donkeys
came for Medula & Eliza
but they were afraid of
the wind & dust & they
won’t let them go, so
I left myself & rode in
the dust was so thick
that I could not see
my way I arrived at
5,, 40 P.M. in 20 minutes
Had dinner by myself
& turned in, the wind
kept up & gradually fell
& at 10 ½ it begun
to rain drizzly for
[pg: 116]
an hour; It then cleared
3 Wedn.
1899 May,
Light N.W. & fine weather
rather dampy from
last nights rain;
At 6 ½ am I went over
to Abduljebbar Effendi
& then we rode on horse
back & went to pay a
visit to Mahomed Pasha
the Daghestani the General
of the Cavallery division
I saw his wild animals
2 lions, 2 wild donkeys,
a Bear, 2 wild goats &
a Leopard, at 8 ½ we
left & I came on board
The SS. Ressafah left
this morning~
At 10 went home,
[pg: 117]
I called on Menusha &
then on Antone Marine,
saw his wife, they have
received a letter from their
son Gabriel from Fellooja,
they have had great
difficulty in crossing the
Euphrates which has risen
much & broken the Sudds
flooded the Country,
they had to ferry across
in Shakhtoors and
all their Kit got wet
& damaged, Yousif Metchich
suffered more with his
goods etc; ~
Eliza & I both feel unwell,
we have caught cold
yesterday out in the
Garden, my bones etc
are aching, I had to
sleep in the room;
Light N.W. & fine,
[pg: 118]
4 Thursd
Light Erly & fine weather
at 8 am I came on board
we are shipping little
Cargo; The river rose
about 6 Inches last
night; at 11 went home
and returned at 1 ½ P.M.
Very little cargo coming;
At 4 P.M. I went on
Shore called on Sister
Medula & came home,
Jhony Artin called,
on us also Antone Marine,
I heard the Armenian
Catholic Patriark
Azaryan died in Constple,
5 Frid Ther 5.68
1899 May
Light N.W. & fine
Modte N.W. & fine cool
weather; at 7 am I
called on sister Eliza
& then came on board
at 9, no Custum House
[pg: 119]
I went home at 10, I got
carpenters today to make
the rest of the railings
on top of the house;
At 3 pm called Menusha
& Sister Medula & came
home; Mons Rouet the
french Vice Consul called
and left his card, as I was
not at home;
The Assyrian Bishop
called in the evening;
I hear that Anis Pasha
the dismissed Waly of
Basreh who came up
about 15 days ago, has
gone to Hussein & Meshed
and is still there; and is
disgraced, & will not be
appointed Waly anywhere
it must be on account
of the massacre of
[pg: 120]
the Armenians at Dyarbekir
three years ago, where he
was then the Waly &
he took very important
part in encouraging it,
& the Powers must have
pressed their influence on
the Sultan to have him
dismissed from his functions
The Damascus Post
Arrived at 4 P.M. I only
received one letter from
Alois Schweiger Vienna,
and nothing about my
son & where he is or
what has happened to
him~ his mother & I
are loosing our senses,
and do not know what
to do & how long is
he going to keep us
[pg: 121]
in this state of mind,
6 Satur therm@ 5.66
1899 May
Light N.W. breeze and
fine cool weather;
At 7 am I came on
board; There are some
Jews going down to Azair
At 11 I went on
Shore, called to see Yousif
Korkis in his Khan if
he has any writing by
last nights post from
his brother about my
sow; he has none, but
has just received a
Telegram from him
dated the 3d Instt; in
which he says among
other business off ours;
"trouvamme pas
"Svoboda, entendous
"partit Amerique;
I went home and
[pg: 122]
breakfasted and came
on board at 12;
We have very little Cargo
Shipped, about 30,000 Okes
besides 80 Bags of Juss,
& many Bundles of Hoop
Iron, one Blacksmith
from the E. & T. Copy in 2d
class & 10 Mossulli
workmen free to Coot
for the Wool Press of
S Lynch & Co which the
Khalifah brought up
this time from Basreh;
We finished work at 2,
P.M. the Jews are crowding
the ship. Women & boys
At 5 ½ P.M. I went
on shore;
We are very sorry and
disappointed at Alexander’s
behavior with us; he
never writes or let us
[pg: 123]
Know where he is, he
is showing great savageness
& ungreatfulness toward
his father & mother;
Light N.W. & fine
Cool weather
7th Sund
I was up at 3 am,
& at 3 ½ came on board
Baghdad to Basreh [7 MAY 1899 --- V049_10_S] (//)
1899 May
Passeg | Okes | G. S. Piast | Draft |
295 | 28998 | 18694 ½ | 3,,0 |
At 4,,25 Am. We
proceeded; Ship very light,
At 6,5 passed Diala,
river, very nice & Cool
At 7,,19 passed Ctesiphon,
Gave nickels to the Passengers,
At 11,,45 passed,
At 1,,15 P.M. passed
[pg: 124]
We have altogether 251 ½
passengers (Two in 1st
Class, they are Americans
one a young man Mr.
Fisher a taveller who came
up in the Khalifah some
time ago, & the other a
Mr. Greer belongs
to the mission who are
excavating at Nuffar
under Mr. Heyns, this
latter has a ticket from
Mr. Bottomley to charge
him deck fare & put him
in a 1st Class he only goes
to Basreh & back for the
benefit of his health as he
was ill in Baghdad)
We have 87- Jews to
Azair with R. Tickets &
4 besides with free tickets,
And we have a Blacksmith
of S Lynch & Co in a
[pg: 125]
2d C. Cabin & 10 Mossully
workmen to Coot free
to work at the wood
Press ~
At 5,30 P.M. passed
Khalifah going up , she
is full of passengers mostly
Jews from Azair &
she is very deep;
At 5,35 passed Memlah,
At 9,30 P.M. arrived,
at Coot landed 57 Packages
and 40 ½ Passengers, also
the men for S Lynch’s wool
Press (10 Tilkeflies & a Blacksmith,
& the 80 Bags Juss and
other materials, I received
Henry’s letter & my Papers,
The Khalifah had 210,000
Okes & about 350 passengers
(74 ½ Returned Jews from
Azair) We remained at
Coot for the night;
[pg: 126]
Fine cool night;
8 Mond
Light N.W. & fine ~
at 5,,20 am left Coot;
It became cloudy, ~
Took 7 Passengers from
Coot ~
At 9,40 AM. landed
8 packages & 2 passengers
at Ali Gherbi & took
one & went on at 10;
At 11,30 passed the
S.S. Phrat & Barge going up
Modte N.W. & fine weather,
At 5 P.M. arrived at,
Amara landed 50 passengers
and 56 Packages ~
At 6,5 left Amara
took 26 ½ Passengers ( one
in 1st Class the Motserrif
of Amara Anwary Pasha)
We flew the flag for
[pg: 127]
him without his asking
for it~
At 7,20 we passed
& came to Above Aboo Sedra
for the night; Very light
N.W. breeze; The Motserrif
of Amara dined with
us at the table;
9th Tuesd. Ther @ 5.73
1899 May
At 1 AM. the SS. Baghdad
& Barge passed up ~
At 4,15 we proceeded
Very light N.W. air and
Cloudy all over;
At 9,15 arrived at Azair,
landed 97 ½ Jews ( 87 are
with R. Tickets) also, 4
free R. Tickets ~ There
are now nearly 300 Jews
altogether left; ~
At 10 we left Azair
took 9 passengers ~
Cloudy all over and light
N.W. breeze
[pg: 128]
At 0,,40 P.M. landed
one passenger at Gorna
and went on at 9,,45
Cloudy all over & light
N.W. breeze;
At 5,,10 P.M. arrived
at Basreh, The SS. Muristan
for Asfar is only here,
There is no mail boat in
quarantine she is due
tomorrow but no news of
her from Bushire;
All the Cabins are already
engaged, & others want to
have but we have none,
I did not go to Rufail,
We coaled ship at night
discharged & took some
cargo till midnight,
Light N.W. & cool weather
but Cloudy, I am sleeping
in my Cabin & have
my windsel put up
[pg: 129]
this time in Baghdad, it
is cooling my cabin a
10 Wedn Therm @ 5.74
1899 May
N.W. breeze & Cloudy
all over with a mist,
but the weather is cool,
The SS. Muristan for
Asfar & Co left at 10,45
AM ~ The Arabistan
has left yesterday form
here ~
Rezooki Sayegh came
to me & he took me to their
place at 1 P.M. I saw
Rufail also Yousif Marine
had come down from
Shaebyeh whom I had
not seen for the last 3
months; he went up to
his house at 5 P.M. ~ I
took Rezooki & went to
call on Asfar, saw
Jeboory & his wife, also
there were Nassoory
Andria & his wife
[pg: 130]
We returned at 6, where
I dined & slept outside
the room; a light N.W.
breeze but is still very
Cloudy & misty like
fog on the river;
11 Thursd
1899 May
Light N.W. & Cloudy
partly ~ at 6 ½ am
I came on board, also
Rezooki came with me,
We have loaded the
Ship & are ready, but
the mail Str. has not
arrived yet;
There is a New Order came
from the Turkish Government
to levy a tax of 10 ½ G. S. P.
per annum on all the
Crew of our Steamers
of Turkish Nationality
serving afloat, and
the Harbour master
[pg: 131]
Came on board, I gave
him the names of the
Crew 40 in no., which
his Clerk wrote down
& he begun collecting;
Lynch Brothers wrote to
the Captain on the Subject
& asked him to assist them
in the matter;
At 3 ½ P.M. the SS. Ressafah
left for Baghdad ~
We have great confusion
& crowds of people coming
to see the Cabin & other
passengers off; The
Motserrif of Amara also
came to go back;
The mail Str. Simla
Arrived to the quarantine
at 6 P.M. ~ We sent for
the mails; as Mr. Wratislaw
the English Consul is
also going up with us
[pg: 132]
We are not to leave before
8 P.M.; Weather very calm
& warm, there is no place
aft, we have Dr. Macri
his wife & son, his wife
has a 1st C. Cabin and
themselves are on the
upper skylight deck
the wife & mother of
Kassim Khdery and
Izzet Bey the Aide de
Camp of Kadem Pasha
with a female on the
upper skylight deck
and a confusion aft
of no head or tale &
no one seems to care
how to put in order every
one to his post; Cowley
does not interfere &
lets them do what
[pg: 133]
they like;
We received the mail at
7 ½ ;
Basreh to Baghdad [11 MAY 1899 --- V049_11_N] (//)
Passg | Okes | G. S. P. Local | Draft |
284 | 239,324 | 19,884 ¼ | 5,, |
At 8,50 P.M. We
proceeded, very Calm &
warm weather; It
is very warm in the Cabin
I could not sleep;
12 Frid
1899 May
1899 May
Very light westerly breeze &
warm ~ At 5 AM we
passed Gorna going very
slow; ~ We passed the
Ressafah going up at
Sweb at 4 AM;
Finished with the Passeng
tickets we have in all
184 (4 in 1st Class, Mr.
A.C. Wratislaw the English
Consul of Basreh & his Servt
free Retn. Ticket,
[pg: 134]
Madm. Dr. Macri, and 2
women wife & her sister
of Kassim Khdery, &
2 Christians in 2nd Class
Dr. Macri & his son are
on the after deck and
paying 1 ½ deck fare,
also Izzet Beg & a
woman with him on
the after deck @ 1 ½ fare,
and the Motserrif of
Amara Ahmed Anwary
Pasha & 4 servants
on the after deck paying
deck passage; also
Mr. Greer the American
who came down with
us is in the Saloon &
quarter deck he having
paid as deck but
allowed to occupy a
[pg: 135]
Cabin; It was arranged
the day before by Capt.
Cowley that Mr. Wratislaw
& Mr. Greer were to occupy
the double Cabin; but
last night he got their
kit turned out & put
Kassim Khdery’s women
in it; & they are always
out on the quarter deck
under curtains rigged
up for them;
At 10 AM arrived at
Azair landed 34 ½ Jews
from Basreh;
At 10,30 left Azair, very
Calm & warm weather,
no clouds at all;
We took 54 ½ Jews from
Azair (46 ½ with Retrn.
Tickets 28 of Mejidieh and
18 ½ of Khalifah ~
[pg: 136]
At 3,,50 P.M. landed 8
passengers at Kalat Saleh
& took one & went on,
at 3,,55 ~ Breeze shifted
to S.W. S Calm ~
At 10 P.M. arrived
at Amara landed 43 ½
Passengers & 20 Bales of
P. Goods; Took 8 Tons
of Coal; I had to leave
Henry’s letter & papers here
as I heard that the Khalifah
was to leave today on
account of taking Jews
down to Azair to get
down in time for their
Holy day falling on
Monday next;
At 12 We left Amara,
weather got cooler and
bearable in Cabin
[pg: 137]
13 Satur
Light S. Wester with
some clouds; ~ Gave
tickets to 20 Amara
passengers (H. Abdulrezak
Khdery in 1st class free
Wind shifted to N. W.
at about 1 P. M;
At 2,,20 P. M. landed
11/2 passenger at Ali
Gherbi & went on at
2,,30 took one passenger
Weather very warm
Light S. Ely breeze ~
14 Sund
Light S. Ely & very warm
I could not sleep last
night from the mosquitoes
got into my cabin and
the excessive heat, I
had to rig up a Curtain
at 12 but the heat is
[pg: 138]
At 3,,50 AM. arrived
At Coot, landed 15 Bales
of P. Goods & 91/2 passengers
Took 5 Tons of Coal
At 6,,5 AM left Coot,
took 221/2 Passengers,
also one with Return Ticket a
Jew from Azair having come
up & landed from the Khalifah
but the Captain let him off,
At 2,,15 P.M. passed
Memlah; ~
At about 3 a moderate
warm & dry n.w. wind
blowing sent the temperature
up to 98˚~
At 4,,14 touched a shoal
at Sheresh & worked with
the Engines, she wont move
& so had to take out an
anchor ahead & heave
her off; At 5 proceeded
At 5,,30 passed the Khalifah
bound down ~
[pg: 139]
toward sunset it became
Very Calm & warm ~
At 8,,45 we picked on board
Monsr. Chavenise a Civil
french Engineer in the Turkish
employ Shedeif, he had
started from Baghdad about
4 days ago by the desert
across Diala to trace the
old Naherwan Canal &
to dig it out so as to get
the water of the Tigris run
into it during the high
rise from somewhere near
Imam Durr near Samarra
& continue it down until
it debauches itself again
into the Tigris at Debooni,
M. Chavenise having
got ill & could not stand
the heat had to come
on board to go back to
Baghdad & left Rezooki
the son of Eassayi also
a Civil Engineer in the
[pg: 140]
Governt Service to continue
the work, he stopped
up on the after deck &
paid deck fare of 2 Mejidees
15 Mon
At 0,,40 am we passed
Azizieh~ Light S. Ely
and calm warm weather,
At 5 am passed
Baghdadieh Fort;
Wind is Easterly & modte
Clouds are hanging about
loaded with heat; the
Thermtr. was 96˚ at noon;
At 3,,15 P.M. passed Ctesiphon
Very calm & warm day;
Detained at Jaffar in
shoal water from 5,,20
till 6 P.M. ~ The river
is falling fast, ~
At 6,,25 passed Diala
river, very calm & clouds
on the four quarters of
[pg: 141]
the horyzon ~
At 7,,45 we passed the
Bridge of Gherrara opened
for us; very warm and
Calm weather; we are
going awfully slow~
At 10,,45 P.M. landed the
mails at the Residency
also Mr. Wratislaw the
Consul & we went up to
the Custum House, the
SS. Phrat of Baghdad are
here ~ I went home found
Eliza on top of the house
She went up to sleep about
four days ago, it has
been very warm all
the time;
I found no letters for me
or news from Alexander
whatever, not even Rezooki
Korkis has written, any
thing to his brother;
A strong Wind is blowing
[pg: 142]
and became Cloudy all
over; I could not sleep
all the night well;
16 Tuesd
Modte N. W. Wind &
Cloudy very disagreable
weather ~ at 8 am
I came on board; ~
The SS. Baghdad & Barge
left at 4 AM; we are
alongside the Custum
House; ~ I sent money to the
Office & came home at 10~
I had a warm bath; Johny
& Artin came in the evening,
Artin is going to get married
he has asked the hand
of the daughter of Dr. Cazassian
an Armenian doctor in
the Turkish Military Service,
he will be betrothed next
Tuesday the 23d~
Light N. W. & fine Cool
night on top of the house
[pg: 143]
17 Wedn.
New Wali of Baghdad Namik Pasha arrived
Light breeze but variable
& sultry some clouds~
at 7 am I called on Sister
Eliza, & then called on the
Nakib of Basreh Seyd
Rejeb Effendi's son Seyd Mahd;
Said living next door of
Sister Eliza’s house, took
Artin with me, we then
called on Monseigneur
Altmayer; On the 15 of this
month he had a jubilee of
his 25th anniversary since
he came to Turkey from
France, the French Sisters
gave a representation a
play of Esther & Aheshwerosh
& invited all the Europeans
& foreign Consuls, also
my wife & myself, but my
wife went as I was absent;
Some people have sent him
some token of Souvenirs,
as my sisters Eliza & Medula
[pg: 144]
Alice, Asfars, Antone
Marine, Mina Abood
& Chiha etc; ~
The dismissed Waly of
Basreh Enis Pasha has
left Baghdad by Deir, &
Aleppo road about Six
days ago, on the 11th.
The new Waly for Baghdad
will arrive tomorrow a
man named Namik Pasha
& the old Waly Atta
Allah Pasha will start on
Saturday, by way of Deir
& Aleppo ~
Eliza & I called on Sister Medula
at 2 P.M & came home,
a very hard squall came
on with thick dust it became
dark & the dust falling everywhere,
it lasted about an hour
Antone Marine & Shekoory
Sayegh called in the
[pg: 145]
evening; Antone has received
a telegram from his son
Gabriel (Joory) from Deir
dated Saturday last they
arrived there safe;
Modte & cool N. W. breeze,
18’ Thursd.
Modte N.W. & fine cool
morning; it was very cool last night &
cool last night;
At 7 am I came on board,
We are discharging~
The Phrat left at 4 am
up to Kadumein to bring
down the new Waly
Namik Pasha; on board
At 9,,15 the Phrat came
down with the new Wali
Namik Pasha on board
& a great many people
who had gone out to meet
him a salute was
fired & troops & Band played
he landed at the Serai;
[pg: 146]
I sent three letters to the Post
today via Damascus, one
the Direction of Handle’s museum
Vienna one to Alois Scheiwger
Vienna, & one to Edward
Blockey London the latter
all about Alexander to
look out for him & as we
heard he had gone to America,
I went to breakfast at 11
I called on Père Pièrre and
paid him 20 TLiras more
part of my debt to him
which he had advanced
Alexander- making 40
TLiras I have paid him
equal to 920 frcs there still
remained 430 frcs to pay,
At 2 P.M. I came on
board we are shipping Some
I received a card of
invitation from Coll. Loch
for my wife & myself for
the Queen’s birthday on
[pg: 147]
Wednesday next, at 91/2
P.M. as a presentation
visit, he gives a dinner
to the English leading
Community & their wives
at 8 P. M. about 20 persons,
& then the others who are
invited at 91/2 are to come
& spend the night; about
50 persons including all
the consuls, the french
Assyrian & Chaldean
Patriarchs & Bishops &
other people; Antone Marine
& his wife are invited to
dinner, as well as the
Bottomleys’, Livingstones,
& many others ~
At 5 P.M. I went home
called on Antone Marine
& learned from him the
above news about the
invitation, but only
[pg: 148]
my wife will go, I shall
be absent, Henry and
his wife are also invited,
Monseigneur Altmayer or
came at Antones, he is
also invited ~ at 6
I came home~
Light N. W. & fine cool
19’ Frid
Light N. Ely & fine
cool morning, at 7 Am
I came on board;
at 8 went home found there
Monsgr. Altmayer calling
on us~ I went then to
see Eliza & Adoola my cousins,
there came Mr. Guilietti &
his son Antoine & we
went to Sister Medula,
I came home, Père Pièrre
called on us; ~ at 4 P.M
called on the Bishop
Agnatios ~
[pg: 149]
The Damascus Post
arrived today, I received
no letters at all;
In the evening Sister
Medula & Antonin Guilietti,
called also Artin my nephew
and Père Emmanuel
on top of the house; they
left at 8~
Light N. W & fine Cool
Weather ~
20 Sat
Atta Allah Pasha Waly
of Baghdad left
Light N. Ely & fine Cool
Weather ~ at 7 am
I came on board; ~
The SS. Ressafah & Barge
arrived last night at 7 P.M.~
Today the Shias are
mourning the 10th of Moharrem
at Kdumein & the other
shrines, the shops are
all closed, & also the
Jews being Saturday
[pg: 150]
so that very few shops
are opened & few people
are seen in the bazaars,
Colonel Loch went yesterday
& took Alfred Holland
to Kadumein to take
Photographic views of the
processions of mourners
in the open spaces out of town
of town;
At 11 I went to breakfast
& returned at 121/2;
The SS. Phrat hauled up
alongside the Turkish Adara
and there the Old Waly of
Baghdad Atta Allah
Pasha came on board
a guard & the Band played
and all the military &
Civil dignitaries were
on board to receive him
& bade him farewell,
they accompanied him
[pg: 151]
in the steamer up to Kadumein
as well as the New Waly
Namik Pasha, that
Mushir Ahmed Fezi
Pasha, Kadim Pasha etc.
The Phrat started @ 1 1/2
P.M & passed through the
We shipped a good
deal of Cargo over 5,000
Okes mostly all local,
At 6 P.M. I went home,
Eliza suffers the stomach
ache & myself too; it is
from the sorrow about
Alexander not knowing
where he is ~
Light N.W. & fine cool
weather; moonlight
night 11 days old,
[pg: 152]
Light n.w. & fine cool
21 Sun
At 3 1/2 AM I came on
board the Mejidieh;
Baghdad to Basreh [21 MAY 1899 --- V049_12_S] (//)
Pass9 | Okes | G.S.Piast | Draft |
177 | 116,171 | 16,109 ¼ | 3,,10 |
At 4,,20 AM we proceeded
S. Ely breeze but fine;
River Keeps falling a little,
At 6,,10 passed Diala
At 7,,15 passed Ctesiphon,
At 8,,15 passed the SS. Khalifah
going up at Semreh reach,
she is full of the Return
Jews from Azair, Yacoob
Eassayi & Mr. Mackey
of Strick & Co, are on board
We have altogether 144 1/2
Passengers (one woman the
wife of Hussein Omery Effendi
of Basreh) and Vartan
[pg: 153]
Lynch’s clerk to Coot to the
wool Press free in 2nd Class,
Monsr. Chavenise is returning
with us to Swera he is
on the After deck paying
double Coot passage P. 52 1/2
he is going to join his Caravan
at Rwebyeh where Rezooki
Eassayi is waiting for
him to make Charts of
the Naherwan Canal.
At 10,,45 landed Monsr.
Chavenise at Mahomed
Pasha’s property at Rwebyeh
and went on at 10,,55;
S. Ely wind but fine;
At 12,,0 passed Baghdadieh
At 1,,45 P.M. passed
Azizieh Village; the wind
is blowing hot;
At 6,,10 passed Memlah
At 10,,10 P.m arrived at
[pg: 154]
Coot landed 42 1/2 Passengers
and 8 packages;~
received Henry’s letter &
Papers~ The Khalifah
had 206,500 Okes; and
nearly 400 passengers in
all (229 Jews from Azair
with Ret Tickets 133 1/2 of the
Mejidieh & 95 1/2 of the Khalifah)
We hauled out and
remained for the night;
22 Mond Therm @ 5.76
Ghadban Sheikh of Beni Laam
Light N. Ely & fine~
At 3,,10 AM left Coot,
Took 8 Passengers;
At 7 passed Sheikh
At 9,, 45 landed 2 passengers
at Ali Gherbi & took 3
& went on at 11~
At 5,,5 P.m. arrived at
Amara landed 30 1/2
[pg: 155]
Passengers & 30 Packages,
At 6 left Amara took
17 Passengers~
Ghadban the young Sheikh
of the Beni Laam the son
of Booneyeh the son of
Mezban, encamped in the
vicinity of Ali Gherbi, would
not cease from his depredation,
plunder & infatuation,
He a few days ago, plundered
a large caravan coming
from the Hills of Lohristan
toward Ali Gherbi with
Goods & mostly ghee from
the Koordish hills belonging
to the traders of Ali Gherbi
to the Value of 30,000 Kerans,
The Motserrif of Amara
went up to him in a
Belem but they say he
denyed of having done
so or caused his
[pg: 156]
Arabs to plunder & so
the Motserrif returned, I
dare say having obtained
his share from Ghadban
of a few hundreds of
Liras, & the merchants
are left to their fate &
loose their goods in that
caravan they say which
composed of 250 mule
At 8,,55 P.M. anchored
above Kalat Saleh; weather
very calm, & light S. Erly,
it is very warm in the
cabin, I could not sleep
for some hours~
23 Tuesd
1899 May
Very light air & warm,
at 4,,15 Am proceeded;
at 6 anchored at the Elbow
about 15 Danags in the
bite[?], had to await until
all came further up,
[pg: 157]
and at 6,,45 proceeded,
At 8 am passed Azair,
The Troops about 60 soldiers
are still here encamped
as well some further up &
below at Surreyfeh;
The Zaptyeh guards are
dispensed off from accompanying
our steamers to Amara
since last trip up;
S. Erly breeze & warm
muggy weather;
At 9,,45 passed the S.S.
Baghdad & Barge going up
at Zechyeh reach;
At 10,,50 landed 3 Passeng
at Gorna & went on at 10,,55,
Light n.w. & cooler
a little~
At 3,,10 P.M. arrived at
Basreh; [strikethrough] The
S.S. Turkistan of Strick & Co.
in quarantine arrived
[pg: 158]
on the 17th Instt, having
left about 2 days ago for
Kurachi to load there,
and there is only the S.S.
Alagonia for Gray Mackenzie
& Co~ There is no news
of the Mail Boat~
Rezooki Sayegh came to
me (he is in charge of the
Consulate during Mr.
Wratislaw’s absence in
Baghdad; I went up with
him to Rufail, where I
dined, and in turning to
sleep outside a very strong
N.W. wind began to blow
& shook my curtain &
had to change place to
near the wall but still
it blew very strong and
could not Sleep at all
till day break~
[pg: 159]
24th Wedn
1899 May
Modte N.W. & fine;
I slept about ¼ of an
hour at sunrise & so
feel very weak for want of
Today is the Queen
Victoria of England’s
Birthday; there is no reception
at the Consulate as
Mr. Wratislaw is absent;
The Queen is just 80 years
At 7 am I left with Rezooki
& I came on board~
We are discharging and
shipping cargo~
The SS. Phrat & Barge
arrived at about 4 ½
am this morning,
she brought troops from
At 11 Rufail came down
to me & I went with him
into Basreh, we called
on Angoorly and
[pg: 160]
saw Tookyeh, also on
Nassoory Andrea
saw his wife, been to the
shop of Angoorly, and
to the Ottoman Bank
& inspected the 1000 empty
cases for dates sent out
by Allois Schweiger of
Vienna they are dirty &
some damaged, broken
& short etc; Came to
Tookyeh had tea & left
at 3 ½ Came on board;
At 5 P.M. Rufail & I went
up to Shaebyeh to Yousif
Marine, he wrote to me to
come & pass the night, but
I feel so weak & unwell,
We got there in one hour,
& spent the evening dined
& slept with Yousif, I
slept in a room with all
the windows open, there
[pg: 161]
was a fresh N.W. wind
blowing, but at about
midnight the wind fell,
there are plenty of mosquitoes
it is impossible to sleep
without a curtain;~
25 Thursd
1899 May
Light westly breeze &
fine; We took our tea at
Yousif & left at 6 am,
at 6 ½ dropped Rufail
at his house & I came
down to the Mejidieh;
We are loading deep
At 5 P.M. the mail
steamer Khandalla
arrived; at 6 the SS
Malamir arrived from
the Karoon to the Quarantine
We sent the Mail & specie,
Rezooki Sayegh came
to me also Nassoory Andrea,
Wind fell toward
[pg: 162]
Basreh to Baghdad [25 MAY 1899 --- V049_13_N] (//)
Passng | Okes | G.S. Piast | Draft |
236 ½ | 261,266,, | [N/A] | 5,,1 |
We received the mails,
and at 7,,30 P.M. proceeded
Light N.W. air & fine,
moon rose at 7,,15 P.M;
I slept in the Cabin, it is not
so warm, it became cooler
later at night;
26 Frid Th@ 5,,80
Light N.W. & fine Weather
At 4 Am. landed 3 Passng.
at Gorna & took one~
At 9,,25 stopped at Azair
& took 2 Jewesses (2 halves
one girl & 1 Boy With Return
ticket) Went on at 9,,30
We have 131 ½ Passengers
from Basreh (5 in 1st Class
the Wife of Tanton Elias Eassa
his son & Wife’s sister in
one Cabin; a Jewess &
a Mahomedan Abdulhamid
Effendi, & one in
[pg: 163]
2nd Class the Chaldean
Priest Kass Joobrayil)
At 2,,45 P.M. the S.S.
Ressafah & Barge passed
down at Nafikh, detained
10 minutes for her~
At 3,,30 landed 9 Passeng
at Kalat Saleh & went
on at 3,,35~
Modte N.W. & fine;
At 9,,30 P.M. arrived
at Amara landed 21 ½
Passengers and 6 Packges
of through Bombay Cargo;
Took 8 Tons of Coal;
At 11,,15 left Amara,
Light N.W. & fine cool
27 Satur Ther @ 5. 73
1899 May
Light N.W. & fine Cool
Weather; Gave tickets to
71 Amara passengers;
(one in 1st Class Mr. Rigo
Inspector of Public Debt)
[pg: 164]
and the Bimbashi of the
Senyeh property, on the
after part of the upper
deck, paying 1 ½ deck passage,
At 7,,20 Am passed
Ali Sherghi grove;~
At 2,,5 P.M. landed
6 ½ passengers at Ali Gherbi
& took 2 & went on at
2,,10~ Ghadban the
Sheikh of Beni Laam is
here I saw him on the
bank & he saluted me,
Abdulkadur Khdery was
sent up here from Amara
to talk & persuade him
to return the plunder
of the Caravan which
I mentioned here on the 22d
also the Taboor Aghassi,
but Ghadban is denying
having done it, sometimes
[pg: 165]
he promises to pay for
the loss, etc, but the Taboor
Aghassi is thretening him
that he will meet a
forced demand etc;
At 8,,5 P.M. landed
3 passengers at Sheikh
Saad booked for Coot
& went on, Modte
N.W. & fine Weather;
28 Sund Ther @ 5. 75
1899 May
Light N.W. & fine Cool
At 4,,15 Am arrived
at Coot, landed 25 Passeng
Took 4 Tons Coal; left
Henry’s letter & papers at
At 5,,40 left Coot,
took 27 Passengers~
also Polus of Lynch’s Wool
Press in the 2nd Class Cabin
The N. Westerly
or Shemal, wind has sat
[pg: 166]
in since the 25th Instt,
and has cleared the atmosphere
& made the weather
Cool, especially at night,
At 2,,30 P.M. passed
At 5,,35 met the Khalifah
coming down at Deboony
reach, we sent the letters
of Mr. Wratislaw the
English Consul of Basreh
being on board returning
I received a letter from
Henry, they left this
morning at 4 ¼ Am
having 64,000 Okes &
236 ½ Passengers & 17
Workmen for the Wool
Press of Lynch at Amara
free besides~
Artin Kasperkhan my
Nephew was engaged
& betrothed on Tuesday
[pg: 167]
last the 23rd Instt with
Sirpohy the daughter of
Dr. Cazassian in the Turkish
army; no news of
Alexander, but that
Alice has received a
letter from Edward Blockey
from London, saying
that he could not find
him in Paris & was told
that he had gone to London,
and at this place he
was told by Rezooki
Korkis that he had
heard that Alexander
had gone to America
with the girl;
Light N.W. & fine cool
29 Mond Ther @ 4. 74
1899 May
1899 May
Light N.W. & fine
Cool weather
At 0,,45 Am passed
Azizieh Village
[pg: 168]
At 4,,50 passed
Baghdadieh Fort;
I paid the Ship’s crew
their wages for this month,
At 3,,10 P.M. passed
Ctesiphon~ Light N.W.
breeze, ship going very Slow;
At 6,, passed Diala river,
At 7,,20 passed through
the Bridge of Gherrara,
At 10,,15 P.M
landed the mails at
the Residency & went
up to the Custum House
the S.S. Baghdad is here
arrived today at noon~
I went home, saw Eliza
she related to me a very
sad news which befell
to Artin my nephew
[pg: 169]
after his betrothal~
They had a servant [strikethrough]
Tilkefly girl about 16
years old called Zekky
employed at Johny to look
after his little daughter
& having left the service
about 2 months ago;
she has brought a complaint
a few days ago against
Artin for having violated
her on promising that
he will marry her and
so she gave herself to him,
& she aborted some time
ago, now she claims him
as her husband and
being instigated by other
women of bad repute to
insist on & claim her
right through the Turkish
Government; and
[pg: 170]
so she went to the Serai
accompanied by a woman
called Eliza bint Abdulmadi
a bad woman, & there
she cryed out & in the most
courageous manner &
face she complained of
Artin having outraged
her etc; and so Artin
was sent for and put in
prison without being
questioned or tryed, a
thing against the rule
Abduljebbar the Lawyer
tryed very much to let
him out until his case
will be investigated, but
they wont allow it;
I have not learnt the
affair yet how it
[pg: 171]
occurred , as Eliza
cannot understand it
herself yet; I could
not sleep at all till
the morning from the
sorrow on account of
30 Tuesd
1899 May
Light N.W. & fine; I went
downstairs & found the
two letters one from
Tom Blockey dated 4 May
in answer to mine, he
tells me that he hears that
Alexander has gone to
America with his girl
& his son Edward arrived
on the 19 of April from
Baghdad via Bombay
& Trieste; The next letter
I opened & found it from
Rezooki Metchich
from London, & enclosed
in it an open letter
[pg: 172]
sheet of few words written
by Alexander from
Chicago dated the 15
of April with his Card
in it printed as Traveller
Explorer, & reporter to
many news papers and
magazines, he writes on
it as being a Member
of the Geographical
Society; Rezooki
Metchich Writes to me
to say that he received
this from Alexander
to be sent to me but does
not know his address
as he is not fixed in
one place;
Eliza & I went over to
Sister Eliza, many
people came there to
[pg: 173]
see what to be done about
Artin’s imprisonement;
Johny had spoken with
Abduljebbar the Lawyer
but this man seems not
so inclined to defend Artin,
there are many witnesses
in favor of him; and they
were to go today to the
Serai; My Sister Eliza
is very grieved & sorry at
this matter;
I called on Mr. Richarz
at 9 Am & asked him to
write to the Austrian
Consul General to remit
my 300 frcs which I
had sent him for Alexander
for his expences to the
Banker of Monseigneur
Altmayer in Paris
& gave him his name
& address~
[pg: 174]
I then called on the
Delegate Mons. Altmayer
and told him that I
had done so & requested
him to write to his Banker
to apply for the Money,
I went to Lynch’s Office
for business & for some
£ Stg; & returned to Sister
Eliza, took my wife &
came home~
At 4 P.M. called again
on Sister Eliza; Johny
came from the Serai
& says that they took the
evidence of many persons
they were all in favor
of Artin, & also the Bishop
came & as it got late
to finish the evidence
[pg: 175]
so it is left for tomorrow
& so Artin will have
to remain in prison
tonight too etc etc;
I came home at 6
P.M.; Light N.W. & fine
31 Wedn.
1899 June
Light air & sultry; at 7
Am I called on Menusha
& then came on board
Paid the Officers’ wages &
Others; At 9 I went to
the prison in the Serai
& saw Artin my nephew
he is in a room upstairs
with two or three other
Mahomedans prisoners,
Johny was there & says
that it will be settled
today & Artin will be
let out; I left at 10
& came home
[pg: 176]
As I was taking a warm
bath, Johny & Abduljebbar
Effendi the Lawyer sent
for me to come quick, as
it requires my visit to
Hamdi Beg the Mufettish
Adlyeh to talk to him
as he is my friend, and
the matter will be settled
so I hurried on, & Alexander
Duncan the husband of
Regina came with me to
see Artin; but on arriving
to the Serai, they told me
that it was finished and
my visit to Ahmed Beg
is not required, so they
let Artin out on bail
& Abduljebbar stood as
security & gave a paper
I saw the deposition
[pg: 177]
given by the bitch of the
servant Zekki, a most
horrible way~ At
4 ½ P.M. Artin was let
out & we all walked
out to his house, poor
Sister Eliza was rejoiced
& weeping;~ This
incident will cost Artin
about 50 TLiras, for
charges, presents and
bribery etc etc;
I came home & then called
on Antone Marine
came at 6, Antone then
called on us for ½ hour;
Light Air & warm
1st Thursd
1899 Jun
Light S. Erly & Variable
warm; at 6 Am we
went to church a high
mass by the Delagate
Altmayer & procession
[pg: 178]
I slept at 7 & called on
Sister Medula & thence
came on board we
are shipping some Cargo,
At 10 I left & went over
to Sister Eliza, my wife
was there & we returned
home at 11 ½~ Hot
Weather & Very light breeze
from N.W. with few clouds
At 3 P.M. came on board
shipping cargo;
At 5 I left & called on
Colonel Loch the Resident,
he is having an Auction
sale tomorrow of his Kit,
I left & came home;
Shekoory Sayegh called
on us; Very warm
sultry & calm weather,
With some clouds;
[pg: 179]
2 Frid
Light & variable breeze
Warm Weather~
At 7 Am I came on board,
& then went over to the
Residency to see the
auction sale; I bought
only a Bookshelve for 12
12 Rps & 1 anna; Came home
It is very warm & sultry,
light S. Erly air with some
At 4 P.M. I called on Eliza
& Adoola my cousins;
Johny & Artin called in
the evening; Very calm
& warm weather;
The SS. Baghdad & Barge
left this morning at 4 Am
3’ Satur Th@ 4. 80
1899 June
Hannah Nakkar died aged about 95
Very light S. Erly and
Calm sultry weather
At 7 Am called on Shekoory
Sayegh & came on
board~ The Damascus
[pg: 180]
Post arrived yesterday,
no letters about Alexander
from anybody~
It is getting very hot toward
noon; at 11 I went to breakfast
& came on board at 1 P.M.;
Very hot, the breeze shifted
to N.W. but is too hot;
At 6 P.M. I left the steamer
& came home;
I wrote a short letter to
Alexander my son and
enclosed it in a letter for
Rezooki Metchich in
London to be sent on by
him to wherever he is &
dated them the 8th Instt
by the Damascus Post
to be sent by my wife
I kept copies of the letters,
The Mejidieh will drop
down tomorrow early
to alongside the wool
[pg: 181]
Press of Eassayi Brothers
just near the Nawab’s
house at the Sheria of
Morrabbaa to ship 500
Bales of Liquorice root
of Yousif Korkis at 6 ¾
G.S. Piast each~
Calm & sultry Weather,
4 Sund Th@4 78 Noon 107 4 P.M 107
1899 June
Light N. Erly breeze and
sultry~ At 4 ½ Am
I left & came down to
the wool Press of Eassayi
where the Mejidieh is
shipping the 500 Bales of
Liquorice root;;
[pg: 182]
Baghdad to Basreh [4 JUN 1899 --- V049_14_S](//)
1899 June
Passg | Okes | GS. Piast | Draft |
296 | 98,366 | 21,380,, | 3,,8 |
At 7am finished loading
500 Bales of Liquorice roots
We proceeded, S. Erly
breeze & warm weather,
At 8,,45 passes Diala
At 10 passed Ctesiphon
I let off 4 carrier pigeons
of my nephew Johny from
Menari at 9,,50 & wrote
slips of paper & tyed them
on their wings;
At 10,,50 passed the SS.
Phrat & Barge going up at
Semrah reach~
Gave tickets to the Passengers
We have Altogether 276 ½
(2 in 1st Class, Izzet Beg
the Mooddai Umoom
for Basreh, and
[pg: 183]
Jejo son of Moorad going
to Press Wool for Lynch
at Amara free, & 2 in
2nd Class Armenians;)
At 2,,45 P.M. passed
Baghdadieh~ Very warm
weather & light variable
At 4 P.M. passed the
S.S. Khalifah bound up
at Sened~ Light N.W.
breeze; The Thermometer
was today 107 in my cabin
and at sunset it was still
at 104˚ Very calm and
At 4,,30 passed Azizieh
Very calm & sultry warm;
At 9,,5 P.M. passed
I went up on the After
Deck to sleep for the first
time, as it is impossible to
sleep in the cabin, so hot
[pg: 184]
5 Mond. Th@ 4. 80 Noon 106 4 P.M 109
1899 June
At 1,,30 AM arrived
at Coot, landed 26 ½
passengers & 46 Packages,
shipped 49 Bales of Pressed
Wool for Basreh~
I received Henry’s letter
& my papers; The Khalifah
had left Basreh on Thursday
afternoon, having 221,000
Okes & about 100 passengers,
At 4 Am we left Coot
Light N.W. & fine weather,
Took 4 ½ passengers;
At 6,,25 passed the SS.
Ressafah & Barge bound
up~ Breeze shifted at
9 to a hot S. Erly and
very disagreable, thing
We have not seen in
this month~
[pg: 185]
At 10,,30 landed 4 ½
Passengers at Ali Gherbi,
took 2 & went on at 10,,40,
It became very calm at
2 P.M. & very hot indeed
At 6,,5 P.M. Arrived
at Amara landed 35 ½
passengers & 34 Packages
Light S. Erly breeze and
Very warm; No wool
Pressed here yet to be shipped
The heat is most fearful
a light dampy S. E. Air
& suffocating~
The Mutserrif of Amara
Ahmed Anwary Pasha
is dismissed & going up
with us~
At 7 we left Amara
Awfully warm & dampy,
with light S. Erly breeze
At 8,,10 We anchored
[pg: 186]
Above Aboo Sedrah~
Very warm in bed upstairs,
Light Erly breeze & warm
6 Tuesd Th@ 4. 86
At 3,,45 Am we proceeded
At 5,,45 landed specie at
Kalat Saleh & went on,
Gave tickets to 13 Amara
passengers (one in 1st Class
the Bimbashi of the Senyeh
Omar Sherif Beg)
At 8,,50 passed Azair
it became Very Calm and
warm, a light N.W. but
is so warm & dampy;
At 11,,40 landed specie
at Gorna & went on at
At 1 P.M. breeze Shifted to
N.W. but it is so warm &
moisty; We feel it very
[pg: 187]
At 4 P.M. arrived at
Basreh; no steamers here
or in Quarantine;
Rufail came to me & I
went up with him to his
house, Tookyeh is there with
her 2 children & husband
Rezooki spending some
days; The Wind is blowing
a N.W. but it is not cool
or refreshing; this must
be the Bareh wind
just commenced as on
the 6th (today) the Constellation
Playades appears in
the morning on the East;
It became cooler & dryer
later on at night, but
the wind blew fresh
7 Wedn.
Light N.W., the wind
fell toward morning but
is cooler than before,
At 6 ½ Am I came
[pg: 188]
on board, We are discharging
& loading. No news
of the mail Steamer ~
Wind got up at 10 blowing
fresh with dusty sky &
hot, thermr. at noon 103 in
My cabin; At 1 P.M. I
went over with Rezooki to
their house, had tea and
at 5 ½ we all went to see
the Asfars, Yousif Marine
came also down from
Shaebyeh & at 7 we all
returned back, Tookyeh, her
husband, Rufail Rezook
Yousif Marine & myself we
dined together, the wind
fell & became light but
hot & disagreeable;
8 Thurs
Colonel Loch left Baghdad on 6 Instt & Major Melville arrived again in the SS. Assyria
1899 June
Very light westerly breeze
& warm, at 6 ½ am I
came on board, we have
finished loading down
[pg: 189]
to 4.8 Inches. Very calm
& warm weather; It
became so moisty the air,
that I could not stay in
the cabin for a minute,
The air shifted to N.W. but
is loaded with moisture
& not at all cool ~
At 4 P.M. the mail
Str Assyria arrived to
the quarantine;
We sent our mail & got her
mails after 2 hours detention
of fumigation etc ~
The weather is most awfully
warm & calm, I am
nearly fainting from it,
we received the mails at
7 P.M; ~
The SS. Baghdad & Barge
left at 6 P.M. ;
Very warm & suffocating
[pg: 190]
Basreh to Baghdad [8 JUN 1899 --- V049_15_N] (//)
Passeng | Okes | G.S.P. Local | Draft |
174 | 234350 | 15451 ½ | 4,,10 |
At 7,,20 P.M. we left
Basreh, very warm and
calm weather;
At 7,,50 we met the S.S.
Comet coming down with
Colonel Loch the British
Consul General on board
going down being transferred
to Nepaul in India
to our great regret as he
is very much liked by
all the Europeans in
Baghdad, we delivered to
him his letters & went
on at 7,,55; Breeze very
light from East; It
is very moisty on deck;
[pg: 191]
9 Frid
At 2,,30 am passed
Gorna; Very disagreeable
weather, dampy warm &
light variable breeze;
We passed the Baghdad &
Barge going up at 1 ½ P.M.
below Gorna ~
At 7,,45 passed Azair,
A light N.W. breeze and
Cooler weather which made
the atmosphere dryer;
Finished with the Passengers
we have in all 93 ~ (5
in 1st Class, they are the
wife of Michail Raffi
his mother & his Sister
all 3 in 2 Cabins; Mr.
Bolanachi a young
Greek who was employed
at Nicoli Giacoli; and
Omar Sherif Beg the Bim-
Bashy of Sennyeh of
Amara returning with his
[pg: 192]
and 2 free in the 2nd Class
the Tally Clerk of Lynch
Brothers Jemil & his mother
At 1. P.M. landed 2 Passeng
at Kalat Saleh & went
on at 2,,5 ~ A light
N.W. breeze prevails ~
At 6,,40 P.M. arrived
at Amara landed 22 ½
passengers (1 in 1st Class
Omar Sherif Beg) and
2 Bales cloth; Took 6
tons of Coal & some Cargo
also a mule of Abdulkadur
Khdery for 8 mejidees to
Baghdad ~
At 8,,20 left Amara
Light N.W. & fine weather
[pg: 193]
10 Satur Therm@4.79
Light N.W. & fine weather,
Gave tickets to 52
Amara passengers, (one in
1st Class the Reis of the
Sennyeh Mahd. Rafik Beg)
also one mule of Abdulkadur
Khdery for 8 Mejidies,
At 9,,50 landed 5 passengers
at Ali Gherbi & went on
at 10; wind getting up fresh;
At 3,,50 P.M. passed the
S.S. Phrat & Barge going
down having troops on
board; just below Sheikh
Saad Village; ~
Light N.W. & fine cool night
At 11,,10 P.M. arrived at
Coot landed 23 passengers
Took 4 Tons of Coal; I
Slept in the cabin, the weather
being very cool although
the breeze is very light from
the N. West; I paid
money to Vartan for
[pg: 194]
the wool Press also to
Nacodas[?] of Coal Boats
11 Sund Therm@4.72
At 0,,50 am left Coot
Very nice & cool weather,
Took 29 Passengers
from Coot;
At 8,,30 passed Memlah,
weather very calm;
At 3,,20 P.M. passed
the S.S. Khalifah going down
at Sherhan (below Humenyeh)
Michail Yaghchi was on
board going to sell his
liquorice which he is collecting
at Hilla from Menahem
Daniels property;
At 5 P.M. passed Azizieh
Light N.W. breeze & fine,
The river has fallen a good
deal & begun to get shoal in
many places, sand bank are
appearing ~
[pg: 195]
At 8,,45 P.M. passed Baghdadieh
Fort ~ Fine cool night ~
12 Mond Therm@4.72
Light N.W. breeze & very cool
morning, I felt it quite cool
on the upper deck & the water
is as cold as ice ~
At 6,,15 AM. passed Ctesiphon,
It became calm ~
At 8,,40 passed Diala
river, Light N.W. & fine;
At 10 passed Gherrarah
without landing a man
with Lynch’s letters, as it is
too hot for him the Captain
At 0,,30 P.M. landed the
mails at the Residency &
went up to the Custum House,
The Ressafah is only here
leaving tomorrow, I went
home saw Eliza, there are
no news or letters at all
by last mail; Weather
had been warm here too,
[pg: 196]
Antone Marine called,
he has received a letter from
his son Gabriel by yesterday’s
Post from Aleppo he arrived
there on the 21 May, having
left Baghdad on the 27
April; ~
Very light N.W. & fine ~
13 Tuesd Therm@4.78
reported plague at Bushire
Light N.W. but not so cool,
At 6 ½ AM called on
Sister Medula & then
came on board, we are
discharging cargo ~
The SS. Ressafah left this
morning at 4 AM. The
Nakib of Basreh Seyd
Rujub Effendi & his suit
& family left in her,
At 11 went home; I took a
cold water bath; ~ at 4
P.M. I called on Catherina
Yaghchi & Louisa, my
[pg: 197]
niece, they have come in
from the Garden of Farhat,
I also called on Dr. Macri
& his wife & came home,
The Chaldean Patriarch
called on us today;
Johny & Artin called in
the evening;
The news reported here
from the Basreh Sanitary
Officer that Plague had
appeared at Bushire, I
had heard this at Basreh
last time but was not sure
how many were attaked,
but they say here that 8
deaths had taken place, &
the Persian Government
have now established a
quarantine in Bushire,
Light N.W. & fine weather
14' Wedn
Light N.W. air & cool morning
at 7 AM I called on
Sister Eliza & then on
[pg: 198]
Menusha & came home
at 11 ~ At 4 P.M. Eliza
& I called on Antone Marine,
and in the evening called
on Sister Medula till 9
I heard that Ibrahim
Gejou arrived this afternoon
from Paris coming via
Beyrout, Damascus &
Deir, he had left Paris
about 45 days ago, the
Armenian son of Thadeus
Awannes who had gone
to Paris to study the
fisique also came with
him as a doctor now
Light N.W. & fine cool
weather; ~
15’ Thursd Therm@4.72
Light N.W. & fine cool
weather ~ at 7 am I
called on Antone Marine
[pg: 199]
& then went to call on
Ibrahim Gejou at his fathers
house but did not find
him at home, I sat with
his mother & the two sisters
Sarah & Looloo; at 8 ½
I came on board; we
are shipping cargo;
I wrote a long letter to Alexander
at Chicago & enclosed it
in a letter to Rezooki Metchich
in London asking him
to be sent on to him I kept
copies of them, & sent the
letter with todays Damascus
Went home at 10,
found Mina Aboud &
Terrooza wife of Antone
Marine & her daughter
Rosa came to visit us,
At 12 ¼ am the SS.
Baghdad arrived with
her Barge~ At 2 P.M.
[pg: 200]
I came on board; We
shipped cargo; about 600
Bales of wool, and some
other cargo through and
local ~ at 5 ½ P.M. went
home ~
Modte N.W. & fine cool
weather; very pleasant;
16’ Frid Therm@4.70
Light N.W. & very fine
cool weather, we are
covering ourselves with
the Lahaf (a thick quilt) ;
I have got a carpenter to
make some reparation
in the house ~
At 7 AM I came on board
and went home at 8;
Artin my Nephew came to
me & I went with him
to call on Doctor Kazassyan
whose only daughter
Serpohy he has been
engaged to, about a
[pg: 201]
month ago, I saw her
& her Mother, they are
Armenians from Constple
they have come here about
four years ago, the father
is a Doctor in the Turkish
Army, I found the girl (1)
intelligent, jolly, but not
so handsome she is about
18 years old; speaks
French, Armenian, Turkish
& Arabic, she learnt french
here at the French nuns
school; & plays Piano;
We then called on Hanosh
Kroomy of Basreh and
his wife are living here
they have given up Basreh
since last year ~
I called on Eliza & Adoola
my cousins & coming
home I met Ibrahim
Gejou in the Street,
[pg: 202]
I reproached him for not
coming to see us before
anybody else, he promised
to come after breakfast,
at 2 P.M. he came and
We had a long talk with
him about Alexander
my son; he assures me
that he has not gone
to America & that he is
still in London, & he is
only humbugging us,
all his letters to us he says
were not true what he
wrote, he never was ill
or had sore eyes & never
went to Belfort and
returned on account of
his eyes; the Girl had
gone with him to Vienna
& soon as he obtained
from me the 90 £Stg
[pg: 203]
he left Vienna & came
to Paris & spent it very
lavishly paying about
30 frcs a day for Carriage
hire etc etc ~
At 5 P.M. I went to the
Office to see Mr. Bottomley
for some business & thence
went to Sister Eliza where
my wife came also &
we returned home at 8 ½
Light N.W. & fine cool
17 Satur Therm@4.76
Light N.W. & fine weather
Cool night it was ~
At 7 am I came on
board ~ We shipped little
cargo; ~ The river is falling
every day, Ibrahim Gejou
came on board he wants to
leave this in a month
taking his Sister with him
Sarah(1) to Paris; ~
At 11 ½ I went home
[pg: 204]
to breakfast;
Bedry Beg, who is with
the German Mission at
Babylon where they are
excavating, Called on me
with AbdulKerim Toma
he came here for a few
days & will return after
a week or so;
At 2 P.M. I came on board
At 5 ½ we finished work
I went home; Artin my
Nephew called in the evening
Weather is calm and
not so pleasant & cool,
& it appears as if the air
is from the S. Est; ~
18’ Sund
At 3 AM I was up
Weather seems to be getting
changed; there are few
clouds hanging on
& the air is very light
[pg: 205]
S. Erly
At 3 ½ I came on board
Baghdad to Basreh [18 JUN 1899 --- V049_16_S] (//)
Coll Loch left & Major Melvill’s
arrival see 8th Instt
Towing Barges
Passg | Okes | G.S.P. | Draft |
111 ½ | 131,274,, | 16,099 ½ | [N/A?] |
At 4 AM we proceeded
a light S. Erly breeze with
some clouds from the N.
& N.W. & very curious &
sudden change in this
time of the month ~ Clouds
disappeared soon after sun
rise ~
At 6 passed the S.S.
Comet going up just at
Diala river; Major
Melville on board of her
going to take charge of
the Consulate General
in place of Colonel
Loch who left Baghdad
in the Comet on the 6th
Instt, being transferred
[pg: 206]
to Nepaul in Central
India; Major Melville
did not stay to make his
quarantine in Basreh
but obtained order to be
allowed to make it on
the way up & so she has
left Basreh on Sunday
last with a quarantine
guard so as not to touch
anywhere & having the
quarantine Yellow flag
hoisted on the mast head,
At 7,,20 passed Ctesiphon,
Finished with the passengers
tickets, we have 92 ½
(one in 1st class, Mr. Ludvi
Meyer, the German who is
attached to the Mission
now excavating in
Babylon, he is going to
Berlin; & one in 2nd
Class, Pere Emmanuel
[pg: 207]
of the Carmelite fathers,
going to Bushire on account
of the Plague having broken
out there, & the Christians
are in want of a priest, he
is messing in his Cabin)
At 0,,30 P.M. passed
Baghdadieh; the S. Erly
breeze increased moderately
but not so hot;
At 2,,30 P.M. passed
Azizieh; wind fell & Shifted
to a light westerly, it was
warm during the day;
At 7,,20 passed Memlah
Westerly breeze & fine &
I slept in my Cabin, but it is
rather warm;
At 9,,40 P.M. passed
the S.S. Khalifah and
towing a Barge up, as
the Lynchs in England
have obtained the permission
for us to tow Barges
[pg: 208]
in future & the Turkish
Governt at Constantinople
informed the Authorities in
Basreh & Baghdad that
we can do so, but for
the present there are no
cargo in Basreh being
accumulated, & the
Barge towed by the Khalifah
was empty;
At 12 P.M. arrived at
Coot landed 23 Passengers
& 41 packages and Shipped
143 Bales of wool from
Lynch’s Press for Asfar’s
Steamers; I received Henry’s
letter & my papers dated
from London & Paris up
to the 19th Ulto; The Khalifah
had 194,770 Okes of Cargo
& about 250 passengers
[pg: 209]
mostly Pilgrims returning
from Mecca; The news
of the Plague in Bushire
is not confirmed yet in
Basreh some say there were
3 or 4 cases, others say that
it was imported the Pilgrims
returning from Jedda in
the Persian Str. Haidery
about 500 were landed
there but there is a Strict
quarantine at Bushire;
19 Mond Therm 4.74
1899 June
Light n.w. & fine weather
At 5 am left Coot,
took 9 passengers;
At 11,,55 landed one
passenger at Ali Gherbi
took two & went on at 12
Modte n.w. & fine weather
At 7,35 P.m. arrived
at Amara landed 31 1/2
passengers and 46 Packg,
Shipped 112 Bales of wool,
from Lynch's Press ~
[pg: 210]
At 9,,30 left Amara
Light n.w. & fine cool night
At 10,,35 anchored above
Aboo Sedra ~
20 Tuesd Therm @ 4,79
Light n.w. & fine cool
morning ~ At 4 am
proceeded, Took 4 Passengers
from Amara;
At 9,,5 passed Azair
Modte n.w. breeze & fine;
At 0,,5 P.m. passed Gorna
At 4 P.m. met the Ressafah
& Barge going up on near
Asfar's house ~
At 4,10 arrived at
Basreh, no Steamers
here at all except the
Phrat; no accurate news
could be obtained regarding
the Plague in Bushire
some say 8 cases took place
in all others say it is
[pg: 211]
working, others say it is not
the Plague but other sickness,
we shall hear from the
mail Str due day after
tomorrow; Rezooki Sayegh
Michail Yaghchi who came
here in the Khalifah to sell
his Liquorice to Hotz, also
Rezooki Angoorly came on
board; at 6 I went with
Rezooki Sayegh to their
house, Tookyeh is still there
& Rufail has sore eye since
8 days caused by a cold he
took on top of the house;
I dined & slept there ~
Fine n.w. wind & pleasant
night, I slept in the Veranda,
21 Wednes
1899 June
Modte n.w. & fine weather
The S.S. Shahristan for
Asfar arrived this morning,
At 7 am I came on
board, we are discharging
& loading cargo;
[pg: 212]
there is only one Steamer's
cargo left here the Simla’s
of last week;
At 11 I hired Bellem for
one Keran & went in to Basreh
called on Angoorlies & then
on Nessoory Andrea and
on Ali Beg the Mudir of
Tapo & to the shop of Rezooki
& returned to Tookyeh had
tea & then we left at
4 P.m. & came out with
Tookyeh, Rezooki her husband
& Medool sister of Yousif
John they landed at
Mackenzies wharf to
visit Toomas Wahayeb's
family & I came on
board; at 5 1/2 I went
to fetch them & we
went up I landed at
Asfar's; saw Jeboory &
his wife also Père Emmanuel
[pg: 213]
staying there, he is going down
to Bushire by the next mail
leaving on Saturday; I
spoke with Jeboory regarding
my money 1000 TLiras he has
on interest @ 7 % will be due
on the 9 of July, he is going to
keep it for an other year;
his wife & children are going
up in the Khalifah next
trip; at 7 I & Rezooki Sayegh
went to Rufails where I
dined & slept; a fresh n.w.
blew at night & fine cool;
22 Thursd
1899 June
Light n.w. & fine cool
morning; at 6 1/2 am. I
came on board ~ There
is no news of the mails
I wrote a long letter to
Blockey in London &
posted it here via Bombay
I told him of Alexander is
supposed to be still in London
& to look out for him;
We are loaded & finished
[pg: 214]
all the cargo that was
here~ We got the Barge
up from the Quarantine
from alongside the Shahristan
with her cargo part of it
and Shipped it ~ The mail
Steamer Pemba passed
Fao at 9 am ~
There is plenty of wind
but it is not refreshing,
the weather is dusty &
the atmosphere is heavy
close & dampy like
yesterday, but it cools
down toward sunset &
the night gets cool;
At 5 1/4 P.m. the S.S. Pemba
arrived in quarantine;
Lots of people came on
some to see the Mektoobchi
(secretary of Hamdi Pasha
Waly of Basreh) going up
to act as Motserrif at
[pg: 215]
Amara called Assim Beg,
Ali Beg Saȋb my friend
called on me also Michail
Yaghchi, Rezooki Sayegh
& Rezooki & Toni Angoorly
& others; wind fell &
became warm & very
disagreeable weather;
We received the mails
at 7 1/2 ~
Basreh to Baghdad [22 JUN 1899 --- V049_17_N] (//)
Passger | Okes | G.S.P. Local | Draft |
165 | 209,450 | 12270 1/4 | 4,,8, |
At 8,,5 P.m. we got under-
weigh & proceeded, there is
a light n.w. breeze but the
ship is awfully hot, I
cannot stop in my cabin
for a minute; Thermr. is 98°
The Steamer is loaded down
to 4,,8 Inshes ~ A fresh
breeze blowing during the
night ;
23 Frid Therm @ 4.81
1899 June
Modte N.W. & fine
at 3,,50 am passed
[pg: 216]
Gorna, Finished with the
Passengers tickets;
We have in all 54 1/2
(2 in 1st Class, the Mektoobchi
of the Waly Hamdi Pasha,
Assim Beg, who had come
down with us about three
months ago in Company
with Ahmed Pasha Zheir,
going to Amara to act
as Motserrif; and Jemil
Beg Kaima Kam of Hai
going to Coot) ~
At 8,,25 passed Azair
wind freshning up;
Detained at Nafikh in
shoal water about 1/2 hour
At 2,,35 P.m. landed 7
passengers at Kalat Saleh
& took one & went on at
2,,40 ~ Modte N.W.
wind & fine cool weather
[pg: 217]
At 8 P.M. arrived at
Amara landed 11 1/2 Passengers
(one in 1st Class Assim Beg
the Mektoobchi) and 294
Bund of Hoop Iron for
Lynch's wool Press;
The S.S. Baghdad is here
bound down ~ We took
8 Tons of Coal; ~
At 10,,15 left Amara
fresh n.w. wind blowing;
I slept in the Cabin; The
mosquitoes troubled me very
much & could not Sleep;
24 Satur Therm @ 4.78 Noon 107 4 P.m. 108
1899 June
Modte N.W. & fine weather
Gave tickets to 58 Amara
passengers (3 in 2d Class
Selim Dowd Birjony
his mother & Sister) ;
Wind getting very hot, it is
the Saam I believe ~
At 10,,30 am landed 5
passengers at Ali Gherbi
took 2 & went on at 10,,40
[pg: 218]
At 3,,30 P.m. landed 5
passengers at Sheikh Saad
& went on ; Hot wind
& Therm went up to 108 ° ~
At 6,,10 passed the Ressafah
& Barge going up, both very
much loaded & going very
slow; ~
At 10 P.m. arrived at
Coot landed 16 passengers
(one in 1st Class Jemil Beg)
Took 2 Tons of Coal, and
landed some date branches
(900 Okes, 5000 sticks) for
Lynch's Press free of freight;
At 12 we left Coot,
Very light N.W. I could not
sleep from the noise on deck
& the Arabs coming to see
Yousif Hyeem the Jew whom
Capt Cowley has placed
near us on the after deck
[pg: 219]
25 Sund Therm @ 4 78 Noon 103 4 P.m. 110
1899 June
Light n.w. & fine weather
Gave tickets to 44 Coot
passengers; ~
At 7 am picked 5 1/2 Passeng
from Bughela from a Goffa
At 7,,40 passed Memlah
Detained at the bottom of
Um Sneyem from 11,,15 till
12 am in Shoal water;
Hot wind blowing; River
Keeps falling fast;
At 4,,45 P.m. passed
Azizieh village;
At 5,,5 passed the S.S.
Khalifah going down at
Raddat with an empty
Barge in tow ~ Strong
hot wind;
At 8 P.m. passed Baghdadieh
Very Calm weather, but it
has cooled down;
We touched at Dowar & went
on ~
[pg: 220]
Moderate N.W. Wind and
fine weather ~
26 Mond Therm @ 4 80
At 6. Am. passed Ctesiphon,
We took about 1/2 hour
this morning in Shoal water
at Bostan going from one
side to the other;
Wind getting fresh ;
At 8,40 passed Diala
river ~
At 10,,5 landed a Deckman
with letters at Gherrarah &
went on at 10,,10;
At 0,,45 P.m. landed the
mails at the Residency I
went up to the Custum House
no steamers are here, The
Police officers are treating the
passengers with much Severity
with regard to Passports,
they wont let any Goffa
approach the ship until
the passengers are examined
and make out as much
[pg: 221]
as they can from them taking
from one Keran & upward
& letting them off ~ I
went home saw Eliza,
she is well, I found two
letters for me from Blanche
widow of brother Alexander
from Constple & from
Alois Schweiger Vienna,
no news from Alexander,
Ibrahim Gejou called
on us, he is buying Antiques
& sending to Paris for sale!
Antone Marine & Père
Pièrre called in the evening
Light n.w. & fine weather
27’ Tuesd
1899 June
Light n.w. air & fine,
at 7 am called on Sister
Medula, Artin my
Nephew called there, his
business with at that
bitch of Tilkefly Servant
Zeky is not finished yet,
he is to be tryed on Thursday
again, & judgement will
[pg: 222]
then be given, his case has
caused great talk and
scandal in town & especially
among the Christians who
are all against him as
it is generally the case with
such brutes & only seek to
break one another's neck;
I came on board, we
are discharging Cargo;
At 10 went home ~ I
called on Sister Eliza at
4 P.m. ~
Light n.w. & fine cool
weather ~ Catherina Yaghchi
with her son Yousif & his
wife Louisa (my niece)
called on us & spent the evening
also Johnny my Nephew
they went away at 9 P.m.
28 Wedn. Therm @ 4,76
Light n.w. & fine cool
weather ~ at 7 am my
wife & I called on Antone
Marine & then on Mina
Abood, came home at
[pg: 223]
11 am. ~ I took a cold bath,
Eliza & Adoola my cousins
called on us ~ I went to
Sister Medula at 5 ~ at
6 1/2 Eliza & I called on the
Yaghchies on top of their
house & spent the evening
till 9 1/2 & came home,
The S.S. Ressafah & Barge
arrived at 7 1/2 P.m.;
Light n.w. & fine ~
29’ Thursd Therm @ 4,82
1899 June
Light n.w. & fine, but not
so cool; at 7 am I
called on Menusha
& saw there Sister Emilia
It being the holiday of
St. Peter & Paul, & so it is
that of brother Henry being
here the day before, Viz
28 June 1847; I came
on board at 8 1/2 we are
shipping cargo; at 11
I went to Lynch's Office
& got 70 £ from Mr. Bottomley
[pg: 224]
for Officers wages etc,
went home had breakfast
at 2 1/2 P.m. I came
on board ~
I wrote two letters to
Edward Blockey London,
& to Alois Schweiger
Vienna by today's Damascus
At 6 P.m. went home ~
Dr. Kazassian with Artin
my Nephew called on us;
Light N.W. & fine weather
30 Frid Therm 4,80
1899 July
Light N.W. & fine ~ At
6 1/2 am I came on board
& paid the Ship’s crew
their wages for this month;
Finsihed at 9, went on
shore I called on the
Eassayies, to see the son
of Nessoory Toma Khayat
called on Behjet who was
at school in Beyrout
[pg: 225]
where we saw him studying
medicines in May 1897,
he arrived here about a month
ago via Aleppo, for a Change
of climate as he is Consumptive
I also called on Shekoory,
Risha Andrea; came
home at 11; at 3 P.m. called
on Ibrahim Elias Gejou,
he is buying Antiques of
all Kinds to sell in Paris;
he will leave in about 2
months hence; I also
called on Sister Eliza, she
is in a Great way about
Artin's Affair, as tomorrow
there is going to be a tryal
& judgement given and
that bitch of Telkefli servant
Zekky would not give up
the claim she wont take
money but a large sum
she wants; as Abduljebbar
wanted to give her,
[pg: 226]
Anton Marine called in the
evening ~ Light N.W. &
fine cool weather;
1 Satur Therm 4.76
Light N.W. & fine cool
morning ~ At 7 am. I
called on Sister Medula
& then came on board;
The Ressafah is inside
At 11 went home to breakfast,
returned at 2 P.M. ~
Artin my nephew called
on board, he had been to the
Serai & his case tryed by
the Reys el Jeza & his two
members Abdulla Effendi
Farhat & Rashid Effendi
also the Moawen was
present & Abduljebbar
Artin's Lawyer; After
deliberation the Reys &
his two members they
acquitted Artin
[pg: 227]
& gave judgement in his
favor; ~
At 6 P.M. I went home,
I found Antone Marine, he
brought me an illustrated Paper
"The Sketch" where there is again
his photo, which was taken
by Coll Mockler & Alexander
my son had printed them,
also there is a bird eye view
of the town of Baghdad but
very badly taken; & it
speaks about Baghdad etc
I am sure that it is Alexander
who is giving these views &
report, to the editor of this
Paper & the latter is giving
him some thing in return ;
Light N.W. & fine
2d Sund Therm 4.73
1899 July
Modte N.W. wind, at
3 am. I came on board,
wind blowing fresh all
the night;
[pg: 228]
Baghdad to Basreh [2 JUL 1899 -- V049_18_S] (//)
Passeg | Okes | G.S. Piast | Draft |
121 1/2 | 101,378 | 15833 | [N/A] |
At 4,,15 Am. we got
underway & proceeded,
Ship is drawing 3,,5,
Modte N.W. breeze & nice
& Cool weather ~
At 6,,15 passed Diala,
At 7,,45 passed Ctesiphon,
Finished with the Passengers
tickets we have in all 92 1/2
(2 in 1st Class Naoomy
Loca and Abkar the son of
Artin Apikyan about 21
years old going to Basreh
to Jeboory Asfar to settle about
the Liquorice root which they
have been buying for him,
and one in 2d Class Yousif
son of Hannosh Tessy going
to Coot to buy wool)
[pg: 229]
At 1,,10 P.m. passed
Baghdadieh Fort;
At 1,,20 passed the S S.
Khalifah going up; I saw
Sedi wife of Jeboory Asfar
& her two children, also
Terooza wife of Nessoory
Andrea & children going
up to pass the summer in
At 3,,10 P.m. passed
Azizieh village~
Light N.W. & fine weather;
At 8,,30 P.m. passed the
S.S. Baghdad & Barge going
up at Memlah;~
At 8,,50 we anchored for
the night at Hamrayah;
3 Mond Th @ 4,,80
Light N.W. & fine weather
At 4 am. we proceeded
The river is getting low, but
we are light;
At 8,,20 arrived at Coot
landed 23 ½ Passengers
[pg: 230]
(one 2d C. Yousif Hannosh
Tessy) and 108 Packages,
I received Henry’s letter
& Papers;~ we shipped 200
Cases of Ghee of Shekoory
anchored Andrea through for Port
Said @ 4 ½ Paras per Oke
to Basreh; and at 11 we dropped
down to the Wool Press &
shipped 128 Bales of Wool
through for the S S. Goolestan
of G. Asfar & Co;
At 0,,35 P.M. left Coot
took 7 Passengers~
The Khalifah had 176,000
Okes & about 100 Passengers
the wife of Jeboory Asfar
& his two children & 4
servants & Medoola Sister
of Yousif John, also Terooza
wife of Nassoory Andrea
& her 4 children & a servant
all free; Only Medoola
[pg: 231]
paying deck passage;
At 7,,55 P.M. landed
3 passengers at Ali Gherbi
& took 9 & went on at
8,,10; Strong hot wind,
It blew very hot wind
I slept in the cabin, there is a fresh
breeze blowing & not so warm
4 Tuesd The @ 4,,78
Light N.W. & fine cool
morning, at 4,,20 am.
arrived at Amara,
landed 31 passengers and
46 Packages; there is no
wool pressed by Lynch’s
Press this time;
At 5,,45 left Amara
took 13 Passengers; (one
in 1st Class Abdul Mohsen
Beg son of Kassim Pasha Zheir)
At 9,30 stopped at
Nafikh near Abdulla ibn
Ali the place is getting
[pg: 232]
Shoal 2 ½ draaz, we
sent the Pilot to sound
At 11 proceeded easy;
At 1,,20 P.m. passed Azair
Light N.W. wind but misty
At 4,,20 landed a passenger
at Gorna booked for Basreh
& went on; weather
hazy, moisty & disagreeable,
At 6 we met the Barge
which the Khalifah in
towing her down this trip
had casted her off at
Nafikh to go down herself
& they were only able
to get down as far, being
empty & only 4 men in
her, we anchored & took
her in tow down to
Basreh, at 6,,35 proceeded
from Deir;~
At 9,,50 P.m. arrived
at Basreh ~ No steamers
[pg: 233]
are here; wind got up &
blew fresh during the night
5 Wedn Therm @ 4.80
[A49_234_12:163] [A49_234_13:164]
Very light N.W. breeze
& fine, but little hazy;
We discharged & landed,
The S.S. Shahristan for
Asfar & Co is up here~
At 10 Rufail came to me
& then at 11 we went up to
his house, saw Tukkyeh
his sister there, she has
given up her idea of going
to Baghdad, she says the
hot weather is nearly half
over & it not worth going
now etc, etc,
At 2 P.M. the S.S. Phrat
left for Baghdad with the
Barge she has been here
about one month undergoing
At 4 Rufail, Rezooki,
& Myself went up to Jeboory
Asfar; I spoke to him
[pg: 234]
about my money with him
1000 Liras it will be up
in the 9th Instant, and
he is going to renew the
bond for an other year
as usual @ 7% Interest;
he told me to send him
the old bond tomorrow
& he will send me the
Interest & the new bond
Naoom Loca & Abkar
Apikyan & Jemil son of
Elias Serkis etc are living
with him they all came
to settle & deliver their
Liquorice to him;
We left at 7 & went to
Rufails place & dined &
slept there, on the top of
the house, no breeze &
calm but not so warm
& disagreable;
[pg: 235]
6 Thursd
Light breeze or Calm
weather & warm, it
appears as if the Bareh
wind is dying away;
At 7 Am I came on
board; the mail Str.
Kilwa arrived last night
at about [strikeout] P.m.
at the Quarantine;
I sent my servant Hamadi to
G. Asfar who brought me the
70 TLiras also ½ Lira for the
stamps & the bond renewed
for an other year beginning
from 1st Rabi Awal or
9 July this month;
At 11 ½ the S. Shahristan
for Asfar & Co left, Ahmed
Pasha son of Kassim Zheir
& the Aide de Camp who
accompanied him left
in her for Constantinople
after his 3 months
leave allowed him
[pg: 236]
by the Turkish Government,
he had come down with
us on the 21 April;
At about 1 P.M. the weather
became very warm & calm
& a light breeze shifted to
the S. East, it then became
unbearable, the Ship was
burning hot, Lots of
people came on board
friends & others, it became
so suffocating & warm
the perspiration was so
much that I was wet
all through; what a change
of weather, it like a warm
bath;~ we received the
mails at 4 P.M;
[pg: 237]
Basreh to Baghdad [6 JUL 1899 -- V049_19_N] (//)
Passg | Okes | G.S.P. Local | Draft |
159 ½ | 193,309 | 20483 ½ | 4,,5 |
At 5,,15 P.M. we got
underway & proceeded,
it became worse, the
heat, light S. Est. and
Calm, impossible to
stop in the Cabin; It
was impossible to sleep in bed
from the suffocation, we
have 4 1st Class passengers
also sleeping up with us;
At 11,,50 landed 2 passengers
at Gorna & went on at 11,55
Weather still very calm
& the direction of the breeze
is N. Est & Est~
7th Frid
Birth day of my son Alexander
Very light S. Erly breeze &
warm~ At 4,,10 am
passed Azair; disgusting
weather swetting awfully,
Today being the birth
day of my son Alexander
born in 1878, he has
[pg: 238]
now finished his 21st year
& entered in his majority
he is still at large and
we do not know where
he is but most likely is
still in London, his foolish
behaviour toward us causes
great grief & sorrow,
& we do not know when
he is going to come to
his senses & return to
his father & mother;
I finished with the passengers
tickets we have in all 75 ½
(4 in 1st Class 2 young
Europeans one is called
Herbert Nathan a Jew
English merchant & coming
to try his luck in Baghdad
for a year, he belongs to
the house of Mr. Rickie
who was here last year
[pg: 239]
for a few months;~
The other one is a french
man belonging to the Persian
Imperial Bank coming
from Bushire & going
to Tabriz, the 2 others
are Turks the Moodai el
Umum, Izzet Effendi who
went down with us in
the [strikeout] beginning of last month,
& the other is the accountant
of the Public Debts called
Hussein Ferid & is
Messing with us)
At 8,,50 am we came
to the Shoal at Nafikh
only 3 draaz water, The
S.S. Phrat & Barge are here
she damaged her rudder
in backing & she is now
repairing it, ahead of
us. We took anchors
ahead & kept heaving over
close along the Eastern
bank; very warm
[pg: 240]
sultry & light S. Erly breeze
At 12 am the S.S. Ressafah
came down & anchored
up above & sent to sound;
We kept heaving over
Breeze shifted to westward,
At 2 P.M. we hove over
& proceeded passing the
Phrat & Ressafah both
at anchor;
At 2,,55 P.M. passed Kalat
Saleh; westerly breeze but
very hot & sultry;~
At 7,,35 P.M. arrived
at Amara landed 10
passengers, & 9 packages
& Date branches for Lynch’s
Wool Press; Light S. Erly
& warm weather;
We took no Coal, & shipped
7 Bales; they have had it
very warm here too~
At 8,,50 left Amara
[pg: 241]
Light S. Erly breeze &
very hot;~
At 9,,30 a Native Boat
laden with grain sailing
down to our Port Sides,
run us down striking the
Ship’s Kitchen on the Port
side & smashing the whole
wood work & bending
about 3 angle iron of the
frame in a fearful manner
our new 2nd mate Mr. Smart
& the Steerman Selman
(brother of Mahmood our
Pilot a stupid & ignorant
man who the Captain tolerate
for his brothers sake) were
on the Bridge at the time,
we anchored & our Boat
went with the Captain etc
to the Boat they found
she has had no damage
to herself but her Nacodah
& some of the Crew had
run away on seeing the
Boat coming to them
[pg: 242]
At 10,,5 we weighed
and proceeded;
Wind shifted to N. West
at about 9 P.M. & we felt
better a little, the wind
is not cool, but we are
glad to get it coming
against us, the moisture
& great heat disappeared
8 Satur Th @ 4,,86
Light N.W. & fine~
Weather not so refreshing
but there is great difference
in the atmosphere~
Gave tickets to 25 ½
Amara passengers~
At 8,,35 landed 6 Passengers
at Ali Gherbi & took 6
& went on at 8,,45;
Wind freshning up and
blowing hot;
At 2 P.M. landed 1
passenger below Sheikh
Saad, & then picked
[pg: 243]
4 passengers from the
Goffa at Sheikh Saad;
At 8,,50 P.M. arrived
at Coot landed 6 ½ Passeng.
and 3 Bales, took in 5 Tons
of Coal;~
At 11,,10 Proceeded form
Coot after having been
detained about ½ hour
just opposite the village
in finding out the Channel,
9 Sund
Modte N.W. & fine weather
Detained at Um el Ajaj;
from 4,,45 am till 5
in shoal water~
Gave tickets to 47 ½ Coot
Passengers; (one in 2nd
Class Yousif Hannosh Tessey
who came down with us
this voyage to buy wool
at Coot)
Detained at Mehdi in
finding Channel from
[pg: 244]
6,,30 till 7 am~
At 8,,0 passed Memlah,
wind got up blowing Strong
N.W. & dusty in the afternoon
and hot wind;
At 5 P.M. passed
Azizieh;~ Detained at
Sened in Shoal water ½
hour ~ Light N.W. and
fine weather;
At 8,,50 P.M. passed
Baghdadieh Fort;
detained 10 minutes near the
Fort & went on; Strong
N.W. wind, I could not Sleep
on the upper deck from
the Strong wind & went into
my Cabin at 11 ½;
Mond 10
Medool widow of Tanton Kasperkhan died on 2nd July ~
At 1,,30 am we had
to anchor at Nahar
Shehail (Bottom of Ledge)
[pg: 245]
the place here has got bad
& shoal, the Khalifah
is aground further up;
Sand banks in the middle
of the river~ at 5 am
sent to sound, found no
water 2 & 2 ½ draaz,
At 6 we weighed and
Steamed up to west bank
just below the Khalifah
she is on the East Bank
at Ledge; we went alongside
the bank and commenced
discharging Cargo~
received a letter from
Henry he says that they
arrived here yesterday at
10 am & found no water
except the one in midstream
between two islands
where there are only 2 ¼
draaz (3 feet 4) we are
drawing 4 feet 5~
the Khalifah has only
[pg: 246]
about 76000 Okes they
worked but could not get
over; Henry tells me
that Medool wife of
Tanton Kasperkhan &
sister of Hannosh Asfar
died on Sunday night
the 2nd Instt from her illness
having had the dropsy &
inflamed Liver, she had
turned quite black,
she is about 75 years old
her two sons Gabriel &
Rafail & four daughters
unmarried survive~
Some of our passengers crossed
over & went to Baghdad
also a Tilkefli Tindal
of the S. Shushan & Capt
Cowley sent letters with,
I am sorry, I did not send
one to Eliza;~
[pg: 247]
We discharged Cargo the whole
day on the bank & lightned
the ship to 3,,6;~ The SS.
Khalifah after having
discharged in her boat to
the west bank, at 6 P.M.
She steamed down and
rubbed over the shoal &
came down alright,
she went alongside the
bank astern of us to take
in her cargo;~
Our two European Passengers
Mr. Nathan & Mr. Lecoffre
started to Baghdad they
engaged two horses from
the Benî Ajil tribe and
crossed them over both
horses for 3 Mejidies and
they then crossed over at
6 ½ P.M. to go on all the
night; I sent a letter
with Mr. Lecoffre to
[pg: 248]
my wife, he is going to
put up in the Hotel of
Stifan Awannessian;
Henry came to see me
for ½ hour, also Omar
Sherif Effendi the Bimbashy
of the Sennyeh at Amara
going down in the Khalifah,
we remained alongside
the bank until tomorrow
Light N.W. breeze & very
Cool night, I slept in my
Cabin & found it very nice
& cool, the breeze being on my
side ~
11 Tuesd Th @ 4,,75
1899 July
Light N.W. breeze and
fine cool weather~
The Khalifah left at
about 4 am after shipping
her Cargo~
We sent to Sound the
Channel & found it
[pg: 249]
getting better & deeper,
the strong current running
down between the two
sand banks is carrying
away the sand; we took
in few packages from the
bank; At 6 ¼ we steamed
up toward the Shoal
after having marked it;
We worked over with the
Engines & got over the
Shoal at 7 ¼ am~
Wind increasing and
blowing fresh;
At 2,,20 P.M. the S Baghdad
and Barge came down and
anchored up, she sent to
sound & at 4,,15 she
came & passed through
the Channel without
sticking over 3 draaz, it
is getting better now,
An empty boat came
down & we wanted her
to bring us the cargo from
the Other ride, they
[pg: 250]
60 Beshlics for two trips,
and when we greed to
pay them that sum they
changed mind and asked
80 & then went away
by sunset we had & only
got on board about
450 packages out of
1112 landed; our men
kept bringing the Cargo
in the Launch all the night,
it takes about 2 hours to
bring one boat load,
12 Wedn, Therm. @ 4.78, Noon 102, 4 P.M. 108
1899 July
Very light N.W. Air, but
not so cool as yesterday,
I could not sleep well in
the Cabin last night ~
At 6 AM a Sakka on his
donkey came from Baghdad
with a letter from Mr. Bottomley
for Capt Cowley; he asks
him to send all the
[pg: 251]
papers & manifests so as
to get ready every thing
for us to discharge etc;
I wrote a letter to my wife
also & the Sakka started
at 6 1/2; he had left Baghdad
yesterday at 2 P.M.
& slept the night on the
way; ~
We have about 300 Packges
to bring yet to the Ship;
At 1,,30 P.M. the S.S.
Phrat arrived from Basreh
she made fast alongside
the bank below where
our Cargo is landed
and Sent to sound,
Today is a hot day with
modte- hot breeze;
At 2,,45 the Phrat
Steamed & passed up
close along side of us
there are now 3 & 3 1/2
draaz of Water;
[pg: 252]
It became very hot in the
afternoon, the wind died
away, the Cabin is like
a furnace; a light
S. Westerly breeze & very hot
at 6 P.M.~ We are
still getting the Cargo from
the Other side about a
mile distant by our Launch
towed up by a rope made
fast to the Ship and
worked by the Steam winch,
At 8 1/4 P.M. we got the last
Boat load of cargo from
the bank; very light-
air & warm; ~
At 8,,35 P.M. We
Got underway & proceeded
from Ledje~ Weather
warm with light N.W. breeze
[pg: 253]
At 12 P.M. we grounded
at Semreh reach the
current being very strong &
narrow & the ship turned
broad side on, Took out
an anchor right ahead
& remained for the night
without heaving on, so
see perhaps the current
might shift her position,
The S.S. Phrat is aground
just ahead of us
13 Thursd, Therm. @ 4.81
1899 July
Light N.W. & fine, We
Kept heaving but she
wont move, the current
running under her
bottom very strong,
The Phrat left at
6 & steamed up~
At 9 P.M. we hove off
and proceeded, wind freshning
At 10,,30 passed
Ctesiphon; fresh dusty
[pg: 254]
and hot wind;~
At 12 we came up to
the S.S. Phrat aground &
sounding at Jaffer,
we touched & backed
and then went on at 0,,45
At 1,,25 P.M. passed
Diala river;
At 2,,34 passed Gherrarah
after opening the Bridge
for us~
At 4,,50 P.M. landed
the mails at the Residency
& steamed up to the Custum
House; no steamers are
here; the Police detained
communication prevented
people from coming on
board for 1/2 hour until
they overhauled the
passengers for their Passports
[pg: 255]
I went home saw Eliza,
also Catterina Yaghchi was
there; they have had it
very hot here too last week,
Pere Pièrre called on us;
On our arrival here
we saw all the flagstaffs
of the foreign Consulates
half mast; they say
that the brother of the
Emperor Nicholas of
Russia Grand Duke Georges
died on Monday last;
At 9 P.M. the S.S. Phrat &
Barge arrived ~ Artin my
Nephew also called & left
at 8 P.M.
Light N.W. & fine weather
I have a very bad tooth
ache since 4 days &
now it is worse & cannot
sleep at all; ~
[pg: 256]
14’ Frid
Light N.W. & fine weather
at 7 AM I called on Sister
[strikethrough] Medoola & then
came on board; We
are not discharging in
the Barge; I sent money
to the Office & went on Shore,
at 10 called on Menusha
& on the Tanton’s family
to Condole then on the death
of their Mother Medool
who died on the 2d Instt;
I went home;~ I took
a bathe cold water, & at
3 P.M. called on Sédi
the wife of Jeboory Asfar
who came up in the Khalifah
last time, they are living
in the house of Naoom
Serkis close to my house,
I then called on Antone
[pg: 257]
Marine, saw his wife &
children; I also called
on my sister Eliza &
came home at 6 1/2 P.M.
Light N.W. & fine cool
15’ Satur, Therm. @ 4.76
1899 July
Light N.W. & fine cool
morning, it was very nice
& cool last night, &
had to cover myself;
At 7 AM. came all board,
We are discharging
cargo, & will leave
tomorrow morning,
I went to breakfast &
came back at 12 1/2 on
the way I met Yousif Korkis;
he said to me that his
brother Rezooky sends
him a letter from My
son Alexander, & it is
in his office; I sent
[pg: 258]
for it & got it, it is an
Arabic letter written
to his mother, he puts
no place where it is written
from nor date, he
complains to us of our
misbehaviour to him
& he is very angry why I
accused him to the Austrian
Consulate in Paris,
he says he is in America
& he is making his livelihood
& gaining about 500
Beshlic per month, &
he hopes of seeing us
one day; etc etc, he
has received 200 frcs
from Rezooki Korkis which
his mother sent him;
in Jany this year~
[pg: 259]
At 6 P.M. I went home
took the letter of Alexander &
read it to Eliza;~
Calm & warm weather;
16 Sund, Therm. @ 4.78, Noon 100, 4 P.M. 110
Light N.W. & fine;
It got Cool during the night
At 4 AM. I came on
Baghdad to Basreh [16 JUL 1899 --- V049_20_S] (//)
1899 July
Passg | Okes | G. S. Piast | Draft |
133 | 87,213 | 15,088 1/4 | 3,,5 |
At 4,,30 AM. we got
under way & proceeded,
ship is light we have only
66,500 Okes of cargo; ~
At 6,,45 passed
Diala river;
At 8 passed Ctesiphon
Finished with the passengers
tickets, we have 106,
(one in 1st Class the Reys
of the Sennyeh Mahomed
Rafik Beg going back
to his place at Amara
[pg: 260]
Also 4 free (3 Tilkeflies
by Captain order) ~
At 9,,50 landed a Jew
Eliahoo Somekh at Safy
where he has Liquorice root
& went on; we passed
our grounding place at
Ledge at 11 without grounding
but just rubbed a little;
At 1,,40 P.M. passed
Baghdadieh Fort ~
Modte N.W. breeze but hot;
At 3,,50 P.M. passed
Azizieh Village, Very hot
day,~ It cooled a little
down toward evening.
At 9,,10 P.M. anchored
at Menlah~
17th Mond, Therm @ 4.79, Noon 107, 4 P.M. 110
1899 July
Very light N.W. breeze; ~
At 4 AM proceeded from
The S.S. Ressafah and
Barge passed up at 2 am;
[pg: 261]
At 4,,30 We grounded
opposite Bughela took an
anchor out & hove off,
At 5,,30 proceeded~
Very light air from N.W.
and some clouds on the East
At 8,,40 passed the
Khalifah at Umel Boonny
going up;
Weather changing for
the worst, the breeze is
shifting to N.Est & Est,
sultry & hot;
At 10 AM arrived at
Coot landed 20 1/2 Passengs
& 41 Packages shipped
200 Cases of Ghee for
Port Said land 22 Bales
of Wool from the Press,
they are little wool
this year for Shipment,
[pg: 262]
and the produce is
not half of last year,
The Press of Eassayi
is also working in
opposition to Lynch's,
they are reducing the
charges, it was 6 Beshlic
per Bales, Eassayi made
it 5~
I received Henry's letter
and my papers the St.
Khalifah had 122,400
Okes Cargo & about 100
passengers, Michail
Yaghchi went up in her;
At 11,,55 left Coot and
12 grounded below the
village worked with anchors
in heaving;~
We took 22 Passengers
from Coot (2 in 1st Class
Khorshid Effendi the
[pg: 263]
Kaimakam of Hai
to Basreh, and Zeky Effendi
Engineer of the Senyeh to
At 1,,30 got off and
proceeded; Very warm day
Breeze turned to N.W.
At 5,,40 landed 2 passengs
at Sheikh Saad (the son of
Hassan el Jendel & his man)
Went on at 5,,45;
It became Very Calm &
warm by sunset, a very
light breeze from N.Est;
At 6,,50 P.M. We rounded
& came to for the night at
above Seyd Abbass; a
broad daylight yet;
Pilot went to sound Seyd
Abbass~ Weather rather
warm & a light Erly
breeze, the Great heat,
it appears approaching
[pg: 264]
18 Tuesd, Therm @ 4.80, Noon 104, 4 P.M. 111
Light Erly breeze and
Sultry weather; Clouds
on the Est & South~
At 4,,30 AM proceeded
from Seyd Abbass;~
At 6,,15 passed Ali
Gherbi; ~At 10 passed Ali
At 2,,20 P.M. arrived at
Amara landed 55 Packages
& 33 passengers (2 of the 1st
Class)~ We shipped
88 Bales of wool from
the Press, No body is
pressing at Lynch’s, they
have have gone to Eassay’s,
Press here as they have
also lowered the charge;
A hot N.W. Wind is
At 4,,30 P.M. left Amara
took 5 passengers~
[pg: 265]
wind died away and
became very calm and
misty with some clouds
on the southern parts;
At 7,,40 anchored above
Kalat Saleh~
Light N.W. air & fine,
19th Wedn, Therm @ 4.82
1899 July
Light N.W. air & clouds
on the East & South;
At 4,,20 AM proceeded,
& 15 anchored at Nafikh
& sounded, there are 3 draaz
We steamed on & grounded
took out a stern anchor
& hove off,~ At 6,,35 got
off and proceeded~
Detained about 10 minutes
above and at the Elbow~
At 9,,5 passed Azair,
A fine thick dust came
on & the whole sky is covered
no sun can be seen
At 12 passed Gorna
[pg: 266]
The dates here have just
commenced to become
At 4,,15 P.M. passed
the SS. Baghdad & Barge
going up~
At 4,,30 arrived at
Basreh; There is only one
steamer in Quarantine of
the Bombay & Persian Gulf,
S. N. Copy, the Mahomed's
coming from Jedda
with some Pilgrims~
The Mail boat will be
here tomorrow~
Rufail & Rezooki came
to me, I was going with
them, but when I saw
they had a Christian friend
of Rezooki Angoorly
with them invited
[pg: 267]
their place, I did not
go & so they went away,
Jeboory Asfar called on
me on his way up in
his Bellem for 1/2 hour;
There is a light N.W. breeze
but not refreshing, the
dust is settling down;
We coaled ship and
discharged cargo; ~
The heat remains at 100˚
in my cabin at 7 P.M;
20 Thursd, Therm @ 4.86
1899 July
Light N.W. & clouds on
the East; The night was
not cool & refreshing;
We are loading Cargo,
Weather again getting dusty,
& warm wind;
We finished cargo by 5 P.M.
No sign of the mail steamer,
Rufail & Rezooki came
to me & remained till
[pg: 268]
sunset; we have very few
passengers; but the Ship
got crowded with the
Christian Young people
coming to see Naoom
Loca & Abkar Apikyan
going up with us;~
The dust is so thick that
we cannot see the bank
& the heat is intense; I
cannot stay in the Cabin
We are awaiting the
arrival of the mailboat;
Weather very hazy and
No sign of the mail
steamer so we are to
leave without it;
[pg: 269]
Basreh to Baghdad [20 JUL 1899 --- V049_21_N] (//)
Passg | Okes | G. S. Piast | Draft |
148 | 152138 | 14013 3/4 | 4,,2 |
At 9,,5 P.M. we got under
way & proceeded~
Modte N.W. Wind and
dust disappearing;
We are loaded down
to 4,,2 Inches; Wind
increased at night;
21 Frid, Therm. @ 4.86
1899 July
At 3,,30 AM landed
3 passengers at Gorna,
& went on~
Fresh N.W. Wind
but not cool; some Clouds
again on the East;
At 7,,50 passed Azair
Finished with the Passengers
We have only 69 1/2 (3 are
in 1st Class, Naoom
Loca & Abkar son of
Artin Apikyan in one
double Cabin, and
[pg: 270]
Mr. Mayle Clerke of
Muir Tweedi & Co with
a free Return passage
by M. Richards the
Acting Agent of Lynch
Brothers; and Artin
son of Naoom Hanna
Andrea in 2d Class)
At 11,15 detained at
Aboo Roba Shoal water
& could not pass, had
to take anchors out &
heave over; Fresh
N.W. Wind;
At 3 P.M. we got over
by heaving up and proceeded
At 5,,45 landed one
passenger at Kalat Saleh
Light N.W. & fine
At 10,,35 P.M. arrived
at Amara, landed 8 1/2
passengers & 18 Bales
[pg: 271]
through & Local Cargo~
We took 5 Tons of Coal;
22 Satur Therm @ 4.85 Noon 108 4 P.M 110
Fresh N.W. wind & fine
At 0.10 AM. left Amara
I had not slept yet from
the noise & strong wind
had to come down to my
At 6.15 A.M. passed Ali
Gave tickets to 42 ½ Passeng
from Amara (one in
1st Class Cabin Nejib Beg
a Young person who had
married the daughter of Mostapha
Pasha late motserrif of
Amara last year);
Wind got up & blowing
At 11,, 40 AM. landed
6 1/2 passengers at Ali Gherbi
took one & went on at
11,,45~ Strong hot wind
[pg: 272]
At 1,, 15 P.M. we anchored
on account of strong wind
& clouds of dust came;
we furled all awnings~
At 2,, 35 Proceeded,
wind blowing strong & hot;
At 4.15 anchored at
Seyd Abbass & sent to sound,
The S.S. Baghdad upward
bound & some Boats are
here aground ahead;
Wind falling; at 6 ¼
we steamed up to the shoal
there are 3 draaz, the Baghdad
is aground on our right
side; a Boat loaded
with Liquorice root has
sunk close to the West
bank, her people have
left her, & the Arabs are
taking away the liquorice
[pg: 273]
to their Camp for fuel
to burn;~ we took
out an Anchor ahead,
hove on & took an other one,
The Baghdad got off and
proceeded at 9;
At 9,, 15 we got over and
proceeded & passed the Str.
Light N.W. & fine cool
23 Sund Therm @ 4.87
Light N.W. breeze and
fine weather; we had
3 passengers for Sheikh
Saad, but they landed
at Seyd Abbass yesterday
while we were aground;
At 6,,35 AM. anchored
below Coot reach and
sent to sound; ~ Found
no water enough, marked
the place & took anchors
out & hove, two Boats
[pg: 274]
also aground here, they
say at Coot is also bad
there are 2 draaz & they
had to discharge their
Liquorice Bales; we
are again laden too
deep having nearly
200 Tons of cargo and
drawing 4 feet 2;
Wind blowing strong N.W.
& get hot;
they worked on heaving
all the time over the shade,
At 1,,15 P.M. got over
and proceeded to Coot,
when we arrived at 1,,20
landed 9 ½ passengers
The S.S. Phrat is up above
coming down & has sent
to sound opposite Coot,
I saw Shekoory Sayegh
here, he came in the
[pg: 275]
Phrat about 3 hours
ago, he has been sent down
to overhaul a Boat loaded
with Sugar for Berk
Puttman & having got
damaged, they have paid
him 6 Liras for his trouble
he says that Semrah
reach is bad they were
30 hours aground there
having left Baghdad
on Thursday morning,
We took no coal;
sounded opposite Coot,
the place is bad, we
left at 2,, 30 & steamed
on to the Shoal and
touched; took anchors
ahead & hove on, two anchors
were taken on the Starboard
& Port & kept taking
them further ahead &
hove she went up,
[pg: 276]
gradually & slow;~
The islands have appeared
& the water is dispersed
among so many of them
At 8,,30 we hove over and
had hardly steamed up
passed the Islands to the
opposite side when we
again touched a Shoal and
could not pass, took an
anchor ahead & hove and
by 10 P.M. they knocked
off and all went to Sleep;
The Baghdad came up
to the shoal below Coot
24 Mond Therm @ 4.82
Light N.W. breeze and
fine with some clouds on
the East; At 4 ½ AM they
begun to work , she floated
& rounded & again struck,
the steering chain broke
aft, the block parted,
they repaired it~
[pg: 277]
The S.S. Phrat is still up
above us;~
At 7. AM we finished &
proceeded from opposite
Coot; wind freshening
up, no awnings for the
passengers since three days
most of them below;
We took 35 ½ Passengers
from Coot, (one in 1st Class
Haje Selman H. Dowd)
Very strong wind, hot &
dusty blowing;
At 0,,15 P.M. met the
S.S. Khalifah coming
down at top of Um el
Ajaj reach, stopped and
sent our through specie
to her to give it to the
Mail steamer;
sent Henry letter and
papers; he wrote to me
to say they have about
6200 Okes & 80 passeng
[pg: 278]
none in Cabins, they left
yesterday morning &
grounded only at Semreh
about 3 hours~
We went on at 0,, 25
P.M. Very strong wind &
At 2,, 10 P.M. Stopped & picked
on board a passenger at
Mehdi coming from Coot
on horse back; very strong
wind & dust flying; it
begun to fall a little
at 4 P.M.;
Detained 10 minutes in Shoal
water at Bughela;
At 4,, 10 passed Memlah
Detained at Sheresh 10 minutes
in shoal water;
Wind died away & a light
N.W. breeze~
[pg: 279]
25 Tuesd Therm @ 4.83 Noon 4 P.M.
At 0,,25 AM passed
Azizieh~ at 1 AM touched
at Raddat, sent to sound
and at about 2,, 30 we
went on~ Light N.W.
breeze & fine~
At 5,, 5 AM. passed
Baghdadieh Port;~
A Mahomedan woman
passenger, yet confined on
board last night of a
son, near the door of
my Cabin; I was asleep
on the upper deck~
At 10, passed the Shoal
at Ledje where we were
detained last voyage,
lost 5 minutes on rubbing
over three draaz water,
Wind not so strong
today, we spred the
awnings, ~
At 1 P.M. we arrived
at Seyafyeh opposite
[pg: 280]
Semreh reach, where
the Shoal place is, we
went alongside the high
West bank and sent to
sound; Pilot found a Channel
on the East bank along
the shoal sand bank of
Semreh of 2 ¾ & 3 draaz
& marked it; we dropped
down & steamed on to it
at 3 ½; They kept working,
in taking out anchors ahead
and heaving over, she
moved up very slow,
and they took & shifted
anchors until 9 P.M. and
knocked off, & went to Sleep;
I remained to Sleep in my
Cabin; thinking we were
going to get off & proceed
The breez only coming
[pg: 281]
through my wind(?) it being
on the Port side, so that
I got very little of it, and
felt it very warm and
could not sleep, I
swetted much;
26 Wedn Therm @ 4.78
Light N.W. & cool morning
at 5 AM they begun to
heave & she got over~
At 6 we proceeded form
At 6,, 45 passed Ctesiphon
At 8 passed the S.S. Ressafah
& Barge going down at
Zumbaranyeh Island;
At 9,, 20 passed Diala
river; ~
At 10,, 30 I landed at
Gherrarah & walked to
town; the weather not being
so hot at the beginning,
but it became so at
11 & heat from the
[pg: 282]
ground was great, there
is a modte winds and
clouds of dust coming
against me in the road,
I took rest & washed my
fase on the way home,
I arrived home at 12
saw Eliza she is well,
no letters at all for me
The Mejidieh arrived
at 1 P.M.;~ Antone Marine,
Shekoory Andrea, Johny,
& Artin called on us in
the evening~
Light N.W. & fine,
I took a cold bath;
Thurs 27
Light N.W. & fine weather
at 7 AM called on Sister
Medula & then came
on board;
[pg: 283]
The Mejidieh is discharging
cargo~ at 10 I went on
shore, called on Monseigneur
Altmayer but he is unwell
& could not be seen. I saw
Père Augustin, he told me
that the banker of Monsgr.
Altmayer in Paris has
received the 300 frcs from
the Austrian Consul which
I had sent through the
German Consul here to
get Alexander my son
sent from Paris to Baghdad
& he has got the money
here which he will send
me this amount to day,
I called on my Sister Eliza
for an hour & came home
Hot weather but windy
At 3 P.M. called on Antone
Marine at the Residency
[pg: 284]
for a letter which he asked
me to write for him to the
Jesuite father Chekho
at the university of Beyrouth
as a recommendation
for his son Gabriel who
is now in that College
studying~ I went to
Lynch’s Office but Mr.
Bottomley had not come
yet & so I came on board,
we are shipping &
discharging cargo;
At 6 I went home~
Pere Augustin sent me the
300 frcs in Mejidies 70 ¼
which Monsgr. Altmayer
got from Paris~
The Damascus Post
arrived, I only received
[pg: 285]
a letter from Schweiger
& one form the Handelsmuseum
Light air & rather
28 Frid
Light Northerly air
& warm~
The SS. Baghdad arrived
at about 2 AM;
At 7 I came on board,
and left at 9 called on
Menusha for one hour
& then went to Lynch’s Office
for some pounds from
Mr. Bottomley; I left
at 10 ½, called on
the Assyrian Bishop
Aghnatius & on Catherina
Yaghchi & Louisa my
niece~ at 11 ½
I called on Père Pièrre
the Superior father and
paid him the balance
[pg: 286]
of my debt to him on
account of my son
Alexander to whom
he had advanced
against my will frcs 1,350
I had paid him before 40
TLiras @ 23 Frcs = 920 &
now I gave him 19 Liras
equal to 437 for total 1357
I took from all the
receipts of Alexander
6 in number~
It became very warm
today, No wind & hot;
Sister Medula called at
3 P.M., I called on Antone
Marine at 5 & came
home, Calm & sultry
warm weather~
all the night was warm
[pg: 287]
29’ Satur
Light air & Sultry warm,
a light Easterly breeze
came on at 5 ½;~
At 7 I came on board;
we are discharging and
shipping cargo; It is
very calm & warm weather
we are not taking more
than 89 tons cargo or
about 65000 Okes;
At 11 went home & came
back at 2 P.M. the Custum
of the hot weather;
House is closed from 12
till 2 P.M. on account
of the hot weather;
We finished at 5 P.M. and
hauled off, having 85,000
Okes Cargo on board;
At 6 I went home;
Artin my Nephew called
for an hour;
Light N.W. & rather
warm at night;
[pg: 288]
Light N.W. air, it was warm
all the night;
30 Sund Th@ 4.80
At 4 AM I came on
Baghdad to Basreh [30 JUL 1899 --- V049_22_S] (//)
Passg | Okes | G.S. Piast | Draft |
133 | 111,040 | 18655 ½ | 3,,6 |
At 4,,25 AM we proceeded
Light N.W. & fine;
At 6 passed through the
Bridge of Gherrarah~
At 6,,35 passed Diala
At 8 passed Ctesiphon,
At 8,,30 anchored to sound
at Seyafyeh; at 9,,35
proceeded over the shoal, we
touched & worked her with
the Engines & went on
at 10,,15, the Steamer
is light, drawing 3,,6 Inches,
[pg: 289]
Light N.W. wind~
At 3,, 20 P.M. passed
Baghdadieh Fort, we
steamed between the west
bank & the wreck of the
Dijleh Steamer, her
Iron Paddle box frame
& casing on the Boiler
are out of the water;
We have in all 150 ½
passengers (5 in 1st Class,
Mr.Mayle of the Persian
Gulf Trading returning free,
Haroon Gareh & his
wife,Abdulrezack son
of Sleman Zheir coming
from Constple and a
Nejidy woman the daughter
of Assafy; & 2 in 2nd
Class the mother & Sister
of Dowd Birjony to
Amara & his brother
Selim on Lower Deck)
[pg: 290]
Detained 15 minutes above
Azizieh in shoal water;
At 5,,55 P.M. passed
the S.S. Khalifah going up
just at Azizieh village,
At 8,,10 we anchored
for the night at the top of
Shedeif reach~ Light
N.W. breeze~
31 Mond Therm @ 4.86 Noon 109 4 P.M. 118
Erly wind & clouds are
spreading on the East and
South; Today is the first
of the Bahoora heat,
At 4,,15 AM. proceeded
At 6 grounded at Deboony
sounded & took an anchor
out astern & hove off;
wind freshening up from
the East & blowing strong,
we took anchor ahead
& got her in deep water
[pg: 291]
and the Chain could not reach
the ship had to send a rope &
worked in picking the Stern
At 10,,15 we proceeded
from Deboony; Hot wind
blowing it is 108˚~
At 11,,45 passed Memlah,
hot wind & very disagreable
Wind coming as hot as a
furnace, the Therm went up
to 118˚ on the quarter deck
under double awnings
at 3 ½ P.M. it is so scorching
the wind coming from
the hot desert;~
At 5 P.M. anchored above
Coot & sent to sound, between
two sand banks above
the village found 3 ½ &
4 Draaz weighed
& steamed through it
but on emerging out
[pg: 292]
to the East bank, she touched
& went against the bank
& her Stern inside, took
out an anchor astern
& hove her out; at 6
got off & proceeded &
At 6,,00 anchored along
Side at Coot, landed
46 ½ passengers and
53 packages; I received
Henry’s letter 7 my Papers,
The Khalifah had shipped only
99,000 Okes of cargo, and
had few passengers about
80; ~ Shekoory Sayegh
is still here he came to
me, saying that he had not
yet finished with the Boat
load of Asfar’s Sugar
which some had turned
out damaged, he is going
up with us ~
[pg: 293]
We shipped only 66 Bales
of wool from the Press,
out of 120 there are ready,
We remained for the night,
Very light N. Erly breeze,
but the night was not so
1st Tuesd Therm@ 4.83 Noon 107
1899 Augst
Light N. Erly breeze &
Clouds on the East and
coming over Northward,
sent to sound of below
Coot, at 5,,15 am we
proceeded, touched the Shoal
and got off; Gave tickets
to 14 Coot passengers
Breeze shifted to S. Erly
& became very hot & unpleasant,
At 11,,20 anchored to
sound at Seyd Abbass
& left at 0,,5 P.M.
At 2,,15 P.M. sent the
Boat at Ali Gherbi to
get the Certifyed Paper
[pg: 294]
from Khdeir & his brother
Jebara, about the Boat
which run into us last
two voyages, took 4 passengers
and went on at 2,,20;
It became very hot, the
breeze fell & a light S. Erly
breeze, every thing is as hot
as fire in my Cabin, the
Therm. was 108 at sunset
in my Cabin; ~
At 9.50 P.M. arrived at
Amara landed 44 Passeng
and 47 packages; Shipped
only 133 Bales of wool
out of 233 ready pressed,
Took 3 Tons of Coal,
Weather warm I could
not sleep, the air being
very light S. Estly and
not refreshing at all,
[pg: 295]
2 Wedn Therm@ 4.78
1899 Augst
Very light air from N. Est,
At 4,,30 AM. we left
Amara, It became very
Calm & oppressive, Breeze
from East sprung up,
Took 4 ½ passengers from
Amara ; A light S.
Erly breeze set in but
At 8,,35 anchored at
Nafikh & sent to sound, found
2 ½ draaz; at 9,,10 we
proceeded, but grounded
in the Channel, across the
river; Took an anchor
hove over into deep water
At 10,,10 proceeded ~
Breeze shifted to North West
at 11 ½ but is very hot &
At 0,,50 P.M. landed
5 Passengers at Azair (2
with R. Ticket from Coot)
went on at 0,,55 P.M.
[pg: 296]
At 4 P.M. landed a
passenger at Gorna
(booked for Basreh) ~
Very hot the ship is
burning, & the heat so
moist, the N.W. air
being behind us;
At 6,,30 P.M. passed
the SS. Phrat & Barge going
up at top of Kteban reach,
Breeze Northerly, but the
ship is boiling hot, it is
impossible to stay in
the Cabin for a minute;
thick Clouds on the
Eastern horizon;
At 8,,15 arrived
at Basreh, Light South
Erly breeze, It has been
very hot here too they
say, but today was
[pg: 297]
worse; I sent Rufail’s
letter & Kit to him, and
I remained on board, a
light S. Erly breeze and
very unpleasant & dampy
weather ~
3 Thursd Therm@ 4.86 Noon 106 4 P.M. 112
1899 Augst
1899 Augst
Very light S. Erly, dampy
& warm, clouds are
covering the sky ~
at 5 ½ A.M. I went to see
Rufail in his Belem sent
for me I had tea there,
I saw Tookyeh & her
husband, Yousif Marine
& Rezooki etc;
I received from Rufail
the interest on my money
due on the 6 of R. Thani
(about 11 August) it is 75 TL.
Rufail would not pay it
to me until it is due &
as I shall be away, I
forfeited 5 TL. in order
to pay it to me now,
[pg: 298]
he paid me the 75 Liras but
I returned to him 5 &
Kept 70 only ~ at 7
I came back to the Ship
with Rezooki Sayegh;
The S.S. Goolistan for
Asfar & the S.S. Julia Park
for G. Mackenzie are here
in Quarantine; we are
going to tow a Barge up
laden with Cargo;
Very hot & oppressive
Breeze dropping down to a
dead calm & shifting to
North & N.W. but very
warm & oppressive; ~
The Mail Str Pemba has
passed Fao at 8 am;
We are lightning the
Barge which we are to
tow down to 2 feet 6 Inches
we shipped also cargo
[pg: 299]
& loaded her down to 3,,8
Cowley is in a great funk
about towing the Barge
in this low season;
Rezooki Sayegh & Rezooki
Angoorly came to me,
The heat is most intense,
at 5 P.M. the Mail Str
Pemba arrived to quarantine
we sent for the mails,
& are preparing ropes
& Gears to tow the Barge,
Very light air from
N.W. & S. Est & calm;
a most unpleasant &
warm weather, the
worst I have seen yet
We received the mail at
7 ½ P.M. ~
[pg: 300]
Basreh to Baghdad [3 AUG 1899 --- V049_23_N] (//) With Barge in tow (//)
Passeg | Okes | G. S. P. Local | Draft / Barge |
118 ½ | 165,040 | 12,372 ¼ | 3,7 / 2,,6 |
At 8,,30 we hove up &
proceeded, Light S. Wly
breeze; the Barge is
drawing 2,,6, & the Steamer
3,,7 ~ we are going Slow
Light S.W. & warm,
it became cooler later at
4 Frid Therm@ 4.84
1899 Augst
Light N.W. & clouds
again came on on the East,
At 4,,30 am passed
Gorna ~
We have altogether only
35 passengers ( one in
1st Class Meneshi Mathalon
a Jew & is messing at the
table with us, & one are 2d
Class, Rezooki son of Yousif
[pg: 301]
Naman a clerk at Berk
Very light N.W. breeze and
getting very hot,
At 9,,50 took the 2 Return
Jews from Azair for
Coot & went on at 9,,55,
up till 3 P.M. we arrived
to the Elbow, 5 hours from
Azair we have been going
very slow, although the
Engines going full power
but the speed is slow
on account of the narrow=
ness of the river and
both Steamer & Barge
are sucking in the water,
Detained 45 minutes in going
round the Elbow;
It took us from 4 to 6 P.M.
to get to Aboo Roba, going
slow & the river being so
narrow for both Steamer
& Barge; The heat
[pg: 302]
is most intense, no air
at all & so warm, the
perspiration running
down profiously ~
At 7 P.M. we anchored
just above Aboo Roba
Tomb; Very Calm and
as warm as a hot bath;
I found myself up till midnight
when it became a little
dryier ~
5 Satur Therm@ 4.81 Noon 109 4 P.M.
1899 Augst
Very calm Sultry and
Cloudy most disagreable
At 4,,30 AM we proceeded
from Aboo Roba; going
easy & stopping it etc
At 7 we passed over the
Shoal of Nafikh without
grounding; our Pilot
Mahmood has not been
on the water since we
[pg: 303]
left Basreh, he has sore
mouth & Capt Cowley has
been on the Bridge nearly
the whole time;
Very light S. Erly & warm
At 8,,15 AM landed 3
passengers at Kalat Saleh
& went on at 8,,20;
At 9 Breeze shifted to
N. Wester light & gradually
it became more bearable
I could enter my cabin;
& write for a some time;
At 2,,40 P.M. arrived
at Amara landed 7 Passengs
and 18 packges (8 Bales
through Cargo; ~ Very
hot as fire; a great crowd
rushed on board and
many passengers; we
took in 10 Tons of Coal,
At 4,,30 P.M. left Amara
still very hot, scorching
[pg: 304]
Gave tickets to 71 ½
Amara passengers (one
in 1st Class the Reis Sennyeh
Mahd Rafik Bey and his
family are on Deck 9 ½
Light N.W. but not refreshing
it became a little cooler
later at night;
6 Sund Therm@ 4.86
Very light air from N.W.
and thick clouds all
over the East & South parts,
no sun to be seen, the
weather is warm & Sultry,
At 6,,35 AM. landed
7 passengers at Ali Gherbi
and went on at 6,,40;
Very warm calm cloudy
sultry weather; A S. Erly
breeze sprung up at 7 &
came very hot ~
I paid the Ship’s Company
[pg: 305]
their wages for this month,
the S. Westerly wind
increased & blew very
hot, everything was as
hot as fire; The Thermr.
went up to 110˚ at 10 AM,
at 4 PM. Wind died away
& became very calm or
rather a N.W. breeze but
still very hot; Thermr.
at 7 was 106˚ in my
At 7,,50 P.M. we anchored
for the night at Gardyeh
(two reaches below Coot)
Very light N.W. air and
a little Cooler; a light
N.W. breeze but not cool,
7 Mond Therm@ 4,96 Noon 114 4P.M. 116
1899 Augst
1899 Augst
A modte N.W. wind
is blowing but warm,
Cloudy all over
At 4,,15 AM. We
[pg: 306]
proceeded, wind blowing
fresh, the temperature
is warm 96˚ before
sunrise, clouds are
scattered all over ~
At 6,,40 AM arrived at
Cool, landed 12 passengers
and 11 Bales Through
Cargo; Took in 10 Tons of
Coal; ~
At 9,,15 left Coot, Took
12 Passengers ~ N.W. wind
but it is blowing warm
though there is great difference
than the former days,
I can stay in the Cabin
& work; I think the
Bahoora heat of one
weeks’ duration. ~
Clouds are vanishing away
but the sky is sultry and
unsettled ~ Shekoory
[pg: 307]
Sayegh is still here he
is awaiting the empty boat
coming down to ship the
Sugar of Asfar; ~
At 11,,35 passed the SS.
Baghdad & Barge going down,
At 0 5 P.M. We came
to the shoal place at
Um el Boonni, sounded,
we then grounded, took an
anchor out & hove off
at 1,,5 proceeded; Very
hot wind like fire;
everything is very hot in
my cabin; but a modte
N.W. Wind is blowing,
At 6 ½ P.M. We saw the
Phrat ahead of us at
Mehdi; she must have
been grounded at Umel Boony,
At 7,,30 We passed the,
Phrat & Barge going up at
Hamrayah ~
Modte N.W. Wind
[pg: 308]
and fine weather ~
Modte N.W. & fine cool
weather ~
8 Tuesd Therm@ 4.82 Noo. 101 4 P.M. 104
1899 Augs
At 0,,30 AM. anchored
for the night at Deboony
shoal place before us;
The Phrat came up at
day break also anchored
& sent to sound; we also
sent to sound; the S.S.
Khalifah is at anchor
farther up the reach
bound down, she has left
Baghdad on Sunday;
Very nice & cool weather,
No clouds at all to be seen;
The Bahoora was out
yesterday the water was
very cool this morning
like iced water ~
At 6 we steamed on to the
shoal, less than 2 ½ draaz
[pg: 309]
we stuck, worked the Engines,
Took out an anchor ahead
& hove over, We are close
alongside the West bank
opposite Deboony; The
Phrat also steamed up
astern of us made fast
& begun to discharge some
cargo in her Launch &
taken up above, The
Khalifah is still up
at anchor about one
Mile above us; ~
I sent Henry’s letter and
Manifests (as Cowley had
told me that he was going
to stop with the Khalifah to
take a Steersman to sound
in place of Mahmood our
Pilot) Henry sent me
a letter, he says that
they have 77,000 Okes and
have been aground in
many places, they have
233 passengers, (Mrs.
[pg: 310]
Cooper (who is in Basreh in
the Persian Tobacco régie
and is to remain there per-
manently) is going down
with 3 children to join her
husband ~
At 8,,10 We got over the
place and went on;
Passed the Khalifah at 8 ½
She will have to await until
the Phrat gets over the shoal
as the place is very narrow
between islands;
The air is pure & Cool
today ~
At 3,,45 P.M. passed
Azizieh Village ~
At 8,,30 passed the
Fort of Baghdadieh;
Light N.W. S fine cool
weather; Detained about
10 minutes at Swera in
[pg: 311]
shoal water
9 Wednes Therm@ 4.81 Noon 94 4 P.M.
1899 Augst
At 2,,10 AM. touched
the shoal at Oweyn &
then dropped anchor
for the night;
At 4,,15 proceeded,
Light N.W. S fine Weather,
Detained at Steh
(Semreh reach below it) from
8 ½ till 9 ½ in Shoal
water ~
At 0,,15 P.M. passed
Ctesiphon ~ Detained at
Jaffer from 2,,45 till 4 P.M.
in shoal water in
finding the channel,
again detained at Aboo hmar
further up from 4,,5 till
4,,30 ~
At 5,,5 P.M. passed Diala
river ~ At 6,30 We
[pg: 312]
passed through the Bridge
of Gherrarah, Capt Cowley
sent to ask me if I was
going to land, but as,
the time is late & being
just sunset, I did not
like to do it, for the sake
of gaining an hour and
getting dark ;
Wind fell & became,
Very calm but fine
At 9,,45 P.M. landed the
Mails at the Residency
I landed in a Goffa also &
went home, saw Eliza
on top of the house, she
is well, they have had it
very hot here too this last
week, it was the Bahoora
I could not sleep at
all & lost my sleep
[pg: 313]
A very light N.W. breeze,
10’ Thursd
Light N.W. fine, at
sunrise while still in bed,
the Post man came & brought
me two letters, one from the
Schweiger Vienna and
the other from Rezooki
Metchich London enclosed
a letter from Alexander
from New York dated the
6 of July written to me
& to his mother, he has
received my letter of the 8
of June sent though Rezooki
Metchich, he is well
& assuring us of soon coming
to see us etc etc;
I came on board at 8 AM
sent money to the office
& went on shore at 9 ½
called on Menusha & then
came home found Sister
Medula there; I have
[pg: 314]
had an awful pain on
my spine I have been
strained while washing
so bad it is that I cannot
walk but with great
difficulty have used every
thing, & all the friction to
no use; at 3 P.M. I
came on board, we are
shipping cargo, I wrote
a short letter to my
son Alexander just told
him about the receipt of
his letter & to hasten to
come back quick as
we are both ill & wish
to see him etc, I also
wrote a short letter to
Rezooki Metchich & enclosed
Alexander's letter in
it to be sent to New
York to him & sent
[pg: 315]
it by today's post of
Damascus; At 5 P.M.
I went home but could
hardly walk from the
pain on the spine, I laid
up & need other frictions
as Apodeldoe etc. but
the pain is as bad as ever
Johny & Artin my nephews
called on us till 8 P.M.
I feel relieved from the
pain while I am lying
down, & so I could sleep
11' Frid Therm @ 4.84
Light N. W. air & fine
I could not walk to come
on board, so I sent Hamady
my Servant to give the
Cargo Book & B of Ladings
to Metty to write out
the Cargo; I used friction
of different things,
[pg: 316]
I went over at 10 to Sister
Medula, & obtained from
Grzesiki some other sort
of friction & came home,
I took a warm bath;
but did not feel better,
Antone Marine called in
the evening ~
Light n. W. & fine but
warm ~
The SS. Phrat arrived
today at 9 1/4 am;
12 Satur Therm @ 4.83 Noon 110 4 P.M. 108
Very light N.W. air & fine
at 7 am I came on board
We are discharging and
loading and are taking
down the Barge one of
the two that are now
here;~ My pain on the back
is still the same as before
I cannot walk or rise
up, been rubbing it with
[pg: 317]
some thing like Opodeldoe,
We are shipping about 600
Bales of wool in the steamer
& Barge; at 11 1/2 I went
home to breakfast;
Eliahoo Dennoos and
Antoine Giulietti called;
I feel the pain of my back
a little better~
At 2 P.M. came on
board & we shipped wool
614 Bales in both Steamer
& Barge; Finished at 5 P.M
& hauled out; ~ Very hot
weather today~
At 6 I went home ~ Light
N.W. breeze but hot;
Antone Marine called for
half hour,~ Light N.W.
& fine~
[pg: 318]
13 Sund Therm @ 4.82 Noon 104 4 P.M. 113
Light N.W. & fine~ at
4 1/2 am I came on board
the Mejidieh~
Baghdad to Basreh [13 AUG 1899 ---- V049_24_S] (//) Barge in tow (//)
Passg | Okes | G. S. Piast | Draft |
130 | 135,818 | 17577 3/4 | 3,,4 |
At 4.45 Am we got under=
way, taking a Barge down
the one that was in Baghdad
with some Bales of wool in
her;~ At 7,,25 passed
Diala river~ At 8,, We
grounded at Jaffer took out
an anchor astern & hove
off; At 8,,30 proceeded;
At 9,,35 passed Ctesiphon;
We have altogether
Passengers; none are in
the cabins ~
At 10,,5 grounded at
Joorf el Batta, took an
[pg: 319]
anchor out ahead & hove
The pain on my back is
still troubling me, it does not
go away, I am rubbing it
& put a flannel on~
Took more anchors out
& hove; At 1,,30 P.M. we
got off & dropped down along
the East bank & turned round
and steamed down,
At 1,,45 anchored to sound
at Seyafyeh;
Very hot N.W. wind is
blowing;~ In getting
underway we grounded,
hove off & proceeded at
3,,40 P.M.~
At 4,,45 grounded
at Steh (below Semreh
reach); Took an anchor
out astern & hove off;~
At 5,,20 proceeded,
Light N.W. wind & fine,
[pg: 320]
At 7,,10 we anchored
at Ledje for the night,
Very light N.W. breeze,
14 Mond Therm @ 4.84 Noon 109 4 P.M.
Light N.W. & fine weather,
At daybreak sent to sound
the Channel at Ledje, It
is good with sufficient water
At 5,,5 proceeded and
grounded, took an anchor
ahead & hove her off and
then kept dropping down
by her stern along Ledje
reach as far as Oweyn
& then turned round and
went on at 6,,20~
I took a dose of Castor
Oil this morning, being
very billious, & perhaps
it may do me good for
my pain in the back
which is still on, but
[pg: 321]
not so much as before;
At 9,,50 passed Baghdadieh
Fort; Modte N.W. Wind
becoming hot; Detained
below Baghdadieh from 10
till 10,,15 in shoal water,
Wind blowing strong &
At 0,,45 P.M. passed
Azizieh;~ At 4,,30 anchored
at Um Sneyem & Sounded,
At 5,,10 proceeded on ~
At 5,,50 came to at
Deboony near the West bank
to sound the Channel,
The SS. Ressafah & Barge
bound up aground further
down in the Channel
close along the West bank
& has landed her passengers
just where we grounded
last trip up & the Khalifah
was here~
[pg: 322]
We sounded & remained
for the night~
Modte & cool N.W. wind
all througout the night;
15 Tuesd Therm @ 4.84 Noon 101 4 P.M. 108
Modte N.W. & fine;
At 3 AM the Ressafah
passed up~
At daybreak we cast the
Barge & sent her down to
pass the narrow channel
she only draws 1 foot,
At 5 1/2 Am we steamed
down & passed the channel
then anchored & made the
Barge fast & left at 6;
At 8 passed Memlah,
At 9,,30 came to at Mehdi
the SS. Khalifah is down
below aground & heaving;
We sent to sound, I sent
a letter to Henry with
our Pilot; & he writes
[pg: 323]
to me to say that they had
left Basreh on Friday evening
with 112,000 Okes & 100
passengers; Seyd Talub
Effendi (now Pasha) the son
of Seyd Rejeb the Nakib on
board going to Constanple
taking with him Haji
Eassa their Clerk, and
the Khalifah is flying the
Turkish flag for him,
also Mr. Mayle going
back for the benefit of
his health; the Khalifah
was aground at Um el
Boonni & had to discharge
Wind blowing Very strong
At 11,,20 the Khalifah
got off & steamed on passed
us, I saw Shekoory
Sayegh on [strikethrough] board
[pg: 324]
returning from Coot ;
a Mahaylah laden with
Bales of Liquorice is aground
in the Channel, & the strong
wind washing against
her nearly sinking her
We sent our Launch to
assist her~
At 0,,5 P.M. We proceeded
through the shoal place
without touching;
Detained at Algaya, waiting
for 2 Boats to pass up
the narrow passage between
the Island & the East bank
from 3,,10 to 3,,45;
At 4,,20 anchored to sound
at the bottom of Um el
Boonny reach; while
heaving up the stern anchor
to proceed it broke off
& we passed the bad
place & anchored &
[pg: 325]
sent to fish it;
At 6,,55 P.M we proceeded
from Um el Boonny after
getting our anchor fished
& brought on board~
Light N.W. & fine cool
At 8,,15 we anchored for
the night above Coot Village,
very fine and Cool weather
at night~
16 Wedn. Therm @ 4.79
Light N.W. & fine cool
weather; Early in the morning,
We sent the Barge down
to Coot; and at 4,,35 am
we proceeded to pass between
two islands but grounded,
Took an anchor ahead &
hover her round up stream,
At 7,,15 got off & steamed
down through the same
upper Channel & came
to alongside at Coot
[pg: 326]
Custum House at 8,,40
Landed 25 passengers
and 19 Packages;~
Our Barge was sent down
last night to opposite
our Coal & Wool Press
Depot & shipped 122 Bales
of Wool;~ I received
Henry's letter & my
At 8,,45 we finished and
dropped down below Coot
to await for the Barge to
come down to us;
It was 10,,20 when we
left after making fast the
Barge alongside the steamer,
Fresh N.W. wind,
Took 20 1/2 Passengers from
Coot (1 in 1st Class a Bim-
Bashy Ismaîl Beg to
[pg: 327]
At 3,,45 P.M. passed
Sheikh Saad; A detachment
of Turkish Troops encamped
here on account of some
disturbance between
Ghadban Sheikh of the
Beni Laam & the Jendeels
At 5 P.M. we rounded
& anchored at Messamlak
reach, & sent to sound,
Pilot returned at 6, there are
3 & 3 1/2 draaz;
At 6,,15 proceeded;
At 6,,40 came to for the
night above Seyd Abbass
Light N.W. & fine cool
weather, moon 10 day old,
The pain on my back is
much better, there is very
little pain left, I am rubbing
it with the Cajaput Oil
twice a day; but feel
still billious~
[pg: 328]
17 Thursd Therm @ 4.75 Noon 96 4 P.M. 99
Light N.W. wind and
very fine and cool weather,
I could not sleep up on top
of the house, on account of
the noise the passengers
are making, & being too
cool, I came down to my
cabin at 11, & found it very
cool, a very pleasant weather
Sent the Pilot to sound
at 4 AM~
At 5 we proceeded,
At 7,,30 passed Ali Gherbi
At 5,,50 P.M arrived
at Amara landed 32 1/2
Passengers & 45 Packages
Light N.W. & fine Weather,
We shipped in the Mejidieh
167 Bales of wool from
the Wool Press, and took
in 6 Tons of Coal, and
remained here for the night,
[pg: 329]
Capt Cowley intends going
to Basreh in two days from
Light N.W. & fine cool
18 Frid Therm @ 4,78
Light N.W. breeze &
fine cool weather~
At 4,,10 Am. left Amara
gave tickets to 15 1/2 Passengers,
At 8,,30 passed Kalat
Saleh; at 8,,45 dropped anchor
in a bend & left at 9~
At 9,,20 anchored at
Nafikh & sent to sound
the Channel some 4 or 5
Boats are down there in
the Channel; sent our
Launch & cleared one Boat
stuck in the Channel;
At 12 steamed down
to it there are 3 & 3 1/2 draaz,
but we touched & swung
round, the Channel is
intricate; hove her stern
up river, and at 1,,50 P.M.
[pg: 330]
proceeded~ Strong wind
is blowing~
The pain on my back is much
better today it is nearly gone;
At 3,,5 P.M. stopped at
Aboo Roba, a narrow passage
in the bite; we dropped down
through it & went on at 4;
Passed through the Elbow
bite in dropping down with
the Barge & succeeded very
At 5,,20 anchored
alongside the bank above
Ghumeyjeh shoal 2 1/2 &
3 draaz, about 10 Boats
laden bound up are here
alongside the bank and
the SS. Baghdad & Barge
are coming up; she
stopped waiting for us to
pass, but we remained
& she stopped also; &
[pg: 331]
so neither of us passed first,
We at last made fast
alongside the East bank,
& so it became late after
sunset; At 7,,10 the SS.
Baghdad & Barge came up
& steamed passed us; we
remained at Anchor for
the night; Very Light
N.W. breeze & fine cool
19 Saturd Therm @ 4.70
Artin Apikyan died on 16th~ (see 24th)
Light N.W. breeze & very
cool weather; it blew
a fresh breeze during the
night, it became very cool
up on top of the house,
that I just felt it cold & could
not keep myself warm
with the cotton blanket,
At 5 am we dropped
down the shoal at
Ghumeyjeh, lots of
water here, but we
[pg: 332]
dropped an anchor astern
& kept dragging & stopping,
& picking up the anchor;
At 6,,10 proceeded from
Ghumeyjeh; at 6,,30 again
dropped anchor round the
reach; We awaited our
boat to come with the anchor
and at 7,,10 proceeded;
At 8,,5 passed Azair
wind getting up Strong,
a Cloud of dust rising
high & coming over
envelopped all the sky like
an overcast weather;
At 11,50 landed a passenger
at Gorna, Sent a telegram
to Lynch informing of passing
Gorna at noon~ at
12 went on;
At 5,,30 P.M. arrived
at Basreh;~ The SS. Brookside
for Gray Mackenzie is up
[pg: 333]
here & the Mail S. Kilwa
in quarantine waiting for
us to take the mail and
start, also the SS. Arabistan
is in quarantine arrived
yesterday, Tom Tartt the
Chief Engineer of the Khalifah
who was in London on a
six month leave (but
he is more than 8 or 9
months away) came out
in her;~ Rezooki Sayegh
& Nassoory Andria & Rezooki
Angoorly came to me,
They tell me that Artin
Apikyan died in Baghdad
suddenly yesterday, it must
be from appopletic attack,
he was subject to that &
being very fat &; with a
short neck; he is about
60 or 61 years old;
[pg: 334]
our Barges are all loaded
& we are also going to
tow a Barge up;
I went with Rezooki Sayegh
& Nessoory Andria up
to Rufail's house, (calling
on my way to Jeboory Asfar
for few minutes, he is
going up with us) I
Saw Yousif Marine there,
we dined & slept there,
a fresh N.W. wind blowing
all the night, I slept below
in the Verandah~
20 Sund Therm @ 4.73 Noon 91 4 P.M. 96
1899 Augst
Draft 2,,6
Barge 181,644
Modte N.W. & fine cool
morning, at 7 am I
came on board;
I had written two letters for
Schweiger Vienna & for
Rezooki Metchich London,
dated 19th, in which I enclosed
a letter for Alexander
[pg: 335]
dated 18th ; but Metchich
letter I could not send
as I wanted to enclose
for him 2 Shillings Postal
order for Stamps he is
putting on Alexanders letters
to America; & the Post
office is closed, so I gave
it to Rezooki Sayegh to
send it by next week’s
At 8 ½ AM the SS. Brookside
left for London; ~ It
blew fresh with some fine
dust but the day was
cool throughout ;
We shipped some cargo
from the Barges & got
the Barge alongside to
be towed up; ~ Very
Light N.W. air but not warm,
Yousif Marine, Rufail,
Rezooki & the Angoorlies
& many others came
[pg: 336]
onboard to see Jeboory Asfar
going up with us, ~
We took them up in tow
to Rufail’s house;
Basreh to Baghdad [20 AUG 1899 --- V049_25_N] (//) Barge in tow, (//)
Passg | Okes | G. S. P. Local | Draft |
186 | 69,027 | 8810 ½ | 3,,6 |
At 6,,50 P.M. We got
underway taking a
Barge loaded with Cargo,
Ship drawing 3,,6, &
the Barge 2,,6 ~ Light
N.W. & fine cool night; we
have only Jeboory Asfar in
1st Class with his servant
return free passage ;
Light N.W. breeze & very
Cool night ~
21 Mond Therm@ 4.69 Noon 90 4 P.M. 98
1899 Augst
At 3 AM. landed 4 ½
passengers at Gorna and
went on at 3,,5 ~
[pg: 337]
At 8, AM. passed Azair
Finished with the passengers
tickets ;
We have in all 69 Passengs
(only Mr. G. Asfar in 1st Class
Return free passage)
We passed Ghumeyjeh
without sticking at 10 AM
but have been going easy
& slow & rubbing over,
till 3 ½ P.M. when we got
to below the Elbow, where
about 7 Boats were coming
down & had to wait till 5 ½
until they dropped down
passed us, we then went
on but so slow we were
advancing that, we were
scarcely moving up
stream; ~
Very light N.W. breeze or
rather calm; At 6 ½ we
passed round the Elbow but
with difficulty and very
[pg: 338]
Slow, no place to move round
and so shoal, but we
had the Barge always along
side of the steamer; ~ Very
Calm & warm, no air at
all; ~
At 6,,55 We anchored
above the Elbow; Very calm
& warm weather, moisty
also, a great change came
on comparing yesterday’s
weather; The air is from
the S. West; but the night was
cool ~
22 Tuesd Therm@ 4.74
1899 Augst
Very light air from S.W.
but cool ~
At 4,,25 AM we proceeded
going very slow, it took us from
4,,25 till 6,,25 to get to the
mud fort of Aboo Roba about
1000 yards distance ~
as soon as we passed the
fort & gardens at Aboo Roba
[pg: 339]
and got into good water
We anchored alongside the
bank & remained without
any purpose; The S.S.
Phrat appears up in the
distance about 2 miles
away bound down, She
is not moving probably
waiting for us to pass
the turnings;
At 8,30 the SS. Phrat & Barge
came & passed down;
At 8,,40 We proceeded;
At 11 detained at Nafikh
in shoal water Boats are
In the Channel, sounded
& steamed over ~
At 0,,15 P.M. proceeded
At 1.50 P.M. landed four
passengers at Kalat Saleh
& went on at 1.55;
Weather became warm &
the breeze shifted from S.W.
to S. East, very light &
not refreshing ~
[pg: 340]
At 7,45 P.M. arrived
at Amara landed 23
passengers & 10 Bales
of P. Goods; we took 19
Tons of Coal & 2 Bales;
The Khalifah passed Coot
today at 11 AM. so I
am living the letters here,
At 9,55 P.M. left Amara
Light S.W. breeze but
cool night;
[strikethrough: Gave tickets to 67 Amara]
23 Wedn Therm@ 4.77
Light N.W. S fine cool
At 5 AM passed Ali Sherghi,
Gave tickets to 67 Amara
passengers, we have also
besides 15 men of the wool
Press of Lynch free (2 in
2nd Class Georgis Moorad
& Rezooki the Blacksmith)
[pg: 341]
they have finished with the
wool pressing for this year,
At 8,,50 just as we
touched the shoal above
Flefleh the Khalifah came
down & passed us; We
got inside a blind bank
along the Eastern bank,
& kept working in trying to
cross over it until 10,30
when we got clear of it
and proceeded ~ Strong
wind & not cool;
At 1 P.M. landed 11
passengers at Ali Gherbi
and took 6 & went on at
1,,5 ~
At 8,,30 P.M. passed
Sheikh Saad; ~ Light
N.W. S fine weather ;
24 Thurs Therm@ 4.78
1899 Augst
Artin Apikyan died on 16 Augt,
1899 Augst
Light N.W. breeze &
fine ~
At 5,,10 AM arrived
at Coot, landed 19 passeng
[pg: 342]
and 9 Bales of Through
Cargo; Took in 10 Tons
of Coal brought up to
us near the Custum House,
I received a letter here from
Henry, the Khalifah had
66,000 Okes & 140 passengers
Meneshi Mathalon in
1st Class only; Henry says
that Artin Apikyan
died on Wednesday the
16’ Instt very suddenly
while he was in his office
writing at his desk and
fell at once & died;
We finished coaling at 7 ½
and cast off & had to drop
down to the end of the village
so as to go up between
two Islands a new Channel
being formed there ~
At 8,,5 steamed
[pg: 343]
up passing Coot;
Gave tickets to 44 Coot
passengers ~ also besides
these we took all the
workmen of Lynch’s wool
Press 11 persons (10
Tilkeflies & Vartan whom
we put in a 1st Class Cabin
all free)
Detained at Aboo Dukar
in shoal water from 9.45
till 10,,30 ~
Detained 10 m. in shoal water
at above Bughela
At 8 P.M. passed Memlah,
Light N.W. breeze & cool
At 11 anchored at
Deboony & sent to sound
found only 2 ½ draaz along
the west bank (Same
place as last Voyage)
We remained at anchor
[pg: 344]
for the night;
25 Frid Therm@ 4.76
Modte N.W. & fine cool
morning ~ at 4 AM
steamed up to the shoal &
grounded, took out anchors
ahead & hove, cast the
Barge astern as the Channel
is narrow close along
the west bank;
At 9,30 got over & proceeded
after taking the Barge &
made her fast alongside;
At 1,20 P.M. passed
the SS. Ressafah & Barge
bound down at Shedeif
Detained ½ hour below
Azizieh the forward bit
of the Barge carried away
as she touched the shoal,
At 6,20 P.M. passed
Azizieh ~ And after
5 minutes grounded
[pg: 345]
At 6,,35 went on
Very Light N.W. and
fine weather;
At 11,30 passed Baghdadieh
Fort; went easy in passing
between the wreck of the
Dijleh & the West bank;
26 Satur Therm@ 4.74
1899 Augst
Louisa daughter of brother Henry delivered a son yesterday to be
Modte N.W. & fine cool
weather ~ Passed Ledje
at 6 ½ AM went easy
over the shoals;
At 8,,20 passed Bostan;
At 0,,15 P.M. passed Ctesiphon
At 3,,30 P.M. passed
Diala river;
At 5,,10 I landed at Gherrarah
& walked in to Baghdad
Jeboory Asfar also landed
with me & many other
passengers; at 6 ½ arrived
at home; found my wife
well; No letters arrived
for the last two Posts
[pg: 346]
The Mejidieh arrived at
8 ½ P.M. ; Very fine
& cool weather;
27’ Sund
Called Rufail Henry; was Christened on 3 Setr died 6 Septr
Modte N.W. & fine weather,
at 8 am went to church
with my wife; I called
on Yaghchi; as Louisa
daughter of brother Henry
& wife of Yousif Yaghchi
has been confined of a
son, Yesterday at 2 P.M.
I saw her & Catterina, the
child is doing very well
he is a big boy & healthy,
I called on Jeboory Asfar
the Assyrian Bishop,
Sister Medula and
Henry’s wife & came
home at 11 ½ ~
We are leaving on
Tuesday morning
[pg: 347]
I was going on board to
work but as there was
no cargo shipped, although
Lynch’s Office was
open from 9 till noon,
I called on Sister Eliza
at 2 P.M. & then at 4
called on Mr. Richarz
but he was asleep, I
called on Moseigneur
Altmayer but was not
at home; ~ I came home
& had a bathe; many
people called on us;
Light N.W. & fine,
Johny & Artin called
in the evening~
28’ Mond Therm@ 4.78
1899 Augs
Draft of Barge 1,,9
Light N.W. breeze &
fine cool weather
At 7 am I came on board,
we are discharging and
[pg: 348]
loading; ~
I heard that an Order
Again came from Constple
from the minister of marine
to the Governor of Basreh
to stop the towing of
Barges by our Steamers,
it has been telegraphed
here, also Mr. Bottomley
told me of it that it is
here; I went to the Office
for some pounds sterling,
and came home at 11 ½
to breakfast; at 1 P.M.
I came on board;
We shipped a great deal
of cargo in the steamer
& Barge & worked hard
till after sunset; at 7
I went home; ~ Light air
from N.W. & fine pleasant
weather ~
[pg: 349]
29’ Tuesd Therm@ 4.78
Light N.W. air & cool,
At 4 AM I came on
board ~
Baghdad to Basreh [29 AUG 1899 --- V049_26_S] (//) Barge in tow (//)
1899 Augst
Passg | Okes | G. S. Piast | Draft / Draft of Barge |
190 | 150,772 | 27,395 ¼ | 3,,5 / 1,9 |
At 5 AM. got underway
and proceeded ~ Light N.W.
& fine weather ~
At 7,55 passed Diala
We heave the Barge in
tow, We have loaded her.
with cargo; We dropped
anchor at Diala to
turn round the bite as
it is narrow & shoal
& left at 8,,10;
At 10,,5 passed Ctesiphon,
Detained in shoal water
at Seyafyeh from 10,,45 till
11,15 ~
Finished with the Passengers
[pg: 350]
tickets We have altogether
151 (4 in 1st Class, The
Nadir of the Baghdad Custum
House, H. Hassan Beg
also Debono the man of
Hotz. & Co in the Liquorice work
& his brother in law Solon
Calothi going to Basreh
to work in the dates for Hotz,
also Nejib Beg the Clerk
in the Sennyeh to Amara
and Mr. Nicola Calothi
the father of Solon in 2nd
Class; The Nadir has a
free return passage and
messing too & eats with
us at the table;) We
also 7 men free by
Lynch & Capt Cowley;
At 4,35 P.M. the
ship touched a Shoal at
below Shaebyeh (Dawar
[pg: 351]
reach) the steering chain
of the Steamer broke, We
made fast alongside the
East bank & repaired
the bracket which was,
carried away ~
At 5,,45 proceeded ;
Very light N.W. but cool
At 7,,10 We rounded
& came to above Baghdadieh
Fort; Light N.W. breeze
& cool night; ~
30 Wedn Therm@ 4.73
1899 Augst
Light N.W. air & fine cool
morning; At 5 AM We
proceeded, at 5,,15 passed
Baghdadieh Fort
At 8,,10 passed Azizieh
At 8,,30 grounded below
Azizieh ~ Took an Anchor
out astern & hove off, ~
At 9,,50 Proceeded;
At 11,,10 passed the SS.
Khalifah & Barge in
[pg: 352]
tow going up at Sherhan
below Humenyeh;
At 2,,35 P.M. anchored
at Deboony & sent to Sound,
at 4,,10 proceeded having
found an other channel
in the middle of the river
between two Islands;
At 6,,35 P.M. passed
Memlah; ~
At 7 grounded just above
Bughela Village, hove off
into deep water & remained
for the night; Modte N.W.
wind & fine, I slept in my
cabin, as it is nice & cool
& having a bad cold in my
head since this morning,
31 Thursd Therm@ 4.78
1899 Septr
“ “
Light N.W. & fine cool
weather ~
at 5,,30 AM. proceeded
At 8,45 grounded at
Um el Ajaj close to the West
bank a very narrow
[pg: 353]
passage, took out an
anchor ahead & hove her
head up stream & dropped
through her stern;
At 9,20 the SS. Phrat &
Barge arrived up & anchored;
she then sounded & went
on outside of us through
a fine broad river, while
we are still dropping down
through a very narrow
place; At 10,,50 we got
through & proceeded ~
Strong N.W. wind &
at 12 stopped at Um
el Boonni & sounded ; at
1,30 P.M. proceeded; ~
At 3,20 P.M. arrived at
Coot, passed through a good
Channel below the Islands
between sand banks,
Landed 22 passengers &
21 Packages; We went
Alongside the bank below
[pg: 354]
the village near our Depôt,
I received a letter from
Henry he has left all
the papers & manifests at
Amara thinking of meeting
us below Coot, the
Khalifah had only 184,000
Okes in steamer & Barge
(125,000 in the Barge & with
2 feet 3 Inches draft only)
At 4,45 We left Coot,
took 15 Passengers; after
5 minutes we grounded
below Coot; hove
off with a stern anchor
At 6,5 proceeded ~
At 7,,10 anchored for the
night; Very light air and
not so cool;
1st Frid Therm@ 4.76 Noon 103 4 P.M.
Light Erly breeze & fine
at 4,,45 Am proceeded,
At 9,15 passed Sheikh Saad,
The Soldiers are still in encamped
[pg: 355]
here, on account of the quarrel
between different tribes of
arabs the Jendil and
Megassis etc;
At 10,40 anchored at
Seyd Abbass & sounded,
Boats in the channel ~
At 11,35 proceeded ~ warm
weather; & disagreeable,
Wind shifted to a fresh
N.W. & blowing hot;
At 2,,15 P.M. passed
Ali Gherbi;
At 7,10 P.M. passed
Ali Sherghi; Modte N.W.
breeze & fine weather;
2d Satur Therm@ 5.76 Noon 102 4 P.M. 112
At 1 Am arrived at Amara
landed 44 Passengers (one
in 1st Class Nejib Beg) & 92
packages; Shipped 152
Bales of Pressed Wool (6
Bales from Eassay’s Press)
I slept in my cabin but felt
it warm till midnight
[pg: 356]
then it got cooler, but I did
not sleep well from the
noise at Amara;~ I
received Henry's letter &
my news papers etc~
At 4,,40 AM we left
Amara, Very light N. Ely
breeze & not pleasant at
all; Took 24 Passengers,
Weather getting calm &
At 10 grounded at Nafikh
& took a stern anchor
out, the place is so in and
out & narrow blind sand
banks & Boats alongside,
It became very calm &
Sultry warm day;~
At 12 got off & proceeded
from Nafikh;
From 1,,45 P.M. till 2,,30 were
detained in passing the
Elbow etc~ and from 2,,30
to 4 P.M it took get to
Ghumeyjeh, thence
[pg: 357]
we went on alright;
Breeze very light N.W. &
awfully hot;
At 4,,55 P.M. passed
Azair; After sunset it became
very calm & warm, it
is 103˚ in my cabin;
Swetting very much;
At 8,,30 landed one Passenger
at Gorna & went on,
Very warm & calm weather,
At 10 met the SS.
Rusafah & Barge going
up and a steam Launch
in which the Agent of the
Turkish steamers Hassan
Effendi came off to us to
see the Nadir of the Custum
House, we towed her for
about an hour & then they
went away:
3 Sund Therm @ 5,84
At 3,,15 AM we arrived
at Basreh, weather very
unpleasant, there is a
light N.W. breeze but
[pg: 358]
it is not refreshing;~
There are many steamers
the "Arabistan", Westburn
for Kassim Khdery to load
Barley as well as the “Norge
and the "Pollonce" for
him too, the latter is in
quarantine yet, there is
also the SS. Hussein of
the B. & P. S N. Copy in quarantine,
The mail steamer has
left yesterday having
waited one day for us;
We are leaving tomorrow,
Rufail & Rezooki came down
they went in to Basreh and
wanted me also to go, but
I did not like, it being very
warm & I do not feel well
having also a tooth ache
As an Order had been
wired from Constple to
prevent us towing up Barges
[pg: 359]
and the Lynch’s Agent &
Consul also wired, there
is no answer up till now,
So we are to tow one
this time & stand the
consequence; we have
a great deal of Cargo here
is accumulating;
At 4 P.M I went with
Rufail & Rezooki to their
house, they are packing
dates, Rufail is making
about 15,000 Boxes, the dates
are plentiful this year,
the Crop is very good;
A light N.W. breeze and
a little cool;
At night the breeze changed
to S.Est & again to N.West;
4 Mond
Very light N.W. breeze,
& fine, at 7 AM I came
on board;~ There is an
Other Steamer for the P. & P.
[pg: 360]
gulf S.N. Copy called the
Ningchow of about 6000
At 11 1/4 AM the SS Arabistan
left for London, she will
fill up at Fao some more
cargo; at 11,,45 the SS.
Westburn also left;~
The Turkish man of war
the small Brigantine called
Sayad; has left for
Constantinople at 5 P.M.
She is very small & unsea
worthy & besides being so
badly manned, I doubt
if she will ever reach safe
her destination~ We
are waiting for the Barge,
being loaded at Lynch’s
wharf~ Mr. Wratislaw
the Consul came on board
to see if we are going to
[pg: 361]
tow her, as he has no
news or received an Answer
from Constple although
the Minister of Marine
has only wired to the
Commodore here to
stop towing, it is not
from the Sublime Port;
We received the mails
Basreh to Baghdad [4 SEP 1899 --- V049_ 27_N] (//) Barge in tow (//)
Passg | Okes / Barge Okes | GS. P. Local | Draft / Barge |
177 | 61,504 / 116,260 | 11,760 ½ | 3,,6 / 2,3 |
Very calm & warm weather
At 6 P.M. got underway &
proceeded took the Barge
in tow, she is drawing
2 feet 4 & the Steamer
3,,5 Inches~ Very calm
& warm weather & Light
S. Ely breeze~
No one came from the
part of the Turkish authorities
to say anything about
[pg: 362]
the towing of the Barge~
We have only Khorshid
Effendi the Ex. Kaimakam
of Shatra in 1st Class to
5th Tuesd Therm @ 5.72
At 2,,5 AM we passed
Gorna~ Light S.Ely breeze
and dampy~
At 7,,15 passed Azair;
At 8 1/2 AM we got to Ghumeyjeh
& here begun our difficulty
in steaming up, the place is
shoal narrow & current Strong,
We kept steaming ahead
but scarcely moving, took
a rope on shore & hove up
to it~
The S.S. Ressafah &
Barge is ahead of us about
2 Miles, above the Elbow,
she has had the same thing
here for she is two days
ahead of us;~ at 3
P.M we got up to the
[pg: 363]
bite & begun to go a little
We have Altogether 61
Passengers (Khorshid Effendi
Kaimakam of Shatra
only in 1st Class to Baghdad)
At 5 P.M. we reached the
Elbow; going very slow;
Very light air & warm
Weather & we managed with
difficulty in passing the
Elbow by 4 1/2 P.M. and
at 6 1/2 we stopped below
Aboo Roba & had to take
an anchor ahead & heave
up, the Ressafah is at
Aboo Roba also trying to
get up;~ Very warm &
dampy Weather; it is so
moisty & no air or rather
a light S.Ely but very
moisty & disagreable
[pg: 364]
I cannot go into my Cabin
it is so warm & moisty;
We remained at anchor below
Aboo Roba for the night;
The Ressafah went on later
at night from above Aboo
Roba; Weather warm
& moisty; It cooled a little
later at night;
6 Wedn Therm @ 5.73
Very light air & a little Cool
We took out an anchor
& hove up~ At 5,,45 AM
steamed up Slowly;
Detained at Aboo Roba in
the narrow & shoal bend
& had to heave up~
At 7,,25 proceeded
Light S.Ely breeze, at 8,,20
detained at Nafikh in shoal
water & going easy; The
Ressafah is at Kalat Saleh,
At 10,,40 we went on
At 1,,50 landed 3
passengers at Kalat Saleh
[pg: 365]
& went on, The S.S. Ressafah
& Barge are still here
she had lightened herself
into a boat & took the
Cargo in here~
Very light N.W. & hot weather,
We took one passenger from
Kalat Saleh; The Ressafah
is following us~
Breeze shifted to a light
At 6 P.M. arrived
at Amara landed 10 Passng
& 24 Bales of through Cargo,
At 6,,30 the SS. Khalifah
& Barge came down from
Baghdad; she went alongside
ahead of us, I went on
board of her with Capt
Cowley in the Launch we
took the Bombay Specie
back to her; I saw
[pg: 366]
Henry, he says he left
every body well, they
left on Sunday with the
Barge in tow; Shekoory
Sayegh is on board going
to work dates for Rufail
Sayegh; She has 100,000
OKes & 122 passengers,
besides some free of Lynch
people going to work
for dates, (Georgis Moorad
& Naoomy Bahoshy etc)
We came on board at
7 P.M~ We took 10
tons of Coal~
At 7,,40 P.M. left Amara
fine weather & light N.W.
7 Thursd Therm @ 5.76 Noon 103 4 P.M. 104
Modte NW. wind and
fine weather~
[pg: 367]
Gave tickets to 58 Amara
passengers; (Abdulkadur
Khdery in 1st Class going
to see his father Abdulrezak
being very ill, he goes free
as well as a Servant with
At 9,,10 AM landed 8
passengers at Ali Gherbi
and went on at 9,,20; took
2 passengers~
I paid the Ship's Company
their wages for August;
Hot wind & modte N.W.
At 4,,55 P.M. picked
on board 4 passengers from
Sheikh Saad for Coot;
Wind fell down but it is
nice & cool; The Moon
is 2 days old;~
I slept in my cabin it being cool
with a light N.W. breeze
[pg: 368]
Light N.W. & fine;~
Detained about 1/2 hour
below Coot;
8 Frid Therm @ 5.77
At 2 AM arrived at
Coot, went alongside below
our Dépôt, landed 20 Passeng
and took in 10 Tons of Coal,
At 5,,20 AM we left
Coot, weather getting cloudy,
it is on the East & South,
Gave tickets to Coot Passengers
We have 51 (3 in 1st
Class, the wife of Khorshid
Effendi with him in one Cabin
the Kadi of Haî Rafat رفعت
Effendi Sinaly, & Izzet
Effendi an employé in the
Sennyeh with their families
& servants on Deck)
Besides the Hamalbashi
of Coot free by Capt Cowley;
At 8,,50 we stopped at
Um el Boonny the bracket
[pg: 369]
of the rudder carried away,
At 10,,45 proceeded from
Umel Boonny, after passing
through the shoal of
2 1/2 draaz; Wind is
blowing hot & clouds
still hang about; It
became very calm and
hot in the afternoon, the
clouds which means heat,
are fading away;
At 5,,10 P.M. came to
the shoal at Bughela just
above the village, Boats
of Liquorice aground there,
We sent to sound; & took
out an anchor ahead & hove
off from where we touched &
drifted back & steamed up
through the marked Channel,
At 6,,45 proceeded through
the sounded Channel;
Very light N.W. breeze,
& very few clouds~
[pg: 370]
At 7,,10 passed Memlah,
Very light N.W. breeze~
At 12 Came to Um Sneyem
& tryed to pass but touched
several times & after an
hour we anchored for the
night; I slept in the Cabin,
it being nice & cool;
9 Satur
Modte & Cool N.W. breeze
at 5 AM proceeded;
At 10,,15 Grounded at
Brenij above Humenyeh
took out an anchor & hove
off, at 11 we got off, but on
going on, the arms of the
starboard wheel broke &
had to come to for repairs,
I made up my mind
to land here & walk
across to Abdulla to
shoot; there is a fresh
wind but the sun is
[pg: 371]
still hot;~
At 1 1/2 P.M. I dressed
& took the Deckman
Shansoka & went out;
walked across the desert to
the bank & mound below
Abdulla reach & walked
up the bank, no partridges
are to be seen, the Cover is
good, but it looks desolate
& dry; lots of pigs started
about 15 from beneath the
cover; I went twice to the
bank to have a drink
the wind blowing strong &
hot; we put up about 6
or 7 partridges at a distance
& I shot only one which
put up before me, after I
had got far up the reach,
flashed 3 or 4 hares at a
distance & by 5 P.M.
[pg: 372]
I had to come to the bank
& sit down to await for
the Mejidieh near the place
used to be called Cherd
Dowd el Farman, I was
very tyred & been so very
disgusted in not finding
any partridges; Besides
I could not walk any more,
having got the pain on my
right Knee, a muscle or the
bone commenced to ache
fearfully so that I could not
possibly walk or move on,
the Weather became Cooler
as the sun went down, &
I saw the smoke of the Mejidieh
at Raddat coming up
At 6,,15 I embarked &
we went on; The Mejidieh
had left Brenij at 2,,10
[pg: 373]
P.M~ At 4 she stopped
at Azizieh & the Boat went
on shore with Abdul Kadur
Khdery he expected a
telegram from Baghdad
about his father's health,
but as he had received none,
so he landed to go overland
to Baghdad~ Abdulrezack
Khdery his father must
have died before this;
Tom Dexter the 2nd Engineer
of the Comet was at Azizieh
he has been sent down to
explore the best shooting
grounds by Major Melville
the British Consul as
he is coming down in
the Comet & wants to
shoot on his way down
[pg: 374]
Very light N.W. breeze and
fine weather;
At 8,,20 PM we grounded
below the Dijleh's wreck,
took an anchor out & hove
off, at 10,,45 proceeded
At 11,,15 P.M. passed
Baghdadieh Fort; Light
N.W. breeze & fine weather,
I slept in the Cabin; my
feet are sore & feel very tyred,
I see that I cannot walk
so much as I used to do a
few years ago, especially
this pain in my right Knee
10 Sund Therm @ 5.73 Noon 94
Light N.W. & fine cool
weather; a proper Autumn
morning; We passed Oweyn
at 5 AM~ Detained
at Bostan 15 M in Shoal
water~ also at Semra
about 10 M~
[pg: 375]
At 0,,20 P.M passed
Ctesiphon; Fine cool
Weather; Detained 10 minut
at Jaffer~
At 4 P.M. passed Diala
At 5,,40 P.M. I landed at
Gherrara to walk in, there
are many tents pitched
out here on the bank;
Elias Jejo’s family; Antone
Maghak & many others,
Also Antone Marine, and
Jeboory Asfar's family but
they are not out yet, they
only have their Tents;
on reaching the Gardens
I got a Donkey of a Sakka
returning from Gherrarah
& I rode in~ I arrived
home at 7, saw Eliza on
top of the house, she is
I found a letter from
[pg: 376]
Edward Blockey from
London dated the 19 Augst
he tells me that he went twice
to see Rezooki Metchich
but could not see him,
& his landlord told him
that Alexander had come
to Rezooki about 3 weeks
ago on a Sunday, So
it appears that Alexander
has not gone to America,
Light N. W. & fine cool
11’ Mond.
Yousif Yaghchi’s 10. child died
H. Abdulrezak Khdery died
Variable air & calm;
The SS. Phrat left this
morning at 5 am;
at 7 I called on Sister
Medula & came on board
we went alongside the
wharf to discharge~
We are leaving the day
after tomorrow~
[pg: 377]
The little child of Yousif
Yaghchi who was born
on 26 Augst, suddenly took
ill & died on Wednesday
last the 6th the mother Louisa
& the father were very much
grieved & sorry; ~
H. Abdulrezack Khdery
died on Thursday night
the 7th Instt; from an other
abcess or cancer he got
on his side, he was over
70 years, his son AbdulKadur
whom we landed at Azizieh
arrived yesterday morning
too late to see him;
I went on shore at 9 AM
called on Menusha for
½ hour & came home,
I took a bath, & breakfasted
At 3 P.M. came on
board to work, we shipped
Cargo, at 6 P.M. I
[pg: 378]
went home; what a
fine life this is, we arrived
last night, & today am
working on board & tomorrow
also the whole day &
we leave the day after,
I am so disgusted from
seeing such a work;
I found Antone Marine
at home he came for ½ hour
he is going out to Gherrarah
with his family, & wife &
children of Jeboory Asfar
after we leave ~
Johny & Artin called on top
of the house ~ The Monseigneur
Altmayer had called on us
during the day, but I
was on board the steamer,
Very light & changeable
air, but cool night
[pg: 379]
12’ Tuesd Therm@5.76
Very light & variable air,
At 7 ½ AM I came
on board; we shipped
cargo & many bales of wool,
At 11 ¼ I went home
to breakfast, returned at
2 P.M.; ~ Weather is warm
& sultry no wind,
all the Cabins are let,
We finished at 5 P.M. &
hauled out; I went home
found there Sister Medula,
Antone Marine, Adoola
my cousin & Shekoory
Andrea; they left at 6;
Mr. Duncan Alexander
the clerk of the Comet and
husband of Regina my
Niece called on us on
top of the house till
7 ½ ~
Modte N.W. & fine
[pg: 380]
Modte N.W. wind &
fine ~
Sept 13
At 4,,30 AM I came
on board ~
Baghdad to Basreh [13 SEP 1899 --- V049_28_S] (//) Barge in tow; (//)
Passgers | Okes | G.S. Piast | Draft |
168 1/2 | 115,665 | 21948 ½ | 3.3 |
At 5,,30 AM. We got underway
and proceeded; Fair weather
& light N.W. breeze;
At 7 passed Gherrarah
there are great many Tents
pitched out above and
below the garden, also on
the opposite side ~
At 8,,15 passed Diala
detained 10 M. in turning
Finished with the passenger
tickets we have altogether 120 ½
(6 in 1st class cabins, Jeboory
Asfar returning with a
[pg: 381]
servant free; the wife
of the Custum House Mudir
of Basreh & servant free,
the Kadi of Montefik
Halim Effendi; the wife
of Nessoory Toma Khayat
& her son Behjet who is
going back to Beyrout
to finish his Medical
study at the university,
and a Russian traveler
Dr. Shaniavsky, coming
from Persia & going to
Bushire, (Probably a Russian
spy for the Persian Gulf Affair)
and 2 in 2nd Class the
Chaldean Priest Gabriel
and Faraj the son of Elias
At 8,,40 anchored at Aboo
Hmar & sounded, at 9.15
[pg: 382]
At 10,,45 passed Ctesiphon,
Modte & cool N.W. breeze,
At 6 P.M. passed
Baghdadieh ~ Light
N.W. & fine;
At 7.35 P.M. we anchored
at Remlat ~
At 7,,50 the S.S. Ressafah
& Barge passed up; ~
I slept in my cabin, it is not so
warm & got cooler at night;
14 Thursd Therm@5.73
Light N.W. & fine cool
At 5 AM. we proceeded
At 6,45 passed Azizieh
Fine N.W. breeze & cool;
At 7,,15 landed 2 Passengers
booked for Azizieh & 4 Bundle
gunnies at Zwyet el Zereh
to some grain Boats and
went on at 7,,30 ~
[pg: 383]
At 9.20 AM passed the
SS Khalifah & Barge in tow
going up at Toweel; ~
The S. Phrat is ahead of us
on her way down;
At 0,45 P.M. we passed
the Phrat at Sheresh where
she had anchored to
sound ~
At 2,,25 passed
At 2,30 passed the SS.
Baghdad & Barge going up
above Bughela ~
At 2,,45 grounded above
Bughela, took an anchor
out & hove off; at 3,,55
proceeded; at 4 landed
2 passengers at Bughela
At 5,,10 we anchored
at Mehdi & sounded
At 5,,35 proceeded, Fine
Modte N.W. breeze ~
[pg: 384]
At 7,,25 anchored for the
night; Fine cool weather,
I slept in Cabin ~
15 Frid Therm@5.69
Light N.W. breeze & fine
Very Cool weather ~
At 5 AM proceeded,
it is very cool & pleasant
weather ~
At 6,,10 anchored at
Umel Boonny & sounded,
found an other channel
on the west side between
two sand banks; & we had
to withdraw up stream
with a stern anchor on
heaving up & stopping &
loosing such a long time
in this sort of work;
We then steamed up & turned round
& steamed through the two
sand banks & went on at
8,,45 AM; ~
At 8,,55 Grounded further
down ~ Took an anchor
[pg: 385]
out ahead & hove off
At 9,,45 proceeded; Strong
wind blowing;
At 11,30 arrived at Coot
landed 15 passengers and
33 Packges; I received here
Henry’s letter & papers, the
Khalifah had 233,000 Okes
including 10 Tons Coal for
Baghdad, & about 60 Passeng
the Nadir of the Custum House
went back in her; ~
Our Coal in the Depôt here
has taken fire since 3
days, there are 200 Tons in
the room, & they have not
made sufficiently large
windows or winsels in it
for ventilation; We have
employed Coolies to shift
it, @ ½ Besh per ton;
At 1 P.M. we left Coot
took 16 Passengers,
[pg: 386]
At 6,,30 P.M. landed 2
passengers at Sheikh Saad
and went on at 6,,35 ~
Light N.W. breeze & fine
weather; It is Hassan
el Jendil whom we landed
at Sheikh Saad; there are
still some troops encamped
here, on account of the quarrel
they had the tribes of Jendil
with the Megassis ~
At 6,,55 we rounded &
came to at Aboo Dood;
Light N.W. & fine cool night,
I slept in the cabin;
16 Satur Therm@5.72; Noon 94; 4 PM 98
Light N.W. & fine cool
morning ~
At 5 AM. proceeded from
Aboo Dood ~
At 9 Passed Ali Gherbi,
At 10,,45 grounded [strikethrough]
above Flefleh reach,
[pg: 387]
Took an anchor out Astern
& hove off; ~ At 11,,45
At 3 P.M. passed Ali Sherghi
weather became very Calm
by sunset, & warm in the
At 8,,45 P.M. arrived at
Amara landed 38 Passengs
and 93 Packages; (the
Chaldean Priest Jubraîl
landed here); Took 5 Shipped two
tons of Coal; ~ Shipped two
Boxes of Pelican Feathers;
At 11 left Amara,
Light N.W. & fine
17 Sund Therm@5.70
At 0.45 AM we anchored
above Aboo Sedra ~
At 5 AM proceeded
Light N.W. & fine cool weather
Took 28 Passengers from
Amara; ~
At 8,,30 we grounded
[pg: 388]
at Nafikh on the west bank
at 9.50 went on and
passed through the shoal
place; Detained in several
places going easy & stopping
At 1,,5 P.M. passed Azair,
At 5,,10 landed 11 passengers
at Gorna (one of Basreh)
Went on at 5,,20; weather
calm & not so cool;
At 10 ½ P.M. arrived at
Basreh ~
18 Mond Therm@5.74
Light N.W. & fine; ~
We discharged cargo; there
are here the S.S. Turkistan
for Asfar & Co, & the S.S. Norge
for G. Mackenzie & Co, no
steamers in quarantine,
The S.S. [strikethrough] Afghanistan for
G. [strikethrough] Asfar & Co arrived
in quarantine at 7 AM:
Mr. Daw (one of our
[pg: 389]
former officers in the Service
of about 24 years ago, has
come up from Bombay with
his wife & goes up with us
he married Blaney’s
daughter in Baghdad,
he was up here the last
time about 5 ½ years
ago; ~ We were ready to
go up today; but the Agent
of Lynch here Mr. Richards
postponed our departure
till tomorrow as had
already notified so;
At 1 P.M. I went up with
Rezooki Sayegh to their house,
saw there Tookyeh, also
Shekoory Sayegh employed
by Rufail to superintend
the packing of his date
Boxes about 10 or 11,000
The price of dates has been
fixe at 260 Shamies (10
G. SP. per Shami) the Hellawy
& Khadrawi per big
[pg: 390]
Kara of 40 Baskets &
the Saîr at 120, it is the
cheapest price that they
have seen for many years
as the the crop this year
has been one of the most
extraordinary abundant
But now the price went
down so low as 220
& even 210, & the Saîr
too in proportion; The
exporter of dates will
make a good profit in
England, as it is selling
in London at 14 Shillings
& now came down to
13 & 12 per one hundred
Rezooki Angoody came there
& we all dined together,
then Yousif Marine came
from Shaebyeh he
went to see Jeboory
[pg: 391]
Asfar & thence went
back to Shaebyeh,
The SS. Phrat came
down at about 10 P.M.
I slept in the room with
windows open & was not
warm, every body is
sleeping down ~
19 Tuesd
Light N.W. & fine cool
morning; at 7 AM I
came on board with Rezooki
Angoorly ~
An English Gunboat
arrived up to the quarantine
station, at 11 the Lapwing
We finished cargo at 2 P.M.
got the Barge alongside,
Nessoory Andrea &
Rezooki Angoorly came
to me & went away;
Wind falling down,
[pg: 392]
Basreh to Baghdad [19 SEP 1899 --- V049_29_N] (//) Barge in tow ~ (//)
Passg | Okes / Barge Okes | G.S.P. Local | Draft / Barge |
248 ½ | 77799 / 113,010 | 18932 ¼ | 3.6 / 2.5 |
At 5,,20 P.M. got under=
way & proceeded ~ Light
N.W. & rather warm in
Cabin; Ship is drawing 3,,6
and the Barge 2.6 Inches;
Mr. Daw his wife, & Mr. G.S. Fisher
of the American excavating
mission at Nuffar are
messing with us ~
Weather became cooler later
on, I slept in the Cabin,
Fine clear weather and
ful moon today ~
20 Wedn Therm@5.68
At 1.30 AM anchored
at Gorna landed [strikethrough] two passenger
and took on board the
Motserrif of Nasryeh
Towfik Pasha and
[pg: 393]
his family & servants and
a great quantity of Kit,
they all went up on deck,
On our way down he sent
to tell us that he wanted
two 1st Class passage &
I left two Cabins for him,
he has a lot of Kit which
was all weighed, 1450 Okes,
At 2 AM left Gorna,
Light N.W. & fine cool
morning ~
At 7 passed Azair,
Finished with the passengers
We have altogether 149
from Basreh & 14 ½ from
Gorna (3 in 1st Class Cabins
Mr. C.S. Fisher of the Americans
excavating at Nuffar who
went down with us on 7
May, & Mr. & Mrs. Daw
our former mate in the
[pg: 394]
Dijleh coming to stay about
18 months in Baghdad &
his wife is the daughter of
Blaney the old carpenter
of the Comet his widow
is in Baghdad & was married
to Mr. Cole who was the
chief Engineer in the Khalifah
& is now in Baghdad;
From 7 ¾ after passing
the Canal of Ghumeyjeh
we commenced to go slow
the current became strong &
narrow; we kept steaming
& advancing gradually
& then took a rope on shore
& also an anchor & hove
& steamed; at 2 P.M.
the foremost Capstan
of the Barge broke off
& rolled overboard, We
are not moving at all;
They worked in heaving
[pg: 395]
& steaming till 9 ½ P.M. and
knocked off ~ The weather
is Calm but cool, in my
Cabin the mosquitoes and
sandflies are very troublesom
I could not sleep, until
I put the curtain at 11 P.M.,
21 Thursd Therm@5.70
Very light N.W. air and
fine; At 5 AM begun
to steam on going very
slow, at 6,,40 we got
over the place & went
on slow the current being
very strong; we detained
above the Elbow in Shoal
water & heaving till 2 P.M.
It was 3 P.M. when we
passed Aboo Roba a
distance of about 3 miles
we went since this morning,
Weather very Calm &
warm a little ~ A light
Southerly breeze but so calm
& warm it became &
very unplaisant;
[pg: 396]
From 6 till 6 ½ P.M. We
were detained at Nafikh
in steaming over the shoal
between an island & the
West bank; Very Calm
& warm in the Cabin;
At 7,,55 P.M. landed 9
passengers at Kalat Saleh
and took 4 ½ & went on
at 8, very light Southerly
breeze & Calm weather;
It is warm in cabin & there
are mosquitoes ~
22 Frid Therm@5.72
Regina my niece delivered a son on 18th
At 2 AM arrived at
Amara, landed 21 Passeng
& 15 Bales of P. Goods through
Cargo by Arabistan ~
We took 10 Tons of Coal
& some 12 packages of
cargo ~
At 4.45 AM left
Amara ~ Southerly breeze
[pg: 397]
& dampy;
We took [strikethrough] 50 passengers
from Amara ~
At 11.30 passed Ali Sherghi
Alle 1.45 P.M. met the
S. Khalifah coming down,
we stopped, & sent her
the through Indian Specie
for the Mail Steamer, &
my letter & Papers to Henry,
she has the Barge in tow
empty; she has 104,000 Okes of
Cargo & 80 passengers,
Mr. Mayle the wife
Michail Raffy, Mr. Rigo
of the Public Debts an
other Mohamedan are
in 1st Class; Henry tells
me that Eliza my wife is
out encamped with Yousif
Korkis etc at Gherrara
but it is curious how I
did not receive a telegram
from her ~ At 1,,55 We
went on ~
[pg: 398]
Weather Very Calm,
Hazy & even some clouds
are hanging on;~
At 5,,40 P.M. landed
9 passengers at Ali
Gherbi, took 5 ½ & went
on at 5,,50~ Very calm
& hazy, but it is cooling down
a little, the sky is dim and
foggy like;~
At 6,,50 touched a Shoal
above Maghessil sent to sound;
Moon rose at 7 ½, Pilot
came back at this time too;
Very light Westerly breeze but
Cool Weather~
At 8,,30 we dropped down
to opposite Maghessil Grove
& then steamed up the East
Weather became very cool
but dampy, with a light
S. Westly breeze~
[pg: 399]
23 Satur Thr @5 67
Rezooki Yousif Serkis died on 16th
Light S. Westly, & very cool
weather~ At 3 Am passed
Sheikh Saad;
At 1,,10 P.M. arrived at
Coot near our Depôt, landed
16 passengers & 13 Bales
of P. Goods through cargo,
Took 10 Tons of Coal;
I received an other letter
here from Henry, he tells
me that Regina my
niece & daughter of Sister
Eliza Wife of Mr.
Duncan Alexander the
Clerk of the Comet has
delivered a son on Monday
the 18th Instt at 9 am;
I here received a telegram
from Yousif Korkis
telling me that Eliza
my Wife is encamped
out with them~
At 3,,40 P.M. we left
[pg: 400]
Coot; Very Calm Weather
a very light S. Erly air,
Took 23 Passengers from
Coot (one in 1st Class
Abdulwahab son of
Abdulrezak Effendi Agent
of the Turkish Steamers)
also Skander Aziz on
the upper after deck as
there are no cabins on
paying extra half deck
Viz 3 Mejidies~
An other Sad news I
heard from Skander Aziz
of the death of Rezooki
Yousif Serkis on the 16th
Instt, I don’t know from what
cause, but poor man he
was always delicate in
health & miserable, he
leaves his wife Catherina
daughter of Reesha Andrea
& about 7 children all
[pg: 401]
grown up & the daughters
not married yet; he was
ill for 3 days only;
We passed the S.S. Ressafah
& Barge going down at
about 1 P.M. at Mahomed
Abool Hassan;
At 7 P.M. We anchored at
the top of Umel Boonni at
Algaya & sent to sound,
found 2 ¾ draaz, Pilot came
back at 8;~ Moon rose
at 8 ½; We remained at anchor
for the night; Fine clear
moonlight night~
24 Sund. Thr @ 5. 70
Very light N.W. breeze,
and clouds are hanging on
At 5 Am steamed to the
shoal grounded, took an
anchor ahead & hove off
At 6,,40 proceeded from
the top of Umel Boonny
Detained 15 M. in shoal water
on the top of Umel Ajaj~
[pg: 402]
Hot N.W. breeze is blowing
with clouds around us;
At 1,,30 P.M. landed
2 passengers at Bughela
and took 3~ At 1,,35
came to the Shoal above
the Village, sent to Sound,
At 2,,40 we steamed over
& went on;
At 3 passed Memlah;
Detained at Sheresh from 5 ½
till 6 in shoal water;
Clouds disappeared, a very
light N.W. breeze~
Clouds still hanging on the
N. & W. horyzon & not so cool,
We easied & stopped at many
25 Mond Ther @5. 75 Noon 98 4 P.m 100
x At 1,,20 P.M. passed the SS. Baghdad bound down
At 0,,45 Am anchored
at Zeljeh, weather became
hazy & a little foggy;
At 5 proceeded; Very
light air & clouds spreading
every where~
[pg: 403]
At 7,,40 am passed Azizieh
I paid the Ship’s people
their wages today for this
month, as our two day’s
stay in Baghdad every time,
would not give me time
to do so;~
At 1 P.M. passed Baghdadieh,
Clouds still & hot day; x
Southerly breeze and warm
disagreable Weather;
After sunset it became dark
& weather very unsettled with
a light S. Erly breeze we got
to Aweyn by 7 P.M.~
We touched here & then anchored,
sent to sound, & remained for
the night at anchor, the
channel is very good and
weather fine~
26 Tuesd Ther @ 5. 74
Light S. Erly breeze, with
some clouds on the East
& southern parts;
At 5 Am proceeded
[pg: 404]
from Oweyn;
Detained in Shoal water
at Bostan from 8,,10 till
9 Am~
At 0,,30 P.M. passed
At 3,35 passed Diala
river; Still cloudy &
breeze from West;~
At 5,10 I landed just above
the Bridge of Gherrarah &
walked back crossed over
the bridge to Yousif Korkis’
Tents where my wife Eliza
is encamped with 2 Tents
& 2 the Very small ones;
there are also Yousif Korkis
& his family & mother,
Georgis Segman, & Rezooki
Tessy;~ and on the other side
at Gherrarah are over
50 Tents lots of Christians
& among them Antone
Marine & Sedy Wife
[pg: 405]
of Jeboory Asfar~
Eliza is well; she has
some letters arrived for
me two from Shweiger
one from Joory son of
Antone Marine from
Beyrout, and one from
my sister in law Blanche
from Eplissier par Poix
Somme, France where
she had gone to see her
sons being unwell, and
she sends me the correspondence
she has had with my
son Alexander in London
she wrote to him [strikethrough]
& he answered her on the
17 Augt a very long letter
which she sent me to
read a tremendous long
letter telling her all
what happened to him
and how I behaved to
him in an ungrateful
[pg: 406]
manner etc etc, it took
me about an hour to
read & translate to Eliza
which made us feel
quite sick & sorry to
see him still insisting
in his former pretentions
& telling all sorts of
fibs & lyes; so much
that I could not eat or
sleep the whole night &
there were plenty of Sandflies
27 Wednes
Light N.W. & fine or
Calm, at 6 Am after
I took my tea I left Eliza
Walked over the bridge
& there found the donkey
waiting for me I rode
to town, arrived home
at 7 Am, there are a
Mossully & his Wife sleeping
& looking after the house
[pg: 407]
I washed & called on
sister [strikethrough] Medula
& then came on board
at 8, worked & at 9
left & went to see Sister
Eliza, & then to Regina
her daughter who is confined
of a son on the 18th~
I called in Office took 60 £
from Mr. Bottomley, also
called on the Assyrian Bishop
& on poor Catterina Wife
of Rezooki Serkis who
died on the 16th Aged about
63 years old; at 12
I went & breakfasted with
sister Medula & came
home at 1 P.M. had a
cold bath & at 3 P.M.
came on board, worked
in shipping cargo,
at 5 went home,
[pg: 408]
Weather became very cloudy
all over & a few drops
of rain fell; Artin came
and we both went to Sister
Medula & dined with them
on top of the house;
At 9 P.M. we left I came
home, I slept below in
the big room, It blew a
Very strong wind squally
& dusty & cloudy;
28 Thursd
N. Erly Wind & cloudy [strikethrough]
Weather not cool & fresh
At 8 Am I came on board
having waited for Eliza
my wife but she had
not come till 9 Am;
We are shipping cargo a
good deal; Weather got cloudy
all over & hot~
At 11 ½ went home saw Eliza
came in from Gherrara,
We breakfasted & I came
on board at 1 ½ P.M.
[pg: 409]
We are shipping cargo, it
is very warm & cloudy a
curious Weather now
The Thermotr. was 98 in my
cabin this afternoon;
At 5 P.M. I finished and
Went home, Johny &
Artin called in the evening
A son of Azoori Chanteduc
about 4 years old
died yesterday evening
from having been burnt
while playing with his
brother; Azoori or Lazar
Chanteduc is the brother
of Menusha Henry’s
Wife, he is employed at
Lynch as clerk;
We slept in the big room
but it is awfully warm
no air & suffocating
Weather is cloudy
[pg: 410]
29’ Frid
Light air & warm~
At 4 Am Eliza & the
Watchman Muttar
came with me to the
steamer to land them
at Gherrarah; I asked
Capt Cowley Yesterday to
land them; also to Allow
the Khoory Toma Bahi
to let him land with her
as he wants to see the
Assyrian Bishop Aghnatius
off, as this latter is going
to Calcutta for 6 month’s
leave for business & the
Khoory Toma is acting for
him; But this morning
when Capt Cowley came on
board he sent to say that
he cannot take Khoory
Toma to Gherrarah as
Mr. Bottomley Objects
[pg: 411]
to landing any people,
I offered to pay the
Coot passage, & even
that he objected, so he
went back on shore,
I am awfully sorry, for
it, as my wife had invited
him to stay & breakfast
with her; I am so very
sorry & disappointed at
such a disgusting way
of treatment~
Baghdad to Basreh [29 SEP 1899 --- V049_30_S] (//) with Barge (//)
Passeng | Okes | G. S Piast | Draft |
210 | 79411 | 19,663 ¼ | 3,4,, |
At 5,,45 Am. Got under-
way & proceeded~ Barge
in tow, At 6,10 went too
close to the East bank at
Cherd el Pasha near a Sunken
Boat & she touched & grounded
had to take out a stern
[pg: 412]
anchor & heave her stern
off~ At 6,,30 we went on,
At 8,,10 landed my
Wife Eliza & Muttar the
Watchman below the Bridge
of Gerrara, below their
Tents on the West bank;
Went on at 8,,15; Kass
Toma Bahi was out &
came down the bank to
Meet Eliza;~
At 9 passed Diala river,
At 10,,55 passed Ctesiphon,
Gave tickets to the Passeng.
We have altogether 183,
(3 ½ in 1st Class, the Assyrian
Bishop Aghnatios;
Abdulkadur Khdery free
to Amara, and the Wife
of Artin Malcon son of
Abdulla Malcon, & her
daughter to Basreh, and
[pg: 413]
1 ½ in 2nd class the daughter
of Abdulla Malcom &
a girl with her)
Weather is very unpleasant,
Cloudy, dusty, S. Erly wind
and very hot & oppressive,
At 7,5 we anchored above
the Fort of Baghdadieh~
Light Southerly breeze,
It became cooler at night,
I slept in the cabin;
30 Satur Th@5. 72
unusually warm weather
Light Southerly breeze &
Cool weather~
At 5,,15 Am proceeded,
At 5,,50 met the Khalifah
coming up, below Baghdadieh
she stopped & sent us back
the through specie, hers &
ours of last trip not having
met the mail steamer,
she arrived in Basreh on
Sunday morning and
left on Monday evening
[pg: 414]
Henry sent me the letters &
Papers, the Khalifah &
Barge having about
190,000 Okes; and no Passengs
in cabins, & about 120
At 6 Am we went on;
Breeze shifted to N. West
at 6 ½ & became nice
& cool; again it shifted to South,
At 8,,30 passed Azizieh,
Detained at Zwyet el Zere from
9 till 9,,15 in shoal water
At 9,,25 passed the S Phrat
& Barge bound up~
At 4 P.M. passed Memlah
At 4,,15 grounded above the
Village of Bughela, took an
anchor out, sounded &
hove off & left at 5,,15;
At 5,,30 landed one Passeng
at Bughela & went on,
at 5,,35~
[pg: 415]
At 6,,30 anchored for the
night at Hamrayah~
Very light N.W. breeze but
not cool;
Octor 1st Sund Ther @ 5. 73 Noon 99 4 P.M.
At 5,,15 Am. Proceeded
from Hamraya~ Light N.W.
& fine~
Grounded at Umel
Boonni from 8 ½ till 9,15
& got off by an anchor;
Wind shifted to a fresh S. Erly
At 11,15 Arrived at Coot
landed 21 ½ passengers
& 19 Packges; It became
Very calm & hot with
some clouds & very nasty
& oppressive weather,
a remarcable thing
for this time of the weather
since the 21 Ulto it
has not changed for the
At 0,,50 P.M. We dropped
[pg: 416]
down & left Coot; Took
5 passengers~
At 6,,45 P.M. we rounded
& came to for the night at
Aboo Dood;~ Breeze
Very light from N. Wester
& dark;~
2 Mond Th@ 5, 78 Noon 89 4 P.M. 98
Light S. Ely breeze & cloudy
At 5,,15 Am. proceeded
from Aboo Dood~
At 6,,45 grounded at
the bottom of Seyd Abbass,
took anchors out & sent
to sound~
It became very cloudy all
over & Wintry look, and
looks like rain falling
in the distance;~
We got off at 9,,30 & steamed
to the shoal & grounded
took out anchors ahead
& kept heaving;
At 11,,40 got off & proceeded
[pg: 417]
At 1,,55 P.M passed Ali
Gherbi; still cloudy &
light S. Erly breeze; Clouds
still are some hanging on,
The breeze fell down by sun
set & became Calm and
3 Tuesd Th@ 5, 77 Noon 91 4 P.M. 96
At 1,5 Am arrived at
Amara landed 43 ½ passeng.
and 41 Packages (and
Abdulkadur Khdery in 1st
Class free without ticket)
The SS. [strikethrough] Ressafah & Barge came
up at about 2 am from
Basreh; We shipped 4
cases of feathers;
At 5 Am left Amara
S. Erly breeze dampy & cloudy
Took 22 Passengers;
It took us from 11 Am from
Nafikh till 2 P.M. when
We passed the Elbow;
At 4 P.M. passed Azair,
They are demolishing the
[pg: 418]
Dome which had fallen
down 2 Years ago to rebuild
it;~ Clouds all over and
Very light S. Erly & Warm,
At 8,,5 P.M. landed 4 ½
passengers at Gorna and
went on at 8,,10, dark
Cloudy & Light S. Erly warm
weather~ I could not
sleep from the heat & dampness
in the cabin, so warm and
4 Wedn
1899 Octor
of Cholera at Basreh
Okes: 158,460
At 2 Am dropped Anchor
below Maghil & left at 5
for Basreh, arrived at
5 ½ landed the passengers
& were told to go up along-
side the Blosse Lynch and
load cargo from her;
Very nasty warm weather,
cloudy all over dampy
& a very light N. Erly;
There are here the S.S.
[pg: 419]
Turkistan, Kurdistan and
Afghanistan for Asfar
and the Norge & Treasury
for Gray Mackenzie and
the English Gunboat Lapwing
and in quarantine,, there
are the “Muristan” for Kaideri
Asfar, the B&P Gulf Str
the SS. Wingrove for G. Mackenzie
the Malamir, & about
50 Bugalows;~
We went up alongside the
Blosse Lynch at 7 AM;~
Breeze shifted to S. Erly and
Clouds still remain, it is
very warm & muggy;
Yousif Marine came to
me for few minutes;
I have just heard from
M. Cooper the Agent here of
the Persian Tombac Society,
& from others that there
is rumour of Cholera
here, at Abool Khassib
about 6 Arabs got attacked
[pg: 420]
With disentry & vomiting
while working in packing
dates, also the son of
Teophile Tonietti's wife a
young boy of about 18 years
died the other day, but
it is not sure yet whether
it is the Cholera;
At 11 the "Norge" left & at 11 1/2
the Turkistan left for New
York direct;
Rezooki Sayegh came to me
at 1 P.M. & I went with him
to their house, saw there
Tookyeh & Roofail; The
Assyrian Bishop Aghnatios
called on them; he has
put up at Jeboory Asfar
At 5 P.M. Rufail Rezooki
& I went to call on Jeboory
but could not see him, he
is too busy in his office.
We sat with the Bishop
& came back at 6,
I saw Shekoory Sayeh
[pg: 421]
who is working at the
dates of Rufail up at
Ghubai (above Shaebyeh)
Rezooki Angoorly also came
We all dined together,
They say that all these
Arabs & the son of Toma
Kroomy, Antone whom
they said that they had
the Cholera is false, they
died from other causes,
from the way they have
been living in those date
Chardaks very dirty & they
eat much dates & Salt &
dead fish; ~
The weather is still very
disagreable, light S. Erly
air & dampy warm,
I slept in the big room
with all windows open,
But it got cooler at
night & there were plenty
of mosquitoes;
[pg: 422]
Very light N.W. air and
fine weather, no clouds
but very little on East,
5 Thursd
At 7 AM I came on board
The mail Str. Assyria
has arrived last night in
The Captain of the Lapwing
accompanied by M. Wratislaw
the English Counsel had visited
the Waly Hamdi Pasha
and this morning he returned
the visit on board the Lapwing,
Today is the first new
moon & I think the weather
as it looks is changing for
the better;
At 10 1/2 the S.S. Treasury left,
at 11 1/2 the Afghanistan also
and 1/2 hour later was followed
by the Koordistan;
At 1,,30 P.M the SS. Baghdad
& Barge left for Baghdad;
Rezooki Angoorly & Nessoory
Andrea came to me~
[pg: 423]
At 5 AM we finished loading
the Barge from the Blosse
Lynch & an other Barge;
At 6 we got the mails,
we have two mails to
take up;
Basreh to Baghdad [5 OCT 1899 --- V049_31_N] (//) Barge in tow (//)
Passegs: | Okes / Barge | GSP Local | Draft / Draft of Barge |
129 | 100,921 / 158,460 | 11,348 | 3,6 / 2,,6 |
At 6,,15 P.M. we cast off
from the Blosse Lynch &
proceeded; Very calm and
warm weather;~. I
could not sleep in the Cabin
from the great heat & moisture,
It got cooler after midnight,
and weather is fine, there
are no clouds, a very Curious
weather in this time;
6 Frid Therm @ 5.70
1899 Octor.
At 3 AM landed 3 passeng
at Gorna & went on
Light N.W. & fine weather,
At 8,,5 passed Azair
[pg: 424]
We have altogether 68
Passengers, (only one in 2nd C
Cabin a Greek Orthodox
Priest called Khariton
Nicolaides, coming from
Constple Zanzibar etc)
From 10 AM been going
very slow from Ghumeyjeh,
the Baghdad is ahead of
us about one mile;
We kept working in steaming
& heaving on with ropes on
Shore all the day until
6 P.M. We had only got up
to the Elbow~ I worked
very hard with Metty in Copying
the Cargo in my book from
2 P.M. till 6 & still we had
not finished the work;
Light N.W. & cool weather;
7 Satur Therm @ 5.68
Very light N.W. & fine cool
At 5,,30 AM we begun to
steam up from the Elbow
[pg: 425]
going very slow & touching,
very shoal all the way
At 9 1/2 AM We got over the
shoals & passed Aboo Roba,
Detained in Shoal water
at Nafikh from 11 till 12,
Very calm water;
At 1,,50 P.M. landed
4 passengers at Kalat
Saleh & went on at 1,,55,
A very light S. Westly breeze
& warm~ New Moon
two days old;
At 9,,15 P.M. arrived at
Amara landed 12 passengers
and 20 Bales of through cargo,
Took 10 Tons of Coal;
We got detained from 7 1/2
till 8 1/2 in shoal water
below Amara Gardens;
We shipped about 32 Packges
of Drugs & Copper etc. ~
At 11,,30 P.M. left Amara,
the Baghdad had left this
[pg: 426]
morning at Sunrise ~
Light S. Erly breeze~;
8 Sund Therm @ 5. 72
Light S. Erly breeze &
fine; some clouds on the East
& South horyzon;
At 6,,40 passed Ali Sherghi,
Gave tickets to 43 1/2 Amara
At 11,,35 AM passed the
S.S. Khalifah & Barge going
down below Ali Gherbi;
At 1,,10 P.M. landed 8
passengers at Ali Gherbi &
took 3 & went on at 1,,20;
Weather is very warm &
calm with some thick clouds
Detained at the bottom of
Seyd Abbass in shoal water,
6 Boats in the Channel, sent
to sound, from 4,,45 P.M.
then steamed to the sounded
place & touched, backed off,
At 6,,20 we passed and
went on~ Very light breeze
[pg: 427]
from N. Wester, & clouds
faded away;
At 10,,10 P.M. landed three
passengers at Sheikh Saad
& went on;
At 11,45 dropped anchor
for the night it became
9 Mond, Therm @ 5.78, Noon 88, 4 P.M. 85
1899 Octor
Light S. Erly, & cloudy all
over, overcast & Gloomy,
At 5,,30 AM. proceeded,
Very cloudy all over; Some
drops of rain falling at 7 1/2;
dampy & warm;
At 1 P.M. arrived at
Coot landed 7 passengers
& 5 Bales of Goods though
Cargo; Took 10 Tons of Coal,
I received a letter here from
Henry; they left Baghdad
on Wednesday having arrived
there on Sunday morning,
the Khalifah had 136,000
Okes, & 150 passengers
[pg: 428]
more in the Cabins~
Wind shifted suddenly to
N.W. with dust & remained
very cloudy all over one
patch; They say that at
Bughela it rained heavily,
At 2,,40 P.M. left Coot,
took 11 1/2 passengers~.
Very strong N.W. wind is
blowing & dusty; Wind
fell at sunset, but remains
very cloudy all over, a regular
Wintry weather, this atmosphere
is cool;~
Detained at Um el Boonny
half an hour in Shoal water,
Weather very cloudy and
At 11 we grounded at Umel-
Ajaj; worked with anchors in
heaving off & we remained
for the night; Very cloudy
all over & cool weather,
rather dampy~
[pg: 429]
10 Tuesd, Therm @ 5.72, Noon 80, 4 P.M 85
Light N.W Breeze & cloudy
Overcast weather~
At 6 AM left Umel Ajaj;
At 6 1/2 detained on a shoal
at the top of reach until
7,,15; It rained last
night just a few drops;
At 10,,5 passed the S.S.
Phrat & Barge going down
at Hamraya~ Clouds
breaking up & sunshine;
At 10,,50 detained above
Bughela in shoal water,
the Baghdad is in sight just
passed Memlah, she was
aground here;~ At 11,,20
we passed on~
At 11,,40 passed Memlah
Clouds cleared off & became
very clear & fine weather,
The Baghdad keeps going ahead
of us~ At 6,,5 We passed
her at the bottom of Shedeif
very fine & clear weather
[pg: 430]
11 Wednes, Therm @ 6. 70
Detention at
At 0,,5 AM I awoke by
the noise at Azizieh, of
some zaptyehs singing out
to anchor & not to go
further, & to send the boat
for a telegram there is from
Lynch; We anchored &
sent our Boat, and received
the following telegram
dated 28 Septr Greek Style
(10 Octor).
..عزيزيه كاولي مجيديه ++
..لسبب شايعة ظهور الكوليره في البصره ++
..المواصله مع بغداد ممنوعه اقضو في العزيزيه ++
..الى ان تأخدوا اوامر جديده مننا ++
..و هذا التعريف طلبوهُ من الاستانه ++
.. بواسطة القنصل الانكليز ++
.. لنج ++
We expected something
like this may happen as
when leaving Basreh on
[pg: 431]
++ ..عظيم اذا اوجب الرجوع اعملوا
++ .. تدبير تركان الدوبه في عزيزيه
++ كاولي..
The zaptyeh on watch
at the bank wont take the telegram
[page is cut off]
[pg: 432]
[page is cut off]
307 1/2 | |
59 1/2 | 59 1/2 |
28 May 2 | Total 36 1/2 |
369 |
Passage there & back 4 M….
(partial) or 75 G. S. Pias….
[pg: 433]
1st Jun 1899
1,000 | G. Asfar, | due 1st Rabi Awal |
1,000 | R Sayegh, | due 6 Rabi Thani |
500 | Nawab Agha Mahomed | due 20 R. Than |
300 at home | ||
2,800, |
1st October 99
1000 | G. Asfar |
1000 | R. Sayegh |
500 | Nawab Mahd Agha |
500 at home Cash | |
3,000~ |
[pg: 434]
[Back Cover]