Diary 49 mobile

Joseph Mathia Svoboda Diary 49

[pg: 1]
[1:] Diary N. 49
[2:] 1899~
[pg: 2]
[pg: 3]

[1:] 1899

From Diary No. 48 [28 FEB 1899 — V049_00_S] (//)


[page torn]


[3:] We finished Cargo at 3
[4:] P.M.; having loaded very
[5:] deep;

[6:] The Waly of Basreh
[7:] Enis Pasha & the Commander
[8:] of the Troops Mohsen Pasha
[9:] came to see the Shahzada
[10:] the cousin of the present
[11:] Shah of Persia, his name
[12:] is Abdulhussein Mirza
[13:] Farman Farman,
[14:] also the English Consul Mr.
[15:] Wratislaw, Mr. Hamilton
[16:] the Agent of Hotz & Co. &
[17:] is also the American
[18:] Consular Agent; Mr.
[19:] Richards of Lynch Brothers
[20:] & a wole lot of Persians
[21:] & other people; he has
[22:] [page torn] two cabins for
[23:] [page torn] 1st Class
[pg: 4]
[1:] [ripped off] on Deck
[2:] [ripped off] came to me,
[3:] [ripped off] going to Gorna tomorrow
[4:] to see his property for
[5:] about 10 days absence,
[6:] and then he promised
[7:] me if his mother has really
[8:] decided to go to Paris
[9:] to bring Alexander, he
[10:] will accompany her;

Basreh to Baghdad [1 MAR 1899 — V049_01_N] (//)



Abdulhussein Mirza Farman Farman

Passng Okes GSP. Local Draft
20 ½ 247336 27,126 ¼ 4,,10
[12:] At 4,,20 P.M. We left
[13:] Basreh, flood tide is
[14:] running up;~ The Persian
[15:] Shahzada with his Doctor
[16:] & Interpreter in 1st C. Cabins
[17:] are messing by themselves

[18:] At 10 P.M. landed 8
[19:] passengers at Gorna they
[20:] are Nasser el Sagur,
[21:] Abdulla Rawandoozi the
[22:] Lawyer & Mr. Misakyan
[pg: 5]
[1:] the Civil Engineer & followers
[2:] going to measure the
[3:] date properties so as to
[4:] levy a tax in future at
[5:] so much per Jerib; Ali
[6:] Beg Mudir of the Tapo &
[7:] Rufail are also coming
[8:] to Gorna tomorrow;

1st Wedn Th@ 6. 58

1899 Mch


1899 Mch


[9:] Light air & rather warm
[10:] weather; At 2,,50 Am
[11:] passed Azair~ at 4
[12:] anchored, & at 5,,30 We
[13:] left;~ Weather very mild
[14:] I finished with the passengers
[15:] tickets we have in all
[16:] 143 ½ (5 in 1st Class, the
[17:] Shahzada, Abdulhussein
[18:] Mirza Farman Farman
[19:] whose sister the Shah of
[20:] Persia Muzaffar el Mulk
[21:] has married, and a
[22:] German Mr. W. Grieger
[pg: 6]
[1:] and Yousif Shamoon
[2:] Nazo, but the two cabins
[3:] of the Shahzada are
[4:] also used by his attendants
[5:] going in & out, and 2
[6:] in 2nd class Nassoory
[7:] son of Georgis Ilo and
[8:] sister)~

[9:] At 10 Am landed 4
[10:] passengers at Kalat
[11:] Saleh & Went on at 10,,5,
[12:] the guard turned out &
[13:] saluted the Persian
[14:] Shahzada; We are flying
[15:] the Persian flag for
[16:] him~

[17:] S. Erly Wind & Weather
[18:] Getting Cloudy~

[19:] At 4 P.M. arrived
[20:] at Amara, a guard of
[21:] soldiers saluting the
[22:] Persian Shahzada, and
[23:] the whole population
[pg: 7]
[1:] was on the bank, the
[2:] Crowd was very thick
[3:] & all hurried on board,
[4:] the Motserrif & all the
[5:] functionaries, the Persian
[6:] Consular Agent in his
[7:] uniform & the milè
[8:] was so thick on board
[9:] that I had to go in my
[10:] cabin from the crash
[11:] & confusion;~ We
[12:] landed 12 passengers
[13:] and 7 Bales of cloth;

[14:] We could not Coal
[15:] ship on Account of the
[16:] Crowd & so We left at
[17:] 4,,50 P.M. ; Took 32 ½
[18:] passengers~

[19:] Wind shifted to N. Wester
[20:] & fine Weather;

[21:] The Shahzada & his Doctor
[22:] dined with us this evening
[23:] I was interpreting between
[24:] him & Capt Cowley
[pg: 8]
[1:] & the others in Persian
[2:] and french~

2 Thurs. Th@ 6. 46


[3:] Modte N.W. & fine cold
[4:] Weather, sharp wind
[5:] and the river is rising;

[6:] At 7,,5 Am passed
[7:] Ali Gherbi [symbol] At 2 Pm passed the

[8:] SS Baghdad going down

[9:] Very sharp Cold Wind is
[10:] blowing~

[11:] At 0,,20 P.M. passed the
[12:] S.S. Mossul & Barge going
[13:] up at AbooDood [symbol] [14:] At 8,,5 P.M. arrived
[15:] at Coot landed 7 ½ passeng.
[16:] & 8 Bales of P. Goods;
[17:] We took 12 Tons from
[18:] our Coal boat which
[19:] had not been landed yet,
[20:] so we did not go alongside
[21:] some people came to
[22:] visit the Shahzada
[23:] the Kaimakam Jaffer
[24:] Bey & the Persian Agent,
[pg: 9] [1:] At 10,,30 We left Coot,
[2:] fine & cold Weather;

3 Frid Th@ 6. 47

1899 Mch


[3:] Light N.W. & cloudy
[4:] Weather~

[5:] At 6,,30 Am passed
[6:] Memlah; gave tickets to
[7:] 411 ½ Coot passengers;~

[8:] I paid the Ship’s Company
[9:] their wages for Feby;

[10:] At 3,,15 P.M. passed
[11:] Azizieh Village;

[12:] At 3,,30 met the SS.
[13:] Khalifah coming down,
[14:] We stopped & sent Mr.
[15:] Taylor’s letters, him &
[16:] his wife are on board
[17:] going back, I got a
[18:] few lines from Henry
[19:] he says that my Wife
[20:] has no news at all
[21:] from Alexander,
[22:] Michail Yaghchi is also
[23:] on board going down
[24:] to Basreh, the
[pg: 10]
[1:] Khalifah has 47,000
[2:] Okes & 228 passengers

[3:] We went on at 3,,40
[4:] N. Erly wind & cloudy
[5:] all over~

[6:] At 7,,10 passed Baghdadieh
[7:] Weather getting fine;

4 Satur Th@ 6. 48


1899 Mch



1899 Mch



[8:] Light N.W. & little cloudy
[9:] on the East~

[10:] At 6,,5 AM we came
[11:] to alongside the bank at
[12:] Ctesiphon to let the Persian
[13:] Shahzada Abdulhussein
[14:] Mirza to Visit the Tomb of
[15:] Selman & the Arch; but
[16:] he did not land till 7 am
[17:] after having made his
[18:] prayers & took his tea;

[19:] At 8,,30 the Persian Shah-
[20:] zada came & We left
[21:] Ctesiphon~ He sent for
[22:] me telling me that he wishes
[23:] to give the Crew & servants
[24:] some present of few
[pg: 11]
[1:] Kerans & wants to Know
[2:] how many the crew are,
[3:] I told him 26 Mossullees &
[4:] the Tindal etc; he sent me
[5:] 120 Kerans to be distributed
[6:] that is 3 K. to each of the crew
[7:] & 10 K. to Meekha Tuidal, &
[8:] 4 K to each servant etc;
[9:] What a mean & stingy man
[10:] he is, he has given to Capt
[11:] Cowley a small carpet worth
[12:] about 25 Beshlics; He
[13:] also gave me 7 Envelopes
[14:] to be given to the Chief, 2d
[15:] & 3rd Engineers & the Chief
[16:] & 2d Mates, to Metty &
[17:] to myself to keep as a rememberance
[18:] from his part, every one
[19:] I found Contains 5 ¼
[20:] Toomans in Gold, which
[21:] amounts to about 10
[22:] Beshlics, the Engineers
[23:] & Officers have refused
[24:] taking them, but Metty
[25:] & Myself Kept it; as it
[26:] Will not be nice to
[27:] return them to the Man
[pg: 12] [1:] I told Capt Cowley of
[2:] it, & he told Metty to
[3:] take them & give them
[4:] to the poors through
[5:] the Nuns or Priests;
[6:] they all took it back afterward;

[7:] River is rising, & wind
[8:] blowing sharp from N.W.

[9:] At 0,,5 P.M. passed Diala
[10:] River~ Ship is going
[11:] very slow on account of
[12:] the river;

[13:] At 2,,10 P.M. landed a
[14:] Deckman at Gherrara with letters
[15:] & went on;

[16:] At 5,,10 P.M. landed
[17:] the mails at the Residency
[18:] We went up to the Custum
[19:] House, Great many people
[20:] Crowded the banks, the Custum
[21:] House & the Bridge, The
[22:] head Constable Mukhlus
[23:] Effendi & the Aide de Camp
[24:] of Kadem Pasha came
[25:] the former from the part
[pg: 13]
[1:] of the Waly & the latter
[2:] from that of Kadem Pasha
[3:] to greet the Shahzada
[4:] also the Persian Consul
[5:] Without uniform but in
[6:] a dirty clothes, they took
[7:] the Shahzada to Persian
[8:] Consulate on the other
[9:] side of the river~

[10:] I went home saw Eliza
[11:] also Antone Marine
[12:] was there;

[13:] I found letters from
[14:] Ibrahim Gejou from Paris
[15:] dated the 3 Feby, he
[16:] sends me back my
[17:] letter of the 15 Decr which
[18:] I had written to Alexander
[19:] after the receipt of his
[20:] last letter to me of the
[21:] 13 Novr. & Ibrahim
[22:] says that he could not
[23:] send Alexander in Paris
[24:] & so he sends the
[pg: 14]
[1:] letter back; an other
[2:] letter from Mr. J. Böhm
[3:] from Paris where he had
[4:] gone for business and
[5:] says that he had received
[6:] from me my telegram in
[7:] which I had told him
[8:] that Alexander had wired
[9:] to me from Constple
[10:] that he was going to
[11:] Port Said & coming here
[12:] & he hopes that he has
[13:] now arrived~ an other
[14:] letter from Yousif Serpos
[15:] dated the 9 Feby, in which
[16:] he acknowledges the
[17:] receipt of my telegram
[18:] to him of the 6 Feby asking
[19:] him if Alexander had
[20:] come to Egypt, he says
[21:] that he had received a
[22:] letter from him of the
[23:] 18 Jany from Paris &
[pg: 15]
[1:] he answered him and
[2:] sends the copy of the letter

[3:] Eliza tells me that Mr.
[4:] Richarz the German
[5:] Consul told my sister
[6:] Medula that the Austrian
[7:] Consul at Paris writes
[8:] in Answer to my complaint
[9:] made on the 15 Decr,
[10:] that the Police have not
[11:] found Alexander in Paris
[12:] and that he must have
[13:] gone to England & so
[14:] he wants to know what
[15:] he is to do with the 300
[16:] frcs I sent to him for Alexanders
[17:] expenses~ No other
[18:] news we have of Alexanders
[19:] whereabout;

5’ Sund Th@ 6 38

1899 Mch


[20:] Light N. Erly & little
[21:] Cloudy & Cold Weather
[22:] I did not go to Church,
[23:] but I called on Henry’s
[pg: 16] [1:] Wife, & on Sister Medula
[2:] & came home at 11~
[3:] Some Visitors called~
[4:] At 1 P.M. I went to see
[5:] Antone Marine & then
[6:] called on Mina Abood,
[7:] Went to call on Mr. Richarz
[8:] but met him in the road
[9:] & I told him that I will
[10:] call on him in two hours
[11:] more; I went to Sister
[12:] Eliza, & on Edward Blockey
[13:] but he was not at home,
[14:] I then called on Mr. Richarz
[15:] but he had gone out,
[16:] I called on Capt & Mrs. Cowley
[17:] & on Moseigneur Altmayer
[18:] he is getting better with
[19:] his rheumatism,
[20:] his holyday of St Henry
[21:] was on Thursday the 2d
[22:] Mch, I came home
[23:] at 6 P.M~
[pg: 17] [1:] Weather getting fine
[2:] & clouds disappearing;

6’ Mond Th@ 6. 42

1899 Mch


[3:] Light N.W. & fine
[4:] cold morning; at 8
[5:] AM I came on board,
[6:] the Mejidieh is inside
[7:] since yesterday discharging

[8:] The river is falling;
[9:] at 10 Am I went to see
[10:] Mr. Richarz, also Dr. Hesse
[11:] who showed me a letter
[12:] from the Consul General
[13:] of Beyrout dated the 6 Feby
[14:] in which he says that the
[15:] Consul General of Austria
[16:] of Paris writes that after
[17:] having searched for
[18:] Alexander at No. 124
[19:] Rue de Rennes he was
[20:] not there, & was informed
[21:] that he was in the Hotel
[22:] de Bon Marché No. 22
[23:] Rue Placide, there
[pg: 18]
[1:] he was told that Alexander
[2:] had left & probably
[3:] gone to England
[4:] so the money of 300 frcs
[5:] is left with the Consul
[6:] and wants to know what
[7:] he is to do with it; I
[8:] asked Mr. Richarz to write
[9:] again to let the money
[10:] remain for the present
[11:] until probably Alexander
[12:] may wire for money
[13:] & then I can refer him
[14:] to the Austrian Consul
[15:] to get it from him, so
[16:] Mr. Richarz is going to
[17:] do so, I left & came to
[18:] the office for some
[19:] Gold sovereigns to pay
[20:] the Officers~

[21:] Sister Medula called
[22:] also Eliza & Adoola my
[23:] cousins~
[pg: 19]
[1:] The SS. Mossul arrived
[2:] at 10 Am~

[3:] I took a hot bath~
[4:] Fine cold weather;

7’ Tuesd.

1899 Mch

[5:] Light N.W. & fine Weather
[6:] cold~ Sister Eliza
[7:] called on us also Madm.
[8:] Saccazan~ At 9 AM
[9:] I came on board~

[10:] The SS. Ressafah left this
[11:] morning at 5 Am; River
[12:] Keeps falling;

[13:] At 11 I went home; At 2 P.M.
[14:] called on Catterina Yaghchi
[15:] & Louisa my niece;
[16:] Antone Marine called on
[17:] us, him & Major Melville
[18:] had been at Kadumain
[19:] Visiting the Shahzada
[20:] Abdulhussein Mirza
[21:] he is going to stay here
[22:] for about 4 months more,

[23:] Light N.W. & fine Weather
[24:] & mild;
[pg: 20]

8’ Wedn

[1:] Light N.W. & fine weather
[2:] at 8 am called on Sister
[3:] Medula & at 9 came on
[4:] board; the Mossul went
[5:] inside to discharge;
[6:] We are shipping some cargo,
[7:] at 11 went to breakfast
[8:] & returned at 2 ½ P.M.;
[9:] We shipped galls & wool;

[10:] At 4 ½ I went home &
[11:] at 6 Eliza & I went over to Sister
[12:] Medula & spent the evening
[13:] Johny & Artin also came there
[14:] We left at 8 & came home,

9’ Thursd Th@ 6. 50

[15:] Light air from S.W. & cloudy
[16:] all over~ At 8 Am I came
[17:] on board;~ River is falling

[18:] At 11 I went to breakfast
[19:] & came on board at 12;

[20:] I sent two letters to the
[21:] Damascus Post one for
[22:] Mr. A Schweiger & one
[23:] to Mr. Böhm Vienna &
[24:] told the latter every thing
[25:] about Alexander;
[pg: 21] [1:] At 2 P.M. the SS. Phrat
[2:] arrived from Basreh;

[3:] Weather keeps cloudy,
[4:] with a light S. Ely breeze,

[5:] At 5 P.M. we finished
[6:] loading, handed off the
[7:] bank;~ I went home,
[8:] Sister Medula & Grzesiki
[9:] called on us to spend the
[10:] evening; they left at 8 P.M.

[11:] S. Ely light air & cloudy
[12:] a little ~

10 Frid


[13:] Light S. Ely, & cloudy
[14:] All over, Raining slightly
[15:] at 5 am. I came on
[16:] board, rain ceased
[17:] after few minutes, but
[18:] just to wet the ground,
[19:] it keeps cloudy;
[pg: 22]

Baghdad to Basreh [10 MAR 1899 — V049_02_S] (//)




Passg Okes GS Piast Draft
253 97,178 19875 ½ 3,,9
[2:] At 6 Am. we proceeded,
[3:] Weather very cloudy and
[4:] gloomy;~ It began to
[5:] rain drizzly at 7 ½ after
[6:] passing Gherrarah Bridge

[7:] At 7.45 passed Diala
[8:] river; ~

[9:] At 8,,45 passed the
[10:] S.S. Khalifah at Menary
[11:] going up, I saw Père
[12:] Pièrre & P. Jèan onboard
[13:] going up;~

[14:] At 9.5 passed Ctesiphon
[15:] At 1,,10 P.M. landed
[16:] the son of Elias Serkis, Rezooki
[17:] at Swera on the opposite
[18:] side of the village & went
[19:] on at 1,,15;

[20:] We have altogether
[21:] 233, Passengers (7
[pg: 23]
[1:] in 1st class; 2 Mahomedan
[2:] Pilgrims in one cabin,
[3:] Eassa Khdery, Abdulrezak
[4:] Khdery to Amara free
[5:] with Return Ticket; Edward
[6:] Blockey going to London
[7:] for 9 months, paying Deck
[8:] & Mr. Faragher with him
[9:] in the big cabin free
[10:] going to be reemployed
[11:] at Mahomerah by Mr.
[12:] Taylor free; and Naoom
[13:] Loca to Basreh; also
[14:] 2 females of Eassa Khdery
[15:] in 2d C. Cabin to Basreh
[16:] three other men with free
[17:] passage by S.Lynch & Co,

[18:] At 2,,15 P.M. passed
[19:] Baghdadieh; still very
[20:] Cloudy all over; ~

[21:] At 4.20 passed
[22:] Azizieh; ~

[23:] At 7,,10 we rounded
[pg: 24]
[1:] and anchored at Um Sneyem
[2:] little cloudy & light S. Ely
[3:] wind ~ Wind Shifted to
[4:] a fresh N.W. and clouds
[5:] cleared off & became fine,

11 Satur Th@6.52

[6:] Light N.W. & fine clear
[7:] weather ~ At 5,,15 am
[8:] left Um Sneyem;

[9:] At 7,,30 passed Memlah
[10:] The SS. Baghdad & Barge,
[11:] passed up this morning
[12:] at 5 am; ~

[13:] At 11,,45 am. arrived
[14:] at Coot landed 19 Passeng.
[15:] & 3 Packages;

[16:] I received Henry’s letter,
[17:] the Khalifah had 242000
[18:] Okes of Cargo & about
[19:] 120 passengers;

[20:] At 0,,45 P.M. we
[21:] left Coot, took 11 ½
[22:] passengers ~

[23:] At 4.30 P.M. passed

[pg: 25]

[1:] Sheikh Saad;

[2:] At 7,15 we rounded and
[3:] Came to for the night at
[4:] Maghessil Grove; Fine
[5:] Clear weather & modte
[6:] N.W. wind;

12 Sund Th@6.42



[7:] Modte; N.W. & fine cold
[8:] weather ~ At 5,30 Am
[9:] we left Maghessil, at
[10:] 5,,40 passed Ali Gherbi;

[11:] At 1 P.M. arrived at
[12:] Amara landed 22 Passengs
[13:] (Abdulrezack Khdery in
[14:] 1st Class Cabin) and 52
[15:] Packages; ~Took 5 Tons
[16:] of Coal~

[17:] At 2,,20 P.M. left Amara
[18:] took 8 Passengers ~

[19:] At 5,,30 passed Kalat
[20:] Saleh

[21:] At 6.10 anchored at
[22:] the Canal of Abdulla ibn
[23:] Ali for the night;
[pg: 26] [1:] Light S.W. & cloudy

[2:] At 5,,30 Am. proceeded
[3:] from Abdulla ibn Ali,

13 Mond Th@6.57


[4:] At 7,,55 passed Azair
[5:] Wind shifted to N.W. &
[6:] became fine; ~

[7:] At 10,,40 landed one
[8:] Basreh passenger at Gorna
[9:] I saw Rufail Sayegh
[10:] here, he came up after
[11:] we had left Basreh last
[12:] trip & will return tomorrow
[13:] or the day after, ~

[14:] At 10,,50 we went on;

[15:] At 2,,50 P.M. arrived
[16:] at Basreh; Flood tide
[17:] made an hour ago, todays
[18:] moon is 3 days old

[19:] The Mail Str Kilwa is
[20:] the only boat in quarantine,
[21:] the Persian St. Husseini
[22:] has just left as we
[23:] arrived she goes to
[pg: 27]
[1:] Jedda with Pilgrims,
[2:] The SS. Abdulkadur
[3:] is at Fao bound for
[4:] Jedda, also taking
[5:] Pilgrims ~

[6:] Rezooki came to me
[7:] for ½ hour & went away,

[8:] The Malamir is
[9:] also in quarantine
[10:] she will leave on Thursday
[11:] for Mahomerah &
[12:] Mr. & Mrs. Taylor will
[13:] go in her & up the Karoon
[14:] to Ahwaz & Shushter;

[15:] At 5 P.m. I went up
[16:] to Rezooki Sayegh only
[17:] himself there Rufail being
[18:] at Gorna; I dined &
[19:] slept there; very strong
[20:] N.W. wind blew for
[21:] 2 hours at about 7
[22:] P.M. & then died away

[23:] Fine Cold Weather
[pg: 28]

14 Tuesd



[1:] Modte cool N.W. wind
[2:] At 7 am I came on
[3:] board; we discharging
[4:] and loading cargo,

[5:] Edward Blockey went
[6:] yesterday to put up
[7:] with Mr. Hiles of Muir
[8:] Tweedie & will go down
[9:] in the Kilwa either to
[10:] Karachi or Bombay
[11:] thence to England ~

[12:] Rezooki Sayegh called on
[13:] me, also Nassoory Andrea
[14:] Michail Yaghchi who came
[15:] down in the Khalifah to
[16:] sell his Liquorice from
[17:] the Euphrates, also Yousif
[18:] Metchich ‘etc’

[19:] We finished loading
[20:] at 4 ½ P.M. & got the
[21:] mail on board;
[22:] Flood tide is running
[23:] up since 3 P.M ~

[24:] We are awaiting for the
[25:] flood tide to ebb
[pg: 29]

Basreh to Baghdad [15 MAR 1899 — V049_03_N] (//)





Passeng Okes G.S. Piast Local Draft
310 ½ 238,030 26,511 ½ 4, 10/11
[2:] At 6.35 P.M. flood tide
[3:] slacked, we got underway
[4:] Light N.W. & fine weather,

[5:] We have 10 Horses, one
[6:] mule & one donkey belonging
[7:] to the Shahzada Abdulhussein
[8:] Mirza Farman Farman
[9:] whom we tock up last time,
[10:] they came up from Shiraz
[11:] charging the Horses at 14
[12:] Mejidies each, the mule 11
[13:] & the donkey 8, with 7
[14:] persons, 4 are allowed free
[15:] as Saises for the 12 animals,

[16:] I wrote a letter to Yousif
[17:] Serpos to Cairo by this mail
[18:] Via Bombay dated the 10
[19:] Instt; all about Alexander
[20:] a copy I have kept;
[pg: 30] [1:] At 7.50 passed the
[2:] S.S. Mossul & Barge going
[3:] down; ~

15 Wedne Th@6.55

[4:] At 1 AM passed
[5:] Gorna~

[6:] Light N.W. & very mild
[7:] weather & fine~

[8:] At 6.15 passed Azair,
[9:] At 11.15 landed 7 passengers
[10:] at Kalat Saleh and
[11:] went on at 11,,20 ~ Took
[12:] one passenger~

[13:] We have altogether
[14:] from Basreh 162 ½
[15:] (6 being free by L. Brothers)
[16:] (2 in 1st Class Mr. Zerlendi
[17:] a Greek trader in Baghdad
[18:] and Miss Martin an
[19:] English woman of the
[20:] missionary society
[21:] of Baghdad)

[22:] Weather getting cloudy
[pg: 31]
[1:] in the afternoon ~

[2:] At 4,,35 P.M. arrived
[3:] at Amara landed 17
[4:] passengers & 5 Bales of
[5:] P. Goods; Took 8 Tons
[6:] of Coal & 10 Bales of Hides

[7:] At 6 P.M. left Amara
[8:] Weather cloudy a little

16 Thursd Th@6.54



[9:] Modte S. Ely wind and
[10:] cloudy weather ~

[11:] At 6,,35 AM. landed 2
[12:] passengers at Ali Gherbi
[13:] & took one, went on at
[14:] 6,,40 ~

[15:] Gave tickets to 55,
[16:] Amara passengers, (one
[17:] Turkish Officer Noory
[18:] Effendi in 2nd Class)

[19:] We passed the SS. Phrat
[20:] & Barge going down last
[21:] night at 11 P.M;

[22:] At 11,,30 landed one
[23:] Passenger at Sheikh Saad

[24:] Strong wind from S. Est
[pg: 32] [1:] Winds keeps blowing strong
[2:] S. Ely & weather cloudy

[3:] At 6,,20 P.M. arrived
[4:] at Coot landed 14 passeng
[5:] & 5 Bales of P. Goods;
[6:] an awful confusion and
[7:] a rush of passengers was
[8:] made for about an hour
[9:] we were unable to Coal,
[10:] so many passengers from
[11:] Coot, Shatra Hai etc etc,
[12:] came pouring, as it is
[13:] the time for the pilgrimage
[14:] to Kerbella etc; we
[15:] took 6 tons of coal;

[16:] At 8,,50 we left
[17:] Coot, strong S. Ely wind
[18:] & cloudy ~

17 Frid Th@6.56



[19:] S. Ely wind & it became
[20:] very cloudy gloomy weather

[21:] At 5,,15 AM passed
[22:] Memlah ~
[pg: 33] [1:] Gave tickets to 91 Coot
[2:] passengers;

[3:] Wind blowing Strong S. Ely
[4:] and opened the clouds
[5:] without raining; all
[6:] the country is dry & have
[7:] not had rain for more
[8:] than a month; people
[9:] are fearing the scarcity
[10:] & bad Crop & the price
[11:] of every thing will again
[12:] commence to rise;

[13:] At 1,,45 P.M. passed
[14:] Azizieh ~ Strong S. Ely
[15:] wind still blowing

[16:] At 3,,30 passed the
[17:] S.S. Khalifah going down
[18:] at Rmelat ~

[19:] At 5,,15 passed Baghdadieh
[20:] Fort; very strong wind
[21:] & heavy swell still;
[22:] cloudy weather;

[23:] At 5,,35 passed the
[24:] S.S. Baghdad & Barge
[pg: 34]
[1:] going down at Thaji;

[2:] At 12 P.M. being very
[3:] dark and cloudy, we anchored
[4:] at Bostan ~

18 Satur




[5:] S. Ely wind & cloudy

[6:] At 5,,30 AM we proceeded
[7:] very light drizzly rain came
[8:] last night for few minutes,

[9:] At 8,,15 passed Ctesiphon,
[10:] At 10,,40 passed Diala
[11:] river ~

[12:] At 11,,50 went alongside
[13:] the bank just below the Bridge
[14:] of Gherrarah & landed
[15:] the 10 horses one mule
[16:] & one donkey; ~

[17:] I landed at 12 & walked in
[18:] to Baghdad there has been
[19:] some slight fall of rain
[20:] here last night;
[21:] reached home at 1 ½ P.M.
[22:] the Mejidieh arrived at
[23:] 2 ½ ~ I saw Eliza
[pg: 35]
[1:] she is well; I found a
[2:] letter from Rezooki
[3:] Metchich from London
[4:] for me dated the 15 Ulto,
[5:] he tells me that Alexander
[6:] is in London, but he cannot
[7:] tell me all about him &
[8:] what he is doing because
[9:] he is afraid of him
[10:] getting angry etc etc,

[11:] It begun to rain drizzly
[12:] for about 2 hours &
[13:] made the streets muddy
[14:] weather keeps very cloudy
[15:] It rained at night too

19’ Sund



[16:] Holy day of St. Joseph

[17:] S. Ely wind & cloudy
[18:] at 8 am I went to church
[19:] a high mass with music
[20:] & organ; we visited the
[21:] priests, Pere Pièrre (who
[22:] is now the prefect superior
[23:] in place of the late Père
[24:] Marie Joseph) I then
[pg: 36]
[1:] called on Asfar, Antone
[2:] Marine, Habib Chiha,
[3:] Yaghchi, Sister Medula
[4:] & came home, many people
[5:] called on us to wish me
[6:] the holy day of my patron
[7:] St Joseph; ~ I called on
[8:] Yousif Tessy, Pehlewan
[9:] & at 3 P.M. with Antone
[10:] Marine on Yousif Korkis
[11:] & Sister Eliza & came
[12:] home at 5 ~ It rained
[13:] in the daytime too, &
[14:] weather keeps cloudy;

20 Mond Th@6.56


[15:] Light N.W. & cloudy
[16:] weather, at 7 ½ AM I
[17:] called on Menusha &
[18:] then came on board,
[19:] no steamers are here,

[20:] The Mejidieh is alongside
[21:] discharging cargo

[22:] I sent money to the office
[23:] & went home at 10; Menusha
[24:] was there; I tock a warm
[pg: 37]
[1:] bath ~ Louisa (Henry’s
[2:] daughter the wife of Yousif
[3:] Yaghchi) & others called
[4:] on us; ~ I called on Mily
[5:] widow of Naoom Serkis,

[6:] Antone, Johny & Artin &
[7:] Johny Pehlewan called
[8:] on us in the evening; they
[9:] looked at my new Bicycle
[10:] which I got out for
[11:] Alexander lately, and
[12:] Johny & Joory Antone’s
[13:] son rode it round the
[14:] court yard ~

[15:] Light N.W. & fine weather
[16:] but is getting warm;

21’ Tuesd Th@6.56




[17:] Light N.W. & fine weather
[18:] Called on Sister Medula
[19:] & came on board at 9 ½
[20:] We are discharging;
[21:] The river is rising a little

[22:] At 11 went home found
[23:] Terooza wife of Antone &
[24:] Philomena Chiha there,
[25:] Eliza & Adoola my cousins
[pg: 38]
[1:] called in the afternoon
[2:] Also Mr. Richarz, the
[3:] German Consul; he tells
[4:] me that he wrote by last
[5:] Post about my son Alexander
[6:] to the Austrian Consul
[7:] of Paris to keep the money
[8:] now standing, I requested
[9:] him to write again
[10:] & to say that Alexander
[11:] is in London & to let the
[12:] Consul write to London
[13:] to the Austrian Consul

[14:] At 5 ½ Eliza & I went
[15:] over to Sister Eliza & spent
[16:] the evening till 8 P.M.
[17:] & came home;

22’ Wedn


[18:] Light N.W. & fine
[19:] weather ~ at 10 AM
[20:] I came on board,
[21:] We are shipping cargo;

[22:] River keeps rising much
[23:] since the day before; It
[24:] rose about 12 feet altogether

[25:] The Bridge was cut
[pg: 39]
[1:] open today, the rush is
[2:] strong & keeps still rising,

[3:] At 11 I went to breakfast
[4:] & came on board at 2
[5:] P.M. ~ Some boats of the
[6:] brige got swamped &
[7:] sunk; ~ Others also were
[8:] carried away on the opposite
[9:] side;

[10:] At 5 P.M. I went home;

[11:] Fetoohi Dowd Maghak
[12:] our opposite door neighbour
[13:] has opened a shop near
[14:] the door of his house and
[15:] cleaned & repaired the road,
[16:] and called it Bon Marché
[17:] he has spent a large sum
[18:] lavishly in this enterprise

23’ Thursd



[19:] Light N.W. breeze and
[20:] fine ~ At 7 ½ AM I
[21:] called on Sister Medula
[22:] for ½ hour & came on
[23:] board; the river is still
[pg: 40]
[1:] rising, it rose 8 bricks since
[2:] yesterday evening, it must
[3:] have risen about 14
[4:] feet;

[5:] I wrote a letter to Edward
[6:] Blockey by todays Post
[7:] to Cheshnut (London) &
[8:] told him all about Alexander
[9:] & to look for him in London,

[10:] At 11 I went home to breakfast
[11:] and returned at 12 1/2;
[12:] Weather getting cloudy;
[13:] the River is stand still,

[14:] We shipped cargo about
[15:] 87,000 Okes;

[16:] At 5 P.M. I went home
[17:] Johny & Artin called on
[18:] us till 8 ~ Weather fine
[19:] & light N.W. breeze;

24 Frid


[20:] Light N.W. & fine
[21:] weather ~ At 5 AM I
[22:] came on board ~

[23:] The river has fallen
[24:] one foot since yesterday
[pg: 41]

Baghdad to Basreh [24 MAR 1899 — V049_04_S] (//)

1899 Mch




1899 Mch

Pass Okes GSP Draft
[N/A] [N/A] {N/A] [N/A]
[2:] We kept working in heaving
[3:] the anchor getting buried

[4:] At 6 AM. hove up and
[5:] proceeded; All the gardens
[6:] & property have been well
[7:] irrigated through their
[8:] Canals; ~

[9:] At 7,,30 passed Diala
[10:] river, this had also risen
[11:] considerably & nearly
[12:] overflowing the embankments

[13:] At 8,,25 passed Ctesiphon
[14:] The river here about is nearly
[15:] in a level with the bank;

[16:] At 0,,25 P.M. passed
[17:] Baghdadieh Fort;

[18:] Finished with the
[19:] Passengers tickets, we
[20:] have altogether 138 ½
[21:] (5 in 1st class, Yousif
[22:] Georgi Asfar with free
[23:] Return ticket by SLynch,
[24:] Ali Beg son of Kassim
[pg: 42]
[1:] Pasha Zheir, Mr.W. Grieger
[2:] the German Zoologist
[3:] with 37 Gazelles bought
[4:] for Hamburg, charged
[5:] 12 1/2 G.S Piasters each,
[6:] and the wife of Abdulrezack
[7:] Khdery with her brother
[8:] Seyd Mahomed to Basreh,
[9:] this latter paying deck
[10:] & Capt Cowley invited him
[11:] in the cabin with his
[12:] sister to occupy,
[13:] and 2 Afghans in 2d
[14:] Class) ~ Besides we have
[15:] Polus Bahoshy with 4
[16:] Tilkeflies to Amara to
[17:] the wool Press of S Lynch

[18:] At 2 P.M. passed
[19:] Azizieh;

[20:] At 4,,50 passed the
[21:] S.S. Khalifah going up
[22:] at Sheresh, Naoom Loca
[23:] [strikethrough] was
[24:] on board ~
[pg: 43] [1:] At 5,,40 passed Memlah,

[2:] At 5,,55 passed the
[3:] S.S. Mossul & Barge at
[4:] Anchor above the village
[5:] of Bughela apparently
[6:] on account of the strong
[7:] current; Artin Apikyan
[8:] on board of her going from
[9:] Bughela to Baghdad;
[10:] Also Sleman Durion
[11:] from Basreh;

[12:] At 9,,10 P.M. arrived
[13:] at Coot landed 39 passeng
[14:] and 229 Packages (150 Poles
[15:] for Lynch’s wool Press)
[16:] I received Henry’s letter &
[17:] my papers, the Khalifah
[18:] has 204480 Okes of
[19:] cargo & about 260 Passengers

[20:] The river is high here
[21:] reaching nearly to the
[22:] top of the banks ~
[pg: 44]

25 Satur



[x symbol] took 9 passengers (1 in 1st Class the wife of Kassim Khdery)

[1:] Light nw. & fine ~ At
[2:] 5,, am. left Coot; Took
[3:] one passenger;

[4:] At 10,,35 landed 9
[5:] Packages at Ali Gherbi
[6:] took 6 1/2 passengers and
[7:] went on at 11,,00 ~
[8:] Light clouds & S. Ely
[9:] breeze;

[10:] At 1,,25 P.m passed the S.S
[11:] Ressafah & Barge going
[12:] up above Ali Sherghi,

[13:] At 5,,40 P.m. arrived
[14:] at Amara landed 25 1/2
[15:] passengers & 23 Packages,
[16:] the river here is about
[17:] one foot below the bank;
[18:] We shipped 4 cases of the
[19:] Pellican feathers; ~

[20:] At 7 P.m. we left Amara
[21:] full noon today ~

[22:] Weather warm & Calm;
[pg: 45]
[1:] with some clouds ; [x symbol] [2:] At 8 we anchored above
[3:] Aboo Sedra, Fine moonlight
[4:] night, & the river is high
[5:] with the banks ;

26 Sund

1899 Mch

[6:] Light, n.w. & fine calm
[7:] weather ~ At 5,,15 Am.
[8:] we proceeded ~ at 7 passed
[9:] Kalat Saleh;

[10:] At 9,,45 passed Azair
[11:] the country is not flooded
[12:] here but the river is high
[13:] within few inches below
[14:] the banks;

[15:] At 0,,35 P.m. landed 2
[16:] of the Basreh passengers at
[17:] Gorna, took 9 passengers
[18:] the family of Neshat
[19:] Effendi Kaimakam of
[20:] Gorna (now just appointed
[21:] here instead of Akif
[22:] Effendi who went up
[23:] to Baghdad 15 days ago)
[24:] We went on at 0,,40
[pg: 46]
[1:] Flood tide made up at
[2:] 2 P.m. ~

[3:] At 4,,10 P.m. passed
[4:] the S.S. Baghdad & Barge
[5:] going up at the Island
[6:] above Maghil;

[7:] At 4,,45 arrived at Basreh
[8:] There is only the mail
[9:] Str Pemba in quarantine

[10:] Rezooki Sayegh came off
[11:] to me & then we went up
[12:] I landed at Jeboory Asfar
[13:] for an hour & then went
[14:] to Rufail where I dined
[15:] with him & Rezooki & slept
[16:] there;

27 Mond

Fireman Shabo Franso drowned

1899 Mch

[17:] Light S.W. breeze & warm
[18:] weather, since 1 am
[19:] I awoke & could not sleep
[20:] at all; at 7 I came
[21:] on board, we are discharging
[22:] & shipping cargo;

[23:] Our Fireman Shabo
[24:] ibn Franso while he
[pg: 47]
[1:] was working in the
[2:] starboard wheel fell
[3:] in the river & struggled
[4:] & cryed until he got
[5:] to opposite my cabin
[6:] under the sponsoon and
[7:] sunk & disappeared not
[8:] knowing how to swim
[9:] & the Barge being close
[10:] alongside the steamer
[11:] so no help could be
[12:] rendered immediately
[13:] expecting him to drift
[14:] down to the ship’s stern
[15:] but he got drowned
[16:] the whole crew were
[17:] gathered to his rescue
[18:] but they failed; he
[19:] was an old servant in
[20:] the service for about 15
[21:] years ~

[22:] We have a lot of passengers
[23:] coming mostly Arabs
[24:] of Hassa & the river here
[25:] & from Basreh going
[pg: 48]
[1:] to the pilgrimage of the
[2:] Moharrem festival next
[3:] Lunar month; I have
[4:] let all the Cabins, the
[5:] weather is very calm &
[6:] unusually warm it is
[7:] 82° at noon in my Cabin

[8:] Rezooki Sayegh, Rezooki
[9:] Angoorly his brother Toni,
[10:] Nessoory Andrea etc came
[11:] off to me; I have been
[12:] giving tickets all the
[13:] day ~ we finished
[14:] shipping cargo by 5
[15:] P.m. & received the
[16:] mails;
[pg: 49]

Basreh to Baghdad [27 MAR 1899 — V049_05_N] (//)


Passg Okes G S Piast Local Draft
416 192,562 27,808, 4,,9;
[2:] At 6,15 P.m. we got
[3:] underway & proceeded,
[4:] very calm & warm weather
[5:] I cannot support the
[6:] woolen clothes; the
[7:] ship is deep; we are
[8:] going slow;

28 Tuesd Th @ 5,68°

1899 Mch

[9:] At 1,,10 A.m. passed Gorna
[10:] [strikethrough], Fine weather and
[11:] light n.w. air;

[12:] At 6,,15 passed Azair,
[13:] wether warm ~

[14:] Finished with the Passengers
[15:] tickets we have Altogether
[16:] 273 (4 1/2 in 1st Class, they
[17:] are, H. Hmood el Mellak,
[18:] Gool Hayat the widow of
[19:] Sheikh Jaber & Sheikh Mezel
[20:] of Mahomerah; Michail
[21:] Yaghchi, & Rezooki Besboori

[pg: 50]

[1:] Tessi with his nephew the
[2:] son of Tanton Eassayi,
[3:] & two Jews in 2d Class
[4:] one of them is free by
[5:] S. Lynch & Co. a relative
[6:] of Abdulla Eliahoo) ;

[7:] At 11,,5 landed 6 passengers
[8:] at Kalat Saleh & went
[9:] on at 11,,10 ~

[10:] At 5,,5 P.m. arrived
[11:] at Amara landed 16 Passeng
[12:] & the 10 Zaptyehs guards,
[13:] We shipped 10 Bales of
[14:] Lamb Skins & took 10 Tons
[15:] of Coal ~

[16:] At 6,,35 left Amara
[17:] S. Ely light breeze & warm,

18: 29 Wednes


Major Melville left Baghdad

1899 Mch

[18:] At 2,,30 am we passed
[19:] the S.S. Baghdad & Barge
[20:] going up near Ali Sherghi

[21:] N. Ely wind & cloudy
[22:] all over
[pg: 51] [1:] Gave tickets to 80
[2:] Amara passengers;

[3:] At 8,,55 am landed
[4:] 2 passengers at Ali Gherbi,
[5:] & went on at 9; very
[6:] cloudy, S. Ely breeze &
[7:] some drops of rain ~

[8:] At 2,,30 P.m. passed
[9:] Sheikh Saad; S. Ely
[10:] wind & cloudy;

[11:] At 2,,45 met the Comet
[12:] coming down with major
[13:] Melville the Acting Resident
[14:] of Baghdad going away
[15:] & the Comet will bring
[16:] Colonel Loch who will
[17:] be in Basreh today to
[18:] take his post in Baghdad
[19:] after his leave of absence,

[20:] At 3 we went on;
[21:] The river has fallen about
[22:] one foot below its higher rise ~
[23:] rise ~

[24:] Wind shifted to a Strong
[pg: 52]
[1:] N. Wester & became
[2:] cool ~

[3:] At 10,,20 P.m. arrived
[4:] at Coot landed 19 1/2
[5:] Passengers & 6 packages
[6:] cargo, Lost of passengers
[7:] came most of them had
[8:] to remain on the lower deck
[9:] We took 8 tons of coal,

[10:] At 12 P.m. left Coot
[11:] light n.w. & fine weather

30 Thursd Ther @ 5,49 noon 60

[12:] Light n.w. & fine cool
[13:] weather, the river fell
[14:] about 3 feet~

[15:] Gave tickets to 62
[16:] Coot passengers;

[17:] At 8,,45 am. passed
[18:] Memlah; The river
[19:] has fallen here about
[20:] 4 feet;

[21:] I paid the Ships crew &
[22:] officers their wages for
[23:] this month ~
[pg: 53] [1:] At 6,,30 P.m. passed
[2:] Azizieh village;

[3:] At 10,,45 passed Baghdadieh
[4:] Fort; Fine clear weather;

5: 31 Frid Ther @ 5,59

1899 April

[5:] Light n.w. & cloudy a
[6:] little ~ At 7 am passed
[7:] Bostani Kesreh; The S.S.
[8:] Ressafah is in sight ahead
[9:] of us going up we had
[10:] met her on Saturday last
[11:] at 1 1/2 P.m. ~

[12:] At 8,,25 we cought the
[13:] Ressafah & passed her at
[14:] the turn of Semreh reach
[15:] and just at this time the
[16:] Khalifah is coming down
[17:] also and we passed her
[18:] after two minutes ~

[19:] At 10 passed Ctesiphon
[20:] Strong n.w.wind blowing

[21:] At 0,,50 P.m. passed
[22:] Diala river ~

[23:] At 2,,15 I landed at
[24:] Gherrarah & walked
[pg: 54]
[1:] to town, Michail Yaghchi,
[2:] Metty, Yousif Metchich
[3:] Rezooki Bashoory and
[4:] 3 Jews also landed,

[5:] I reached home at
[6:] 3 1/2 having walked slow
[7:] on account of Michail
[8:] Yaghchi who could not
[9:] walk having pain
[10:] on his knees; ~ Eliza
[11:] is suffering from stomach
[12:] ache like me for
[13:] the last 10 days; no
[14:] letters or news from
[15:] Alexander whatever,

[16:] This is Good friday I
[17:] went to the Chaldean
[18:] Cathedral, immense
[19:] people were their & the
[20:] Patriarch was preaching
[21:] I started home &
[22:] Eliza came too,
[pg: 55] [1:] The Mejidieh arrived
[2:] at 4,,50 ~

[3:] Light n.w. & fine cool
[4:] night ;

1’ Satur Ther @ 5,50

[5:] Light n.w. & fine
[6:] cool weather at 8 am
[7:] I came on board,
[8:] The Mossul & Phrat
[9:] are here the former
[10:] leaves tomorrow ~
[11:] The S.S. Ressafah arrived
[12:] this morning at 4,,20
[13:] am; I went home at 10,
[14:] I took a warm bath;

[15:] Johnny called in the evening.
[16:] The river is rising a little.

: 2’ Sund Ther @ 5,52

1899 April



[17:] Easter Sunday ~
[18:] Light N.W. & fine weather
[19:] at 8 am we went to
[20:] Church & then I called
[21:] on many people the French
[22:] priests, Patriarch, Bishop
[23:] & other Priests; and
[24:] visited many Christians
[pg: 56]
[1:] came home at 12, many
[2:] people visited us, I again
[3:] made visits until sunset,
[4:] I called on 33 houses,
[5:] & came very tyred &
[6:] knocked up ~

[7:] The river rose about
[8:] 4 feet~

[9:] Light N.W. & fine
[10:] weather;

3 Mond Ther @ 5,52

1899 April


[11:] Light Ely breeze and
[12:] fine ~ I called at 4 1/2 am
[13:] on Père Pièrre to ask
[14:] him to give me his account
[15:] of the money he has
[16:] advanced to Alexander
[17:] & he showed me all his
[18:] letters which he wrote
[19:] to him begging him to
[20:] advance the money
[21:] and all the receipts
[22:] which I took note
[23:] of, since the 4 of Nover
[pg: 57]
[1:] up to the 11 Jany he
[2:] has paid him 1,350 Frcs
[3:] exclusive the 220 frcs
[4:] which I had sent on
[5:] the 27 Octor through the
[6:] Ottoman Bank ~ I
[7:] paid P. Pierre 20 Turkish
[8:] Liras on account, all
[9:] what I had saved &
[10:] asked him to await
[11:] for the rest in about one
[12:] or two months hence;

[13:] I called on Iskender
[14:] Aziz, & on Fetoohi Loca
[15:] & came on board at 9 1/2
[16:] the Mejidieh went inside
[17:] to discharge ~

[18:] The S.S. Mossul left for
[19:] Basreh yesterday morning

[20:] I went home at 10; called
[21:] on some more Christians for
[22:] the Holyday; After breakfast
[23:] I also called on Antone
[pg: 58]
[1:] Marine, on our Tindal
[2:] Meekha saw his wife;
[3:] on Yousif Metchich etc,
[4:] came home at 4 P.m.
[5:] some more Visitors called,

[6:] Weather became very cloudy
[7:] with some slight drops
[8:] of rain; It kept blowing
[9:] & thundering during
[10:] the night; and at about
[11:] midnight it rained hard
[12:] with strong lightning
[13:] & thunder;

4 Tuesd

1899 April


[14:] S. Ely breeze & fine
[15:] weather; Terrooza wife
[16:] of Antone Marine & daughter
[17:] also Antone came

[18:] At 10 am I came on
[19:] board; The Phrat left this

[20:] The Phrat left this
[21:] morning at 5 am. The
[22:] wife of Ezra Daniel
[23:] the apothecary went down
[pg: 59]
[1:] in her to go to Vienna
[2:] in the Goolistan;
[3:] The river is falling ;

[4:] The SS. Baghdad & Barge
[5:] arrived yesterday morning
[6:] at 3 am ~ I went to see
[7:] Mr. Kritchly of the Ottoman Bank,
[8:] to ask him if he can allow
[9:] Rufail Sayegh to draw the
[10:] 1000 Date Boxes & give a bond
[11:] payable after 5 months, during
[12:] the date season, but he said
[13:] that he cannot do it until
[14:] he writes to Alois Schweiger
[15:] at Vienna meanwhile
[16:] the cases will have to be
[17:] kept in the charge of his
[18:] agent Daverzica in
[19:] Basreh ~

[20:] I went home; Fetoohi Magho
[21:] came to see my samples
[22:] & he will give orders for
[23:] some goods~

[24:] Eliza went out driving
[25:] with Antone Marine
[pg: 60]
[1:] and his wife in his dog
[2:] carriage at 4 P.m. I
[3:] called on sister Eliza &
[4:] came home ~ At 6 P.m
[5:] Eliza & I went over and
[6:] passed the evening at
[7:] sister Medula, Mr. Guilietti
[8:] & his son Antoine came
[9:] there, also Artin my nephew,
[10:] We came home at 8 P.m.

[11:] Light N. W. & fine weather

5’ Wedn

[12:] Modte n.w. fine cool
[13:] weather; called on Menusha
[14:] at 8 am & thence came
[15:] on board ~ Took no cargo
[16:] & there is none but very
[17:] little I suppose tomorrow,

[18:] River keeps falling ;
[19:] At 11 went home, sister
[20:] Medula is here, we then
[21:] went to call on Madme
[22:] Danon who is going down
[23:] with us for Paris in the
[24:] SS Goolistan, her husband
[pg: 61]
[1:] will follow in about 6 or
[2:] 7 months hence; ~

[3:] At 2 P.m. I came on board
[4:] no cargo is taken, I went
[5:] home at 4 P.m. ~

[6:] Light n.w. & fine weather,
[7:] rather warm in the room

6’ Thursd

1899 April

[8:] Ely breeze & fine ~ at
[9:] 4 1/2 am I came on board;
[10:] The river has fallen still
[11:] lower; ~ we are shipping
[12:] some cargo ~ at 11 went
[13:] to breakfast & returned at
[14:] 1 P.M. ~

[15:] We finished shipping cargo
[16:] by 5 P.M. we have only
[17:] about 27,000 Okes & few
[18:] passengers on deck;

[19:] At 5 1/2 P.M. I went home,
[20:] Artin my nephew called,

[21:] The Damascus Post
[22:] has just arrived; I only
[23:] received a letter
[pg: 62]
[1:] from my sister in law
[2:] Blanche from Constanple
[3:] dated the 12 March;
[4:] she answers my letter
[5:] of the 9th Febry ~

[6:] Light n.w. & fine weather

7 Frid

[7:] Light air & fine weather,

[8:] At 4 1/2 am I came
[9:] on board ~ River
[10:] is low & keeps falling;

Baghdad to Basreh [7 APR 1899 — V049_06_S] (//)












Passeng Okes G.S. Piast Draft
134 ½ 2,8711 10,899 ½ 3,,
[12:] At 5,,20 am we got
[13:] underway & proceeded,

[14:] At 7 passed Diala
[15:] river~

[16:] Gave tickets to the Passeng,,
[17:] we have in all 110
[18:] (5 1/2 in 1st Class, they are
[pg: 63]
[1:] Mr. & Mrs. Hurner & their
[2:] two sons both boys for
[3:] half passage; Mr. Hurner
[4:] is accompanying his
[5:] wife to Basreh & will
[6:] return with us; also
[7:] Madme. Danon & her 3 young
[8:] children as her husband
[9:] is shifted to Alexandria
[10:] in 6 months hence, she is
[11:] going to Paris for the present,
[12:] to see her friends; also
[13:] the Assyrian Bishop
[14:] Aghnatios going to Basreh
[15:] for two or three weeks,
[16:] and a Mr. Rigo an
[17:] Inspector of the Public
[18:] Debt to Basreh; and
[19:] one in 2nd class Ferida the
[20:] mother of Hannosh Kass
[21:] Hanna the Clerk of Lynch
[22:] Brothers;) We have three
[23:] Priests to Basreh on
[24:] the Lower Deck our
[pg: 64]
[1:] Assyrian & two Chaldeans
[2:] also Iskander Aziz
[3:] on Lower Deck to Coot,
[4:] There is no cabin for him
[5:] he messes with us as
[6:] well as the Bishop also

[7:] At 8,,5 we rounded and
[8:] came to at Ctesiphon to
[9:] repair our steering chain,
[10:] S. Erly breeze & fine,

[11:] At 8,,35 proceeded,

[12:] At 11,,50 passed the SS.
[13:] Khalifah going up at
[14:] Swera; she is very deep
[15:] & full of passengers even
[16:] on the lower deck and
[17:] aft; I saw Yousif Asfar
[18:] on board~

[19:] Weather getting cloudy
[20:] At 9,,55 P.m. passed
[21:] Bagdadieh Fort;

[22:] At 2,,30 passed
[pg: 65]
[1:] Azizieh;~

[2:] At 6,,45 P.m. passed
[3:] Memlah~ Clouds clearing
[4:] off; & getting fine;~

[5:] At 10,,30 P.m. we arrived
[6:] at Coot landed landed 32
[7:] passengers & 32 Packages
[8:] we remained for the night,

[9:] I received Henry’s letter &
[10:] Papers; the Khalifah had
[11:] 190,000 Okes & over 520
[12:] passengers besides what
[13:] she took from Coot, all
[14:] Arab pilgrims going for
[15:] the Moharrem festival,
[16:] A 1st Class passenger
[17:] Mohamed ibn Omer one
[18:] of the respectable & wealthy
[19:] handed propritor of
[20:] Basreh going up to meet
[21:] the New Waly for Basreh
[22:] Hamdi Pasha, died
[23:] on board suddenly
[pg: 66]
[1:] the night before, I believe
[2:] from appoplectic attack
[3:] & was landed at Coot,
[4:] the Plague in Bombay
[5:] keeps increasing alarmingly
[6:] about 280 deaths per
[7:] day;~

8 Satur


[8:] Light S. Erly & cloudy
[9:] At 4,,45 am we left
[10:] Coot, took 6 Passengers

[11:] At 7,,20 passed Sheikh Saad

[12:] At 11 landed a young
[13:] Jew employé of the telegraph
[14:] to remain here & transmit
[15:] the foreign telegrams to
[16:] Basreh by steamers as
[17:] the line is cut & plundered
[18:] by the Benî Sudd Arabs
[19:] followers of Hassan el
[20:] Khayoon on both rivers

[21:] At 11,10 we went on
[22:] weather cloudy & light
[pg: 67]
[1:] S. Erly breeze~

[2:] At 6,,50 P.m. arrived
[3:] at Amara landed 21 ½
[4:] passengers & 69 Packages;
[5:] The river is very high here;

[6:] I heard that Hamdi
[7:] Pasha the Waly for Basreh
[8:] left Baghdad yesterday noon
[9:] in the Ressafah coming
[10:] from Constantinople;

[11:] We hauled out & remained
[12:] for the night;

9 Sund. The @ 5,,74 noon 85 4 P.m







Dismissal of Anis Pasha


Waly of Basreh & arrival of Hamdi Pasha





[13:] Strong S. Erly wind &
[14:] Cloudy weather;

[15:] At 5 Am left Amara
[16:] Took 9 ½ passengers (3 ½
[17:] for Azair paying Return passage
[18:] Cloudy all over & fresh
[19:] S. Erly wind warm and
[20:] disagreable weather;
[21:] we have 9 Zaptyes ~

[22:] At 8,,15 passed Kalat
[23:] Salih; Clouds clearing
[pg: 68]
[1:] off, but weather very hazy

[2:] Detained at the Elbow
[3:] the wind drove the steamer
[4:] toward the west bank,
[5:] and again below the reach
[6:] & further down too,
[7:] from 9,,40 till 11;~

[8:] At 0,,15 P.m landed 3 ½
[9:] Jews at Azair from Amara
[10:] & went on at 0,,20 P.m.
[11:] warm sultry cloudy
[12:] weather & fresh S. Erly;

[13:] At 3,,20 P.m. passed
[14:] Gorna, Flood made up;

[15:] Wind shifted to a strong
[16:] N. Easter & hazy weather;
[17:] it cooled the atmosphere
[18:] it was very warm at 4 P.m
[19:] Therm was 90˚;~

[20:] At 7,,40 P.m. arrived
[21:] at Basreh, Modte N.W.
[22:] wind blowing & dark
[pg: 69] [1:] The S.S. Goolistan is here
[2:] arrived about 11 days ago
[3:] & is leaving tomorrow,
[4:] also the S.S. Comet is
[5:] here with Colonel Loch
[6:] the Resident for Baghdad
[7:] is out of quarantine,

[8:] Mr. & Mrs. Livingstone
[9:] have also arrived in the
[10:] Goolistan & are going up
[11:] in the “Comet” by invitation
[12:] by Colonel Loch, as well as
[13:] the superintendent of
[14:] Post Offices;

[15:] The mail Str. Pachumba
[16:] is in quarantine~

[17:] We did no work at night
[18:] as Capt Cowley wants to
[19:] leave on Tuesday~

[20:] The SS. Comet left at
[21:] 11 ½ for Baghdad with
[22:] Colonel Loch the Consul
[23:] of Baghdad;
[pg: 70] [1:] The S.S. Goolistan left
[2:] at 0,,30 P.m. & passed
[3:] down, she takes Mrs. Hurner
[4:] & their two boys, Mrs.
[5:] Danon & 3 children
[6:] Mrs. Egra Daniel the
[7:] Viennese woman, Mr.
[8:] & Mrs. Lanfield clerk
[9:] of Lynch Brothers who
[10:] leaves for good, and
[11:] Mrs. Parry the Agent of
[12:] Lynch Brothers at Ahwaz,

[13:] All our Cabins are
[14:] let Mr. Hürner returning
[15:] with us the Cadi of
[16:] Basreh Ibrahim Ferid
[17:] Effendi; H. Ali Abootaleb
[18:] a Mousully horse dealer,
[19:] & Mr. Nicoli Greek merchant,
[20:] & now the Waly of
[21:] Basreh who being
[22:] dismissed Enis
[pg: 71]
[1:] Pasha who has only
[2:] been here about 11 months
[3:] (see 2nd May 1898 in
[4:] my Diary) his dismissal
[5:] is attributed to some
[6:] English policy; has sent
[7:] to ask us when the
[8:] Mejidieh was going to
[9:] start as he intends going
[10:] up with us; I said that
[11:] all the cabins are let

[12:] Hamdi Pasha his
[13:] successor (who was here
[14:] some 3 years ago) is now
[15:] expected down today
[16:] in the Ressafah

[17:] At 3 P.m. the Mossul
[18:] went to the other side of the
[19:] river alongside the Turkish
[20:] Hospital & took on board
[21:] a detachment of Troops
[22:] to be landed at Medina
[23:] up above Gorna to
[pg: 72]
[1:] punish the tribes of Beni
[2:] Sudd which have been
[3:] committing plunder &
[4:] cutting the telegraph Lines
[5:] & thence she will go up
[6:] to Baghdad; she left at
[7:] 4 P.m.~

[8:] The S.S. Brooksid arrived
[9:] at 4 P.m. from the Bar
[10:] where she had been aground
[11:] there since 7 days;~

[12:] At 4 ½ I went with Rezooki
[13:] Sayegh up & landed
[14:] at Jeboory Asfar; I
[15:] did not want to go to
[16:] Rufail as he has some
[17:] Turkish Officials since
[18:] yesterday awaiting the
[19:] arrivel of Hamdy Pasha,

[20:] The whole functionaries
[21:] & Officials of Basreh
[22:] are out, & many went
[23:] up river in steam
[pg: 73]
[1:] Launches to meet the
[2:] Ressafah, Troops and
[3:] Horse artillery are also
[4:] awaiting on the bank
[5:] above the Ashar Creek,
[6:] by they were all disappointed
[7:] for the Ressafah came
[8:] & passed down at 10 ½
[9:] P.m.~ Rezooki had come
[10:] for an hour & went away;

[11:] Mr. Hurner came to
[12:] dine at Asfar being invited
[13:] & he went away at 10 ¾;

[14:] I slept as Asfars~

11 Tuesd.



[15:] Light N.W. & fine
[16:] cool weather; I had
[17:] a very bad stomach ache
[18:] & heart burn all the night
[19:] from the heavy dinner
[20:] we had~ At 6 am.
[21:] came down to the ship,

[22:] Lots of Bahranies &
[23:] Hassawis passengers
[24:] coming on board
[pg: 74]
[1:] The deck is getting full;

[2:] Rufail came to me,
[3:] also Rezooki, Ali Beg
[4:] the mudir of Tapo etc,
[5:] We took little cargo
[6:] today, we could have
[7:] left yesterday very easy;
[8:] The ship is getting very
[9:] crowded, passengers
[10:] are obliged to stop on
[11:] lower Deck;~ Lots
[12:] of Turks & Officials came
[13:] to see the Kadi of Basreh
[14:] off~ Flood tide made
[15:] & we had to await until
[16:] it ebbs~

[pg: 75]

Basreh to Baghdad [11 APR 1899 — V049_07_N] (//)




Passg Okes G S Piast Local. Draft
511 ½ 169138 40102¾ 4,,8,;
[2:] At 5,,20 P.m. we
[3:] got underway & proceeded,
[4:] New moon today of Moharrem
[5:] Very calm & warm weather;

[6:] At 11,,30 P.m. landed one
[7:] passenger at Gorna & went
[8:] on at 11,,35; very light
[9:] & calm weather;

12 Wedn Th @ 5,,65



x at 11,,30 P.M passed the SS. Baghdad bound down,

[10:] Light N.W. & fine~
[11:] At 5 am took the 3 ½ Return
[12:] Jews for Amara from
[13:] Azair & went on at 5,,5;

[14:] Finished with the passengers
[15:] tickets; we have in all
[16:] 409 (4 in 1st Class, Mr.
[17:] Hurner returning with us,
[18:] the Kadi of Basreh, Ibrahim
[19:] Effendi Ferid, Mr. Nicoli
[20:] Giocalas a Greek trader
[21:] in Basreh & H. Ali
[22:] Aboo Taleb a Mousulli
[23:] horse dealer)~
[pg: 76] [1:] Our passengers are all
[2:] Arabs of Bahrein and
[3:] Hassa & they pack very
[4:] thick & close and very little
[5:] baggage, had there been
[6:] any Persians or Basreh
[7:] & Baghdad people, the
[8:] Deck would not have
[9:] sufficed to such people,
[10:] there are only about 30 or
[11:] 40 persons below & the rest
[12:] are on the upper
[13:] Deck; we have also 10
[14:] Zaptyes with us as usual,

[15:] At 10 landed 3 Passengers
[16:] at Kalat Saleh & took
[17:] 3~

[18:] We passed the S.S.
[19:] Mossul at Anchor this
[20:] morning at 3 ½ on her
[21:] way up;~

[22:] Weather getting cloudy
[23:] sultry & warm;

[24:] At 3,,30 P.m. arrived
[pg: 77]
[1:] at Amara landed 13 ½
[2:] passengers & the 10 Zaptyes;
[3:] Took 8 Tons of Coal,
[4:] the telegraph line is
[5:] interrupted & broken &
[6:] so we could not wire,

[7:] At 5 P.m. left Amara
[8:] weather warm & cloudy, x

13 Thursd Th @ 5.66



[9:] Very light air & cloudy,
[10:] Sultry & the ship ful with
[11:] flies~

[12:] At 6,,30 Am. landed
[13:] 7 passengers at Ali Gherbi
[14:] & a packet of Telegrams
[15:] took 2 & went on at
[16:] 6,,35;

[17:] We took 61,, Passengers
[18:] from Amara in all;

[19:] The river looks to have
[20:] again risen since we
[21:] left Baghdad, it is
[22:] in a level with the
[23:] bank; Fresh N.W.
[pg: 78]
[1:] wind blowing;~

[2:] At 11,,40 passed Sheikh
[3:] Saad;

[4:] At 7,,10 P.m. arrived
[5:] at Coot, landed 14 ½
[6:] passengers; Took in 6 Tons
[7:] of Coal; Crowd of passengers
[8:] came & they put up any
[9:] where down on the lower
[10:] deck an awful confusion;
[11:] No head or tale we are
[12:] full everywhere; there
[13:] is no limit as rule
[14:] on board, passengers can
[15:] come & do what they
[16:] like, there is no discipline,
[17:] money making is the
[18:] order of the day~

[19:] At 8,,30 we left
[20:] Coot fine weather &
[21:] Modte N.W. breeze;
[22:] the river has only risen
[pg: 79]
[1:] about ½ foot~

14 Frid



[2:] Modte N.W. & fine cool
[3:] weather;

[4:] At 5 Am. passed
[5:] Memlah~

[6:] Gave tickets to 33 Coot
[7:] Passengers; Aslo Polus the
[8:] wool Press Engineer of Lynch
[9:] and 5 men with him
[10:] free (himself in the 2nd Class
[11:] Cabin)~

[12:] I have the stomach ache again
[13:] Came back since that
[14:] night I dined & slept at
[15:] Jeboory Asfar, I suffered
[16:] all the night from pain
[17:] & heartburn, & since it
[18:] begun to pain new fearfully
[19:] especially in the afternoon
[20:] & after midnight;

[21:] At 2,,15 P.m. we
[22:] passed the S.S. Khalifah
[23:] going down just at
[24:] the Village of Azizieh
[pg: 80]
[1:] She has some Jews for
[2:] Azair their first trip
[3:] down;~

[4:] At 6,,20 P.m. passed
[5:] Baghdadieh Fort, weather
[6:] became very calm and
[7:] rather warm in the Cabin,

[8:] River keeps low about 6
[9:] feet below the bank, it is
[10:] a singular occurrance at
[11:] this time of the year, it
[12:] appears that there will
[13:] be no high rise coming;

15 Satur




[14:] Light N.W. & fine, some
[15:] Clouds on the East & South;

[16:] At 4,,45 Am. went
[17:] alongside at Ctesiphon to
[18:] land all the passengers,
[19:] the Bahrein Arabs had
[20:] offered 100 Rps to visit
[21:] the Tomb of Selman, after
[22:] having landed them &
[23:] the 100 Rps brought to
[pg: 81]
[1:] me, Capt Cowley did not
[2:] want to wait & hauled
[3:] out & weighed, half of
[4:] the passengers were on
[5:] shore, he again went
[6:] alongside & landed them
[7:] & had to wait for them
[8:] At 6,,30 we proceeded

[9:] At 9,,10 passed Diala
[10:] river;~

[11:] At 10,,30 I landed &
[12:] walked in to Baghdad, I
[13:] went straight to Lynch’s
[14:] office arrived at 12,
[15:] I had to enter some
[16:] freight on cargo of Mr.
[17:] Hurner in the manifest,
[18:] which in Basreh L. Broth
[19:] referred us to Baghdad for
[20:] the rate to be charged
[21:] & I left after ½ hour &
[22:] came home, saw my
[23:] wife, there are no letters
[24:] or news at all about
[pg: 82]
[1:] Alexander & his whereabout

[2:] Eliza has shifted our
[3:] sitting from the room to
[4:] the veranda, it is
[5:] getting warm;

[6:] The Mejidieh arrived at
[7:] 1 P.m.;

[8:] Light N.W. & fine, it is
[9:] too warm to sleep in the
[10:] room;

16’ Sund Th @ 5.62


[11:] Light N. Erly & rather
[12:] warm;

[13:] At 8 am we went to
[14:] Church; I called on
[15:] Antone Marine, his
[16:] son Gabriel is getting
[17:] prepared to start for
[18:] Beyrout to school, in
[19:] about 10 days more
[20:] with Yousif Metchich
[21:] via Aleppo; he is to go to
[22:] school for 2 as three years
[23:] We then went to call
[24:] on Monseigneur Altmayer
[pg: 83]
[1:] I called on Yaghchi, Sister
[2:] Medula, Menusha &
[3:] came home at noon,
[4:] At 3 P.m. called on Sister
[5:] Eliza & came home;

[6:] Light air & warm;

17 Mond

1899 April

[7:] Light N. Erly & fine
[8:] At 8 am I came on board
[9:] sent money to the office
[10:] & left at 10;

[11:] At 11 I went to call on
[12:] Colonel Loch the British
[13:] Resident who had gone
[14:] on leave last year, he
[15:] received me very well &
[16:] we had a long talk I
[17:] left at 12 came home

[18:] At sunset Eliza & I
[19:] went over to Antone Marine
[20:] Capt Cooper of the Comet
[21:] was there also; Joory
[22:] (Gabriel) Antone’s son
[pg: 84]
[1:] is starting in about 10
[2:] days to Beyrouth with
[3:] Yousif Metchich;

[4:] Light air & rather
[5:] warm at 8 we came
[6:] home; It is too warm
[7:] in the room;

18 Tuesd



[8:] Light N.W. & warm
[9:] at 8 AM I come on
[10:] board; the river is very
[11:] low, about 8 feet below
[12:] its highest rise;

[13:] At 11 went on shore called
[14:] on Sister Medula~

[15:] Weather warm & Clouds
[16:] hanging about, No rain
[17:] at all since the last
[18:] trip I was here it had
[19:] rained a little, this
[20:] year has been one of
[21:] an exceptional occurrance
[22:] for want of rain and
[23:] high rises of the river

[24:] Sister Medula &
[pg: 85]
[1:] Adoola called on us ~

[2:] Bedri Bey the employè
[3:] at the museum of Antiquities
[4:] at Constple has come
[5:] down via Aleppo Urfa,
[6:] Nessibin & Mossul
[7:] With the new Wali for
[8:] Mossul; he called on
[9:] me this evening, he is
[10:] going to Hilla to join
[11:] the German Mission
[12:] who went there a month
[13:] ago to excavate in
[14:] Babylonia for the Govermt
[15:] of Germany & the Museum
[16:] of Berlin;

[17:] Artin & his Sister Terrooza
[18:] called in the evening &
[19:] left at 8 P.M.;

[20:] Light Air & rather warm

19’’ Wedn

1899 April


[21:] Light Air N. Erly & clouds
[22:] are hanging about;

[23:] At 8 AM I came
[pg: 86]
[1:] on board; found the
[2:] SS. Mossul arrived last
[3:] night at about 11 P.M.;

[4:] At 11 I went home &
[5:] returned at 1 1/2 P.M;

[6:] The SS Phrat & Barge
[7:] arrived at 1,, 15 She
[8:] brings the dismissed
[9:] Waly of Basreh Anis
[10:] Pasha, who is to leave
[11:] for Constple in a few
[12:] days~

[13:] We shipped a lot of
[14:] through cargo, as Galls
[15:] Skins, Abbass, Carpets et,

[16:] Weather very warm,
[17:] sultry & cloudy with
[18:] a light S. Erly breeze,

[19:] At 5 P.M. I went home,
[20:] Antone Marine & his son
[21:] Gabriel came to see us
[22:] as his son is going to
[pg: 87]
[1:] Beyrout in a week’s time,
[2:] also Yousif Metchich &
[3:] [strikethrough] Mr. Benford
[4:] the Gunner of the Comet
[5:] who has married Yousif’s
[6:] niece Mina, also Fetoohi
[7:] Dowd Maghak to whom
[8:] I am giving some patterns
[9:] of Alois Schweiger of Vienna
[10:] to get goods out for
[11:] him & he pays me 1 %
[12:] commission etc;

[13:] Light N. Erly & Cloudy
[14:] Sultry & warm weather,

20 April. Thurs. Ther @ 5.74

1899 April


[15:] Very Cloudy Sultry &
[16:] warm; at 6 AM it
[17:] rained for 1/4 hour and
[18:] remained cloudy & warm

[19:] At 7 1/2 I came on board
[20:] there is no cargo to be
[21:] shipped today it was all
[22:] shipped yesterday, we
[23:] are getting a lot of
[pg: 88]
[1:] Jews for Azair, some
[2:] went in the Khalifah
[3:] last time;

[4:] At 10 1/2 I went home and
[5:] returned at 12, weather
[6:] very warm & disagreable
[7:] The Thermotr. at noon stood
[8:] at 95˚ such warm
[9:] weather in April has never
[10:] occurred yet;

[11:] At 5 P.M. I went home,
[12:] I went to see Gabriel.
[13:] (Joory) son of Antone
[14:] Marine to bid him
[15:] good bye as he leaves
[16:] for Aleppo & Beyrout
[17:] before I return, but he
[18:] was not at home, I
[19:] asked his father & mother
[20:] to let him come & dine
[21:] with us, I came home
[22:] Père Emmanuel called
[23:] on us for an hour
[pg: 89] [1:] Joory came & dined
[2:] with us & went at 9 P.M.

[3:] Weather still bad the
[4:] air an Easterly & clouds

[5:] Easterly breeze with
[6:] some clouds~ At 3 1/2
[7:] AM I came on board;

Baghdad to Basreh [21 APR 1899 — V049_08_S] (//)

21 Frid

1899 April






1899 April

Passgrs Okes G.S. Piast Draft
275 49,541 22,350 3,,4
[9:] At 4,,45 AM we left,
[10:] Very cloudy calm & warm
[11:] weather;

[12:] At 6,,30 passed Diala
[13:] river;

[14:] At 7,,45 passed Ctesiphon
[15:] At 8,,30 passed the SS.
[16:] Mejidieh going up at
[17:] Semra, I saw the Assyrian
[18:] Bishop Agnatios, on
[19:] board returning;

[20:] At 0,,35 P.M. passed
[pg: 90]
[1:] Baghdadieh Fort;

[2:] We have altogether 248
[3:] passengers, (5 in 1st Class,
[4:] they are Ahmed Pasha
[5:] son of Kassim Pasha Zheir
[6:] who comes from Constple
[7:] by way of Aleppo after
[8:] having been there 15
[9:] years detained by order
[10:] of the Sultan & now only
[11:] allowed about 3 months
[12:] leave to see his parents
[13:] being escorted by a
[14:] Turkish Officer as Aid
[15:] de camp under Surveylance
[16:] a man named Noori
[17:] Beg, also in 1st Class,
[18:] and the mektoobchi of
[19:] the Waly of Basreh
[20:] Assim Bey a Secretary
[21:] to Hamdi Pasha,
[22:] & the fourth one is also
[pg: 91]
[1:] a Turk called Izzet
[2:] Beg an aidede camp of
[3:] Kadem Pasha going to
[4:] see his brother Sherif
[5:] Beg the Halai Beghi of
[6:] Basreh, all these 4 persons
[7:] mess with us at the
[8:] Table; & the fifth one
[9:] is Rezooki son of Elias
[10:] Serkis is going to Basreh
[11:] for the Liquorice business
[12:] with G. Asfar; and
[13:] there are 3 Jews in the
[14:] 2nd class going to Bombay
[15:] (2 women & a man).
[16:] We have 128 Jews
[17:] with Return Ticket for
[18:] Azair for the first trip, of
[19:] the season (the Khalifah
[20:] took last time 39 1/2),
[21:] At 4 Mejidies a person
[22:] besides 6 with free tickets.
[pg: 92] [1:] At 1,,45 P.M passed the
[2:] SS. Baghdad & Barge
[3:] going up~

[4:] Weather cloudy all over
[5:] and S. Erly wind, very warm
[6:] & disgusting weather

[7:] At 2,,5 P.M. passed
[8:] Azizieh;

[9:] At 5 1/2 a very hard Shower
[10:] of rain came down for
[11:] about 15 minutes, it also
[12:] thundered & weather
[13:] remained cloudy all
[14:] over;

[15:] At 6,,20 passed
[16:] Memlah;

[17:] At 6,, 35 we rounded
[18:] at Bughela & landed specie,
[19:] and went on at 6,,50,~
[20:] Thermomter in my Cabin is
[21:] 84˚- is sill warm, the
[22:] wind has shifted to a
[pg: 93]
[1:] N. Est;

[2:] At 10,,30 P.M. arrived at
[3:] Coot landed 34 passengers
[4:] and 32 packages, I
[5:] received Henry’s letter &
[6:] my papers; the Khalifah
[7:] had 214,000 Okes & about
[8:] 300 passengers; We
[9:] hauled out & remained
[10:] for the night;

22 Satur, Therm @ 5. 76

1899 April





[11:] S. Erly breeze & Cloudy
[12:] all over warm & disagreable
[13:] weather; Took 8 passengers
[14:] from Coot;

[15:] At 9,,45 Am passed the
[16:] SS. Ressafah & Barge
[17:] bound up;

[18:] At 10,,50 landed 2 Passeng
[19:] & 15 packges at Ali Gherbi
[20:] took one passenger and
[21:] went on at 11,10;

[22:] At 6,,20 P.M. arrived
[pg: 94]
[1:] at Amara landed 32 Passeng
[2:] and 43 packages;~
[3:] The brothers of Ahmed Pasha
[4:] Zheir, Abdulmohsen and
[5:] Abdulaziz as well as
[6:] Eassa Cheleby Zheir his
[7:] Cousin & others came here
[8:] to meet him; & a great
[9:] many people came, the
[10:] Motserrif of Amara Ahmed
[11:] Anwary Pasha etc;

[12:] S. Erly breeze cloudy wind
[13:] very warm, moon 12
[14:] days old;

[15:] Yesterday was the first
[16:] day of the Moharrem
[17:] festival, it should have
[18:] been on Thursday~

[19:] At 7,,30 we left Amara
[20:] A strong S. Erly wind blew
[21:] in a Squall with lightening
[pg: 95]
[1:] & some rain so that
[2:] we were obliged to anchor
[3:] At 7,,50; the wind then
[4:] died away & remained
[5:] cloudy;

[6:] At 9.15 we proceeded~
[7:] At 10 anchored for the night,
[8:] S. Ely breeze & warm;

23 Sund.








[9:] Light S.Erly breeze and
[10:] Cloudy all over ~

[11:] At 4.15 AM. we proceeded
[12:] Gave tickets to 24 Amara
[13:] passengers (6 for Azair)
[14:] we have Abdulmohsen &
[15:] Abdulaziz brothers of Ahmed
[16:] Pasha Zheir also Eassa
[17:] Son of Abdulla Zheir and
[18:] the son of Salem Bedur
[19:] these are all aft on the

[20:] quarter Deck I charged
[21:] them double deck fare
[22:] Viz 2 Mejidies each;

[23:] Detained at the Elbow
[pg: 96]
[1:] from 7.45 till 8 am;

[2:] At 9,,15 went alongside
[3:] at Azair and landed the
[4:] Jews, 128 with Ret Tickets
[5:] 6 also free, & 6 ½ from
[6:] Amara and Coot;

[7:] At 10 we left Azair.
[8:] At 11 we landed Izzet Beg
[9:] our 1st C. passenger the Aide
[10:] de Camp of Kadem Pasha
[11:] at Sareifah where some
[12:] soldiers are encamped,
[13:] & his brother Sherif Beg
[14:] the Halai Beghi of Basreh
[15:] is here;~

[16:] At 0.50 P.M. we met
[17:] the [strikethrough Lynch] Steam Launch
[18:] of Gray Mackenzie with
[19:] a lot of people coming
[20:] to meet Ahmed Pasha
[21:] Zheir just above Gorna
[22:] we stopped & Ali Beg
[pg: 97]
[1:] Zheir & Abdulwahab
[2:] the nephew of Eassa Kartas
[3:] & others came on board
[4:] & we went on, passing
[5:] Gorna at 1 P.M. ~

[6:] Weather Cloudy Sultry
[7:] & warm; Therm 85 at
[8:] noon;

[9:] The wind Shifted to a
[10:] N.W. at about 2 P.M.
[11:] and the sky cleared
[12:] off & became fine~

[13:] Flood tide made up
[14:] against us~

[15:] At 5,,5 P.M. arrived
[16:] at Basreh; the SS. Brookside
[17:] for G. Mackenzie is only
[18:] here; there is the S.S.
[19:] Arabistan in quarantine
[20:] Arrived 5 days ago, the
[21:] Mail Str. Khandalla has
[22:] left Basreh about 2 days
[23:] ago~ I did not go up
[pg: 98]
[1:] to Rufail’s house as I found
[2:] there were Tookyeh & her
[3:] children & other women,
[4:] there; ~ we are discharging
[5:] cargo & taking 45 Tons
[6:] of Coal at night; It is
[7:] very warm in the Cabin,
[8:] there is a light N.W. breeze,

24 Mond.




[9:] Light N.W. & fine weather
[10:] we are discharging and
[11:] loading~

[12:] Nessoory Andrea, Rezooki Angoorly
[13:] & Rezooki Sayegh came off
[14:] to me from Rufail’s house;
[15:] they are there with their family

[16:] Jeboory Asfar wrote to me,
[17:] asking me to join them to
[18:] a breakfast party in his
[19:] date garden in the Hakimyeh
[20:] up the Rubat Canal
[21:] as all the family of Angoorly
[22:] & Nessory Andrea etc are
[23:] also invited – I excused
[24:] myself as I thought we
[pg: 99]
[1:] were leaving today unless
[2:] we are to wait to take up
[3:] the machinery of the wool
[4:] Press to Coot of Lynchs
[5:] which is being discharged
[6:] from the Arabistan;

[7:] The S.S. Brookside left
[8:] Basreh for London at
[9:] 12 ½ AM; Naoomy son
[10:] of Elias Kroomi went in
[11:] her to Marseilles to find
[12:] business there~

[13:] We are going to leave
[14:] tomorrow so as to ship
[15:] the Wool Press: Passengers
[16:] came on board about 70 or
[17:] 80 thinking we were going
[18:] today~

[19:] At 4 ½ P.M. Rezooki came
[20:] to me & I went with him up
[21:] to Rufail’s house, found
[22:] there Tookyeh her husband
[23:] Rezooki & her two sons,
[24:] Nessoory Andrea his wife
[25:] & children etc come back

[pg: 100]

[1:] from Asfar’s Picnic party
[2:] and then they went in to
[3:] Basreh;

[4:] The SS. Muristan for
[5:] Asfar arrived up to Basreh
[6:] she comes right up without
[7:] making quarantine,
[8:] as she did not touch at
[9:] any Ports~

[10:] I hear that cases of
[11:] Plague broke out at
[12:] Muscat~

[13:] They forced me to remain
[14:] to dine & sleep at Rufail
[15:] & so I did; weather
[16:] not so cool & pleasant,

25 Tuesd



1899 April

[17:] Very light N.W. breeze,
[18:] with some clouds on
[19:] the East; at 5 ½ am. I
[20:] dressed & came down to
[21:] the ship, living all the
[22:] rest asleep yet;

[23:] Weather getting warm
[24:] & air changing to West
[pg: 101]
[1:] & S West;

[2:] I hear we are not to
[3:] leave Basreh until we
[4:] get the wood Press of
[5:] Lynch shipped for Coot,
[6:] whether it will be out
[7:] of the Arabistan, tomorrow
[8:] or the day after;

[9:] Breeze shifted to S. Est
[10:] & became very warm;
[11:] at 3 wind again shifted
[12:] to North~ We received
[13:] the mail at 5 P.M.~
[14:] We are not going wait
[15:] for the wood Press, it
[16:] will not be out before
[17:] Thursday they say, so
[18:] Lynch Brothers Agent
[19:] Mr Richards is going
[20:] to let us go~

[21:] Rezooki Angoorly and
[22:] Rezooki Sayegh called
[23:] on me~
[pg: 102]

Basreh to Baghdad [25 APR 1899 — V049_09_S] (//)

Passeng Okes G.S.P. Local Draft
246 ½ 227,582 22,388 ¼ 4,,10
[2:] At 5,,15 P.M. we got
[3:] underway & proceeded
[4:] Modte Northerly breeze,

[5:] It is too warm in the cabin,

[6:] At 12 passed Gorna,

26th Wednes, Therm @ 5.81




[7:] Light N.W. but warm and
[8:] sultry weather, I could not
[9:] sleep from the heat in the
[10:] cabin~

[11:] At 5,,10 AM. arrived
[12:] at Azair boarded 10 Jews
[13:] and took 13 others with
[14:] return ticket and left at
[15:] 5,,40; (and 4 ½ without R.T.)

[16:] At 10.45 landed 3 Passeng
[17:] at Kalat Saleh & went on
[18:] at 10.45;

[19:] We have altogether 172
[20:] passengers from Basreh
[21:] (2 in the 1st C. Cabins,
[pg: 103]
[1:] Ezra Daniel the Apothecary,
[2:] & Kass Petros the Chaldean
[3:] Priest, who paid 2nd Class
[4:] fare & occupied a 1st Class
[5:] by Captain’s permission,
[6:] and one woman Tooza
[7:] Nazo the mother of Hannosh
[8:] Lynch’s clerk paying &
[9:] her two daughters paying
[10:] deck & staying with her,

[11:] We took from Azair
[12:] 17 ½ Jews 4 are for Amara,
[13:] & 13 ½ for Baghdad (13
[14:] are with Ret. Ticket 4
[15:] of the Mejidieh & 9 of the Khalifah)

[16:] Weather very warm
[17:] & sultry; It is getting cloudy too;

[18:] At about 3 P.M the wind
[19:] shifted to fresh N. Wester
[20:] & became cloudy all
[21:] over;

[22:] At 4,,20 P.M. arrived
[23:] at Amara landed 43
[pg: 104]
[1:] passengers & the 9 Zaptyeh
[2:] guard;~ We took 8 Tons
[3:] of Coal~ The river keeps
[4:] high here within the
[5:] bank, & even they say
[6:] there is a little rise;

[7:] At 5,,20 left Amara
[8:] Took 30 ½ Passengers;~

[9:] Modte N.W. & fine weather
[10:] It became a little cooler;
[11:] Moon 16 days old;

27 Thursd,Therm@ 5.70


[12:] Light N.W. & cloudy
[13:] all over but it is cooler
[14:] than the days before;

[15:] At 7,,30 AM. landed
[16:] 2 passengers at Ali Gherbi
[17:] & took 3,, Jews and
[18:] went on at 7,,40~ The
[19:] river is rising it rose about
[20:] 1 ½ foot at Ali Gherbi &
[21:] is still rising~

[22:] At 1 P.M passed Shekh
[23:] Saad~
[pg: 105] [1:] River keeps rising, & is
[2:] nearly in a level with the
[3:] banks, Cloudy still;

[4:] At 4 ½ P.M. it blew strong
[5:] N.W. with slight squall
[6:] & dust & is cloudy all
[7:] over; but it has refreshed
[8:] the atmosphere;

[9:] We passed the S.S. Mossul
[10:] and Barge going down
[11:] at 0,,30 P.M.; ~

[12:] Weather very cloudy &
[13:] dark;

[14:] At 8,30 P.M. arrived
[15:] at Coot landed 12 ½ passengers
[16:] Took 7 Tons of coal,
[17:] River is still rising;

[18:] I did not live my letter &
[19:] Paper for Henry, as the
[20:] Khalifah will leave on
[21:] Sunday, our departure
[22:] having been altered now
[23:] instead of fridays~

[24:] At 10 P.M. left Coot
[pg: 106]

28 Frid, Therm @ 5.73


[1:] Light S. Ely & Cloudy
[2:] At 6,,40 we passed Memlah,
[3:] Took 23 ½ Passengers from
[4:] Coot~

[5:] Weather very troubled
[6:] cloudy dusty & fresh
[7:] S. Ely wind & warm

[8:] At 4 P.M. passed
[9:] Azizieh ruined village;

[10:] At 4,,5 passed the
[11:] S.S. Phrat & Barge going
[12:] down;~ River is falling
[13:] a little;

[14:] The weather keeps very
[15:] unsettled, Cloudy misty
[16:] variable winds & warm,
[17:] this month has been one
[18:] of the worst we have yet
[19:] seen; my cabin is so
[20:] warm, it is 90˚ at sunset
[pg: 107] [1:] At 8.5 P.M. passed
[2:] Baghdadieh; Strong S. Erly
[3:] wind & dark Cloudy
[4:] nights;~

29 Satur Therm @ 5.74






Antone Marine’s son Gabriel left on 27 for Beyrout ~


[5:] S. Erly breeze & hazy
[6:] warm weather;

[7:] At 6,,35 AM. passed
[8:] Ctesiphon~ River has
[9:] fallen about one foot;
[10:] I paid the Ship’s Company
[11:] their wages for this month
[12:] as they wanted it very
[13:] badly;

[14:] At 9.10 passed Diala
[15:] river;

[16:] At 10.35 I landed at
[17:] Gherrarah & walked in
[18:] to town; I felt the heat
[19:] very excessive especially
[20:] when I got between the
[21:] Gardens where the S. Erly
[22:] wind behind me ceased
[23:] & got so calm
[pg: 108]
[1:] I could not go on & had
[2:] to sit on a Saky & washed
[3:] & took a rest; I then
[4:] walked in to town,
[5:] arrived at 12 ½ saw my
[6:] wife she is well but,
[7:] there is no news or letters
[8:] from Alexander at all
[9:] he does not write & we
[10:] do not know where he
[11:] is;~ we are in such an
[12:] awful way about him,
[13:] Rezooki Korkis has written
[14:] to his brother saying that
[15:] he has been searching for
[16:] Alexander in London but,
[17:] could not find him, he
[18:] was told that he had
[19:] gone to America; Eliza
[20:] asked Yousif Korkis to
[21:] wire to Rezooki and
[22:] inquire 5 days ago
[pg: 109]
[1:] but he has not yet got
[2:] the answer;~

[3:] We slept in the big room,
[4:] it is very warm;~

30’ Sund





[5:] Light N. Ely or variable
[6:] breeze cloudy & sultry,
[7:] at 8 AM I called to see
[8:] P. Pièrre & went to hear
[9:] mass; I then called on
[10:] the Bishop Aghnatius, on
[11:] Antone Marine, his
[12:] son Gabriel (Joory) has
[13:] left for Beyrout in company
[14:] with Yousif Metchich
[15:] via Aleppo on thursday
[16:] morning the 27th a large
[17:] Caravan & many people
[18:] had gone, Harems of
[19:] some Turks & Pashas
[20:] also Napoleon the son of
[21:] Michel Jesuit, & Kass
[22:] Yousif Kasha the Chaldean
[23:] priest etc etc.
[pg: 110] [1:] I called on Sister Medula
[2:] & on Menusha where I
[3:] saw Alice, I came home
[4:] at noon, Some visitors
[5:] called;~ at 2 P.M:
[6:] I called on my niece Guiseppina
[7:] daughter of Sister Eliza
[8:] & on Sister Eliza, I
[9:] then called to visit the
[10:] Nakib of Basreh Rejeb
[11:] Effendi son of Seyd
[12:] Mahdi Said Effendi
[13:] my old friend, but he
[14:] was not at home, he
[15:] came up in the Ressafah
[16:] & is living in the house
[17:] of H. Mahmood Pachachi
[18:] next door to Sister Eliza’s
[19:] house; Johnny came
[20:] with me, we then called
[21:] on Mons Rouet the
[pg: 111]
[1:] french Consul & he
[2:] was not at home left
[3:] our cards; we then called
[4:] on Mr. & Mrs. Livingstone
[5:] & they were not at home
[6:] & we left our cards~
[7:] I came home, found
[8:] Sister Medula & Artin
[9:] there, then came Captain
[10:] & Mr. Cowley & Antone
[11:] Marine & Abduljebbar
[12:] Effendi; weather became
[13:] very cloudy squally &
[14:] dusty, but it passed
[15:] off without rain;
[16:] weather keeps cloudy &
[17:] warm very disagreeable
[18:] & plenty mosquitoes in
[19:] the rooms;~
[pg: 112]

1st Mond


[1:] Light N. Erly breeze and
[2:] sultry some clouds &
[3:] warm; at 7 ½ AM called
[4:] on Sister Medula then
[5:] came on board, we are
[6:] discharging cargo;

[7:] The Khalifah left yesterday
[8:] morning, Henry had come
[9:] to see me on Saturday
[10:] evening for an hour;
[11:] The S.S. Baghdad also
[12:] left together with the
[13:] Khalifah; I went to the
[14:] office & got some pounds
[15:] Sterling to pay the officers

[16:] The son of Mr. Hall, S. Lynch’s
[17:] clerk about 10 years died
[18:] last night from an
[19:] attack of Typhoid fever

[20:] I came home, had a
[21:] warm bath; in the
[22:] evening Eliza & I went
[23:] over to Sister Medula
[pg: 113]
[1:] for an hour, we prepared
[2:] to go down in a Goffa
[3:] tomorrow morning to
[4:] visit the Yaghchis who
[5:] are encamped in the
[6:] Garden of Farhat, next
[7:] to Asfar’s & also to
[8:] visit the Tantons, Asfar
[9:] & Regina my niece
[10:] who is living in the
[11:] Garden of Baher;

[12:] Light N.W. & fine

2’ Tuesd.

1899 May


1899 May


[13:] Light N.W. & fine, but
[14:] getting cloudy; at
[15:] 6 ½ am Sister Medula,
[16:] my wife & myself went
[17:] down in the Goffa to
[18:] Farhat’s Garden to
[19:] Yousif Yaghchi his wife
[20:] Louisa, my niece &
[21:] Catherina Sayegh his
[22:] mother~ while there
[23:] the SS. Comet came
[pg: 114]
[1:] down with a large party
[2:] on board invited by her
[3:] Captain Cooper, to take
[4:] Tea on board; there were
[5:] all the Europeans as well
[6:] as Yousif Asfar & his
[7:] sisters, Antone Marine
[8:] & family, Capt & Mrs. Cowley,
[9:] the Bottomleys etc etc
[10:] The Comet went down
[11:] as far as the Kher and
[12:] came up at about 2
[13:] P.M & went alongside
[14:] the beach below Asfar’s
[15:] Garden & all the party
[16:] landed to Asfar’s Garden
[17:] where they took Tiffin,
[18:] We visited the Tanton’s
[19:] family; their mother
[20:] Medool is ill with leaver
[21:] desease of dropsy;
[22:] we also visited Regina
[pg: 115]
[1:] my niece; but we breakfasted
[2:] at Yaghchis & spent the
[3:] day the wind got up
[4:] & blew very strong by
[5:] 3 P.M. & clouds of dust
[6:] rising, it blew a regular
[7:] squall & the dust was
[8:] blinding. the donkeys
[9:] came for Medula & Eliza
[10:] but they were afraid of
[11:] the wind & dust & they
[12:] won’t let them go, so
[13:] I left myself & rode in
[14:] the dust was so thick
[15:] that I could not see
[16:] my way I arrived at
[17:] 5,, 40 P.M. in 20 minutes

[18:] Had dinner by myself
[19:] & turned in, the wind
[20:] kept up & gradually fell
[21:] & at 10 ½ it begun
[22:] to rain drizzly for
[pg: 116]
[1:] an hour; It then cleared
[2:] up;

3 Wedn.



1899 May,

[3:] Light N.W. & fine weather
[4:] rather dampy from
[5:] last nights rain;

[6:] At 6 ½ am I went over
[7:] to Abduljebbar Effendi
[8:] & then we rode on horse
[9:] back & went to pay a
[10:] visit to Mahomed Pasha
[11:] the Daghestani the General
[12:] of the Cavallery division
[13:] I saw his wild animals
[14:] 2 lions, 2 wild donkeys,
[15:] a Bear, 2 wild goats &
[16:] a Leopard, at 8 ½ we
[17:] left & I came on board

[18:] The SS. Ressafah left
[19:] this morning~

[20:] At 10 went home,
[pg: 117]
[1:] I called on Menusha &
[2:] then on Antone Marine,
[3:] saw his wife, they have
[4:] received a letter from their
[5:] son Gabriel from Fellooja,
[6:] they have had great
[7:] difficulty in crossing the
[8:] Euphrates which has risen
[9:] much & broken the Sudds
[10:] flooded the Country,
[11:] they had to ferry across
[12:] in Shakhtoors and
[13:] all their Kit got wet
[14:] & damaged, Yousif Metchich
[15:] suffered more with his
[16:] goods etc; ~

[17:] Eliza & I both feel unwell,
[18:] we have caught cold
[19:] yesterday out in the
[20:] Garden, my bones etc
[21:] are aching, I had to
[22:] sleep in the room;

[23:] Light N.W. & fine,
[pg: 118]

4 Thursd

[1:] Light Erly & fine weather
[2:] at 8 am I came on board
[3:] we are shipping little
[4:] Cargo; The river rose
[5:] about 6 Inches last
[6:] night; at 11 went home
[7:] and returned at 1 ½ P.M.
[8:] Very little cargo coming;

[9:] At 4 P.M. I went on
[10:] Shore called on Sister
[11:] Medula & came home,
[12:] Jhony Artin called,
[13:] on us also Antone Marine,

[14:] I heard the Armenian
[15:] Catholic Patriark
[16:] Azaryan died in Constple,

5 Frid Ther 5.68


1899 May

[17:] Light N.W. & fine
[18:] weather;

[19:] Modte N.W. & fine cool
[20:] weather; at 7 am I
[21:] called on sister Eliza
[22:] & then came on board
[23:] at 9, no Custum House
[pg: 119]
[1:] I went home at 10, I got
[2:] carpenters today to make
[3:] the rest of the railings
[4:] on top of the house;

[5:] At 3 pm called Menusha
[6:] & Sister Medula & came
[7:] home; Mons Rouet the
[8:] french Vice Consul called
[9:] and left his card, as I was
[10:] not at home;

[11:] The Assyrian Bishop
[12:] called in the evening;

[13:] I hear that Anis Pasha
[14:] the dismissed Waly of
[15:] Basreh who came up
[16:] about 15 days ago, has
[17:] gone to Hussein & Meshed
[18:] and is still there; and is
[19:] disgraced, & will not be
[20:] appointed Waly anywhere
[21:] it must be on account
[22:] of the massacre of
[pg: 120]
[1:] the Armenians at Dyarbekir
[2:] three years ago, where he
[3:] was then the Waly &
[4:] he took very important
[5:] part in encouraging it,
[6:] & the Powers must have
[7:] pressed their influence on
[8:] the Sultan to have him
[9:] dismissed from his functions

[10:] The Damascus Post
[11:] Arrived at 4 P.M. I only
[12:] received one letter from
[13:] Alois Schweiger Vienna,
[14:] and nothing about my
[15:] son & where he is or
[16:] what has happened to
[17:] him~ his mother & I
[18:] are loosing our senses,
[19:] and do not know what
[20:] to do & how long is
[21:] he going to keep us
[pg: 121] [1:] in this state of mind,

6 Satur therm@ 5.66

1899 May

[2:] Light N.W. breeze and
[3:] fine cool weather;

[4:] At 7 am I came on
[5:] board; There are some
[6:] Jews going down to Azair

[7:] At 11 I went on
[8:] Shore, called to see Yousif
[9:] Korkis in his Khan if
[10:] he has any writing by
[11:] last nights post from
[12:] his brother about my
[13:] sow; he has none, but
[14:] has just received a
[15:] Telegram from him
[16:] dated the 3d Instt; in
[17:] which he says among
[18:] other business off ours;

[19:] “trouvamme pas
[20:] “Svoboda, entendous
[21:] “partit Amerique;

[22:] I went home and
[pg: 122]
[1:] breakfasted and came
[2:] on board at 12;

[3:] We have very little Cargo
[4:] Shipped, about 30,000 Okes
[5:] besides 80 Bags of Juss,
[6:] & many Bundles of Hoop
[7:] Iron, one Blacksmith
[8:] from the E. & T. Copy in 2d
[9:] class & 10 Mossulli
[10:] workmen free to Coot
[11:] for the Wool Press of
[12:] S Lynch & Co which the
[13:] Khalifah brought up
[14:] this time from Basreh;

[15:] We finished work at 2,
[16:] P.M. the Jews are crowding
[17:] the ship. Women & boys

[18:] At 5 ½ P.M. I went
[19:] on shore;

[20:] We are very sorry and
[21:] disappointed at Alexander’s
[22:] behavior with us; he
[23:] never writes or let us
[pg: 123]
[1:] Know where he is, he
[2:] is showing great savageness
[3:] & ungreatfulness toward
[4:] his father & mother;

[5:] Light N.W. & fine
[6:] Cool weather

7th Sund

[7:] I was up at 3 am,
[8:] & at 3 ½ came on board

Baghdad to Basreh [7 MAY 1899 — V049_10_S] (//)



1899 May


Passeg Okes G. S. Piast Draft
295 28998 18694 ½ 3,,0
[10:] At 4,,25 Am. We
[11:] proceeded; Ship very light,

[12:] At 6,5 passed Diala,
[13:] river, very nice & Cool
[14:] weather~

[15:] At 7,,19 passed Ctesiphon,
[16:] Gave nickels to the Passengers,

[17:] At 11,,45 passed,
[18:] Baghdadieh~

[19:] At 1,,15 P.M. passed
[20:] Azizieh~
[pg: 124] [1:] We have altogether 251 ½
[2:] passengers (Two in 1st
[3:] Class, they are Americans
[4:] one a young man Mr.
[5:] Fisher a taveller who came
[6:] up in the Khalifah some
[7:] time ago, & the other a
[8:] Mr. Greer belongs
[9:] to the mission who are
[10:] excavating at Nuffar
[11:] under Mr. Heyns, this
[12:] latter has a ticket from
[13:] Mr. Bottomley to charge
[14:] him deck fare & put him
[15:] in a 1st Class he only goes
[16:] to Basreh & back for the
[17:] benefit of his health as he
[18:] was ill in Baghdad)
[19:] We have 87- Jews to
[20:] Azair with R. Tickets &
[21:] 4 besides with free tickets,
[22:] And we have a Blacksmith
[23:] of S Lynch & Co in a

[pg: 125]

[1:] 2d C. Cabin & 10 Mossully
[2:] workmen to Coot free
[3:] to work at the wood
[4:] Press ~

[5:] At 5,30 P.M. passed
[6:] Khalifah going up , she
[7:] is full of passengers mostly
[8:] Jews from Azair &
[9:] she is very deep;

[10:] At 5,35 passed Memlah,

[11:] At 9,30 P.M. arrived,
[12:] at Coot landed 57 Packages
[13:] and 40 ½ Passengers, also
[14:] the men for S Lynch’s wool
[15:] Press (10 Tilkeflies & a Blacksmith,
[16:] & the 80 Bags Juss and
[17:] other materials, I received
[18:] Henry’s letter & my Papers,
[19:] The Khalifah had 210,000
[20:] Okes & about 350 passengers
[21:] (74 ½ Returned Jews from
[22:] Azair) We remained at
[23:] Coot for the night;
[pg: 126] [1:] Fine cool night;

8 Mond

[2:] Light N.W. & fine ~
[3:] at 5,,20 am left Coot;
[4:] It became cloudy, ~
[5:] Took 7 Passengers from
[6:] Coot ~

[7:] At 9,40 AM. landed
[8:] 8 packages & 2 passengers
[9:] at Ali Gherbi & took
[10:] one & went on at 10;

[11:] At 11,30 passed the
[12:] S.S. Phrat & Barge going up
[13:] Modte N.W. & fine weather,

[14:] At 5 P.M. arrived at,
[15:] Amara landed 50 passengers
[16:] and 56 Packages ~

[17:] At 6,5 left Amara
[18:] took 26 ½ Passengers ( one
[19:] in 1st Class the Motserrif
[20:] of Amara Anwary Pasha)
[21:] We flew the flag for
[pg: 127]
[1:] him without his asking
[2:] for it~

[3:] At 7,20 we passed
[4:] & came to Above Aboo Sedra
[5:] for the night; Very light
[6:] N.W. breeze; The Motserrif
[7:] of Amara dined with

[8:] us at the table;

9th Tuesd. Ther @ 5.73

1899 May

[9:] At 1 AM. the SS. Baghdad
[10:] & Barge passed up ~

[11:] At 4,15 we proceeded
[12:] Very light N.W. air and
[13:] Cloudy all over;

[14:] At 9,15 arrived at Azair,
[15:] landed 97 ½ Jews ( 87 are
[16:] with R. Tickets) also, 4
[17:] free R. Tickets ~ There
[18:] are now nearly 300 Jews
[19:] altogether left; ~

[20:] At 10 we left Azair
[21:] took 9 passengers ~
[22:] Cloudy all over and light
[23:] N.W. breeze
[pg: 128] [1:] At 0,,40 P.M. landed
[2:] one passenger at Gorna
[3:] and went on at 9,,45

[4:] Cloudy all over & light

[5:] N.W. breeze;

[6:] At 5,,10 P.M. arrived
[7:] at Basreh, The SS. Muristan
[8:] for Asfar is only here,
[9:] There is no mail boat in
[10:] quarantine she is due
[11:] tomorrow but no news of
[12:] her from Bushire;

[13:] All the Cabins are already
[14:] engaged, & others want to
[15:] have but we have none,

[16:] I did not go to Rufail,
[17:] We coaled ship at night
[18:] discharged & took some
[19:] cargo till midnight,

[20:] Light N.W. & cool weather
[21:] but Cloudy, I am sleeping
[22:] in my Cabin & have
[23:] my windsel put up
[pg: 129]
[1:] this time in Baghdad, it
[2:] is cooling my cabin a
[3:] little;

10 Wedn Therm @ 5.74

1899 May


[4:] N.W. breeze & Cloudy
[5:] all over with a mist,
[6:] but the weather is cool,

[7:] The SS. Muristan for
[8:] Asfar & Co left at 10,45
[9:] AM ~ The Arabistan
[10:] has left yesterday form
[11:] here ~

[12:] Rezooki Sayegh came
[13:] to me & he took me to their
[14:] place at 1 P.M. I saw
[15:] Rufail also Yousif Marine
[16:] had come down from
[17:] Shaebyeh whom I had
[18:] not seen for the last 3
[19:] months; he went up to
[20:] his house at 5 P.M. ~ I
[21:] took Rezooki & went to
[22:] call on Asfar, saw
[23:] Jeboory & his wife, also
[24:] there were Nassoory
[25:] Andria & his wife
[pg: 130]
[1:] We returned at 6, where
[2:] I dined & slept outside
[3:] the room; a light N.W.
[4:] breeze but is still very
[5:] Cloudy & misty like
[6:] fog on the river;

11 Thursd

1899 May




[7:] Light N.W. & Cloudy
[8:] partly ~ at 6 ½ am
[9:] I came on board, also
[10:] Rezooki came with me,

[11:] We have loaded the
[12:] Ship & are ready, but
[13:] the mail Str. has not
[14:] arrived yet;

[15:] There is a New Order came
[16:] from the Turkish Government
[17:] to levy a tax of 10 ½ G. S. P.
[18:] per annum on all the
[19:] Crew of our Steamers
[20:] of Turkish Nationality
[21:] serving afloat, and
[22:] the Harbour master
[pg: 131]
[1:] Came on board, I gave
[2:] him the names of the
[3:] Crew 40 in no., which
[4:] his Clerk wrote down
[5:] & he begun collecting;

[6:] Lynch Brothers wrote to
[7:] the Captain on the Subject
[8:] & asked him to assist them
[9:] in the matter;

[10:] At 3 ½ P.M. the SS. Ressafah
[11:] left for Baghdad ~

[12:] We have great confusion
[13:] & crowds of people coming
[14:] to see the Cabin & other
[15:] passengers off; The
[16:] Motserrif of Amara also
[17:] came to go back;

[18:] The mail Str. Simla
[19:] Arrived to the quarantine
[20:] at 6 P.M. ~ We sent for
[21:] the mails; as Mr. Wratislaw
[22:] the English Consul is
[23:] also going up with us
[pg: 132]
[1:] We are not to leave before
[2:] 8 P.M.; Weather very calm
[3:] & warm, there is no place
[4:] aft, we have Dr. Macri
[5:] his wife & son, his wife
[6:] has a 1st C. Cabin and
[7:] themselves are on the
[8:] upper skylight deck
[9:] the wife & mother of
[10:] Kassim Khdery and
[11:] Izzet Bey the Aide de
[12:] Camp of Kadem Pasha
[13:] with a female on the
[14:] upper skylight deck
[15:] and a confusion aft
[16:] of no head or tale &
[17:] no one seems to care
[18:] how to put in order every
[19:] one to his post; Cowley
[20:] does not interfere &
[21:] lets them do what
[pg: 133]
[1:] they like;

[2:] We received the mail at
[3:] 7 ½ ;

Basreh to Baghdad [11 MAY 1899 — V049_11_N] (//)

Passg Okes G. S. P. Local Draft
284 239,324 19,884 ¼ 5,,
[5:] At 8,50 P.M. We
[6:] proceeded, very Calm &
[7:] warm weather; It
[8:] is very warm in the Cabin
[9:] I could not sleep;

12 Frid

1899 May



1899 May

[10:] Very light westerly breeze &
[11:] warm ~ At 5 AM we
[12:] passed Gorna going very
[13:] slow; ~ We passed the
[14:] Ressafah going up at
[15:] Sweb at 4 AM;

[16:] Finished with the Passeng
[17:] tickets we have in all
[18:] 184 (4 in 1st Class, Mr.
[19:] A.C. Wratislaw the English
[20:] Consul of Basreh & his Servt
[21:] free Retn. Ticket,
[pg: 134]
[1:] Madm. Dr. Macri, and 2
[2:] women wife & her sister
[3:] of Kassim Khdery, &
[4:] 2 Christians in 2nd Class
[5:] Dr. Macri & his son are
[6:] on the after deck and
[7:] paying 1 ½ deck fare,
[8:] also Izzet Beg & a
[9:] woman with him on
[10:] the after deck @ 1 ½ fare,
[11:] and the Motserrif of
[12:] Amara Ahmed Anwary
[13:] Pasha & 4 servants
[14:] on the after deck paying
[15:] deck passage; also
[16:] Mr. Greer the American
[17:] who came down with
[18:] us is in the Saloon &
[19:] quarter deck he having
[20:] paid as deck but
[21:] allowed to occupy a
[pg: 135]
[1:] Cabin; It was arranged
[2:] the day before by Capt.
[3:] Cowley that Mr. Wratislaw
[4:] & Mr. Greer were to occupy
[5:] the double Cabin; but
[6:] last night he got their
[7:] kit turned out & put
[8:] Kassim Khdery’s women
[9:] in it; & they are always
[10:] out on the quarter deck
[11:] under curtains rigged
[12:] up for them;

[13:] At 10 AM arrived at
[14:] Azair landed 34 ½ Jews
[15:] from Basreh;

[16:] At 10,30 left Azair, very
[17:] Calm & warm weather,
[18:] no clouds at all;

[19:] We took 54 ½ Jews from
[20:] Azair (46 ½ with Retrn.
[21:] Tickets 28 of Mejidieh and
[22:] 18 ½ of Khalifah ~
[pg: 136] [1:] At 3,,50 P.M. landed 8
[2:] passengers at Kalat Saleh
[3:] & took one & went on,
[4:] at 3,,55 ~ Breeze shifted
[5:] to S.W. S Calm ~

[6:] At 10 P.M. arrived
[7:] at Amara landed 43 ½
[8:] Passengers & 20 Bales of
[9:] P. Goods; Took 8 Tons
[10:] of Coal; I had to leave
[11:] Henry’s letter & papers here
[12:] as I heard that the Khalifah
[13:] was to leave today on
[14:] account of taking Jews
[15:] down to Azair to get
[16:] down in time for their
[17:] Holy day falling on
[18:] Monday next;

[19:] At 12 We left Amara,
[20:] weather got cooler and
[21:] bearable in Cabin
[pg: 137]

13 Satur

[1:] Light S. Wester with
[2:] some clouds; ~ Gave
[3:] tickets to 20 Amara
[4:] passengers (H. Abdulrezak
[5:] Khdery in 1st class free
[6:] returning)

[7:] Wind shifted to N. W.
[8:] at about 1 P. M;

[9:] At 2,,20 P. M. landed
[10:] 11/2 passenger at Ali
[11:] Gherbi & went on at
[12:] 2,,30 took one passenger

[13:] Weather very warm
[14:] Light S. Ely breeze ~

14 Sund






[15:] Light S. Ely & very warm
[16:] I could not sleep last
[17:] night from the mosquitoes
[18:] got into my cabin and
[19:] the excessive heat, I
[20:] had to rig up a Curtain
[21:] at 12 but the heat is
[22:] unbearable;
[pg: 138] [1:] At 3,,50 AM. arrived
[2:] At Coot, landed 15 Bales
[3:] of P. Goods & 91/2 passengers
[4:] Took 5 Tons of Coal

[5:] At 6,,5 AM left Coot,
[6:] took 221/2 Passengers,
[7:] also one with Return Ticket a
[8:] Jew from Azair having come
[9:] up & landed from the Khalifah
[10:] but the Captain let him off,

[11:] At 2,,15 P.M. passed
[12:] Memlah; ~

[13:] At about 3 a moderate
[14:] warm & dry n.w. wind
[15:] blowing sent the temperature
[16:] up to 98˚~

[17:] At 4,,14 touched a shoal
[18:] at Sheresh & worked with
[19:] the Engines, she wont move
[20:] & so had to take out an
[21:] anchor ahead & heave
[22:] her off; At 5 proceeded

[23:] At 5,,30 passed the Khalifah
[24:] bound down ~
[pg: 139]
[1:] toward sunset it became
[2:] Very Calm & warm ~

[3:] At 8,,45 we picked on board
[4:] Monsr. Chavenise a Civil
[5:] french Engineer in the Turkish
[6:] employ Shedeif, he had
[7:] started from Baghdad about
[8:] 4 days ago by the desert
[9:] across Diala to trace the
[10:] old Naherwan Canal &
[11:] to dig it out so as to get
[12:] the water of the Tigris run
[13:] into it during the high
[14:] rise from somewhere near
[15:] Imam Durr near Samarra
[16:] & continue it down until
[17:] it debauches itself again
[18:] into the Tigris at Debooni,
[19:] M. Chavenise having
[20:] got ill & could not stand
[21:] the heat had to come
[22:] on board to go back to
[23:] Baghdad & left Rezooki
[24:] the son of Eassayi also
[25:] a Civil Engineer in the
[pg: 140]
[1:] Governt Service to continue
[2:] the work, he stopped
[3:] up on the after deck &
[4:] paid deck fare of 2 Mejidees

15 Mon





[5:] At 0,,40 am we passed
[6:] Azizieh~ Light S. Ely
[7:] and calm warm weather,

[8:] At 5 am passed
[9:] Baghdadieh Fort;

[10:] Wind is Easterly & modte
[11:] Clouds are hanging about
[12:] loaded with heat; the
[13:] Thermtr. was 96˚ at noon;

[14:] At 3,,15 P.M. passed Ctesiphon
[15:] Very calm & warm day;

[16:] Detained at Jaffar in
[17:] shoal water from 5,,20
[18:] till 6 P.M. ~ The river
[19:] is falling fast, ~

[20:] At 6,,25 passed Diala
[21:] river, very calm & clouds
[22:] on the four quarters of
[pg: 141]
[1:] the horyzon ~

[2:] At 7,,45 we passed the
[3:] Bridge of Gherrara opened
[4:] for us; very warm and
[5:] Calm weather; we are
[6:] going awfully slow~

[7:] At 10,,45 P.M. landed the
[8:] mails at the Residency
[9:] also Mr. Wratislaw the
[10:] Consul & we went up to
[11:] the Custum House, the
[12:] SS. Phrat of Baghdad are
[13:] here ~ I went home found
[14:] Eliza on top of the house
[15:] She went up to sleep about
[16:] four days ago, it has
[17:] been very warm all
[18:] the time;

[19:] I found no letters for me
[20:] or news from Alexander
[21:] whatever, not even Rezooki
[22:] Korkis has written, any
[23:] thing to his brother;

[24:] A strong Wind is blowing
[pg: 142]
[1:] and became Cloudy all
[2:] over; I could not sleep
[3:] all the night well;

16 Tuesd


[4:] Modte N. W. Wind &
[5:] Cloudy very disagreable
[6:] weather ~ at 8 am
[7:] I came on board; ~
[8:] The SS. Baghdad & Barge
[9:] left at 4 AM; we are
[10:] alongside the Custum
[11:] House; ~ I sent money to the
[12:] Office & came home at 10~
[13:] I had a warm bath; Johny
[14:] & Artin came in the evening,
[15:] Artin is going to get married
[16:] he has asked the hand
[17:] of the daughter of Dr. Cazassian
[18:] an Armenian doctor in
[19:] the Turkish Military Service,
[20:] he will be betrothed next
[21:] Tuesday the 23d~

[22:] Light N. W. & fine Cool
[23:] night on top of the house
[pg: 143]

17 Wedn.




New Wali of Baghdad Namik Pasha arrived

[1:] Light breeze but variable
[2:] & sultry some clouds~
[3:] at 7 am I called on Sister
[4:] Eliza, & then called on the
[5:] Nakib of Basreh Seyd
[6:] Rejeb Effendi’s son Seyd Mahd;
[7:] Said living next door of
[8:] Sister Eliza’s house, took
[9:] Artin with me, we then
[10:] called on Monseigneur
[11:] Altmayer; On the 15 of this
[12:] month he had a jubilee of
[13:] his 25th anniversary since
[14:] he came to Turkey from
[15:] France, the French Sisters
[16:] gave a representation a
[17:] play of Esther & Aheshwerosh
[18:] & invited all the Europeans
[19:] & foreign Consuls, also
[20:] my wife & myself, but my
[21:] wife went as I was absent;
[22:] Some people have sent him
[23:] some token of Souvenirs,
[24:] as my sisters Eliza & Medula
[pg: 144]
[1:] Alice, Asfars, Antone
[2:] Marine, Mina Abood
[3:] & Chiha etc; ~

[4:] The dismissed Waly of
[5:] Basreh Enis Pasha has
[6:] left Baghdad by Deir, &
[7:] Aleppo road about Six
[8:] days ago, on the 11th.

[9:] The new Waly for Baghdad
[10:] will arrive tomorrow a
[11:] man named Namik Pasha
[12:] & the old Waly Atta
[13:] Allah Pasha will start on
[14:] Saturday, by way of Deir
[15:] & Aleppo ~

[16:] Eliza & I called on Sister Medula
[17:] at 2 P.M & came home,
[18:] a very hard squall came
[19:] on with thick dust it became
[20:] dark & the dust falling everywhere,
[21:] it lasted about an hour

[22:] Antone Marine & Shekoory
[23:] Sayegh called in the
[pg: 145]
[1:] evening; Antone has received
[2:] a telegram from his son
[3:] Gabriel (Joory) from Deir
[4:] dated Saturday last they
[5:] arrived there safe;

[6:] Modte & cool N. W. breeze,

18’ Thursd.







[7:] Modte N.W. & fine cool
[8:] morning; it was very cool last night &
[9:] cool last night;
[10:] At 7 am I came on board,
[11:] We are discharging~

[12:] The Phrat left at 4 am
[13:] up to Kadumein to bring
[14:] down the new Waly
[15:] Namik Pasha; on board

[16:] At 9,,15 the Phrat came
[17:] down with the new Wali
[18:] Namik Pasha on board
[19:] & a great many people
[20:] who had gone out to meet
[21:] him a salute was
[22:] fired & troops & Band played
[23:] he landed at the Serai;
[pg: 146] [1:] I sent three letters to the Post
[2:] today via Damascus, one
[3:] the Direction of Handle’s museum
[4:] Vienna one to Alois Scheiwger
[5:] Vienna, & one to Edward
[6:] Blockey London the latter
[7:] all about Alexander to
[8:] look out for him & as we
[9:] heard he had gone to America,

[10:] I went to breakfast at 11

[11:] I called on Père Pièrre and
[12:] paid him 20 TLiras more
[13:] part of my debt to him
[14:] which he had advanced
[15:] Alexander- making 40
[16:] TLiras I have paid him
[17:] equal to 920 frcs there still
[18:] remained 430 frcs to pay,

[19:] At 2 P.M. I came on
[20:] board we are shipping Some
[21:] cargo;

[22:] I received a card of
[23:] invitation from Coll. Loch
[24:] for my wife & myself for
[25:] the Queen’s birthday on
[pg: 147]
[1:] Wednesday next, at 91/2
[2:] P.M. as a presentation
[3:] visit, he gives a dinner
[4:] to the English leading
[5:] Community & their wives
[6:] at 8 P. M. about 20 persons,
[7:] & then the others who are
[8:] invited at 91/2 are to come
[9:] & spend the night; about
[10:] 50 persons including all
[11:] the consuls, the french
[12:] Assyrian & Chaldean
[13:] Patriarchs & Bishops &
[14:] other people; Antone Marine
[15:] & his wife are invited to
[16:] dinner, as well as the
[17:] Bottomleys’, Livingstones,
[18:] & many others ~

[19:] At 5 P.M. I went home
[20:] called on Antone Marine
[21:] & learned from him the
[22:] above news about the
[23:] invitation, but only
[pg: 148]
[1:] my wife will go, I shall
[2:] be absent, Henry and
[3:] his wife are also invited,
[4:] Monseigneur Altmayer or
[5:] came at Antones, he is
[6:] also invited ~ at 6
[7:] I came home~

[8:] Light N. W. & fine cool
[9:] weather~

19’ Frid

[10:] Light N. Ely & fine
[11:] cool morning, at 7 Am
[12:] I came on board;
[13:] at 8 went home found there
[14:] Monsgr. Altmayer calling
[15:] on us~ I went then to
[16:] see Eliza & Adoola my cousins,
[17:] there came Mr. Guilietti &
[18:] his son Antoine & we
[19:] went to Sister Medula,
[20:] I came home, Père Pièrre
[21:] called on us; ~ at 4 P.M
[22:] called on the Bishop
[23:] Agnatios ~
[pg: 149] [1:] The Damascus Post
[2:] arrived today, I received
[3:] no letters at all;

[4:] In the evening Sister
[5:] Medula & Antonin Guilietti,
[6:] called also Artin my nephew
[7:] and Père Emmanuel
[8:] on top of the house; they
[9:] left at 8~

[10:] Light N. W & fine Cool
[11:] Weather ~

20 Sat



Atta Allah Pasha Waly

of Baghdad left



[12:] Light N. Ely & fine Cool
[13:] Weather ~ at 7 am
[14:] I came on board; ~

[15:] The SS. Ressafah & Barge
[16:] arrived last night at 7 P.M.~
[17:] P.M.~

[18:] Today the Shias are
[19:] mourning the 10th of Moharrem
[20:] at Kdumein & the other
[21:] shrines, the shops are
[22:] all closed, & also the
[23:] Jews being Saturday

[pg: 150]

[1:] so that very few shops
[2:] are opened & few people
[3:] are seen in the bazaars,

[4:] Colonel Loch went yesterday
[5:] & took Alfred Holland
[6:] to Kadumein to take
[7:] Photographic views of the
[8:] processions of mourners
[9:] in the open spaces out of town
[10:] of town;

[11:] At 11 I went to breakfast
[12:] & returned at 121/2;

[13:] The SS. Phrat hauled up
[14:] alongside the Turkish Adara
[15:] and there the Old Waly of
[16:] Baghdad Atta Allah
[17:] Pasha came on board
[18:] a guard & the Band played
[19:] and all the military &
[20:] Civil dignitaries were
[21:] on board to receive him
[22:] & bade him farewell,
[23:] they accompanied him
[pg: 151]
[1:] in the steamer up to Kadumein
[2:] as well as the New Waly
[3:] Namik Pasha, that
[4:] Mushir Ahmed Fezi
[5:] Pasha, Kadim Pasha etc.
[6:] The Phrat started @ 1 1/2
[7:] P.M & passed through the
[8:] Bridge~

[9:] We shipped a good
[10:] deal of Cargo over 5,000
[11:] Okes mostly all local,

[12:] At 6 P.M. I went home,
[13:] Eliza suffers the stomach
[14:] ache & myself too; it is
[15:] from the sorrow about
[16:] Alexander not knowing
[17:] where he is ~

[18:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[19:] weather; moonlight
[20:] night 11 days old,
[pg: 152] [1:] Light n.w. & fine cool
[2:] weather~

21 Sun

[3:] At 3 1/2 AM I came on
[4:] board the Mejidieh;

Baghdad to Basreh [21 MAY 1899 — V049_12_S] (//)





Pass9 Okes G.S.Piast Draft
177 116,171 16,109 ¼ 3,,10
[6:] At 4,,20 AM we proceeded
[7:] S. Ely breeze but fine;
[8:] River Keeps falling a little,

[9:] At 6,,10 passed Diala
[10:] river~

[11:] At 7,,15 passed Ctesiphon,
[12:] At 8,,15 passed the SS. Khalifah
[13:] going up at Semreh reach,
[14:] she is full of the Return
[15:] Jews from Azair, Yacoob
[16:] Eassayi & Mr. Mackey
[17:] of Strick & Co, are on board

[18:] We have altogether 144 1/2
[19:] Passengers (one woman the
[20:] wife of Hussein Omery Effendi
[21:] of Basreh) and Vartan
[pg: 153]
[1:] Lynch’s clerk to Coot to the
[2:] wool Press free in 2nd Class,
[3:] Monsr. Chavenise is returning
[4:] with us to Swera he is
[5:] on the After deck paying
[6:] double Coot passage P. 52 1/2
[7:] he is going to join his Caravan
[8:] at Rwebyeh where Rezooki
[9:] Eassayi is waiting for
[10:] him to make Charts of
[11:] the Naherwan Canal.

[12:] At 10,,45 landed Monsr.
[13:] Chavenise at Mahomed
[14:] Pasha’s property at Rwebyeh
[15:] and went on at 10,,55;

[16:] S. Ely wind but fine;

[17:] At 12,,0 passed Baghdadieh
[18:] Fort~

[19:] At 1,,45 P.M. passed
[20:] Azizieh Village; the wind
[21:] is blowing hot;

[22:] At 6,,10 passed Memlah

[23:] At 10,,10 P.m arrived at
[pg: 154]
[1:] Coot landed 42 1/2 Passengers
[2:] and 8 packages;~
[3:] received Henry’s letter &
[4:] Papers~ The Khalifah
[5:] had 206,500 Okes; and
[6:] nearly 400 passengers in
[7:] all (229 Jews from Azair
[8:] with Ret Tickets 133 1/2 of the
[9:] Mejidieh & 95 1/2 of the Khalifah)

[10:] We hauled out and
[11:] remained for the night;

22 Mond Therm @ 5.76

Ghadban Sheikh of Beni Laam




[12:] Light N. Ely & fine~
[13:] At 3,,10 AM left Coot,
[14:] Took 8 Passengers;

[15:] At 7 passed Sheikh
[16:] Saad;

[17:] At 9,, 45 landed 2 passengers
[18:] at Ali Gherbi & took 3
[19:] & went on at 11~

[20:] At 5,,5 P.m. arrived at
[21:] Amara landed 30 1/2
[pg: 155]
[1:] Passengers & 30 Packages,

[2:] At 6 left Amara took
[3:] 17 Passengers~

[4:] Ghadban the young Sheikh
[5:] of the Beni Laam the son
[6:] of Booneyeh the son of
[7:] Mezban, encamped in the
[8:] vicinity of Ali Gherbi, would
[9:] not cease from his depredation,
[10:] plunder & infatuation,

[11:] He a few days ago, plundered
[12:] a large caravan coming
[13:] from the Hills of Lohristan
[14:] toward Ali Gherbi with
[15:] Goods & mostly ghee from
[16:] the Koordish hills belonging
[17:] to the traders of Ali Gherbi
[18:] to the Value of 30,000 Kerans,

[19:] The Motserrif of Amara
[20:] went up to him in a
[21:] Belem but they say he
[22:] denyed of having done
[23:] so or caused his
[pg: 156]
[1:] Arabs to plunder & so
[2:] the Motserrif returned, I
[3:] dare say having obtained
[4:] his share from Ghadban
[5:] of a few hundreds of
[6:] Liras, & the merchants
[7:] are left to their fate &
[8:] loose their goods in that
[9:] caravan they say which
[10:] composed of 250 mule
[11:] load;

[12:] At 8,,55 P.M. anchored
[13:] above Kalat Saleh; weather
[14:] very calm, & light S. Erly,
[15:] it is very warm in the
[16:] cabin, I could not sleep
[17:] for some hours~

23 Tuesd


1899 May


[18:] Very light air & warm,
[19:] at 4,,15 Am proceeded;
[20:] at 6 anchored at the Elbow
[21:] about 15 Danags in the
[22:] bite[?], had to await until
[23:] all came further up,
[pg: 157]
[1:] and at 6,,45 proceeded,

[2:] At 8 am passed Azair,
[3:] The Troops about 60 soldiers
[4:] are still here encamped
[5:] as well some further up &
[6:] below at Surreyfeh;
[7:] The Zaptyeh guards are
[8:] dispensed off from accompanying
[9:] our steamers to Amara
[10:] since last trip up;
[11:] S. Erly breeze & warm
[12:] muggy weather;

[13:] At 9,,45 passed the S.S.
[14:] Baghdad & Barge going up
[15:] at Zechyeh reach;

[16:] At 10,,50 landed 3 Passeng
[17:] at Gorna & went on at 10,,55,

[18:] Light n.w. & cooler
[19:] a little~

[20:] At 3,,10 P.M. arrived at
[21:] Basreh; [strikethrough] The
[22:] S.S. Turkistan of Strick & Co.
[23:] in quarantine arrived
[pg: 158]
[1:] on the 17th Instt, having
[2:] left about 2 days ago for
[3:] Kurachi to load there,
[4:] and there is only the S.S.
[5:] Alagonia for Gray Mackenzie
[6:] & Co~ There is no news
[7:] of the Mail Boat~
[8:] Rezooki Sayegh came to
[9:] me (he is in charge of the
[10:] Consulate during Mr.
[11:] Wratislaw’s absence in
[12:] Baghdad; I went up with
[13:] him to Rufail, where I
[14:] dined, and in turning to
[15:] sleep outside a very strong
[16:] N.W. wind began to blow
[17:] & shook my curtain &
[18:] had to change place to
[19:] near the wall but still
[20:] it blew very strong and
[21:] could not Sleep at all
[22:] till day break~
[pg: 159]

24th Wedn

1899 May

[1:] Modte N.W. & fine;
[2:] I slept about ¼ of an
[3:] hour at sunrise & so
[4:] feel very weak for want of
[5:] sleep;

[6:] Today is the Queen
[7:] Victoria of England’s
[8:] Birthday; there is no reception
[9:] at the Consulate as
[10:] Mr. Wratislaw is absent;
[11:] The Queen is just 80 years
[12:] old~

[13:] At 7 am I left with Rezooki
[14:] & I came on board~

[15:] We are discharging and
[16:] shipping cargo~

[17:] The SS. Phrat & Barge
[18:] arrived at about 4 ½
[19:] am this morning,
[20:] she brought troops from
[21:] Baghdad~

[22:] At 11 Rufail came down
[23:] to me & I went with him
[24:] into Basreh, we called
[25:] on Angoorly and
[pg: 160]
[1:] saw Tookyeh, also on
[2:] Nassoory Andrea
[3:] saw his wife, been to the
[4:] shop of Angoorly, and
[5:] to the Ottoman Bank
[6:] & inspected the 1000 empty
[7:] cases for dates sent out
[8:] by Allois Schweiger of
[9:] Vienna they are dirty &
[10:] some damaged, broken
[11:] & short etc; Came to
[12:] Tookyeh had tea & left
[13:] at 3 ½ Came on board;

[14:] At 5 P.M. Rufail & I went
[15:] up to Shaebyeh to Yousif
[16:] Marine, he wrote to me to
[17:] come & pass the night, but
[18:] I feel so weak & unwell,
[19:] We got there in one hour,
[20:] & spent the evening dined
[21:] & slept with Yousif, I
[22:] slept in a room with all
[23:] the windows open, there
[pg: 161]
[1:] was a fresh N.W. wind
[2:] blowing, but at about
[3:] midnight the wind fell,
[4:] there are plenty of mosquitoes
[5:] it is impossible to sleep
[6:] without a curtain;~

25 Thursd

1899 May

[7:] Light westly breeze &
[8:] fine; We took our tea at
[9:] Yousif & left at 6 am,
[10:] at 6 ½ dropped Rufail
[11:] at his house & I came
[12:] down to the Mejidieh;
[13:] We are loading deep

[14:] At 5 P.M. the mail
[15:] steamer Khandalla
[16:] arrived; at 6 the SS
[17:] Malamir arrived from
[18:] the Karoon to the Quarantine
[19:] We sent the Mail & specie,
[20:] Rezooki Sayegh came
[21:] to me also Nassoory Andrea,

[22:] Wind fell toward
[23:] sunset;~
[pg: 162]

Basreh to Baghdad [25 MAY 1899 — V049_13_N] (//)

Passng Okes G.S. Piast Draft
236 ½ 261,266,, [N/A] 5,,1
[2:] We received the mails,
[3:] and at 7,,30 P.M. proceeded
[4:] Light N.W. air & fine,
[5:] moon rose at 7,,15 P.M;
[6:] I slept in the Cabin, it is not
[7:] so warm, it became cooler
[8:] later at night;

26 Frid Th@ 5,,80



[9:] Light N.W. & fine Weather

[10:] At 4 Am. landed 3 Passng.
[11:] at Gorna & took one~

[12:] At 9,,25 stopped at Azair
[13:] & took 2 Jewesses (2 halves
[14:] one girl & 1 Boy With Return
[15:] ticket) Went on at 9,,30

[16:] We have 131 ½ Passengers
[17:] from Basreh (5 in 1st Class
[18:] the Wife of Tanton Elias Eassa
[19:] his son & Wife’s sister in
[20:] one Cabin; a Jewess &
[21:] a Mahomedan Abdulhamid
[22:] Effendi, & one in
[pg: 163]
[1:] 2nd Class the Chaldean
[2:] Priest Kass Joobrayil)

[3:] At 2,,45 P.M. the S.S.
[4:] Ressafah & Barge passed
[5:] down at Nafikh, detained
[6:] 10 minutes for her~

[7:] At 3,,30 landed 9 Passeng
[8:] at Kalat Saleh & went
[9:] on at 3,,35~
[10:] Modte N.W. & fine;

[11:] At 9,,30 P.M. arrived
[12:] at Amara landed 21 ½
[13:] Passengers and 6 Packges
[14:] of through Bombay Cargo;
[15:] Took 8 Tons of Coal;

[16:] At 11,,15 left Amara,
[17:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[18:] Weather;

27 Satur Ther @ 5. 73

1899 May


[19:] Light N.W. & fine Cool
[20:] Weather; Gave tickets to
[21:] 71 Amara passengers;
[22:] (one in 1st Class Mr. Rigo
[23:] Inspector of Public Debt)
[pg: 164]
[1:] and the Bimbashi of the
[2:] Senyeh property, on the
[3:] after part of the upper
[4:] deck, paying 1 ½ deck passage,

[5:] At 7,,20 Am passed
[6:] Ali Sherghi grove;~

[7:] At 2,,5 P.M. landed
[8:] 6 ½ passengers at Ali Gherbi
[9:] & took 2 & went on at
[10:] 2,,10~ Ghadban the
[11:] Sheikh of Beni Laam is
[12:] here I saw him on the
[13:] bank & he saluted me,
[14:] Abdulkadur Khdery was
[15:] sent up here from Amara
[16:] to talk & persuade him
[17:] to return the plunder
[18:] of the Caravan which
[19:] I mentioned here on the 22d
[20:] also the Taboor Aghassi,
[21:] but Ghadban is denying
[22:] having done it, sometimes
[pg: 165]
[1:] he promises to pay for
[2:] the loss, etc, but the Taboor
[3:] Aghassi is thretening him
[4:] that he will meet a
[5:] forced demand etc;

[6:] At 8,,5 P.M. landed
[7:] 3 passengers at Sheikh
[8:] Saad booked for Coot
[9:] & went on, Modte
[10:] N.W. & fine Weather;

28 Sund Ther @ 5. 75

1899 May




[11:] Light N.W. & fine Cool
[12:] Weather~

[13:] At 4,,15 Am arrived
[14:] at Coot, landed 25 Passeng
[15:] Took 4 Tons Coal; left
[16:] Henry’s letter & papers at
[17:] Coot;

[18:] At 5,,40 left Coot,
[19:] took 27 Passengers~
[20:] also Polus of Lynch’s Wool
[21:] Press in the 2nd Class Cabin
[22:] free;

[23:] The N. Westerly
[24:] or Shemal, wind has sat
[pg: 166]
[1:] in since the 25th Instt,
[2:] and has cleared the atmosphere
[3:] & made the weather
[4:] Cool, especially at night,

[5:] At 2,,30 P.M. passed
[6:] Memlah~

[7:] At 5,,35 met the Khalifah
[8:] coming down at Deboony
[9:] reach, we sent the letters
[10:] of Mr. Wratislaw the
[11:] English Consul of Basreh
[12:] being on board returning
[13:] I received a letter from
[14:] Henry, they left this
[15:] morning at 4 ¼ Am
[16:] having 64,000 Okes &
[17:] 236 ½ Passengers & 17
[18:] Workmen for the Wool
[19:] Press of Lynch at Amara
[20:] free besides~

[21:] Artin Kasperkhan my
[22:] Nephew was engaged
[23:] & betrothed on Tuesday
[pg: 167]
[1:] last the 23rd Instt with
[2:] Sirpohy the daughter of
[3:] Dr. Cazassian in the Turkish
[4:] army; no news of
[5:] Alexander, but that
[6:] Alice has received a
[7:] letter from Edward Blockey
[8:] from London, saying
[9:] that he could not find
[10:] him in Paris & was told
[11:] that he had gone to London,
[12:] and at this place he
[13:] was told by Rezooki
[14:] Korkis that he had
[15:] heard that Alexander
[16:] had gone to America
[17:] with the girl;

[18:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[19:] Weather~

29 Mond Ther @ 4. 74

1899 May


1899 May



[20:] Light N.W. & fine
[21:] Cool weather

[22:] At 0,,45 Am passed
[23:] [strikethrough];
[24:] Azizieh Village
[pg: 168] [1:] At 4,,50 passed
[2:] Baghdadieh Fort;

[3:] I paid the Ship’s crew
[4:] their wages for this month,

[5:] At 3,,10 P.M. passed
[6:] Ctesiphon~ Light N.W.
[7:] breeze, ship going very Slow;

[8:] At 6,, passed Diala river,
[9:] At 7,,20 passed through
[10:] the Bridge of Gherrara,

[11:] At 10,,15 P.M
[12:] landed the mails at
[13:] the Residency & went
[14:] up to the Custum House
[15:] the S.S. Baghdad is here
[16:] arrived today at noon~

[17:] I went home, saw Eliza
[18:] she related to me a very
[19:] sad news which befell
[20:] to Artin my nephew
[pg: 169]
[1:] after his betrothal~

[2:] They had a servant [strikethrough]
[3:] Tilkefly girl about 16
[4:] years old called Zekky
[5:] employed at Johny to look
[6:] after his little daughter
[7:] & having left the service
[8:] about 2 months ago;
[9:] she has brought a complaint
[10:] a few days ago against
[11:] Artin for having violated
[12:] her on promising that
[13:] he will marry her and
[14:] so she gave herself to him,
[15:] & she aborted some time
[16:] ago, now she claims him
[17:] as her husband and
[18:] being instigated by other
[19:] women of bad repute to
[20:] insist on & claim her
[21:] right through the Turkish
[22:] Government; and
[pg: 170]
[1:] so she went to the Serai
[2:] accompanied by a woman
[3:] called Eliza bint Abdulmadi
[4:] a bad woman, & there
[5:] she cryed out & in the most
[6:] courageous manner &
[7:] face she complained of
[8:] Artin having outraged
[9:] her etc; and so Artin
[10:] was sent for and put in
[11:] prison without being
[12:] questioned or tryed, a
[13:] thing against the rule
[14:] Abduljebbar the Lawyer
[15:] tryed very much to let
[16:] him out until his case
[17:] will be investigated, but
[18:] they wont allow it;
[19:] I have not learnt the
[20:] affair yet how it
[pg: 171]
[1:] occurred , as Eliza
[2:] cannot understand it
[3:] herself yet; I could
[4:] not sleep at all till
[5:] the morning from the
[6:] sorrow on account of
[7:] Artin;

30 Tuesd




1899 May



[8:] Light N.W. & fine; I went
[9:] downstairs & found the
[10:] two letters one from
[11:] Tom Blockey dated 4 May
[12:] in answer to mine, he
[13:] tells me that he hears that
[14:] Alexander has gone to
[15:] America with his girl
[16:] & his son Edward arrived
[17:] on the 19 of April from
[18:] Baghdad via Bombay
[19:] & Trieste; The next letter
[20:] I opened & found it from
[21:] Rezooki Metchich
[22:] from London, & enclosed
[23:] in it an open letter
[pg: 172]
[1:] sheet of few words written
[2:] by Alexander from
[3:] Chicago dated the 15
[4:] of April with his Card
[5:] in it printed as Traveller
[6:] Explorer, & reporter to
[7:] many news papers and
[8:] magazines, he writes on
[9:] it as being a Member
[10:] of the Geographical
[11:] Society; Rezooki
[12:] Metchich Writes to me
[13:] to say that he received
[14:] this from Alexander
[15:] to be sent to me but does
[16:] not know his address
[17:] as he is not fixed in
[18:] one place;

[19:] Eliza & I went over to
[20:] Sister Eliza, many
[21:] people came there to
[pg: 173]
[1:] see what to be done about
[2:] Artin’s imprisonement;
[3:] Johny had spoken with
[4:] Abduljebbar the Lawyer
[5:] but this man seems not
[6:] so inclined to defend Artin,
[7:] there are many witnesses
[8:] in favor of him; and they
[9:] were to go today to the
[10:] Serai; My Sister Eliza
[11:] is very grieved & sorry at
[12:] this matter;

[13:] I called on Mr. Richarz
[14:] at 9 Am & asked him to
[15:] write to the Austrian
[16:] Consul General to remit
[17:] my 300 frcs which I
[18:] had sent him for Alexander
[19:] for his expences to the
[20:] Banker of Monseigneur
[21:] Altmayer in Paris
[22:] & gave him his name
[23:] & address~
[pg: 174] [1:] I then called on the
[2:] Delegate Mons. Altmayer
[3:] and told him that I
[4:] had done so & requested
[5:] him to write to his Banker
[6:] to apply for the Money,

[7:] I went to Lynch’s Office
[8:] for business & for some
[9:] £ Stg; & returned to Sister
[10:] Eliza, took my wife &
[11:] came home~

[12:] At 4 P.M. called again
[13:] on Sister Eliza; Johny
[14:] came from the Serai
[15:] & says that they took the
[16:] evidence of many persons
[17:] they were all in favor
[18:] of Artin, & also the Bishop
[19:] came & as it got late
[20:] to finish the evidence

[pg: 175]

[1:] so it is left for tomorrow
[2:] & so Artin will have
[3:] to remain in prison
[4:] tonight too etc etc;

[5:] I came home at 6
[6:] P.M.; Light N.W. & fine

31 Wedn.

1899 June



[7:] Light air & sultry; at 7
[8:] Am I called on Menusha
[9:] & then came on board
[10:] Paid the Officers’ wages &
[11:] Others; At 9 I went to
[12:] the prison in the Serai
[13:] & saw Artin my nephew
[14:] he is in a room upstairs
[15:] with two or three other
[16:] Mahomedans prisoners,
[17:] Johny was there & says
[18:] that it will be settled
[19:] today & Artin will be
[20:] let out; I left at 10
[21:] & came home
[pg: 176] [1:] As I was taking a warm
[2:] bath, Johny & Abduljebbar
[3:] Effendi the Lawyer sent
[4:] for me to come quick, as
[5:] it requires my visit to
[6:] Hamdi Beg the Mufettish
[7:] Adlyeh to talk to him
[8:] as he is my friend, and
[9:] the matter will be settled
[10:] so I hurried on, & Alexander
[11:] Duncan the husband of
[12:] Regina came with me to
[13:] see Artin; but on arriving
[14:] to the Serai, they told me
[15:] that it was finished and
[16:] my visit to Ahmed Beg
[17:] is not required, so they
[18:] let Artin out on bail
[19:] & Abduljebbar stood as
[20:] security & gave a paper
[21:] I saw the deposition
[pg: 177]
[1:] given by the bitch of the
[2:] servant Zekki, a most
[3:] horrible way~ At
[4:] 4 ½ P.M. Artin was let
[5:] out & we all walked
[6:] out to his house, poor
[7:] Sister Eliza was rejoiced
[8:] & weeping;~ This
[9:] incident will cost Artin
[10:] about 50 TLiras, for
[11:] charges, presents and
[12:] bribery etc etc;

[13:] I came home & then called
[14:] on Antone Marine
[15:] came at 6, Antone then
[16:] called on us for ½ hour;

[17:] Light Air & warm

1st Thursd

1899 Jun


[18:] Light S. Erly & Variable
[19:] warm; at 6 Am we
[20:] went to church a high
[21:] mass by the Delagate
[22:] Altmayer & procession
[pg: 178] [1:] I slept at 7 & called on
[2:] Sister Medula & thence
[3:] came on board we
[4:] are shipping some Cargo,
[5:] At 10 I left & went over
[6:] to Sister Eliza, my wife
[7:] was there & we returned
[8:] home at 11 ½~ Hot
[9:] Weather & Very light breeze
[10:] from N.W. with few clouds

[11:] At 3 P.M. came on board
[12:] shipping cargo;

[13:] At 5 I left & called on
[14:] Colonel Loch the Resident,
[15:] he is having an Auction
[16:] sale tomorrow of his Kit,
[17:] I left & came home;
[18:] Shekoory Sayegh called
[19:] on us; Very warm
[20:] sultry & calm weather,
[21:] With some clouds;
[pg: 179]

2 Frid

[1:] Light & variable breeze
[2:] Warm Weather~
[3:] At 7 Am I came on board,
[4:] & then went over to the
[5:] Residency to see the
[6:] auction sale; I bought
[7:] only a Bookshelve for 12
[8:] 12 Rps & 1 anna; Came home
[9:] It is very warm & sultry,
[10:] light S. Erly air with some
[11:] clouds;~

[12:] At 4 P.M. I called on Eliza
[13:] & Adoola my cousins;

[14:] Johny & Artin called in
[15:] the evening; Very calm
[16:] & warm weather;

[17:] The SS. Baghdad & Barge
[18:] left this morning at 4 Am

3’ Satur Th@ 4. 80

1899 June

Hannah Nakkar died aged about 95




[19:] Very light S. Erly and
[20:] Calm sultry weather

[21:] At 7 Am called on Shekoory
[22:] Sayegh & came on
[23:] board~ The Damascus
[pg: 180]
[1:] Post arrived yesterday,
[2:] no letters about Alexander
[3:] from anybody~

[4:] It is getting very hot toward
[5:] noon; at 11 I went to breakfast
[6:] & came on board at 1 P.M.;
[7:] Very hot, the breeze shifted
[8:] to N.W. but is too hot;
[9:] At 6 P.M. I left the steamer
[10:] & came home;

[11:] I wrote a short letter to
[12:] Alexander my son and
[13:] enclosed it in a letter for
[14:] Rezooki Metchich in
[15:] London to be sent on by
[16:] him to wherever he is &
[17:] dated them the 8th Instt
[18:] by the Damascus Post
[19:] to be sent by my wife
[20:] I kept copies of the letters,

[21:] The Mejidieh will drop
[22:] down tomorrow early
[23:] to alongside the wool
[pg: 181]
[1:] Press of Eassayi Brothers
[2:] just near the Nawab’s
[3:] house at the Sheria of
[4:] Morrabbaa to ship 500
[5:] Bales of Liquorice root
[6:] of Yousif Korkis at 6 ¾
[7:] G.S. Piast each~

[8:] Calm & sultry Weather,

4 Sund Th@4 78 Noon 107 4 P.M 107

1899 June

[9:] Light N. Erly breeze and
[10:] sultry~ At 4 ½ Am
[11:] I left & came down to
[12:] the wool Press of Eassayi
[13:] where the Mejidieh is
[14:] shipping the 500 Bales of
[15:] Liquorice root;;
[pg: 182]

Baghdad to Basreh [4 JUN 1899 — V049_14_S](//)



1899 June

Passg Okes GS. Piast Draft
296 98,366 21,380,, 3,,8
[2:] At 7am finished loading
[3:] 500 Bales of Liquorice roots
[4:] We proceeded, S. Erly
[5:] breeze & warm weather,

[6:] At 8,,45 passes Diala
[7:] river;

[8:] At 10 passed Ctesiphon
[9:] I let off 4 carrier pigeons
[10:] of my nephew Johny from
[11:] Menari at 9,,50 & wrote
[12:] slips of paper & tyed them
[13:] on their wings;

[14:] At 10,,50 passed the SS.
[15:] Phrat & Barge going up at
[16:] Semrah reach~

[17:] Gave tickets to the Passengers
[18:] We have Altogether 276 ½
[19:] (2 in 1st Class, Izzet Beg
[20:] the Mooddai Umoom
[21:] for Basreh, and
[pg: 183]
[1:] Jejo son of Moorad going
[2:] to Press Wool for Lynch
[3:] at Amara free, & 2 in
[4:] 2nd Class Armenians;)

[5:] At 2,,45 P.M. passed
[6:] Baghdadieh~ Very warm
[7:] weather & light variable
[8:] breeze~

[9:] At 4 P.M. passed the
[10:] S.S. Khalifah bound up
[11:] at Sened~ Light N.W.
[12:] breeze; The Thermometer
[13:] was today 107 in my cabin
[14:] and at sunset it was still
[15:] at 104˚ Very calm and
[16:] Sultry~

[17:] At 4,,30 passed Azizieh
[18:] Very calm & sultry warm;

[19:] At 9,,5 P.M. passed
[20:] Memlah;

[21:] I went up on the After
[22:] Deck to sleep for the first
[23:] time, as it is impossible to
[24:] sleep in the cabin, so hot
[pg: 184]

5 Mond. Th@ 4. 80 Noon 106 4 P.M 109


1899 June

[1:] At 1,,30 AM arrived
[2:] at Coot, landed 26 ½
[3:] passengers & 46 Packages,
[4:] [strikethrough]
[5:] [strikethrough]
[6:] shipped 49 Bales of Pressed
[7:] Wool for Basreh~
[8:] I received Henry’s letter
[9:] & my papers; The Khalifah
[10:] had left Basreh on Thursday
[11:] afternoon, having 221,000
[12:] Okes & about 100 passengers,

[13:] At 4 Am we left Coot
[14:] Light N.W. & fine weather,
[15:] Took 4 ½ passengers;

[16:] At 6,,25 passed the SS.
[17:] Ressafah & Barge bound
[18:] up~ Breeze shifted at
[19:] 9 to a hot S. Erly and
[20:] very disagreable, thing
[21:] We have not seen in
[22:] this month~
[pg: 185] [1:] At 10,,30 landed 4 ½
[2:] Passengers at Ali Gherbi,
[3:] took 2 & went on at 10,,40,

[4:] It became very calm at
[5:] 2 P.M. & very hot indeed

[6:] At 6,,5 P.M. Arrived
[7:] at Amara landed 35 ½
[8:] passengers & 34 Packages
[9:] Light S. Erly breeze and
[10:] Very warm; No wool
[11:] Pressed here yet to be shipped
[12:] The heat is most fearful
[13:] a light dampy S. E. Air
[14:] & suffocating~

[15:] The Mutserrif of Amara
[16:] Ahmed Anwary Pasha
[17:] is dismissed & going up
[18:] with us~

[19:] At 7 we left Amara
[20:] Awfully warm & dampy,
[21:] with light S. Erly breeze

[22:] At 8,,10 We anchored
[pg: 186]
[1:] Above Aboo Sedrah~
[2:] Very warm in bed upstairs,

[3:] Light Erly breeze & warm
[4:] weather;

6 Tuesd Th@ 4. 86


[5:] At 3,,45 Am we proceeded
[6:] At 5,,45 landed specie at
[7:] Kalat Saleh & went on,
[8:] Gave tickets to 13 Amara
[9:] passengers (one in 1st Class
[10:] the Bimbashi of the Senyeh
[11:] Omar Sherif Beg)

[12:] At 8,,50 passed Azair
[13:] it became Very Calm and
[14:] warm, a light N.W. but
[15:] is so warm & dampy;

[16:] At 11,,40 landed specie
[17:] at Gorna & went on at
[18:] 11,,45~

[19:] At 1 P.M. breeze Shifted to
[20:] N.W. but it is so warm &
[21:] moisty; We feel it very
[22:] much;~
[pg: 187] [1:] At 4 P.M. arrived at
[2:] Basreh; no steamers here
[3:] or in Quarantine;

[4:] Rufail came to me & I
[5:] went up with him to his
[6:] house, Tookyeh is there with
[7:] her 2 children & husband
[8:] Rezooki spending some
[9:] days; The Wind is blowing
[10:] a N.W. but it is not cool
[11:] or refreshing; this must
[12:] be the Bareh wind
[13:] just commenced as on
[14:] the 6th (today) the Constellation
[15:] Playades appears in
[16:] the morning on the East;
[17:] It became cooler & dryer
[18:] later on at night, but
[19:] the wind blew fresh

7 Wedn.



[20:] Light N.W., the wind
[21:] fell toward morning but
[22:] is cooler than before,

[23:] At 6 ½ Am I came
[pg: 188]
[1:] on board, We are discharging
[2:] & loading. No news
[3:] of the mail Steamer ~

[4:] Wind got up at 10 blowing
[5:] fresh with dusty sky &
[6:] hot, thermr. at noon 103 in
[7:] My cabin; At 1 P.M. I
[8:] went over with Rezooki to
[9:] their house, had tea and
[10:] at 5 ½ we all went to see
[11:] the Asfars, Yousif Marine
[12:] came also down from
[13:] Shaebyeh & at 7 we all
[14:] returned back, Tookyeh, her
[15:] husband, Rufail Rezook
[16:] Yousif Marine & myself we
[17:] dined together, the wind
[18:] fell & became light but
[19:] hot & disagreeable;

8 Thurs

Colonel Loch left Baghdad on 6 Instt & Major Melville arrived again in the SS. Assyria

1899 June

[20:] Very light westerly breeze
[21:] & warm, at 6 ½ am I
[22:] came on board, we have
[23:] finished loading down
[pg: 189]
[1:] to 4.8 Inches. Very calm
[2:] & warm weather; It
[3:] became so moisty the air,
[4:] that I could not stay in
[5:] the cabin for a minute,
[6:] The air shifted to N.W. but
[7:] is loaded with moisture
[8:] & not at all cool ~

[9:] At 4 P.M. the mail
[10:] Str Assyria arrived to
[11:] the quarantine;

[12:] We sent our mail & got her
[13:] mails after 2 hours detention
[14:] of fumigation etc ~

[15:] The weather is most awfully
[16:] warm & calm, I am
[17:] nearly fainting from it,
[18:] we received the mails at
[19:] 7 P.M; ~

[20:] The SS. Baghdad & Barge
[21:] left at 6 P.M. ;

[22:] Very warm & suffocating
[pg: 190]

Basreh to Baghdad [8 JUN 1899 — V049_15_N] (//)



Passeng Okes G.S.P. Local Draft
174 234350 15451 ½ 4,,10
[2:] At 7,,20 P.M. we left
[3:] Basreh, very warm and
[4:] calm weather;

[5:] At 7,,50 we met the S.S.
[6:] Comet coming down with
[7:] Colonel Loch the British
[8:] Consul General on board
[9:] going down being transferred
[10:] to Nepaul in India
[11:] to our great regret as he
[12:] is very much liked by
[13:] all the Europeans in
[14:] Baghdad, we delivered to
[15:] him his letters & went
[16:] on at 7,,55; Breeze very
[17:] light from East; It
[18:] is very moisty on deck;
[pg: 191]

9 Frid





[1:] At 2,,30 am passed
[2:] Gorna; Very disagreeable
[3:] weather, dampy warm &
[4:] light variable breeze;

[5:] We passed the Baghdad &
[6:] Barge going up at 1 ½ P.M.
[7:] below Gorna ~

[8:] At 7,,45 passed Azair,
[9:] A light N.W. breeze and
[10:] Cooler weather which made
[11:] the atmosphere dryer;

[12:] Finished with the Passengers
[13:] we have in all 93 ~ (5
[14:] in 1st Class, they are the
[15:] wife of Michail Raffi
[16:] his mother & his Sister
[17:] all 3 in 2 Cabins; Mr.
[18:] Bolanachi a young
[19:] Greek who was employed
[20:] at Nicoli Giacoli; and
[21:] Omar Sherif Beg the Bim-
[22:] Bashy of Sennyeh of
[23:] Amara returning with his
[pg: 192]
[1:] and 2 free in the 2nd Class
[2:] the Tally Clerk of Lynch
[3:] Brothers Jemil & his mother
[4:] free;)

[5:] At 1. P.M. landed 2 Passeng
[6:] at Kalat Saleh & went
[7:] on at 2,,5 ~ A light
[8:] N.W. breeze prevails ~

[9:] At 6,,40 P.M. arrived
[10:] at Amara landed 22 ½
[11:] passengers (1 in 1st Class
[12:] Omar Sherif Beg) and
[13:] 2 Bales cloth; Took 6
[14:] tons of Coal & some Cargo
[15:] also a mule of Abdulkadur
[16:] Khdery for 8 mejidees to
[17:] Baghdad ~

[18:] At 8,,20 left Amara
[19:] Light N.W. & fine weather
[pg: 193]

10 Satur Therm@4.79




[1:] Light N.W. & fine weather,

[2:] Gave tickets to 52
[3:] Amara passengers, (one in
[4:] 1st Class the Reis of the
[5:] Sennyeh Mahd. Rafik Beg)
[6:] also one mule of Abdulkadur
[7:] Khdery for 8 Mejidies,

[8:] At 9,,50 landed 5 passengers
[9:] at Ali Gherbi & went on
[10:] at 10; wind getting up fresh;

[11:] At 3,,50 P.M. passed the
[12:] S.S. Phrat & Barge going
[13:] down having troops on
[14:] board; just below Sheikh
[15:] Saad Village; ~

[16:] Light N.W. & fine cool night

[17:] At 11,,10 P.M. arrived at
[18:] Coot landed 23 passengers
[19:] Took 4 Tons of Coal; I
[20:] Slept in the cabin, the weather
[21:] being very cool although
[22:] the breeze is very light from
[23:] the N. West; I paid
[24:] money to Vartan for
[pg: 194]
[1:] the wool Press also to
[2:] Nacodas[?] of Coal Boats

11 Sund Therm@4.72


[3:] At 0,,50 am left Coot
[4:] Very nice & cool weather,

[5:] Took 29 Passengers
[6:] from Coot;

[7:] At 8,,30 passed Memlah,
[8:] weather very calm;

[9:] At 3,,20 P.M. passed
[10:] the S.S. Khalifah going down
[11:] at Sherhan (below Humenyeh)
[12:] Michail Yaghchi was on
[13:] board going to sell his
[14:] liquorice which he is collecting
[15:] at Hilla from Menahem
[16:] Daniels property;

[17:] At 5 P.M. passed Azizieh
[18:] Light N.W. breeze & fine,

[19:] The river has fallen a good
[20:] deal & begun to get shoal in
[21:] many places, sand bank are
[22:] appearing ~
[pg: 195] [1:] At 8,,45 P.M. passed Baghdadieh
[2:] Fort ~ Fine cool night ~

12 Mond Therm@4.72





[3:] Light N.W. breeze & very cool
[4:] morning, I felt it quite cool
[5:] on the upper deck & the water
[6:] is as cold as ice ~

[7:] At 6,,15 AM. passed Ctesiphon,
[8:] It became calm ~

[9:] At 8,,40 passed Diala
[10:] river, Light N.W. & fine;

[11:] At 10 passed Gherrarah
[12:] without landing a man
[13:] with Lynch’s letters, as it is
[14:] too hot for him the Captain
[15:] thinks;

[16:] At 0,,30 P.M. landed the
[17:] mails at the Residency &
[18:] went up to the Custum House,
[19:] The Ressafah is only here
[20:] leaving tomorrow, I went
[21:] home saw Eliza, there are
[22:] no news or letters at all
[23:] by last mail; Weather
[24:] had been warm here too,
[pg: 196] [1:] Antone Marine called,
[2:] he has received a letter from
[3:] his son Gabriel by yesterday’s
[4:] Post from Aleppo he arrived
[5:] there on the 21 May, having
[6:] left Baghdad on the 27
[7:] April; ~

[8:] Very light N.W. & fine ~

13 Tuesd Therm@4.78

reported plague at Bushire

[9:] Light N.W. but not so cool,
[10:] At 6 ½ AM called on
[11:] Sister Medula & then
[12:] came on board, we are
[13:] discharging cargo ~

[14:] The SS. Ressafah left this
[15:] morning at 4 AM. The
[16:] Nakib of Basreh Seyd
[17:] Rujub Effendi & his suit
[18:] & family left in her,
[19:] At 11 went home; I took a
[20:] cold water bath; ~ at 4
[21:] P.M. I called on Catherina
[22:] Yaghchi & Louisa, my
[pg: 197]
[1:] niece, they have come in
[2:] from the Garden of Farhat,
[3:] I also called on Dr. Macri
[4:] & his wife & came home,

[5:] The Chaldean Patriarch
[6:] called on us today;

[7:] Johny & Artin called in
[8:] the evening;

[9:] The news reported here
[10:] from the Basreh Sanitary
[11:] Officer that Plague had
[12:] appeared at Bushire, I
[13:] had heard this at Basreh
[14:] last time but was not sure
[15:] how many were attaked,
[16:] but they say here that 8
[17:] deaths had taken place, &
[18:] the Persian Government
[19:] have now established a
[20:] quarantine in Bushire,

[21:] Light N.W. & fine weather

14′ Wedn



[22:] Light N.W. air & cool morning
[23:] at 7 AM I called on
[24:] Sister Eliza & then on
[pg: 198]
[1:] Menusha & came home
[2:] at 11 ~ At 4 P.M. Eliza
[3:] & I called on Antone Marine,
[4:] and in the evening called
[5:] on Sister Medula till 9
[6:] P.M.

[7:] I heard that Ibrahim
[8:] Gejou arrived this afternoon
[9:] from Paris coming via
[10:] Beyrout, Damascus &
[11:] Deir, he had left Paris
[12:] about 45 days ago, the
[13:] Armenian son of Thadeus
[14:] Awannes who had gone
[15:] to Paris to study the
[16:] fisique also came with
[17:] him as a doctor now

[18:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[19:] weather; ~

15’ Thursd Therm@4.72






[20:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[21:] weather ~ at 7 am I
[22:] called on Antone Marine
[pg: 199]
[1:] & then went to call on
[2:] Ibrahim Gejou at his fathers
[3:] house but did not find
[4:] him at home, I sat with
[5:] his mother & the two sisters
[6:] Sarah & Looloo; at 8 ½
[7:] I came on board; we
[8:] are shipping cargo;

[9:] I wrote a long letter to Alexander
[10:] at Chicago & enclosed it
[11:] in a letter to Rezooki Metchich
[12:] in London asking him
[13:] to be sent on to him I kept
[14:] copies of them, & sent the
[15:] letter with todays Damascus
[16:] Post;

[17:] Went home at 10,
[18:] found Mina Aboud &
[19:] Terrooza wife of Antone
[20:] Marine & her daughter
[21:] Rosa came to visit us,

[22:] At 12 ¼ am the SS.
[23:] Baghdad arrived with
[24:] her Barge~ At 2 P.M.

[pg: 200]
[1:] I came on board; We
[2:] shipped cargo; about 600
[3:] Bales of wool, and some
[4:] other cargo through and
[5:] local ~ at 5 ½ P.M. went
[6:] home ~

[7:] Modte N.W. & fine cool
[8:] weather; very pleasant;

16’ Frid Therm@4.70







[9:] Light N.W. & very fine
[10:] cool weather, we are
[11:] covering ourselves with
[12:] the Lahaf (a thick quilt) ;

[13:] I have got a carpenter to
[14:] make some reparation
[15:] in the house ~

[16:] At 7 AM I came on board
[17:] and went home at 8;
[18:] Artin my Nephew came to
[19:] me & I went with him
[20:] to call on Doctor Kazassyan
[21:] whose only daughter
[22:] Serpohy he has been
[23:] engaged to, about a
[pg: 201]
[1:] month ago, I saw her
[2:] & her Mother, they are
[3:] Armenians from Constple
[4:] they have come here about
[5:] four years ago, the father
[6:] is a Doctor in the Turkish
[7:] Army, I found the girl (1)
[8:] intelligent, jolly, but not
[9:] so handsome she is about
[10:] 18 years old; speaks
[11:] French, Armenian, Turkish
[12:] & Arabic, she learnt french
[13:] here at the French nuns
[14:] school; & plays Piano;

[15:] We then called on Hanosh
[16:] Kroomy of Basreh and
[17:] his wife are living here
[18:] they have given up Basreh
[19:] since last year ~
[20:] I called on Eliza & Adoola
[21:] my cousins & coming
[22:] home I met Ibrahim
[23:] Gejou in the Street,
[pg: 202] [1:] I reproached him for not
[2:] coming to see us before
[3:] anybody else, he promised
[4:] to come after breakfast,
[5:] at 2 P.M. he came and
[6:] We had a long talk with
[7:] him about Alexander
[8:] my son; he assures me
[9:] that he has not gone
[10:] to America & that he is
[11:] still in London, & he is
[12:] only humbugging us,
[13:] all his letters to us he says
[14:] were not true what he
[15:] wrote, he never was ill
[16:] or had sore eyes & never
[17:] went to Belfort and
[18:] returned on account of
[19:] his eyes; the Girl had
[20:] gone with him to Vienna
[21:] & soon as he obtained
[22:] from me the 90 £Stg
[pg: 203]
[1:] he left Vienna & came
[2:] to Paris & spent it very
[3:] lavishly paying about
[4:] 30 frcs a day for Carriage
[5:] hire etc etc ~

[6:] At 5 P.M. I went to the
[7:] Office to see Mr. Bottomley
[8:] for some business & thence
[9:] went to Sister Eliza where
[10:] my wife came also &
[11:] we returned home at 8 ½

[12:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[13:] night;

17 Satur Therm@4.76




[14:] Light N.W. & fine weather
[15:] Cool night it was ~

[16:] At 7 am I came on
[17:] board ~ We shipped little
[18:] cargo; ~ The river is falling
[19:] every day, Ibrahim Gejou
[20:] came on board he wants to
[21:] leave this in a month
[22:] taking his Sister with him
[23:] Sarah(1) to Paris; ~

[24:] At 11 ½ I went home
[pg: 204]
[1:] to breakfast;

[2:] Bedry Beg, who is with
[3:] the German Mission at
[4:] Babylon where they are
[5:] excavating, Called on me
[6:] with AbdulKerim Toma
[7:] he came here for a few
[8:] days & will return after
[9:] a week or so;

[10:] At 2 P.M. I came on board
[11:] At 5 ½ we finished work
[12:] I went home; Artin my
[13:] Nephew called in the evening

[14:] Weather is calm and
[15:] not so pleasant & cool,
[16:] & it appears as if the air
[17:] is from the S. Est; ~

18’ Sund

[18:] At 3 AM I was up
[19:] Weather seems to be getting
[20:] changed; there are few
[21:] clouds hanging on
[22:] & the air is very light
[pg: 205]
[1:] S. Erly

[2:] At 3 ½ I came on board

Baghdad to Basreh [18 JUN 1899 — V049_16_S] (//)

Coll Loch left & Major Melvill’s



arrival see 8th Instt



Towing Barges




Passg Okes G.S.P. Draft
111 ½ 131,274,, 16,099 ½ [N/A?]
[4:] At 4 AM we proceeded
[5:] a light S. Erly breeze with
[6:] some clouds from the N.
[7:] & N.W. & very curious &
[8:] sudden change in this
[9:] time of the month ~ Clouds
[10:] disappeared soon after sun
[11:] rise ~

[12:] At 6 passed the S.S.
[13:] Comet going up just at
[14:] Diala river; Major
[15:] Melville on board of her
[16:] going to take charge of
[17:] the Consulate General
[18:] in place of Colonel
[19:] Loch who left Baghdad
[20:] in the Comet on the 6th
[21:] Instt, being transferred
[pg: 206]
[1:] to Nepaul in Central
[2:] India; Major Melville
[3:] did not stay to make his
[4:] quarantine in Basreh
[5:] but obtained order to be
[6:] allowed to make it on
[7:] the way up & so she has
[8:] left Basreh on Sunday
[9:] last with a quarantine
[10:] guard so as not to touch
[11:] anywhere & having the
[12:] quarantine Yellow flag
[13:] hoisted on the mast head,

[14:] At 7,,20 passed Ctesiphon,

[15:] Finished with the passengers
[16:] tickets, we have 92 ½
[17:] (one in 1st class, Mr. Ludvi
[18:] Meyer, the German who is
[19:] attached to the Mission
[20:] now excavating in
[21:] Babylon, he is going to
[22:] Berlin; & one in 2nd
[23:] Class, Pere Emmanuel
[pg: 207]
[1:] of the Carmelite fathers,
[2:] going to Bushire on account
[3:] of the Plague having broken
[4:] out there, & the Christians
[5:] are in want of a priest, he
[6:] is messing in his Cabin)

[7:] At 0,,30 P.M. passed
[8:] Baghdadieh; the S. Erly
[9:] breeze increased moderately
[10:] but not so hot;

[11:] At 2,,30 P.M. passed
[12:] Azizieh; wind fell & Shifted
[13:] to a light westerly, it was
[14:] warm during the day;

[15:] At 7,,20 passed Memlah
[16:] Westerly breeze & fine &
[17:] I slept in my Cabin, but it is
[18:] rather warm;

[19:] At 9,,40 P.M. passed
[20:] the S.S. Khalifah and
[21:] towing a Barge up, as
[22:] the Lynchs in England
[23:] have obtained the permission
[24:] for us to tow Barges
[pg: 208]
[1:] in future & the Turkish
[2:] Governt at Constantinople
[3:] informed the Authorities in
[4:] Basreh & Baghdad that
[5:] we can do so, but for
[6:] the present there are no
[7:] cargo in Basreh being
[8:] accumulated, & the
[9:] Barge towed by the Khalifah
[10:] was empty;

[11:] At 12 P.M. arrived at
[12:] Coot landed 23 Passengers
[13:] & 41 packages and Shipped
[14:] 143 Bales of wool from
[15:] Lynch’s Press for Asfar’s
[16:] Steamers; I received Henry’s
[17:] letter & my papers dated
[18:] from London & Paris up
[19:] to the 19th Ulto; The Khalifah
[20:] had 194,770 Okes of Cargo
[21:] & about 250 passengers
[pg: 209]
[1:] mostly Pilgrims returning
[2:] from Mecca; The news
[3:] of the Plague in Bushire
[4:] is not confirmed yet in
[5:] Basreh some say there were
[6:] 3 or 4 cases, others say that
[7:] it was imported the Pilgrims
[8:] returning from Jedda in
[9:] the Persian Str. Haidery
[10:] about 500 were landed
[11:] there but there is a Strict
[12:] quarantine at Bushire;

19 Mond Therm 4.74

1899 June

[13:] Light n.w. & fine weather
[14:] At 5 am left Coot,
[15:] took 9 passengers;

[16:] At 11,,55 landed one
[17:] passenger at Ali Gherbi
[18:] took two & went on at 12
[19:] Modte n.w. & fine weather

[20:] At 7,35 P.m. arrived
[21:] at Amara landed 31 1/2
[22:] passengers and 46 Packg,
[23:] Shipped 112 Bales of wool,
[24:] from Lynch’s Press ~
[pg: 210] [1:] At 9,,30 left Amara
[2:] Light n.w. & fine cool night
[3:] At 10,,35 anchored above
[4:] Aboo Sedra ~

20 Tuesd Therm @ 4,79

[5:] Light n.w. & fine cool
[6:] morning ~ At 4 am
[7:] proceeded, Took 4 Passengers
[8:] from Amara;

[9:] At 9,,5 passed Azair
[10:] Modte n.w. breeze & fine;

[11:] At 0,,5 P.m. passed Gorna
[12:] At 4 P.m. met the Ressafah
[13:] & Barge going up on near
[14:] Asfar’s house ~

[15:] At 4,10 arrived at
[16:] Basreh, no Steamers
[17:] here at all except the
[18:] Phrat; no accurate news
[19:] could be obtained regarding
[20:] the Plague in Bushire
[21:] some say 8 cases took place
[22:] in all others say it is
[pg: 211]
[1:] working, others say it is not
[2:] the Plague but other sickness,
[3:] we shall hear from the
[4:] mail Str due day after
[5:] tomorrow; Rezooki Sayegh
[6:] Michail Yaghchi who came
[7:] here in the Khalifah to sell
[8:] his Liquorice to Hotz, also
[9:] Rezooki Angoorly came on
[10:] board; at 6 I went with
[11:] Rezooki Sayegh to their
[12:] house, Tookyeh is still there
[13:] & Rufail has sore eye since
[14:] 8 days caused by a cold he
[15:] took on top of the house;
[16:] I dined & slept there ~
[17:] Fine n.w. wind & pleasant
[18:] night, I slept in the Veranda,

21 Wednes

1899 June


[19:] Modte n.w. & fine weather
[20:] The S.S. Shahristan for
[21:] Asfar arrived this morning,

[22:] At 7 am I came on
[23:] board, we are discharging
[24:] & loading cargo;
[pg: 212]
[1:] there is only one Steamer’s
[2:] cargo left here the Simla’s
[3:] of last week;

[4:] At 11 I hired Bellem for
[5:] one Keran & went in to Basreh
[6:] called on Angoorlies & then
[7:] on Nessoory Andrea and
[8:] on Ali Beg the Mudir of
[9:] Tapo & to the shop of Rezooki
[10:] & returned to Tookyeh had
[11:] tea & then we left at
[12:] 4 P.m. & came out with
[13:] Tookyeh, Rezooki her husband
[14:] & Medool sister of Yousif
[15:] John they landed at
[16:] Mackenzies wharf to
[17:] visit Toomas Wahayeb’s
[18:] family & I came on
[19:] board; at 5 1/2 I went
[20:] to fetch them & we
[21:] went up I landed at
[22:] Asfar’s; saw Jeboory &
[23:] his wife also Père Emmanuel
[pg: 213]
[1:] staying there, he is going down
[2:] to Bushire by the next mail
[3:] leaving on Saturday; I
[4:] spoke with Jeboory regarding
[5:] my money 1000 TLiras he has
[6:] on interest @ 7 % will be due
[7:] on the 9 of July, he is going to
[8:] keep it for an other year;
[9:] his wife & children are going
[10:] up in the Khalifah next
[11:] trip; at 7 I & Rezooki Sayegh
[12:] went to Rufails where I
[13:] dined & slept; a fresh n.w.
[14:] blew at night & fine cool;

22 Thursd

1899 June


[15:] Light n.w. & fine cool
[16:] morning; at 6 1/2 am. I
[17:] came on board ~ There
[18:] is no news of the mails

[19:] I wrote a long letter to
[20:] Blockey in London &
[21:] posted it here via Bombay
[22:] I told him of Alexander is
[23:] supposed to be still in London
[24:] & to look out for him;
[25:] We are loaded & finished
[pg: 214]
[1:] all the cargo that was
[2:] here~ We got the Barge
[3:] up from the Quarantine
[4:] from alongside the Shahristan
[5:] with her cargo part of it
[6:] and Shipped it ~ The mail
[7:] Steamer Pemba passed
[8:] Fao at 9 am ~

[9:] There is plenty of wind
[10:] but it is not refreshing,
[11:] the weather is dusty &
[12:] the atmosphere is heavy
[13:] close & dampy like
[14:] yesterday, but it cools
[15:] down toward sunset &
[16:] the night gets cool;

[17:] At 5 1/4 P.m. the S.S. Pemba
[18:] arrived in quarantine;

[19:] Lots of people came on
[20:] some to see the Mektoobchi
[21:] (secretary of Hamdi Pasha
[22:] Waly of Basreh) going up
[23:] to act as Motserrif at
[pg: 215]
[1:] Amara called Assim Beg,
[2:] Ali Beg Saȋb my friend
[3:] called on me also Michail
[4:] Yaghchi, Rezooki Sayegh
[5:] & Rezooki & Toni Angoorly
[6:] & others; wind fell &
[7:] became warm & very
[8:] disagreeable weather;

[9:] We received the mails
[10:] at 7 1/2 ~

Basreh to Baghdad [22 JUN 1899 — V049_17_N] (//)

Passger Okes G.S.P. Local Draft
165 209,450 12270 1/4 4,,8,
[12:] At 8,,5 P.m. we got under-
[13:] weigh & proceeded, there is
[14:] a light n.w. breeze but the
[15:] ship is awfully hot, I
[16:] cannot stop in my cabin
[17:] for a minute; Thermr. is 98°
[18:] The Steamer is loaded down
[19:] to 4,,8 Inshes ~ A fresh
[20:] breeze blowing during the
[21:] night ;

23 Frid Therm @ 4.81

1899 June



[22:] Modte N.W. & fine
[23:] at 3,,50 am passed
[pg: 216]
[1:] Gorna, Finished with the
[2:] Passengers tickets;

[3:] We have in all 54 1/2
[4:] (2 in 1st Class, the Mektoobchi
[5:] of the Waly Hamdi Pasha,
[6:] Assim Beg, who had come
[7:] down with us about three
[8:] months ago in Company
[9:] with Ahmed Pasha Zheir,
[10:] going to Amara to act
[11:] as Motserrif; and Jemil
[12:] Beg Kaima Kam of Hai
[13:] going to Coot) ~

[14:] At 8,,25 passed Azair
[15:] wind freshning up;

[16:] Detained at Nafikh in
[17:] shoal water about 1/2 hour

[18:] At 2,,35 P.m. landed 7
[19:] passengers at Kalat Saleh
[20:] & took one & went on at
[21:] 2,,40 ~ Modte N.W.
[22:] wind & fine cool weather
[pg: 217] [1:] At 8 P.M. arrived at
[2:] Amara landed 11 1/2 Passengers
[3:] (one in 1st Class Assim Beg
[4:] the Mektoobchi) and 294
[5:] Bund of Hoop Iron for
[6:] Lynch’s wool Press;

[7:] The S.S. Baghdad is here
[8:] bound down ~ We took
[9:] 8 Tons of Coal; ~

[10:] At 10,,15 left Amara
[11:] fresh n.w. wind blowing;
[12:] I slept in the Cabin; The
[13:] mosquitoes troubled me very
[14:] much & could not Sleep;

24 Satur Therm @ 4.78 Noon 107 4 P.m. 108

1899 June


[15:] Modte N.W. & fine weather

[16:] Gave tickets to 58 Amara
[17:] passengers (3 in 2d Class
[18:] Selim Dowd Birjony
[19:] his mother & Sister) ;

[20:] Wind getting very hot, it is
[21:] the Saam I believe ~

[22:] At 10,,30 am landed 5
[23:] passengers at Ali Gherbi
[24:] took 2 & went on at 10,,40
[pg: 218] [1:] At 3,,30 P.m. landed 5
[2:] passengers at Sheikh Saad
[3:] & went on ; Hot wind
[4:] & Therm went up to 108 ° ~

[5:] At 6,,10 passed the Ressafah
[6:] & Barge going up, both very
[7:] much loaded & going very
[8:] slow; ~

[9:] At 10 P.m. arrived at
[10:] Coot landed 16 passengers
[11:] (one in 1st Class Jemil Beg)
[12:] Took 2 Tons of Coal, and
[13:] landed some date branches
[14:] (900 Okes, 5000 sticks) for
[15:] Lynch’s Press free of freight;

[16:] At 12 we left Coot,
[17:] Very light N.W. I could not
[18:] sleep from the noise on deck
[19:] & the Arabs coming to see
[20:] Yousif Hyeem the Jew whom
[21:] Capt Cowley has placed
[22:] near us on the after deck
[pg: 219]

25 Sund Therm @ 4 78 Noon 103 4 P.m. 110

1899 June

[1:] Light n.w. & fine weather
[2:] Gave tickets to 44 Coot
[3:] passengers; ~

[4:] At 7 am picked 5 1/2 Passeng
[5:] from Bughela from a Goffa

[6:] At 7,,40 passed Memlah
[7:] Detained at the bottom of
[8:] Um Sneyem from 11,,15 till
[9:] 12 am in Shoal water;
[10:] Hot wind blowing; River
[11:] Keeps falling fast;

[12:] At 4,,45 P.m. passed
[13:] Azizieh village;

[14:] At 5,,5 passed the S.S.
[15:] Khalifah going down at
[16:] Raddat with an empty
[17:] Barge in tow ~ Strong
[18:] hot wind;

[19:] At 8 P.m. passed Baghdadieh
[20:] Very Calm weather, but it
[21:] has cooled down;
[22:] We touched at Dowar & went
[23:] on ~
[pg: 220] [1:] Moderate N.W. Wind and
[2:] fine weather ~

26 Mond Therm @ 4 80


[3:] At 6. Am. passed Ctesiphon,
[4:] We took about 1/2 hour
[5:] this morning in Shoal water
[6:] at Bostan going from one
[7:] side to the other;

[8:] Wind getting fresh ;

[9:] At 8,40 passed Diala
[10:] river ~

[11:] At 10,,5 landed a Deckman
[12:] with letters at Gherrarah &
[13:] went on at 10,,10;

[14:] At 0,,45 P.m. landed the
[15:] mails at the Residency I
[16:] went up to the Custum House
[17:] no steamers are here, The
[18:] Police officers are treating the
[19:] passengers with much Severity
[20:] with regard to Passports,
[21:] they wont let any Goffa
[22:] approach the ship until
[23:] the passengers are examined
[24:] and make out as much
[pg: 221]
[1:] as they can from them taking
[2:] from one Keran & upward
[3:] & letting them off ~ I
[4:] went home saw Eliza,
[5:] she is well, I found two
[6:] letters for me from Blanche
[7:] widow of brother Alexander
[8:] from Constple & from
[9:] Alois Schweiger Vienna,
[10:] no news from Alexander,

[11:] Ibrahim Gejou called
[12:] on us, he is buying Antiques
[13:] & sending to Paris for sale!
[14:] Antone Marine & Père
[15:] Pièrre called in the evening

[16:] Light n.w. & fine weather

27’ Tuesd

1899 June

[17:] Light n.w. air & fine,
[18:] at 7 am called on Sister
[19:] Medula, Artin my
[20:] Nephew called there, his
[21:] business with at that
[22:] bitch of Tilkefly Servant
[23:] Zeky is not finished yet,
[24:] he is to be tryed on Thursday
[25:] again, & judgement will
[pg: 222]
[1:] then be given, his case has
[2:] caused great talk and
[3:] scandal in town & especially
[4:] among the Christians who
[5:] are all against him as
[6:] it is generally the case with
[7:] such brutes & only seek to
[8:] break one another’s neck;

[9:] I came on board, we
[10:] are discharging Cargo;

[11:] At 10 went home ~ I
[12:] called on Sister Eliza at
[13:] 4 P.m. ~

[14:] Light n.w. & fine cool
[15:] weather ~ Catherina Yaghchi
[16:] with her son Yousif & his
[17:] wife Louisa (my niece)
[18:] called on us & spent the evening
[19:] also Johnny my Nephew
[20:] they went away at 9 P.m.

28 Wedn. Therm @ 4,76


[21:] Light n.w. & fine cool
[22:] weather ~ at 7 am my
[23:] wife & I called on Antone
[24:] Marine & then on Mina
[25:] Abood, came home at
[pg: 223]
[1:] 11 am. ~ I took a cold bath,
[2:] Eliza & Adoola my cousins
[3:] called on us ~ I went to
[4:] Sister Medula at 5 ~ at
[5:] 6 1/2 Eliza & I called on the
[6:] Yaghchies on top of their
[7:] house & spent the evening
[8:] till 9 1/2 & came home,

[9:] The S.S. Ressafah & Barge
[10:] arrived at 7 1/2 P.m.;

[11:] Light n.w. & fine ~

29’ Thursd Therm @ 4,82

1899 June


[12:] Light n.w. & fine, but not
[13:] so cool; at 7 am I
[14:] called on Menusha
[15:] & saw there Sister Emilia
[16:] It being the holiday of
[17:] St. Peter & Paul, & so it is
[18:] that of brother Henry being
[19:] here the day before, Viz
[20:] 28 June 1847; I came
[21:] on board at 8 1/2 we are
[22:] shipping cargo; at 11
[23:] I went to Lynch’s Office
[24:] & got 70 £ from Mr. Bottomley
[pg: 224]
[1:] for Officers wages etc,
[2:] went home had breakfast
[3:] at 2 1/2 P.m. I came
[4:] on board ~

[5:] I wrote two letters to
[6:] Edward Blockey London,
[7:] & to Alois Schweiger
[8:] Vienna by today’s Damascus
[9:] Post;

[10:] At 6 P.m. went home ~
[11:] Dr. Kazassian with Artin
[12:] my Nephew called on us;

[13:] Light N.W. & fine weather

30 Frid Therm 4,80



1899 July



[14:] Light N.W. & fine ~ At
[15:] 6 1/2 am I came on board
[16:] & paid the Ship’s crew
[17:] their wages for this month;
[18:] Finsihed at 9, went on
[19:] shore I called on the
[20:] Eassayies, to see the son
[21:] of Nessoory Toma Khayat
[22:] called on Behjet who was
[23:] at school in Beyrout

[pg: 225]

[1:] where we saw him studying
[2:] medicines in May 1897,
[3:] he arrived here about a month
[4:] ago via Aleppo, for a Change
[5:] of climate as he is Consumptive
[6:] I also called on Shekoory,
[7:] Risha Andrea; came
[8:] home at 11; at 3 P.m. called
[9:] on Ibrahim Elias Gejou,
[10:] he is buying Antiques of
[11:] all Kinds to sell in Paris;
[12:] he will leave in about 2
[13:] months hence; I also
[14:] called on Sister Eliza, she
[15:] is in a Great way about
[16:] Artin’s Affair, as tomorrow
[17:] there is going to be a tryal
[18:] & judgement given and
[19:] that bitch of Telkefli servant
[20:] Zekky would not give up
[21:] the claim she wont take
[22:] money but a large sum
[23:] she wants; as Abduljebbar
[24:] wanted to give her,
[pg: 226] [1:] Anton Marine called in the
[2:] evening ~ Light N.W. &
[3:] fine cool weather;

1 Satur Therm 4.76

[4:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[5:] morning ~ At 7 am. I
[6:] called on Sister Medula
[7:] & then came on board;
[8:] The Ressafah is inside
[9:] discharging;

[10:] At 11 went home to breakfast,
[11:] returned at 2 P.M. ~

[12:] Artin my nephew called
[13:] on board, he had been to the
[14:] Serai & his case tryed by
[15:] the Reys el Jeza & his two
[16:] members Abdulla Effendi
[17:] Farhat & Rashid Effendi
[18:] also the Moawen was
[19:] present & Abduljebbar
[20:] Artin’s Lawyer; After
[21:] deliberation the Reys &
[22:] his two members they
[23:] acquitted Artin
[pg: 227]
[1:] & gave judgement in his
[2:] favor; ~

[3:] At 6 P.M. I went home,
[4:] I found Antone Marine, he
[5:] brought me an illustrated Paper
[6:] “The Sketch” where there is again
[7:] his photo, which was taken
[8:] by Coll Mockler & Alexander
[9:] my son had printed them,
[10:] also there is a bird eye view
[11:] of the town of Baghdad but
[12:] very badly taken; & it
[13:] speaks about Baghdad etc
[14:] I am sure that it is Alexander
[15:] who is giving these views &
[16:] report, to the editor of this
[17:] Paper & the latter is giving
[18:] him some thing in return ;

[19:] Light N.W. & fine
[20:] weather;

2d Sund Therm 4.73

1899 July

[21:] Modte N.W. wind, at
[22:] 3 am. I came on board,
[23:] wind blowing fresh all
[24:] the night;
[pg: 228]

Baghdad to Basreh [2 JUL 1899 — V049_18_S] (//)



Passeg Okes G.S. Piast Draft
121 1/2 101,378 15833 [N/A]
[2:] At 4,,15 Am. we got
[3:] underway & proceeded,
[4:] Ship is drawing 3,,5,
[5:] Modte N.W. breeze & nice
[6:] & Cool weather ~

[7:] At 6,,15 passed Diala,
[8:] At 7,,45 passed Ctesiphon,

[9:] Finished with the Passengers
[10:] tickets we have in all 92 1/2
[11:] (2 in 1st Class Naoomy
[12:] Loca and Abkar the son of
[13:] Artin Apikyan about 21
[14:] years old going to Basreh
[15:] to Jeboory Asfar to settle about
[16:] the Liquorice root which they
[17:] have been buying for him,
[18:] and one in 2d Class Yousif
[19:] son of Hannosh Tessy going
[20:] to Coot to buy wool)
[pg: 229] [1:] At 1,,10 P.m. passed
[2:] Baghdadieh Fort;

[3:] At 1,,20 passed the S S.
[4:] Khalifah going up; I saw
[5:] Sedi wife of Jeboory Asfar
[6:] & her two children, also
[7:] Terooza wife of Nessoory
[8:] Andrea & children going
[9:] up to pass the summer in
[10:] Baghdad;~

[11:] At 3,,10 P.m. passed
[12:] Azizieh village~
[13:] Light N.W. & fine weather;

[14:] At 8,,30 P.m. passed the
[15:] S.S. Baghdad & Barge going
[16:] up at Memlah;~

[17:] At 8,,50 we anchored for
[18:] the night at Hamrayah;

3 Mond Th @ 4,,80



[19:] Light N.W. & fine weather

[20:] At 4 am. we proceeded
[21:] The river is getting low, but
[22:] we are light;

[23:] At 8,,20 arrived at Coot
[24:] landed 23 ½ Passengers
[pg: 230]
[1:] (one 2d C. Yousif Hannosh
[2:] Tessy) and 108 Packages,
[3:] I received Henry’s letter
[4:] & Papers;~ we shipped 200
[5:] Cases of Ghee of Shekoory
[6:] anchored Andrea through for Port
[7:] Said @ 4 ½ Paras per Oke
[8:] to Basreh; and at 11 we dropped
[9:] down to the Wool Press &
[10:] shipped 128 Bales of Wool
[11:] through for the S S. Goolestan
[12:] of G. Asfar & Co;

[13:] At 0,,35 P.M. left Coot
[14:] took 7 Passengers~

[15:] The Khalifah had 176,000
[16:] Okes & about 100 Passengers
[17:] the wife of Jeboory Asfar
[18:] & his two children & 4
[19:] servants & Medoola Sister
[20:] of Yousif John, also Terooza
[21:] wife of Nassoory Andrea
[22:] & her 4 children & a servant
[23:] all free; Only Medoola
[pg: 231]
[1:] paying deck passage;

[2:] At 7,,55 P.M. landed
[3:] 3 passengers at Ali Gherbi
[4:] & took 9 & went on at
[5:] 8,,10; Strong hot wind,
[6:] It blew very hot wind
[7:] today;~

[8:] I slept in the cabin, there is a fresh
[9:] breeze blowing & not so warm

4 Tuesd The @ 4,,78



[10:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[11:] morning, at 4,,20 am.
[12:] arrived at Amara,
[13:] landed 31 passengers and
[14:] 46 Packages; there is no
[15:] wool pressed by Lynch’s
[16:] Press this time;

[17:] At 5,,45 left Amara
[18:] took 13 Passengers; (one
[19:] in 1st Class Abdul Mohsen
[20:] Beg son of Kassim Pasha Zheir)

[21:] At 9,30 stopped at
[22:] Nafikh near Abdulla ibn
[23:] Ali the place is getting
[pg: 232] [1:] Shoal 2 ½ draaz, we
[2:] sent the Pilot to sound

[3:] At 11 proceeded easy;
[4:] At 1,,20 P.m. passed Azair
[5:] Light N.W. wind but misty

[6:] At 4,,20 landed a passenger
[7:] at Gorna booked for Basreh
[8:] & went on; weather
[9:] hazy, moisty & disagreeable,

[10:] At 6 we met the Barge
[11:] which the Khalifah in
[12:] towing her down this trip
[13:] had casted her off at
[14:] Nafikh to go down herself
[15:] & they were only able
[16:] to get down as far, being
[17:] empty & only 4 men in
[18:] her, we anchored & took
[19:] her in tow down to
[20:] Basreh, at 6,,35 proceeded
[21:] from Deir;~

[22:] At 9,,50 P.m. arrived
[23:] at Basreh ~ No steamers
[pg: 233]
[1:] are here; wind got up &
[2:] blew fresh during the night

5 Wedn Therm @ 4.80




[A49_234_12:163] [A49_234_13:164]


[3:] Very light N.W. breeze
[4:] & fine, but little hazy;
[5:] We discharged & landed,
[6:] The S.S. Shahristan for
[7:] Asfar & Co is up here~

[8:] At 10 Rufail came to me
[9:] & then at 11 we went up to
[10:] his house, saw Tukkyeh
[11:] his sister there, she has
[12:] given up her idea of going
[13:] to Baghdad, she says the
[14:] hot weather is nearly half
[15:] over & it not worth going
[16:] now etc, etc,

[17:] At 2 P.M. the S.S. Phrat
[18:] left for Baghdad with the
[19:] Barge she has been here
[20:] about one month undergoing
[21:] repair;~

[22:] At 4 Rufail, Rezooki,
[23:] & Myself went up to Jeboory
[24:] Asfar; I spoke to him
[pg: 234]
[1:] about my money with him
[2:] 1000 Liras it will be up
[3:] in the 9th Instant, and
[4:] he is going to renew the
[5:] bond for an other year
[6:] as usual @ 7% Interest;
[7:] he told me to send him
[8:] the old bond tomorrow
[9:] & he will send me the
[10:] Interest & the new bond

[11:] Naoom Loca & Abkar
[12:] Apikyan & Jemil son of
[13:] Elias Serkis etc are living
[14:] with him they all came
[15:] to settle & deliver their
[16:] Liquorice to him;

[17:] We left at 7 & went to
[18:] Rufails place & dined &
[19:] slept there, on the top of
[20:] the house, no breeze &
[21:] calm but not so warm
[22:] & disagreable;
[pg: 235]

6 Thursd



[1:] Light breeze or Calm
[2:] weather & warm, it
[3:] appears as if the Bareh
[4:] wind is dying away;

[5:] At 7 Am I came on
[6:] board; the mail Str.
[7:] Kilwa arrived last night
[8:] at about [strikeout] P.m.
[9:] at the Quarantine;

[10:] I sent my servant Hamadi to
[11:] G. Asfar who brought me the
[12:] 70 TLiras also ½ Lira for the
[13:] stamps & the bond renewed
[14:] for an other year beginning
[15:] from 1st Rabi Awal or
[16:] 9 July this month;

[17:] At 11 ½ the S. Shahristan
[18:] for Asfar & Co left, Ahmed
[19:] Pasha son of Kassim Zheir
[20:] & the Aide de Camp who
[21:] accompanied him left
[22:] in her for Constantinople
[23:] after his 3 months
[24:] leave allowed him
[pg: 236]
[1:] by the Turkish Government,
[2:] he had come down with
[3:] us on the 21 April;
[4:] At about 1 P.M. the weather
[5:] became very warm & calm
[6:] & a light breeze shifted to
[7:] the S. East, it then became
[8:] unbearable, the Ship was
[9:] burning hot, Lots of
[10:] people came on board
[11:] friends & others, it became
[12:] so suffocating & warm
[13:] the perspiration was so
[14:] much that I was wet
[15:] all through; what a change
[16:] of weather, it like a warm
[17:] bath;~ we received the
[18:] mails at 4 P.M;
[pg: 237]

Basreh to Baghdad [6 JUL 1899 — V049_19_N] (//)

Passg Okes G.S.P. Local Draft
159 ½ 193,309 20483 ½ 4,,5
[2:] At 5,,15 P.M. we got
[3:] underway & proceeded,
[4:] it became worse, the
[5:] heat, light S. Est. and
[6:] Calm, impossible to
[7:] stop in the Cabin; It
[8:] was impossible to sleep in bed
[9:] from the suffocation, we
[10:] have 4 1st Class passengers
[11:] also sleeping up with us;

[12:] At 11,,50 landed 2 passengers
[13:] at Gorna & went on at 11,55
[14:] Weather still very calm
[15:] & the direction of the breeze
[16:] is N. Est & Est~

7th Frid



Birth day of my son Alexander







[17:] Very light S. Erly breeze &
[18:] warm~ At 4,,10 am
[19:] passed Azair; disgusting
[20:] weather swetting awfully,

[21:] Today being the birth
[22:] day of my son Alexander
[23:] born in 1878, he has
[pg: 238]
[1:] now finished his 21st year
[2:] & entered in his majority
[3:] he is still at large and
[4:] we do not know where
[5:] he is but most likely is
[6:] still in London, his foolish
[7:] behaviour toward us causes
[8:] great grief & sorrow,
[9:] & we do not know when
[10:] he is going to come to
[11:] his senses & return to
[12:] his father & mother;

[13:] I finished with the passengers
[14:] tickets we have in all 75 ½
[15:] (4 in 1st Class 2 young
[16:] Europeans one is called
[17:] Herbert Nathan a Jew
[18:] English merchant & coming
[19:] to try his luck in Baghdad
[20:] for a year, he belongs to
[21:] the house of Mr. Rickie
[22:] who was here last year
[pg: 239]
[1:] for a few months;~
[2:] The other one is a french
[3:] man belonging to the Persian
[4:] Imperial Bank coming
[5:] from Bushire & going
[6:] to Tabriz, the 2 others
[7:] are Turks the Moodai el
[8:] Umum, Izzet Effendi who
[9:] went down with us in
[10:] the [strikeout] beginning of last month,
[11:] & the other is the accountant
[12:] of the Public Debts called
[13:] Hussein Ferid & is
[14:] Messing with us)

[15:] At 8,,50 am we came
[16:] to the Shoal at Nafikh
[17:] only 3 draaz water, The
[18:] S.S. Phrat & Barge are here
[19:] she damaged her rudder
[20:] in backing & she is now
[21:] repairing it, ahead of
[22:] us. We took anchors
[23:] ahead & kept heaving over
[24:] close along the Eastern
[25:] bank; very warm
[pg: 240]
[1:] sultry & light S. Erly breeze

[2:] At 12 am the S.S. Ressafah
[3:] came down & anchored
[4:] up above & sent to sound;
[5:] We kept heaving over
[6:] Breeze shifted to westward,

[7:] At 2 P.M. we hove over
[8:] & proceeded passing the
[9:] Phrat & Ressafah both
[10:] at anchor;

[11:] At 2,,55 P.M. passed Kalat
[12:] Saleh; westerly breeze but
[13:] very hot & sultry;~

[14:] At 7,,35 P.M. arrived
[15:] at Amara landed 10
[16:] passengers, & 9 packages
[17:] & Date branches for Lynch’s
[18:] Wool Press; Light S. Erly
[19:] & warm weather;
[20:] We took no Coal, & shipped
[21:] 7 Bales; they have had it
[22:] very warm here too~

[23:] At 8,,50 left Amara
[pg: 241]
[1:] Light S. Erly breeze &
[2:] very hot;~

[3:] At 9,,30 a Native Boat
[4:] laden with grain sailing
[5:] down to our Port Sides,
[6:] run us down striking the
[7:] Ship’s Kitchen on the Port
[8:] side & smashing the whole
[9:] wood work & bending
[10:] about 3 angle iron of the
[11:] frame in a fearful manner
[12:] our new 2nd mate Mr. Smart
[13:] & the Steerman Selman
[14:] (brother of Mahmood our
[15:] Pilot a stupid & ignorant
[16:] man who the Captain tolerate
[17:] for his brothers sake) were
[18:] on the Bridge at the time,
[19:] we anchored & our Boat
[20:] went with the Captain etc
[21:] to the Boat they found
[22:] she has had no damage
[23:] to herself but her Nacodah
[24:] & some of the Crew had
[25:] run away on seeing the
[26:] Boat coming to them
[pg: 242] [1:] At 10,,5 we weighed
[2:] and proceeded;

[3:] Wind shifted to N. West
[4:] at about 9 P.M. & we felt
[5:] better a little, the wind
[6:] is not cool, but we are
[7:] glad to get it coming
[8:] against us, the moisture
[9:] & great heat disappeared

8 Satur Th @ 4,,86

[10:] Light N.W. & fine~
[11:] Weather not so refreshing
[12:] but there is great difference
[13:] in the atmosphere~

[14:] Gave tickets to 25 ½
[15:] Amara passengers~

[16:] At 8,,35 landed 6 Passengers
[17:] at Ali Gherbi & took 6
[18:] & went on at 8,,45;
[19:] Wind freshning up and
[20:] blowing hot;

[21:] At 2 P.M. landed 1
[22:] passenger below Sheikh
[23:] Saad, & then picked
[pg: 243]
[1:] 4 passengers from the
[2:] Goffa at Sheikh Saad;

[3:] At 8,,50 P.M. arrived
[4:] at Coot landed 6 ½ Passeng.
[5:] and 3 Bales, took in 5 Tons
[6:] of Coal;~

[7:] At 11,,10 Proceeded form
[8:] Coot after having been
[9:] detained about ½ hour
[10:] just opposite the village
[11:] in finding out the Channel,

9 Sund



[12:] Modte N.W. & fine weather
[13:] Detained at Um el Ajaj;
[14:] from 4,,45 am till 5
[15:] in shoal water~

[16:] Gave tickets to 47 ½ Coot
[17:] Passengers; (one in 2nd
[18:] Class Yousif Hannosh Tessey
[19:] who came down with us
[20:] this voyage to buy wool
[21:] at Coot)

[22:] Detained at Mehdi in
[23:] finding Channel from
[pg: 244]
[1:] 6,,30 till 7 am~

[2:] At 8,,0 passed Memlah,
[3:] wind got up blowing Strong
[4:] N.W. & dusty in the afternoon
[5:] and hot wind;

[6:] At 5 P.M. passed
[7:] Azizieh;~ Detained at
[8:] Sened in Shoal water ½
[9:] hour ~ Light N.W. and
[10:] fine weather;

[11:] At 8,,50 P.M. passed
[12:] Baghdadieh Fort;
[13:] detained 10 minutes near the
[14:] Fort & went on; Strong
[15:] N.W. wind, I could not Sleep
[16:] on the upper deck from
[17:] the Strong wind & went into
[18:] my Cabin at 11 ½;

Mond 10



Medool widow of Tanton Kasperkhan died on 2nd July ~





[19:] At 1,,30 am we had
[20:] to anchor at Nahar
[21:] Shehail (Bottom of Ledge)
[pg: 245]
[1:] the place here has got bad
[2:] & shoal, the Khalifah
[3:] is aground further up;
[4:] Sand banks in the middle
[5:] of the river~ at 5 am
[6:] sent to sound, found no
[7:] water 2 & 2 ½ draaz,
[8:] At 6 we weighed and
[9:] Steamed up to west bank
[10:] just below the Khalifah
[11:] she is on the East Bank
[12:] at Ledge; we went alongside
[13:] the bank and commenced
[14:] discharging Cargo~
[15:] received a letter from
[16:] Henry he says that they
[17:] arrived here yesterday at
[18:] 10 am & found no water
[19:] except the one in midstream
[20:] between two islands
[21:] where there are only 2 ¼
[22:] draaz (3 feet 4) we are
[23:] drawing 4 feet 5~
[24:] the Khalifah has only
[pg: 246]
[1:] about 76000 Okes they
[2:] worked but could not get
[3:] over; Henry tells me
[4:] that Medool wife of
[5:] Tanton Kasperkhan &
[6:] sister of Hannosh Asfar
[7:] died on Sunday night
[8:] the 2nd Instt from her illness
[9:] having had the dropsy &
[10:] inflamed Liver, she had
[11:] turned quite black,
[12:] she is about 75 years old
[13:] her two sons Gabriel &
[14:] Rafail & four daughters
[15:] unmarried survive~

[16:] Some of our passengers crossed
[17:] over & went to Baghdad
[18:] also a Tilkefli Tindal
[19:] of the S. Shushan & Capt
[20:] Cowley sent letters with,
[21:] I am sorry, I did not send
[22:] one to Eliza;~
[pg: 247] [1:] We discharged Cargo the whole
[2:] day on the bank & lightned
[3:] the ship to 3,,6;~ The SS.
[4:] Khalifah after having
[5:] discharged in her boat to
[6:] the west bank, at 6 P.M.
[7:] She steamed down and
[8:] rubbed over the shoal &
[9:] came down alright,
[10:] she went alongside the
[11:] bank astern of us to take
[12:] in her cargo;~

[13:] Our two European Passengers
[14:] Mr. Nathan & Mr. Lecoffre
[15:] started to Baghdad they
[16:] engaged two horses from
[17:] the Benî Ajil tribe and
[18:] crossed them over both
[19:] horses for 3 Mejidies and
[20:] they then crossed over at
[21:] 6 ½ P.M. to go on all the
[22:] night; I sent a letter
[23:] with Mr. Lecoffre to
[pg: 248]
[1:] my wife, he is going to
[2:] put up in the Hotel of
[3:] Stifan Awannessian;

[4:] Henry came to see me
[5:] for ½ hour, also Omar
[6:] Sherif Effendi the Bimbashy
[7:] of the Sennyeh at Amara
[8:] going down in the Khalifah,
[9:] we remained alongside
[10:] the bank until tomorrow
[11:] morning;~

[12:] Light N.W. breeze & very
[13:] Cool night, I slept in my
[14:] Cabin & found it very nice
[15:] & cool, the breeze being on my
[16:] side ~

11 Tuesd Th @ 4,,75

1899 July

[17:] Light N.W. breeze and
[18:] fine cool weather~

[19:] The Khalifah left at
[20:] about 4 am after shipping
[21:] her Cargo~
[22:] We sent to Sound the
[23:] Channel & found it
[pg: 249]
[1:] getting better & deeper,
[2:] the strong current running
[3:] down between the two
[4:] sand banks is carrying
[5:] away the sand; we took
[6:] in few packages from the
[7:] bank; At 6 ¼ we steamed
[8:] up toward the Shoal
[9:] after having marked it;
[10:] We worked over with the
[11:] Engines & got over the
[12:] Shoal at 7 ¼ am~
[13:] Wind increasing and
[14:] blowing fresh;

[15:] At 2,,20 P.M. the S Baghdad
[16:] and Barge came down and
[17:] anchored up, she sent to
[18:] sound & at 4,,15 she
[19:] came & passed through
[20:] the Channel without
[21:] sticking over 3 draaz, it
[22:] is getting better now,

[23:] An empty boat came
[24:] down & we wanted her
[25:] to bring us the cargo from
[26:] the Other ride, they

[pg: 250]

[1:] 60 Beshlics for two trips,
[2:] and when we greed to
[3:] pay them that sum they
[4:] changed mind and asked
[5:] 80 & then went away
[6:] by sunset we had & only
[7:] got on board about
[8:] 450 packages out of
[9:] 1112 landed; our men
[10:] kept bringing the Cargo
[11:] in the Launch all the night,
[12:] it takes about 2 hours to
[13:] bring one boat load,

12 Wedn, Therm. @ 4.78, Noon 102, 4 P.M. 108

1899 July

[14:] Very light N.W. Air, but
[15:] not so cool as yesterday,
[16:] I could not sleep well in
[17:] the Cabin last night ~
[18:] At 6 AM a Sakka on his
[19:] donkey came from Baghdad
[20:] with a letter from Mr. Bottomley
[21:] for Capt Cowley; he asks
[22:] him to send all the
[pg: 251]
[1:] papers & manifests so as
[2:] to get ready every thing
[3:] for us to discharge etc;
[4:] I wrote a letter to my wife
[5:] also & the Sakka started
[6:] at 6 1/2; he had left Baghdad
[7:] yesterday at 2 P.M.
[8:] & slept the night on the
[9:] way; ~

[10:] We have about 300 Packges
[11:] to bring yet to the Ship;

[12:] At 1,,30 P.M. the S.S.
[13:] Phrat arrived from Basreh
[14:] she made fast alongside
[15:] the bank below where
[16:] our Cargo is landed
[17:] and Sent to sound,
[18:] Today is a hot day with
[19:] modte- hot breeze;

[20:] At 2,,45 the Phrat
[21:] Steamed & passed up
[22:] close along side of us
[23:] there are now 3 & 3 1/2
[24:] draaz of Water;
[pg: 252] [1:] It became very hot in the
[2:] afternoon, the wind died
[3:] away, the Cabin is like
[4:] a furnace; a light
[5:] S. Westerly breeze & very hot
[6:] at 6 P.M.~ We are
[7:] still getting the Cargo from
[8:] the Other side about a
[9:] mile distant by our Launch
[10:] towed up by a rope made
[11:] fast to the Ship and
[12:] worked by the Steam winch,

[13:] At 8 1/4 P.M. we got the last
[14:] Boat load of cargo from
[15:] the bank; very light-
[16:] air & warm; ~

[17:] At 8,,35 P.M. We
[18:] Got underway & proceeded
[19:] from Ledje~ Weather
[20:] warm with light N.W. breeze
[pg: 253] [1:] At 12 P.M. we grounded
[2:] at Semreh reach the
[3:] current being very strong &
[4:] narrow & the ship turned
[5:] broad side on, Took out
[6:] an anchor right ahead
[7:] & remained for the night
[8:] without heaving on, so
[9:] see perhaps the current
[10:] might shift her position,

[11:] The S.S. Phrat is aground
[12:] just ahead of us

13 Thursd, Therm. @ 4.81

1899 July


[13:] Light N.W. & fine, We
[14:] Kept heaving but she
[15:] wont move, the current
[16:] running under her
[17:] bottom very strong,

[18:] The Phrat left at
[19:] 6 & steamed up~

[20:] At 9 P.M. we hove off
[21:] and proceeded, wind freshning
[22:] up;

[23:] At 10,,30 passed
[24:] Ctesiphon; fresh dusty
[pg: 254]
[1:] and hot wind;~

[2:] At 12 we came up to
[3:] the S.S. Phrat aground &
[4:] sounding at Jaffer,
[5:] we touched & backed
[6:] and then went on at 0,,45
[7:] P.M.;~

[8:] At 1,,25 P.M. passed
[9:] Diala river;

[10:] At 2,,34 passed Gherrarah
[11:] after opening the Bridge
[12:] for us~

[13:] At 4,,50 P.M. landed
[14:] the mails at the Residency
[15:] & steamed up to the Custum
[16:] House; no steamers are
[17:] here; the Police detained
[18:] communication prevented
[19:] people from coming on
[20:] board for 1/2 hour until
[21:] they overhauled the
[22:] passengers for their Passports
[pg: 255] [1:] I went home saw Eliza,
[2:] also Catterina Yaghchi was
[3:] there; they have had it
[4:] very hot here too last week,
[5:] Pere Pièrre called on us;

[6:] On our arrival here
[7:] we saw all the flagstaffs
[8:] of the foreign Consulates
[9:] half mast; they say
[10:] that the brother of the
[11:] Emperor Nicholas of
[12:] Russia Grand Duke Georges
[13:] died on Monday last;

[14:] At 9 P.M. the S.S. Phrat &
[15:] Barge arrived ~ Artin my
[16:] Nephew also called & left
[17:] at 8 P.M.

[18:] Light N.W. & fine weather
[19:] I have a very bad tooth
[20:] ache since 4 days &
[21:] now it is worse & cannot
[22:] sleep at all; ~
[pg: 256]

14’ Frid




[1:] Light N.W. & fine weather
[2:] at 7 AM I called on Sister
[3:] [strikethrough] Medoola & then
[4:] came on board; We
[5:] are not discharging in
[6:] the Barge; I sent money
[7:] to the Office & went on Shore,
[8:] at 10 called on Menusha
[9:] & on the Tanton’s family
[10:] to Condole then on the death
[11:] of their Mother Medool
[12:] who died on the 2d Instt;
[13:] I went home;~ I took
[14:] a bathe cold water, & at
[15:] 3 P.M. called on Sédi
[16:] the wife of Jeboory Asfar
[17:] who came up in the Khalifah
[18:] last time, they are living
[19:] in the house of Naoom
[20:] Serkis close to my house,
[21:] I then called on Antone
[pg: 257]
[1:] Marine, saw his wife &
[2:] children; I also called
[3:] on my sister Eliza &
[4:] came home at 6 1/2 P.M.

[5:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[6:] weather;~

15’ Satur, Therm. @ 4.76

1899 July

[7:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[8:] morning, it was very nice
[9:] & cool last night, &
[10:] had to cover myself;

[11:] At 7 AM. came all board,
[12:] We are discharging
[13:] cargo, & will leave
[14:] tomorrow morning,
[15:] I went to breakfast &
[16:] came back at 12 1/2 on
[17:] the way I met Yousif Korkis;
[18:] he said to me that his
[19:] brother Rezooky sends
[20:] him a letter from My
[21:] son Alexander, & it is
[22:] in his office; I sent
[pg: 258]
[1:] for it & got it, it is an
[2:] Arabic letter written
[3:] to his mother, he puts
[4:] no place where it is written
[5:] from nor date, he
[6:] complains to us of our
[7:] misbehaviour to him
[8:] & he is very angry why I
[9:] accused him to the Austrian
[10:] Consulate in Paris,
[11:] he says he is in America
[12:] & he is making his livelihood
[13:] & gaining about 500
[14:] Beshlic per month, &
[15:] he hopes of seeing us
[16:] one day; etc etc, he
[17:] has received 200 frcs
[18:] from Rezooki Korkis which
[19:] his mother sent him;
[20:] in Jany this year~
[pg: 259] [1:] At 6 P.M. I went home
[2:] took the letter of Alexander &
[3:] read it to Eliza;~

[4:] Calm & warm weather;

16 Sund, Therm. @ 4.78, Noon 100, 4 P.M. 110

[5:] Light N.W. & fine;
[6:] It got Cool during the night

[7:] At 4 AM. I came on
[8:] board;

Baghdad to Basreh [16 JUL 1899 — V049_20_S] (//)

1899 July


Passg Okes G. S. Piast Draft
133 87,213 15,088 1/4 3,,5
[10:] At 4,,30 AM. we got
[11:] under way & proceeded,
[12:] ship is light we have only
[13:] 66,500 Okes of cargo; ~

[14:] At 6,,45 passed
[15:] Diala river;

[16:] At 8 passed Ctesiphon
[17:] Finished with the passengers
[18:] tickets, we have 106,
[19:] (one in 1st Class the Reys
[20:] of the Sennyeh Mahomed
[21:] Rafik Beg going back
[22:] to his place at Amara
[pg: 260]
[1:] Also 4 free (3 Tilkeflies
[2:] by Captain order) ~

[3:] At 9,,50 landed a Jew
[4:] Eliahoo Somekh at Safy
[5:] where he has Liquorice root
[6:] & went on; we passed
[7:] our grounding place at
[8:] Ledge at 11 without grounding
[9:] but just rubbed a little;

[10:] At 1,,40 P.M. passed
[11:] Baghdadieh Fort ~
[12:] Modte N.W. breeze but hot;

[13:] At 3,,50 P.M. passed
[14:] Azizieh Village, Very hot
[15:] day,~ It cooled a little
[16:] down toward evening.

[17:] At 9,,10 P.M. anchored
[18:] at Menlah~

17th Mond, Therm @ 4.79, Noon 107, 4 P.M. 110

1899 July




[19:] Very light N.W. breeze; ~
[20:] At 4 AM proceeded from
[21:] Menlah~
[22:] The S.S. Ressafah and
[23:] Barge passed up at 2 am;
[pg: 261] [1:] At 4,,30 We grounded
[2:] opposite Bughela took an
[3:] anchor out & hove off,

[4:] At 5,,30 proceeded~
[5:] Very light air from N.W.
[6:] and some clouds on the East
[7:] part;

[8:] At 8,,40 passed the
[9:] Khalifah at Umel Boonny
[10:] going up;

[11:] Weather changing for
[12:] the worst, the breeze is
[13:] shifting to N.Est & Est,
[14:] sultry & hot;

[15:] At 10 AM arrived at
[16:] Coot landed 20 1/2 Passengs
[17:] & 41 Packages shipped
[18:] 200 Cases of Ghee for
[19:] Port Said land 22 Bales
[20:] of Wool from the Press,
[21:] they are little wool
[22:] this year for Shipment,
[pg: 262]
[1:] and the produce is
[2:] not half of last year,

[3:] The Press of Eassayi
[4:] is also working in
[5:] opposition to Lynch’s,
[6:] they are reducing the
[7:] charges, it was 6 Beshlic
[8:] per Bales, Eassayi made
[9:] it 5~

[10:] I received Henry’s letter
[11:] and my papers the St.
[12:] Khalifah had 122,400
[13:] Okes Cargo & about 100
[14:] passengers, Michail
[15:] Yaghchi went up in her;

[16:] At 11,,55 left Coot and
[17:] 12 grounded below the
[18:] village worked with anchors
[19:] in heaving;~

[20:] We took 22 Passengers
[21:] from Coot (2 in 1st Class
[22:] Khorshid Effendi the
[pg: 263]
[1:] Kaimakam of Hai
[2:] to Basreh, and Zeky Effendi
[3:] Engineer of the Senyeh to
[4:] Amara)

[5:] At 1,,30 got off and
[6:] proceeded; Very warm day
[7:] Breeze turned to N.W.

[8:] At 5,,40 landed 2 passengs
[9:] at Sheikh Saad (the son of
[10:] Hassan el Jendel & his man)
[11:] Went on at 5,,45;

[12:] It became Very Calm &
[13:] warm by sunset, a very
[14:] light breeze from N.Est;

[15:] At 6,,50 P.M. We rounded
[16:] & came to for the night at
[17:] above Seyd Abbass; a
[18:] broad daylight yet;
[19:] Pilot went to sound Seyd
[20:] Abbass~ Weather rather
[21:] warm & a light Erly
[22:] breeze, the Great heat,
[23:] it appears approaching
[pg: 264]

18 Tuesd, Therm @ 4.80, Noon 104, 4 P.M. 111


[1:] Light Erly breeze and
[2:] Sultry weather; Clouds
[3:] on the Est & South~

[4:] At 4,,30 AM proceeded
[5:] from Seyd Abbass;~

[6:] At 6,,15 passed Ali
[7:] Gherbi; ~At 10 passed Ali
[8:] Sherghi~

[9:] At 2,,20 P.M. arrived at
[10:] Amara landed 55 Packages
[11:] & 33 passengers (2 of the 1st
[12:] Class)~ We shipped
[13:] 88 Bales of wool from
[14:] the Press, No body is
[15:] pressing at Lynch’s, they
[16:] have have gone to Eassay’s,
[17:] Press here as they have
[18:] also lowered the charge;

[19:] A hot N.W. Wind is
[20:] blowing;~

[21:] At 4,,30 P.M. left Amara
[22:] took 5 passengers~
[pg: 265]
[1:] wind died away and
[2:] became very calm and
[3:] misty with some clouds
[4:] on the southern parts;

[5:] At 7,,40 anchored above
[6:] Kalat Saleh~

[7:] Light N.W. air & fine,

19th Wedn, Therm @ 4.82

1899 July

[8:] Light N.W. air & clouds
[9:] on the East & South;

[10:] At 4,,20 AM proceeded,
[11:] & 15 anchored at Nafikh
[12:] & sounded, there are 3 draaz
[13:] We steamed on & grounded
[14:] took out a stern anchor
[15:] & hove off,~ At 6,,35 got
[16:] off and proceeded~

[17:] Detained about 10 minutes
[18:] above and at the Elbow~

[19:] At 9,,5 passed Azair,
[20:] A fine thick dust came
[21:] on & the whole sky is covered
[22:] no sun can be seen

[23:] At 12 passed Gorna
[pg: 266] [1:] The dates here have just
[2:] commenced to become
[3:] yellow;

[4:] At 4,,15 P.M. passed
[5:] the SS. Baghdad & Barge
[6:] going up~

[7:] At 4,,30 arrived at
[8:] Basreh; There is only one
[9:] steamer in Quarantine of
[10:] the Bombay & Persian Gulf,
[11:] S. N. Copy, the Mahomed’s
[12:] coming from Jedda
[13:] with some Pilgrims~
[14:] The Mail boat will be
[15:] here tomorrow~

[16:] Rufail & Rezooki came
[17:] to me, I was going with
[18:] them, but when I saw
[19:] they had a Christian friend
[20:] of Rezooki Angoorly
[21:] with them invited
[pg: 267]
[1:] their place, I did not
[2:] go & so they went away,

[3:] Jeboory Asfar called on
[4:] me on his way up in
[5:] his Bellem for 1/2 hour;

[6:] There is a light N.W. breeze
[7:] but not refreshing, the
[8:] dust is settling down;

[9:] We coaled ship and
[10:] discharged cargo; ~

[11:] The heat remains at 100˚
[12:] in my cabin at 7 P.M;

20 Thursd, Therm @ 4.86

1899 July


[13:] Light N.W. & clouds on
[14:] the East; The night was
[15:] not cool & refreshing;
[16:] We are loading Cargo,
[17:] Weather again getting dusty,
[18:] & warm wind;

[19:] We finished cargo by 5 P.M.
[20:] No sign of the mail steamer,

[21:] Rufail & Rezooki came
[22:] to me & remained till
[pg: 268]
[1:] sunset; we have very few
[2:] passengers; but the Ship
[3:] got crowded with the
[4:] Christian Young people
[5:] coming to see Naoom
[6:] Loca & Abkar Apikyan
[7:] going up with us;~

[8:] The dust is so thick that
[9:] we cannot see the bank
[10:] & the heat is intense; I
[11:] cannot stay in the Cabin

[12:] We are awaiting the
[13:] arrival of the mailboat;

[14:] Weather very hazy and
[15:] dusty~

[16:] No sign of the mail
[17:] steamer so we are to
[18:] leave without it;
[pg: 269]

Basreh to Baghdad [20 JUL 1899 — V049_21_N] (//)

Passg Okes G. S. Piast Draft
148 152138 14013 3/4 4,,2
[2:] At 9,,5 P.M. we got under
[3:] way & proceeded~
[4:] Modte N.W. Wind and
[5:] dust disappearing;
[6:] We are loaded down
[7:] to 4,,2 Inches; Wind
[8:] increased at night;

21 Frid, Therm. @ 4.86

1899 July


[9:] At 3,,30 AM landed
[10:] 3 passengers at Gorna,
[11:] & went on~

[12:] Fresh N.W. Wind
[13:] but not cool; some Clouds
[14:] again on the East;

[15:] At 7,,50 passed Azair
[16:] Finished with the Passengers
[17:] We have only 69 1/2 (3 are
[18:] in 1st Class, Naoom
[19:] Loca & Abkar son of
[20:] Artin Apikyan in one
[21:] double Cabin, and
[pg: 270]
[1:] Mr. Mayle Clerke of
[2:] Muir Tweedi & Co with
[3:] a free Return passage
[4:] by M. Richards the
[5:] Acting Agent of Lynch
[6:] Brothers; and Artin
[7:] son of Naoom Hanna
[8:] Andrea in 2d Class)

[9:] At 11,15 detained at
[10:] Aboo Roba Shoal water
[11:] & could not pass, had
[12:] to take anchors out &
[13:] heave over; Fresh
[14:] N.W. Wind;

[15:] At 3 P.M. we got over
[16:] by heaving up and proceeded

[17:] At 5,,45 landed one
[18:] passenger at Kalat Saleh

[19:] Light N.W. & fine

[20:] At 10,,35 P.M. arrived
[21:] at Amara, landed 8 1/2
[22:] passengers & 18 Bales
[pg: 271]
[1:] through & Local Cargo~
[2:] We took 5 Tons of Coal;

22 Satur Therm @ 4.85 Noon 108 4 P.M 110



[3:] Fresh N.W. wind & fine

[4:] At 0.10 AM. left Amara

[5:] I had not slept yet from
[6:] the noise & strong wind
[7:] had to come down to my
[8:] Cabin;

[9:] At 6.15 A.M. passed Ali
[10:] Sherghi~

[11:] Gave tickets to 42 ½ Passeng
[12:] from Amara (one in
[13:] 1st Class Cabin Nejib Beg
[14:] a Young person who had
[15:] married the daughter of Mostapha
[16:] Pasha late motserrif of
[17:] Amara last year);
[18:] Wind got up & blowing
[19:] hot;

[20:] At 11,, 40 AM. landed
[21:] 6 1/2 passengers at Ali Gherbi
[22:] took one & went on at
[23:] 11,,45~ Strong hot wind
[24:] blowing~
[pg: 272]
[1:] At 1,, 15 P.M. we anchored
[2:] on account of strong wind
[3:] & clouds of dust came;
[4:] we furled all awnings~

[5:] At 2,, 35 Proceeded,
[6:] wind blowing strong & hot;

[7:] At 4.15 anchored at
[8:] Seyd Abbass & sent to sound,
[9:] The S.S. Baghdad upward
[10:] bound & some Boats are
[11:] here aground ahead;
[12:] Wind falling; at 6 ¼
[13:] we steamed up to the shoal
[14:] there are 3 draaz, the Baghdad
[15:] is aground on our right
[16:] side; a Boat loaded
[17:] with Liquorice root has
[18:] sunk close to the West
[19:] bank, her people have
[20:] left her, & the Arabs are
[21:] taking away the liquorice
[pg: 273]
[1:] to their Camp for fuel
[2:] to burn;~ we took
[3:] out an Anchor ahead,
[4:] hove on & took an other one,
[5:] The Baghdad got off and
[6:] proceeded at 9;

[7:] At 9,, 15 we got over and
[8:] proceeded & passed the Str.
[9:] Baghdad~

[10:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[11:] weather;

23 Sund Therm @ 4.87





[12:] Light N.W. breeze and
[13:] fine weather; we had
[14:] 3 passengers for Sheikh
[15:] Saad, but they landed
[16:] at Seyd Abbass yesterday
[17:] while we were aground;

[18:] At 6,,35 AM. anchored
[19:] below Coot reach and
[20:] sent to sound; ~ Found
[21:] no water enough, marked
[22:] the place & took anchors
[23:] out & hove, two Boats
[pg: 274]
[1:] also aground here, they
[2:] say at Coot is also bad
[3:] there are 2 draaz & they
[4:] had to discharge their
[5:] Liquorice Bales; we
[6:] are again laden too
[7:] deep having nearly
[8:] 200 Tons of cargo and
[9:] drawing 4 feet 2;

[10:] Wind blowing strong N.W.
[11:] & get hot;

[12:] they worked on heaving
[13:] all the time over the shade,

[14:] At 1,,15 P.M. got over
[15:] and proceeded to Coot,
[16:] when we arrived at 1,,20
[17:] landed 9 ½ passengers

[18:] The S.S. Phrat is up above
[19:] coming down & has sent
[20:] to sound opposite Coot,

[21:] I saw Shekoory Sayegh
[22:] here, he came in the

[pg: 275]

[1:] Phrat about 3 hours
[2:] ago, he has been sent down
[3:] to overhaul a Boat loaded
[4:] with Sugar for Berk
[5:] Puttman & having got
[6:] damaged, they have paid
[7:] him 6 Liras for his trouble
[8:] he says that Semrah
[9:] reach is bad they were
[10:] 30 hours aground there
[11:] having left Baghdad
[12:] on Thursday morning,

[13:] We took no coal;
[14:] sounded opposite Coot,
[15:] the place is bad, we
[16:] left at 2,, 30 & steamed
[17:] on to the Shoal and
[18:] touched; took anchors
[19:] ahead & hove on, two anchors
[20:] were taken on the Starboard
[21:] & Port & kept taking
[22:] them further ahead &
[23:] hove she went up,
[pg: 276]
[1:] gradually & slow;~

[2:] The islands have appeared
[3:] & the water is dispersed
[4:] among so many of them

[5:] At 8,,30 we hove over and
[6:] had hardly steamed up
[7:] passed the Islands to the
[8:] opposite side when we
[9:] again touched a Shoal and
[10:] could not pass, took an
[11:] anchor ahead & hove and
[12:] by 10 P.M. they knocked
[13:] off and all went to Sleep;

[14:] The Baghdad came up
[15:] to the shoal below Coot

24 Mond Therm @ 4.82




[16:] Light N.W. breeze and
[17:] fine with some clouds on
[18:] the East; At 4 ½ AM they
[19:] begun to work , she floated
[20:] & rounded & again struck,
[21:] the steering chain broke
[22:] aft, the block parted,
[23:] they repaired it~
[pg: 277] [1:] The S.S. Phrat is still up
[2:] above us;~

[3:] At 7. AM we finished &
[4:] proceeded from opposite
[5:] Coot; wind freshening
[6:] up, no awnings for the
[7:] passengers since three days
[8:] most of them below;

[9:] We took 35 ½ Passengers
[10:] from Coot, (one in 1st Class
[11:] Haje Selman H. Dowd)

[12:] Very strong wind, hot &
[13:] dusty blowing;

[14:] At 0,,15 P.M. met the
[15:] S.S. Khalifah coming
[16:] down at top of Um el
[17:] Ajaj reach, stopped and
[18:] sent our through specie
[19:] to her to give it to the
[20:] Mail steamer;
[21:] sent Henry letter and
[22:] papers; he wrote to me
[23:] to say they have about
[24:] 6200 Okes & 80 passeng
[pg: 278]
[1:] none in Cabins, they left
[2:] yesterday morning &
[3:] grounded only at Semreh
[4:] about 3 hours~

[5:] We went on at 0,, 25
[6:] P.M. Very strong wind &
[7:] dusty;

[8:] At 2,, 10 P.M. Stopped & picked
[9:] on board a passenger at
[10:] Mehdi coming from Coot
[11:] on horse back; very strong
[12:] wind & dust flying; it
[13:] begun to fall a little
[14:] at 4 P.M.;

[15:] Detained 10 minutes in Shoal
[16:] water at Bughela;

[17:] At 4,, 10 passed Memlah
[18:] Detained at Sheresh 10 minutes
[19:] in shoal water;
[20:] Wind died away & a light
[21:] N.W. breeze~
[pg: 279]

25 Tuesd Therm @ 4.83 Noon 4 P.M.



[1:] At 0,,25 AM passed
[2:] Azizieh~ at 1 AM touched
[3:] at Raddat, sent to sound
[4:] and at about 2,, 30 we
[5:] went on~ Light N.W.
[6:] breeze & fine~

[7:] At 5,, 5 AM. passed
[8:] Baghdadieh Port;~

[9:] A Mahomedan woman
[10:] passenger, yet confined on
[11:] board last night of a
[12:] son, near the door of
[13:] my Cabin; I was asleep
[14:] on the upper deck~

[15:] At 10, passed the Shoal
[16:] at Ledje where we were
[17:] detained last voyage,
[18:] lost 5 minutes on rubbing
[19:] over three draaz water,

[20:] Wind not so strong
[21:] today, we spred the
[22:] awnings, ~

[23:] At 1 P.M. we arrived
[24:] at Seyafyeh opposite
[pg: 280]
[1:] Semreh reach, where
[2:] the Shoal place is, we
[3:] went alongside the high
[4:] West bank and sent to
[5:] sound; Pilot found a Channel
[6:] on the East bank along
[7:] the shoal sand bank of
[8:] Semreh of 2 ¾ & 3 draaz
[9:] & marked it; we dropped
[10:] down & steamed on to it
[11:] at 3 ½; They kept working,
[12:] in taking out anchors ahead
[13:] and heaving over, she
[14:] moved up very slow,
[15:] and they took & shifted
[16:] anchors until 9 P.M. and
[17:] knocked off, & went to Sleep;
[18:] I remained to Sleep in my
[19:] Cabin; thinking we were
[20:] going to get off & proceed
[21:] The breez only coming
[pg: 281]
[1:] through my wind(?) it being
[2:] on the Port side, so that
[3:] I got very little of it, and
[4:] felt it very warm and
[5:] could not sleep, I
[6:] swetted much;

26 Wedn Therm @ 4.78



[7:] Light N.W. & cool morning
[8:] at 5 AM they begun to
[9:] heave & she got over~

[10:] At 6 we proceeded form
[11:] Seyafyeh;

[12:] At 6,, 45 passed Ctesiphon
[13:] At 8 passed the S.S. Ressafah
[14:] & Barge going down at
[15:] Zumbaranyeh Island;

[16:] At 9,, 20 passed Diala
[17:] river; ~

[18:] At 10,, 30 I landed at
[19:] Gherrarah & walked to
[20:] town; the weather not being
[21:] so hot at the beginning,
[22:] but it became so at
[23:] 11 & heat from the
[pg: 282]
[1:] ground was great, there
[2:] is a modte winds and
[3:] clouds of dust coming
[4:] against me in the road,
[5:] I took rest & washed my
[6:] fase on the way home,
[7:] I arrived home at 12
[8:] saw Eliza she is well,
[9:] no letters at all for me

[10:] The Mejidieh arrived
[11:] at 1 P.M.;~ Antone Marine,
[12:] Shekoory Andrea, Johny,
[13:] & Artin called on us in
[14:] the evening~

[15:] Light N.W. & fine,
[16:] I took a cold bath;

Thurs 27






[17:] Light N.W. & fine weather
[18:] at 7 AM called on Sister
[19:] Medula & then came
[20:] on board;
[pg: 283] [1:] The Mejidieh is discharging
[2:] cargo~ at 10 I went on
[3:] shore, called on Monseigneur
[4:] Altmayer but he is unwell
[5:] & could not be seen. I saw
[6:] Père Augustin, he told me
[7:] that the banker of Monsgr.
[8:] Altmayer in Paris has
[9:] received the 300 frcs from
[10:] the Austrian Consul which
[11:] I had sent through the
[12:] German Consul here to
[13:] get Alexander my son
[14:] sent from Paris to Baghdad
[15:] & he has got the money
[16:] here which he will send
[17:] me this amount to day,

[18:] I called on my Sister Eliza
[19:] for an hour & came home
[20:] Hot weather but windy

[21:] At 3 P.M. called on Antone
[22:] Marine at the Residency
[pg: 284]
[1:] for a letter which he asked
[2:] me to write for him to the
[3:] Jesuite father Chekho
[4:] at the university of Beyrouth
[5:] as a recommendation
[6:] for his son Gabriel who
[7:] is now in that College
[8:] studying~ I went to
[9:] Lynch’s Office but Mr.
[10:] Bottomley had not come
[11:] yet & so I came on board,
[12:] we are shipping &
[13:] discharging cargo;

[14:] At 6 I went home~
[15:] Pere Augustin sent me the
[16:] 300 frcs in Mejidies 70 ¼
[17:] which Monsgr. Altmayer
[18:] got from Paris~

[19:] The Damascus Post
[20:] arrived, I only received
[pg: 285]
[1:] a letter from Schweiger
[2:] & one form the Handelsmuseum

[3:] Light air & rather
[4:] warm~

28 Frid




[5:] Light Northerly air
[6:] & warm~

[7:] The SS. Baghdad arrived
[8:] at about 2 AM;

[9:] At 7 I came on board,
[10:] and left at 9 called on
[11:] Menusha for one hour
[12:] & then went to Lynch’s Office
[13:] for some pounds from
[14:] Mr. Bottomley; I left
[15:] at 10 ½, called on
[16:] the Assyrian Bishop
[17:] Aghnatius & on Catherina
[18:] Yaghchi & Louisa my
[19:] niece~ at 11 ½
[20:] I called on Père Pièrre
[21:] the Superior father and
[22:] paid him the balance
[pg: 286]
[1:] of my debt to him on
[2:] account of my son
[3:] Alexander to whom
[4:] he had advanced
[5:] against my will frcs 1,350
[6:] I had paid him before 40
[7:] TLiras @ 23 Frcs = 920 &
[8:] now I gave him 19 Liras
[9:] equal to 437 for total 1357
[10:] I took from all the
[11:] receipts of Alexander
[12:] 6 in number~

[13:] It became very warm
[14:] today, No wind & hot;
[15:] Sister Medula called at
[16:] 3 P.M., I called on Antone
[17:] Marine at 5 & came
[18:] home, Calm & sultry
[19:] warm weather~
[20:] all the night was warm
[pg: 287]

29’ Satur



[1:] Light air & Sultry warm,
[2:] a light Easterly breeze
[3:] came on at 5 ½;~

[4:] At 7 I came on board;
[5:] we are discharging and
[6:] shipping cargo; It is
[7:] very calm & warm weather
[8:] we are not taking more
[9:] than 89 tons cargo or
[10:] about 65000 Okes;

[11:] At 11 went home & came
[12:] back at 2 P.M. the Custum
[13:] of the hot weather;
[14:] House is closed from 12
[15:] till 2 P.M. on account
[16:] of the hot weather;

[17:] We finished at 5 P.M. and
[18:] hauled off, having 85,000
[19:] Okes Cargo on board;

[20:] At 6 I went home;
[21:] Artin my Nephew called
[22:] for an hour;

[23:] Light N.W. & rather
[24:] warm at night;
[pg: 288] [1:] Light N.W. air, it was warm
[2:] all the night;

30 Sund Th@ 4.80

[3:] At 4 AM I came on
[4:] board;

Baghdad to Basreh [30 JUL 1899 — V049_22_S] (//)







Passg Okes G.S. Piast Draft
133 111,040 18655 ½ 3,,6
[6:] At 4,,25 AM we proceeded
[7:] Light N.W. & fine;
[8:] At 6 passed through the
[9:] Bridge of Gherrarah~

[10:] At 6,,35 passed Diala
[11:] river;

[12:] At 8 passed Ctesiphon,
[13:] At 8,,30 anchored to sound
[14:] at Seyafyeh; at 9,,35
[15:] proceeded over the shoal, we
[16:] touched & worked her with
[17:] the Engines & went on
[18:] at 10,,15, the Steamer
[19:] is light, drawing 3,,6 Inches,
[pg: 289] [1:] Light N.W. wind~

[2:] At 3,, 20 P.M. passed
[3:] Baghdadieh Fort, we
[4:] steamed between the west
[5:] bank & the wreck of the
[6:] Dijleh Steamer, her
[7:] Iron Paddle box frame
[8:] & casing on the Boiler
[9:] are out of the water;

[10:] We have in all 150 ½
[11:] passengers (5 in 1st Class,
[12:] Mr.Mayle of the Persian
[13:] Gulf Trading returning free,
[14:] Haroon Gareh & his
[15:] wife,Abdulrezack son
[16:] of Sleman Zheir coming
[17:] from Constple and a
[18:] Nejidy woman the daughter
[19:] of Assafy; & 2 in 2nd
[20:] Class the mother & Sister
[21:] of Dowd Birjony to
[22:] Amara & his brother
[23:] Selim on Lower Deck)
[pg: 290] [1:] Detained 15 minutes above
[2:] Azizieh in shoal water;

[3:] At 5,,55 P.M. passed
[4:] the S.S. Khalifah going up
[5:] just at Azizieh village,

[6:] At 8,,10 we anchored
[7:] for the night at the top of
[8:] Shedeif reach~ Light
[9:] N.W. breeze~

31 Mond Therm @ 4.86 Noon 109 4 P.M. 118



[10:] Erly wind & clouds are
[11:] spreading on the East and
[12:] South; Today is the first
[13:] of the Bahoora heat,

[14:] At 4,,15 AM. proceeded
[15:] At 6 grounded at Deboony
[16:] sounded & took an anchor
[17:] out astern & hove off;

[18:] wind freshening up from
[19:] the East & blowing strong,
[20:] we took anchor ahead
[21:] & got her in deep water
[pg: 291]
[1:] and the Chain could not reach
[2:] the ship had to send a rope &
[3:] worked in picking the Stern
[4:] anchor,~

[5:] At 10,,15 we proceeded
[6:] from Deboony; Hot wind
[7:] blowing it is 108˚~

[8:] At 11,,45 passed Memlah,
[9:] hot wind & very disagreable
[10:] weather;

[11:] Wind coming as hot as a
[12:] furnace, the Therm went up
[13:] to 118˚ on the quarter deck
[14:] under double awnings
[15:] at 3 ½ P.M. it is so scorching
[16:] the wind coming from
[17:] the hot desert;~

[18:] At 5 P.M. anchored above
[19:] Coot & sent to sound, between
[20:] two sand banks above
[21:] the village found 3 ½ &
[22:] 4 Draaz weighed
[23:] & steamed through it
[24:] but on emerging out
[pg: 292]
[1:] to the East bank, she touched
[2:] & went against the bank
[3:] & her Stern inside, took
[4:] out an anchor astern
[5:] & hove her out; at 6
[6:] got off & proceeded &

[7:] At 6,,00 anchored along
[8:] Side at Coot, landed
[9:] 46 ½ passengers and
[10:] 53 packages; I received
[11:] Henry’s letter 7 my Papers,
[12:] The Khalifah had shipped only
[13:] 99,000 Okes of cargo, and
[14:] had few passengers about
[15:] 80; ~ Shekoory Sayegh
[16:] is still here he came to
[17:] me, saying that he had not
[18:] yet finished with the Boat
[19:] load of Asfar’s Sugar
[20:] which some had turned
[21:] out damaged, he is going
[22:] up with us ~
[pg: 293] [1:] We shipped only 66 Bales
[2:] of wool from the Press,
[3:] out of 120 there are ready,
[4:] We remained for the night,
[5:] Very light N. Erly breeze,
[6:] but the night was not so
[7:] unpleasant;

1st Tuesd Therm@ 4.83 Noon 107

1899 Augst

[8:] Light N. Erly breeze &
[9:] Clouds on the East and
[10:] coming over Northward,

[11:] sent to sound of below
[12:] Coot, at 5,,15 am we
[13:] proceeded, touched the Shoal
[14:] and got off; Gave tickets
[15:] to 14 Coot passengers

[16:] Breeze shifted to S. Erly
[17:] & became very hot & unpleasant,

[18:] At 11,,20 anchored to
[19:] sound at Seyd Abbass
[20:] & left at 0,,5 P.M.

[21:] At 2,,15 P.M. sent the
[22:] Boat at Ali Gherbi to
[23:] get the Certifyed Paper
[pg: 294]
[1:] from Khdeir & his brother
[2:] Jebara, about the Boat
[3:] which run into us last
[4:] two voyages, took 4 passengers
[5:] and went on at 2,,20;

[6:] It became very hot, the
[7:] breeze fell & a light S. Erly
[8:] breeze, every thing is as hot
[9:] as fire in my Cabin, the
[10:] Therm. was 108 at sunset
[11:] in my Cabin; ~

[12:] At 9.50 P.M. arrived at
[13:] Amara landed 44 Passeng
[14:] and 47 packages; Shipped
[15:] only 133 Bales of wool
[16:] out of 233 ready pressed,
[17:] Took 3 Tons of Coal,
[18:] Weather warm I could
[19:] not sleep, the air being
[20:] very light S. Estly and
[21:] not refreshing at all,
[pg: 295]

2 Wedn Therm@ 4.78

1899 Augst

[1:] Very light air from N. Est,

[2:] At 4,,30 AM. we left
[3:] Amara, It became very
[4:] Calm & oppressive, Breeze
[5:] from East sprung up,
[6:] Took 4 ½ passengers from
[7:] Amara ; A light S.
[8:] Erly breeze set in but
[9:] moisty;

[10:] At 8,,35 anchored at
[11:] Nafikh & sent to sound, found
[12:] 2 ½ draaz; at 9,,10 we
[13:] proceeded, but grounded
[14:] in the Channel, across the
[15:] river; Took an anchor
[16:] hove over into deep water

[17:] At 10,,10 proceeded ~
[18:] Breeze shifted to North West
[19:] at 11 ½ but is very hot &
[20:] moist

[21:] At 0,,50 P.M. landed
[22:] 5 Passengers at Azair (2
[23:] with R. Ticket from Coot)
[24:] went on at 0,,55 P.M.
[pg: 296] [1:] At 4 P.M. landed a
[2:] passenger at Gorna
[3:] (booked for Basreh) ~

[4:] Very hot the ship is
[5:] burning, & the heat so
[6:] moist, the N.W. air
[7:] being behind us;

[8:] At 6,,30 P.M. passed
[9:] the SS. Phrat & Barge going
[10:] up at top of Kteban reach,
[11:] Breeze Northerly, but the
[12:] ship is boiling hot, it is
[13:] impossible to stay in
[14:] the Cabin for a minute;
[15:] thick Clouds on the
[16:] Eastern horizon;

[17:] At 8,,15 arrived
[18:] at Basreh, Light South
[19:] Erly breeze, It has been
[20:] very hot here too they
[21:] say, but today was
[pg: 297]
[1:] worse; I sent Rufail’s
[2:] letter & Kit to him, and
[3:] I remained on board, a
[4:] light S. Erly breeze and
[5:] very unpleasant & dampy
[6:] weather ~

3 Thursd Therm@ 4.86 Noon 106 4 P.M. 112

1899 Augst

1899 Augst

[7:] Very light S. Erly, dampy
[8:] & warm, clouds are
[9:] covering the sky ~
[10:] at 5 ½ A.M. I went to see
[11:] Rufail in his Belem sent
[12:] for me I had tea there,
[13:] I saw Tookyeh & her
[14:] husband, Yousif Marine
[15:] & Rezooki etc;

[16:] I received from Rufail
[17:] the interest on my money
[18:] due on the 6 of R. Thani
[19:] (about 11 August) it is 75 TL.
[20:] Rufail would not pay it
[21:] to me until it is due &
[22:] as I shall be away, I
[23:] forfeited 5 TL. in order
[24:] to pay it to me now,
[pg: 298]
[1:] he paid me the 75 Liras but
[2:] I returned to him 5 &
[3:] Kept 70 only ~ at 7
[4:] I came back to the Ship
[5:] with Rezooki Sayegh;

[6:] The S.S. Goolistan for
[7:] Asfar & the S.S. Julia Park
[8:] for G. Mackenzie are here
[9:] in Quarantine; we are
[10:] going to tow a Barge up
[11:] laden with Cargo;
[12:] Very hot & oppressive
[13:] Breeze dropping down to a
[14:] dead calm & shifting to
[15:] North & N.W. but very
[16:] warm & oppressive; ~

[17:] The Mail Str Pemba has
[18:] passed Fao at 8 am;

[19:] We are lightning the
[20:] Barge which we are to
[21:] tow down to 2 feet 6 Inches
[22:] we shipped also cargo
[pg: 299]
[1:] & loaded her down to 3,,8
[2:] Cowley is in a great funk
[3:] about towing the Barge
[4:] in this low season;

[5:] Rezooki Sayegh & Rezooki
[6:] Angoorly came to me,

[7:] The heat is most intense,
[8:] at 5 P.M. the Mail Str
[9:] Pemba arrived to quarantine
[10:] we sent for the mails,
[11:] & are preparing ropes
[12:] & Gears to tow the Barge,

[13:] Very light air from
[14:] N.W. & S. Est & calm;
[15:] a most unpleasant &
[16:] warm weather, the
[17:] worst I have seen yet

[18:] We received the mail at
[19:] 7 ½ P.M. ~

[pg: 300]

Basreh to Baghdad [3 AUG 1899 — V049_23_N] (//) With Barge in tow (//)


Passeg Okes G. S. P. Local Draft / Barge
118 ½ 165,040 12,372 ¼ 3,7 / 2,,6
[3:] At 8,,30 we hove up &
[4:] proceeded, Light S. Wly
[5:] breeze; the Barge is
[6:] drawing 2,,6, & the Steamer
[7:] 3,,7 ~ we are going Slow

[8:] Light S.W. & warm,
[9:] it became cooler later at
[10:] night;

4 Frid Therm@ 4.84


1899 Augst

[11:] Light N.W. & clouds
[12:] again came on on the East,

[13:] At 4,,30 am passed
[14:] Gorna ~

[15:] We have altogether only
[16:] 35 passengers ( one in
[17:] 1st Class Meneshi Mathalon
[18:] a Jew & is messing at the
[19:] table with us, & one are 2d
[20:] Class, Rezooki son of Yousif
[pg: 301]
[1:] Naman a clerk at Berk
[2:] Puttman),

[3:] Very light N.W. breeze and
[4:] getting very hot,

[5:] At 9,,50 took the 2 Return
[6:] Jews from Azair for
[7:] Coot & went on at 9,,55,

[8:] up till 3 P.M. we arrived
[9:] to the Elbow, 5 hours from
[10:] Azair we have been going
[11:] very slow, although the
[12:] Engines going full power
[13:] but the speed is slow
[14:] on account of the narrow=
[15:] ness of the river and
[16:] both Steamer & Barge
[17:] are sucking in the water,

[18:] Detained 45 minutes in going
[19:] round the Elbow;

[20:] It took us from 4 to 6 P.M.
[21:] to get to Aboo Roba, going
[22:] slow & the river being so
[23:] narrow for both Steamer
[24:] & Barge; The heat
[pg: 302]
[1:] is most intense, no air
[2:] at all & so warm, the
[3:] perspiration running
[4:] down profiously ~

[5:] At 7 P.M. we anchored
[6:] just above Aboo Roba
[7:] Tomb; Very Calm and
[8:] as warm as a hot bath;
[9:] I found myself up till midnight
[10:] when it became a little
[11:] dryier ~

5 Satur Therm@ 4.81 Noon 109 4 P.M.

1899 Augst

[12:] Very calm Sultry and
[13:] Cloudy most disagreable
[14:] weather;

[15:] At 4,,30 AM we proceeded
[16:] from Aboo Roba; going
[17:] easy & stopping it etc

[18:] At 7 we passed over the
[19:] Shoal of Nafikh without
[20:] grounding; our Pilot
[21:] Mahmood has not been
[22:] on the water since we
[pg: 303]
[1:] left Basreh, he has sore
[2:] mouth & Capt Cowley has
[3:] been on the Bridge nearly
[4:] the whole time;

[5:] Very light S. Erly & warm

[6:] At 8,,15 AM landed 3
[7:] passengers at Kalat Saleh
[8:] & went on at 8,,20;

[9:] At 9 Breeze shifted to
[10:] N. Wester light & gradually
[11:] it became more bearable
[12:] I could enter my cabin;
[13:] & write for a some time;

[14:] At 2,,40 P.M. arrived
[15:] at Amara landed 7 Passengs
[16:] and 18 packges (8 Bales
[17:] through Cargo; ~ Very
[18:] hot as fire; a great crowd
[19:] rushed on board and
[20:] many passengers; we
[21:] took in 10 Tons of Coal,

[22:] At 4,,30 P.M. left Amara
[23:] still very hot, scorching
[pg: 304] [1:] Gave tickets to 71 ½
[2:] Amara passengers (one
[3:] in 1st Class the Reis Sennyeh
[4:] Mahd Rafik Bey and his
[5:] family are on Deck 9 ½
[6:] persons)

[7:] Light N.W. but not refreshing
[8:] it became a little cooler
[9:] later at night;

6 Sund Therm@ 4.86

[10:] Very light air from N.W.
[11:] and thick clouds all
[12:] over the East & South parts,
[13:] no sun to be seen, the
[14:] weather is warm & Sultry,

[15:] At 6,,35 AM. landed
[16:] 7 passengers at Ali Gherbi
[17:] and went on at 6,,40;
[18:] Very warm calm cloudy
[19:] sultry weather; A S. Erly
[20:] breeze sprung up at 7 &
[21:] came very hot ~

[22:] I paid the Ship’s Company
[pg: 305]
[1:] their wages for this month,

[2:] the S. Westerly wind
[3:] increased & blew very
[4:] hot, everything was as
[5:] hot as fire; The Thermr.
[6:] went up to 110˚ at 10 AM,
[7:] at 4 PM. Wind died away
[8:] & became very calm or
[9:] rather a N.W. breeze but
[10:] still very hot; Thermr.
[11:] at 7 was 106˚ in my
[12:] Cabin;

[13:] At 7,,50 P.M. we anchored
[14:] for the night at Gardyeh
[15:] (two reaches below Coot)
[16:] Very light N.W. air and
[17:] a little Cooler; a light
[18:] N.W. breeze but not cool,

7 Mond Therm@ 4,96 Noon 114 4P.M. 116

1899 Augst

1899 Augst

[19:] A modte N.W. wind
[20:] is blowing but warm,
[21:] Cloudy all over

[22:] At 4,,15 AM. We
[pg: 306]
[1:] proceeded, wind blowing
[2:] fresh, the temperature
[3:] is warm 96˚ before
[4:] sunrise, clouds are
[5:] scattered all over ~

[6:] At 6,,40 AM arrived at
[7:] Cool, landed 12 passengers
[8:] and 11 Bales Through
[9:] Cargo; Took in 10 Tons of
[10:] Coal; ~

[11:] At 9,,15 left Coot, Took
[12:] 12 Passengers ~ N.W. wind
[13:] but it is blowing warm
[14:] though there is great difference
[15:] than the former days,
[16:] I can stay in the Cabin
[17:] & work; I think the
[18:] Bahoora heat of one
[19:] weeks’ duration. ~
[20:] Clouds are vanishing away
[21:] but the sky is sultry and
[22:] unsettled ~ Shekoory
[pg: 307]
[1:] Sayegh is still here he
[2:] is awaiting the empty boat
[3:] coming down to ship the
[4:] Sugar of Asfar; ~

[5:] At 11,,35 passed the SS.
[6:] Baghdad & Barge going down,

[7:] At 0 5 P.M. We came
[8:] to the shoal place at
[9:] Um el Boonni, sounded,
[10:] we then grounded, took an
[11:] anchor out & hove off
[12:] at 1,,5 proceeded; Very
[13:] hot wind like fire;
[14:] everything is very hot in
[15:] my cabin; but a modte
[16:] N.W. Wind is blowing,

[17:] At 6 ½ P.M. We saw the
[18:] Phrat ahead of us at
[19:] Mehdi; she must have
[20:] been grounded at Umel Boony,

[21:] At 7,,30 We passed the,
[22:] Phrat & Barge going up at
[23:] Hamrayah ~

[24:] Modte N.W. Wind
[pg: 308]
[1:] and fine weather ~

[2:] Modte N.W. & fine cool
[3:] weather ~

8 Tuesd Therm@ 4.82 Noo. 101 4 P.M. 104

1899 Augs


[4:] At 0,,30 AM. anchored
[5:] for the night at Deboony
[6:] shoal place before us;
[7:] The Phrat came up at
[8:] day break also anchored
[9:] & sent to sound; we also
[10:] sent to sound; the S.S.
[11:] Khalifah is at anchor
[12:] farther up the reach
[13:] bound down, she has left
[14:] Baghdad on Sunday;

[15:] Very nice & cool weather,
[16:] No clouds at all to be seen;
[17:] The Bahoora was out
[18:] yesterday the water was
[19:] very cool this morning
[20:] like iced water ~

[21:] At 6 we steamed on to the
[22:] shoal, less than 2 ½ draaz
[pg: 309]
[1:] we stuck, worked the Engines,
[2:] Took out an anchor ahead
[3:] & hove over, We are close
[4:] alongside the West bank
[5:] opposite Deboony; The
[6:] Phrat also steamed up
[7:] astern of us made fast
[8:] & begun to discharge some
[9:] cargo in her Launch &
[10:] taken up above, The
[11:] Khalifah is still up
[12:] at anchor about one
[13:] Mile above us; ~

[14:] I sent Henry’s letter and
[15:] Manifests (as Cowley had
[16:] told me that he was going
[17:] to stop with the Khalifah to
[18:] take a Steersman to sound
[19:] in place of Mahmood our
[20:] Pilot) Henry sent me
[21:] a letter, he says that
[22:] they have 77,000 Okes and
[23:] have been aground in
[24:] many places, they have
[25:] 233 passengers, (Mrs.
[pg: 310]
[1:] Cooper (who is in Basreh in
[2:] the Persian Tobacco régie
[3:] and is to remain there per-
[4:] manently) is going down
[5:] with 3 children to join her
[6:] husband ~

[7:] At 8,,10 We got over the
[8:] place and went on;
[9:] Passed the Khalifah at 8 ½
[10:] She will have to await until
[11:] the Phrat gets over the shoal
[12:] as the place is very narrow
[13:] between islands;

[14:] The air is pure & Cool
[15:] today ~

[16:] At 3,,45 P.M. passed
[17:] Azizieh Village ~

[18:] At 8,,30 passed the
[19:] Fort of Baghdadieh;
[20:] Light N.W. S fine cool
[21:] weather; Detained about
[22:] 10 minutes at Swera in
[pg: 311]
[1:] shoal water

9 Wednes Therm@ 4.81 Noon 94 4 P.M.

1899 Augst



[2:] At 2,,10 AM. touched
[3:] the shoal at Oweyn &
[4:] then dropped anchor
[5:] for the night;

[6:] At 4,,15 proceeded,
[7:] Light N.W. S fine Weather,

[8:] Detained at Steh
[9:] (Semreh reach below it) from
[10:] 8 ½ till 9 ½ in Shoal
[11:] water ~

[12:] At 0,,15 P.M. passed
[13:] Ctesiphon ~ Detained at
[14:] Jaffer from 2,,45 till 4 P.M.
[15:] in shoal water in
[16:] finding the channel,
[17:] again detained at Aboo hmar
[18:] further up from 4,,5 till
[19:] 4,,30 ~

[20:] At 5,,5 P.M. passed Diala
[21:] river ~ At 6,30 We
[pg: 312]
[1:] passed through the Bridge
[2:] of Gherrarah, Capt Cowley
[3:] sent to ask me if I was
[4:] going to land, but as,
[5:] the time is late & being
[6:] just sunset, I did not
[7:] like to do it, for the sake
[8:] of gaining an hour and
[9:] getting dark ;

[10:] Wind fell & became,
[11:] Very calm but fine
[12:] weather;

[13:] At 9,,45 P.M. landed the
[14:] Mails at the Residency
[15:] I landed in a Goffa also &
[16:] went home, saw Eliza
[17:] on top of the house, she
[18:] is well, they have had it
[19:] very hot here too this last
[20:] week, it was the Bahoora

[21:] I could not sleep at
[22:] all & lost my sleep
[pg: 313]
[1:] A very light N.W. breeze,

10’ Thursd




[2:] Light N.W. fine, at
[3:] sunrise while still in bed,
[4:] the Post man came & brought
[5:] me two letters, one from the
[6:] Schweiger Vienna and
[7:] the other from Rezooki
[8:] Metchich London enclosed
[9:] a letter from Alexander
[10:] from New York dated the
[11:] 6 of July written to me
[12:] & to his mother, he has
[13:] received my letter of the 8
[14:] of June sent though Rezooki
[15:] Metchich, he is well
[16:] & assuring us of soon coming
[17:] to see us etc etc;

[18:] I came on board at 8 AM
[19:] sent money to the office
[20:] & went on shore at 9 ½
[21:] called on Menusha & then
[22:] came home found Sister
[23:] Medula there; I have
[pg: 314]
[1:] had an awful pain on
[2:] my spine I have been
[3:] strained while washing
[4:] so bad it is that I cannot
[5:] walk but with great
[6:] difficulty have used every
[7:] thing, & all the friction to
[8:] no use; at 3 P.M. I
[9:] came on board, we are
[10:] shipping cargo, I wrote
[11:] a short letter to my
[12:] son Alexander just told
[13:] him about the receipt of
[14:] his letter & to hasten to
[15:] come back quick as
[16:] we are both ill & wish
[17:] to see him etc, I also
[18:] wrote a short letter to
[19:] Rezooki Metchich & enclosed
[20:] Alexander’s letter in
[21:] it to be sent to New
[22:] York to him & sent
[pg: 315]
[1:] it by today’s post of
[2:] Damascus; At 5 P.M.
[3:] I went home but could
[4:] hardly walk from the
[5:] pain on the spine, I laid
[6:] up & need other frictions
[7:] as Apodeldoe etc. but
[8:] the pain is as bad as ever

[9:] Johny & Artin my nephews
[10:] called on us till 8 P.M.

[11:] I feel relieved from the
[12:] pain while I am lying
[13:] down, & so I could sleep
[14:] well;

11′ Frid Therm @ 4.84



[15:] Light N. W. air & fine

[16:] I could not walk to come
[17:] on board, so I sent Hamady
[18:] my Servant to give the
[19:] Cargo Book & B of Ladings
[20:] to Metty to write out
[21:] the Cargo; I used friction
[22:] of different things,
[pg: 316] [1:] I went over at 10 to Sister
[2:] Medula, & obtained from
[3:] Grzesiki some other sort
[4:] of friction & came home,

[5:] I took a warm bath;
[6:] but did not feel better,
[7:] Antone Marine called in
[8:] the evening ~

[9:] Light n. W. & fine but
[10:] warm ~

[11:] The SS. Phrat arrived
[12:] today at 9 1/4 am;

12 Satur Therm @ 4.83 Noon 110 4 P.M. 108


[13:] Very light N.W. air & fine
[14:] at 7 am I came on board
[15:] We are discharging and
[16:] loading and are taking
[17:] down the Barge one of
[18:] the two that are now
[19:] here;~ My pain on the back
[20:] is still the same as before
[21:] I cannot walk or rise
[22:] up, been rubbing it with
[pg: 317]
[1:] some thing like Opodeldoe,
[2:] We are shipping about 600
[3:] Bales of wool in the steamer
[4:] & Barge; at 11 1/2 I went
[5:] home to breakfast;
[6:] Eliahoo Dennoos and
[7:] Antoine Giulietti called;

[8:] I feel the pain of my back
[9:] a little better~

[10:] At 2 P.M. came on
[11:] board & we shipped wool
[12:] 614 Bales in both Steamer
[13:] & Barge; Finished at 5 P.M
[14:] & hauled out; ~ Very hot
[15:] weather today~

[16:] At 6 I went home ~ Light
[17:] N.W. breeze but hot;
[18:] Antone Marine called for
[19:] half hour,~ Light N.W.
[20:] & fine~
[pg: 318]

13 Sund Therm @ 4.82 Noon 104 4 P.M. 113


[1:] Light N.W. & fine~ at
[2:] 4 1/2 am I came on board
[3:] the Mejidieh~

Baghdad to Basreh [13 AUG 1899 —- V049_24_S] (//) Barge in tow (//)





Passg Okes G. S. Piast Draft
130 135,818 17577 3/4 3,,4
[6:] At 4.45 Am we got under=
[7:] way, taking a Barge down
[8:] the one that was in Baghdad
[9:] with some Bales of wool in
[10:] her;~ At 7,,25 passed
[11:] Diala river~ At 8,, We
[12:] grounded at Jaffer took out
[13:] an anchor astern & hove
[14:] off; At 8,,30 proceeded;

[15:] At 9,,35 passed Ctesiphon;
[16:] We have altogether
[17:] Passengers; none are in
[18:] the cabins ~

[19:] At 10,,5 grounded at
[20:] Joorf el Batta, took an
[pg: 319]
[1:] anchor out ahead & hove
[2:] off;~

[3:] The pain on my back is
[4:] still troubling me, it does not
[5:] go away, I am rubbing it
[6:] & put a flannel on~

[7:] Took more anchors out
[8:] & hove; At 1,,30 P.M. we
[9:] got off & dropped down along
[10:] the East bank & turned round
[11:] and steamed down,

[12:] At 1,,45 anchored to sound
[13:] at Seyafyeh;

[14:] Very hot N.W. wind is
[15:] blowing;~ In getting
[16:] underway we grounded,
[17:] hove off & proceeded at
[18:] 3,,40 P.M.~

[19:] At 4,,45 grounded
[20:] at Steh (below Semreh
[21:] reach); Took an anchor
[22:] out astern & hove off;~

[23:] At 5,,20 proceeded,
[24:] Light N.W. wind & fine,
[pg: 320] [1:] At 7,,10 we anchored
[2:] at Ledje for the night,
[3:] Very light N.W. breeze,

14 Mond Therm @ 4.84 Noon 109 4 P.M.




[4:] Light N.W. & fine weather,
[5:] At daybreak sent to sound
[6:] the Channel at Ledje, It
[7:] is good with sufficient water

[8:] At 5,,5 proceeded and
[9:] grounded, took an anchor
[10:] ahead & hove her off and
[11:] then kept dropping down
[12:] by her stern along Ledje
[13:] reach as far as Oweyn
[14:] & then turned round and
[15:] went on at 6,,20~

[16:] I took a dose of Castor
[17:] Oil this morning, being
[18:] very billious, & perhaps
[19:] it may do me good for
[20:] my pain in the back
[21:] which is still on, but
[pg: 321]
[1:] not so much as before;

[2:] At 9,,50 passed Baghdadieh
[3:] Fort; Modte N.W. Wind
[4:] becoming hot; Detained
[5:] below Baghdadieh from 10
[6:] till 10,,15 in shoal water,
[7:] Wind blowing strong &
[8:] dusty;

[9:] At 0,,45 P.M. passed
[10:] Azizieh;~ At 4,,30 anchored
[11:] at Um Sneyem & Sounded,
[12:] At 5,,10 proceeded on ~

[13:] At 5,,50 came to at
[14:] Deboony near the West bank
[15:] to sound the Channel,

[16:] The SS. Ressafah & Barge
[17:] bound up aground further
[18:] down in the Channel
[19:] close along the West bank
[20:] & has landed her passengers
[21:] just where we grounded
[22:] last trip up & the Khalifah
[23:] was here~
[pg: 322] [1:] We sounded & remained
[2:] for the night~

[3:] Modte & cool N.W. wind
[4:] all througout the night;

15 Tuesd Therm @ 4.84 Noon 101 4 P.M. 108






[5:] Modte N.W. & fine;

[6:] At 3 AM the Ressafah
[7:] passed up~

[8:] At daybreak we cast the
[9:] Barge & sent her down to
[10:] pass the narrow channel
[11:] she only draws 1 foot,

[12:] At 5 1/2 Am we steamed
[13:] down & passed the channel
[14:] then anchored & made the
[15:] Barge fast & left at 6;

[16:] At 8 passed Memlah,
[17:] At 9,,30 came to at Mehdi
[18:] the SS. Khalifah is down
[19:] below aground & heaving;
[20:] We sent to sound, I sent
[21:] a letter to Henry with
[22:] our Pilot; & he writes
[pg: 323]
[1:] to me to say that they had
[2:] left Basreh on Friday evening
[3:] with 112,000 Okes & 100
[4:] passengers; Seyd Talub
[5:] Effendi (now Pasha) the son
[6:] of Seyd Rejeb the Nakib on
[7:] board going to Constanple
[8:] taking with him Haji
[9:] Eassa their Clerk, and
[10:] the Khalifah is flying the
[11:] Turkish flag for him,
[12:] also Mr. Mayle going
[13:] back for the benefit of
[14:] his health; the Khalifah
[15:] was aground at Um el
[16:] Boonni & had to discharge
[17:] cargo;~

[18:] Wind blowing Very strong

[19:] At 11,,20 the Khalifah
[20:] got off & steamed on passed
[21:] us, I saw Shekoory
[22:] Sayegh on [strikethrough] board
[pg: 324]
[1:] returning from Coot ;
[2:] a Mahaylah laden with
[3:] Bales of Liquorice is aground
[4:] in the Channel, & the strong
[5:] wind washing against
[6:] her nearly sinking her
[7:] We sent our Launch to
[8:] assist her~

[9:] At 0,,5 P.M. We proceeded
[10:] through the shoal place
[11:] without touching;

[12:] Detained at Algaya, waiting
[13:] for 2 Boats to pass up
[14:] the narrow passage between
[15:] the Island & the East bank
[16:] from 3,,10 to 3,,45;

[17:] At 4,,20 anchored to sound
[18:] at the bottom of Um el
[19:] Boonny reach; while
[20:] heaving up the stern anchor
[21:] to proceed it broke off
[22:] & we passed the bad
[23:] place & anchored &

[pg: 325]

[1:] sent to fish it;

[2:] At 6,,55 P.M we proceeded
[3:] from Um el Boonny after
[4:] getting our anchor fished
[5:] & brought on board~

[6:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[7:] Weather;

[8:] At 8,,15 we anchored for
[9:] the night above Coot Village,
[10:] very fine and Cool weather
[11:] at night~

16 Wedn. Therm @ 4.79





[12:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[13:] weather; Early in the morning,
[14:] We sent the Barge down
[15:] to Coot; and at 4,,35 am
[16:] we proceeded to pass between
[17:] two islands but grounded,
[18:] Took an anchor ahead &
[19:] hover her round up stream,

[20:] At 7,,15 got off & steamed
[21:] down through the same
[22:] upper Channel & came
[23:] to alongside at Coot
[pg: 326]
[1:] Custum House at 8,,40
[2:] Landed 25 passengers
[3:] and 19 Packages;~
[4:] Our Barge was sent down
[5:] last night to opposite
[6:] our Coal & Wool Press
[7:] Depot & shipped 122 Bales
[8:] of Wool;~ I received
[9:] Henry’s letter & my
[10:] Papers;

[11:] At 8,,45 we finished and
[12:] dropped down below Coot
[13:] to await for the Barge to
[14:] come down to us;

[15:] It was 10,,20 when we
[16:] left after making fast the
[17:] Barge alongside the steamer,

[18:] Fresh N.W. wind,
[19:] Took 20 1/2 Passengers from
[20:] Coot (1 in 1st Class a Bim-
[21:] Bashy Ismaîl Beg to
[22:] Amara)
[pg: 327] [1:] At 3,,45 P.M. passed
[2:] Sheikh Saad; A detachment
[3:] of Turkish Troops encamped
[4:] here on account of some
[5:] disturbance between
[6:] Ghadban Sheikh of the
[7:] Beni Laam & the Jendeels
[8:] Tribe;~

[9:] At 5 P.M. we rounded
[10:] & anchored at Messamlak
[11:] reach, & sent to sound,
[12:] Pilot returned at 6, there are
[13:] 3 & 3 1/2 draaz;

[14:] At 6,,15 proceeded;
[15:] At 6,,40 came to for the
[16:] night above Seyd Abbass

[17:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[18:] weather, moon 10 day old,

[19:] The pain on my back is
[20:] much better, there is very
[21:] little pain left, I am rubbing
[22:] it with the Cajaput Oil
[23:] twice a day; but feel
[24:] still billious~
[pg: 328]

17 Thursd Therm @ 4.75 Noon 96 4 P.M. 99


[1:] Light N.W. wind and
[2:] very fine and cool weather,

[3:] I could not sleep up on top
[4:] of the house, on account of
[5:] the noise the passengers
[6:] are making, & being too
[7:] cool, I came down to my
[8:] cabin at 11, & found it very
[9:] cool, a very pleasant weather

[10:] Sent the Pilot to sound
[11:] at 4 AM~

[12:] At 5 we proceeded,
[13:] At 7,,30 passed Ali Gherbi

[14:] At 5,,50 P.M arrived
[15:] at Amara landed 32 1/2
[16:] Passengers & 45 Packages

[17:] Light N.W. & fine Weather,
[18:] We shipped in the Mejidieh
[19:] 167 Bales of wool from
[20:] the Wool Press, and took
[21:] in 6 Tons of Coal, and
[22:] remained here for the night,
[pg: 329] [1:] Capt Cowley intends going
[2:] to Basreh in two days from
[3:] here~

[4:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[5:] night;

18 Frid Therm @ 4,78



[6:] Light N.W. breeze &
[7:] fine cool weather~

[8:] At 4,,10 Am. left Amara
[9:] gave tickets to 15 1/2 Passengers,

[10:] At 8,,30 passed Kalat
[11:] Saleh; at 8,,45 dropped anchor
[12:] in a bend & left at 9~

[13:] At 9,,20 anchored at
[14:] Nafikh & sent to sound
[15:] the Channel some 4 or 5
[16:] Boats are down there in
[17:] the Channel; sent our
[18:] Launch & cleared one Boat
[19:] stuck in the Channel;

[20:] At 12 steamed down
[21:] to it there are 3 & 3 1/2 draaz,
[22:] but we touched & swung
[23:] round, the Channel is
[24:] intricate; hove her stern
[25:] up river, and at 1,,50 P.M.
[pg: 330]
[1:] proceeded~ Strong wind
[2:] is blowing~

[3:] The pain on my back is much
[4:] better today it is nearly gone;

[5:] At 3,,5 P.M. stopped at
[6:] Aboo Roba, a narrow passage
[7:] in the bite; we dropped down
[8:] through it & went on at 4;
[9:] Passed through the Elbow
[10:] bite in dropping down with
[11:] the Barge & succeeded very
[12:] well;

[13:] At 5,,20 anchored
[14:] alongside the bank above
[15:] Ghumeyjeh shoal 2 1/2 &
[16:] 3 draaz, about 10 Boats
[17:] laden bound up are here
[18:] alongside the bank and
[19:] the SS. Baghdad & Barge
[20:] are coming up; she
[21:] stopped waiting for us to
[22:] pass, but we remained
[23:] & she stopped also; &
[pg: 331]
[1:] so neither of us passed first,
[2:] We at last made fast
[3:] alongside the East bank,
[4:] & so it became late after
[5:] sunset; At 7,,10 the SS.
[6:] Baghdad & Barge came up
[7:] & steamed passed us; we
[8:] remained at Anchor for
[9:] the night; Very Light
[10:] N.W. breeze & fine cool
[11:] weather;~

19 Saturd Therm @ 4.70




Artin Apikyan died on 16th~ (see 24th)



[12:] Light N.W. breeze & very
[13:] cool weather; it blew
[14:] a fresh breeze during the
[15:] night, it became very cool
[16:] up on top of the house,
[17:] that I just felt it cold & could
[18:] not keep myself warm
[19:] with the cotton blanket,

[20:] At 5 am we dropped
[21:] down the shoal at
[22:] Ghumeyjeh, lots of
[23:] water here, but we
[pg: 332]
[1:] dropped an anchor astern
[2:] & kept dragging & stopping,
[3:] & picking up the anchor;

[4:] At 6,,10 proceeded from
[5:] Ghumeyjeh; at 6,,30 again
[6:] dropped anchor round the
[7:] reach; We awaited our
[8:] boat to come with the anchor
[9:] and at 7,,10 proceeded;

[10:] At 8,,5 passed Azair
[11:] wind getting up Strong,
[12:] a Cloud of dust rising
[13:] high & coming over
[14:] envelopped all the sky like
[15:] an overcast weather;

[16:] At 11,50 landed a passenger
[17:] at Gorna, Sent a telegram
[18:] to Lynch informing of passing
[19:] Gorna at noon~ at
[20:] 12 went on;

[21:] At 5,,30 P.M. arrived
[22:] at Basreh;~ The SS. Brookside
[23:] for Gray Mackenzie is up
[pg: 333]
[1:] here & the Mail S. Kilwa
[2:] in quarantine waiting for
[3:] us to take the mail and
[4:] start, also the SS. Arabistan
[5:] is in quarantine arrived
[6:] yesterday, Tom Tartt the
[7:] Chief Engineer of the Khalifah
[8:] who was in London on a
[9:] six month leave (but
[10:] he is more than 8 or 9
[11:] months away) came out
[12:] in her;~ Rezooki Sayegh
[13:] & Nassoory Andria & Rezooki
[14:] Angoorly came to me,
[15:] They tell me that Artin
[16:] Apikyan died in Baghdad
[17:] suddenly yesterday, it must
[18:] be from appopletic attack,
[19:] he was subject to that &
[20:] being very fat &; with a
[21:] short neck; he is about
[22:] 60 or 61 years old;
[pg: 334] [1:] our Barges are all loaded
[2:] & we are also going to
[3:] tow a Barge up;
[4:] I went with Rezooki Sayegh
[5:] & Nessoory Andria up
[6:] to Rufail’s house, (calling
[7:] on my way to Jeboory Asfar
[8:] for few minutes, he is
[9:] going up with us) I
[10:] Saw Yousif Marine there,
[11:] we dined & slept there,
[12:] a fresh N.W. wind blowing
[13:] all the night, I slept below
[14:] in the Verandah~

20 Sund Therm @ 4.73 Noon 91 4 P.M. 96


1899 Augst

Draft 2,,6

Barge 181,644

[15:] Modte N.W. & fine cool
[16:] morning, at 7 am I
[17:] came on board;

[18:] I had written two letters for
[19:] Schweiger Vienna & for
[20:] Rezooki Metchich London,
[21:] dated 19th, in which I enclosed
[22:] a letter for Alexander
[pg: 335]
[1:] dated 18th ; but Metchich
[2:] letter I could not send
[3:] as I wanted to enclose
[4:] for him 2 Shillings Postal
[5:] order for Stamps he is
[6:] putting on Alexanders letters
[7:] to America; & the Post
[8:] office is closed, so I gave
[9:] it to Rezooki Sayegh to
[10:] send it by next week’s
[11:] mail;

[12:] At 8 ½ AM the SS. Brookside
[13:] left for London; ~ It
[14:] blew fresh with some fine
[15:] dust but the day was
[16:] cool throughout ;

[17:] We shipped some cargo
[18:] from the Barges & got
[19:] the Barge alongside to
[20:] be towed up; ~ Very
[21:] Light N.W. air but not warm,

[22:] Yousif Marine, Rufail,
[23:] Rezooki & the Angoorlies
[24:] & many others came
[pg: 336]
[1:] onboard to see Jeboory Asfar
[2:] going up with us, ~

[3:] We took them up in tow
[4:] to Rufail’s house;

Basreh to Baghdad [20 AUG 1899 — V049_25_N] (//) Barge in tow, (//)

Passg Okes G. S. P. Local Draft
186 69,027 8810 ½ 3,,6
[7:] At 6,,50 P.M. We got
[8:] underway taking a
[9:] Barge loaded with Cargo,
[10:] Ship drawing 3,,6, &
[11:] the Barge 2,,6 ~ Light
[12:] N.W. & fine cool night; we
[13:] have only Jeboory Asfar in
[14:] 1st Class with his servant
[15:] return free passage ;

[16:] Light N.W. breeze & very
[17:] Cool night ~

21 Mond Therm@ 4.69 Noon 90 4 P.M. 98

1899 Augst

[18:] At 3 AM. landed 4 ½
[19:] passengers at Gorna and
[20:] went on at 3,,5 ~
[pg: 337] [1:] At 8, AM. passed Azair
[2:] Finished with the passengers
[3:] tickets ;

[4:] We have in all 69 Passengs
[5:] (only Mr. G. Asfar in 1st Class
[6:] Return free passage)

[7:] We passed Ghumeyjeh
[8:] without sticking at 10 AM
[9:] but have been going easy
[10:] & slow & rubbing over,
[11:] till 3 ½ P.M. when we got
[12:] to below the Elbow, where
[13:] about 7 Boats were coming
[14:] down & had to wait till 5 ½
[15:] until they dropped down
[16:] passed us, we then went
[17:] on but so slow we were
[18:] advancing that, we were
[19:] scarcely moving up
[20:] stream; ~

[21:] Very light N.W. breeze or
[22:] rather calm; At 6 ½ we
[23:] passed round the Elbow but
[24:] with difficulty and very
[pg: 338]
[1:] Slow, no place to move round
[2:] and so shoal, but we
[3:] had the Barge always along
[4:] side of the steamer; ~ Very
[5:] Calm & warm, no air at
[6:] all; ~

[7:] At 6,,55 We anchored
[8:] above the Elbow; Very calm
[9:] & warm weather, moisty
[10:] also, a great change came
[11:] on comparing yesterday’s
[12:] weather; The air is from
[13:] the S. West; but the night was
[14:] cool ~

22 Tuesd Therm@ 4.74

1899 Augst

[15:] Very light air from S.W.
[16:] but cool ~

[17:] At 4,,25 AM we proceeded
[18:] going very slow, it took us from
[19:] 4,,25 till 6,,25 to get to the
[20:] mud fort of Aboo Roba about
[21:] 1000 yards distance ~
[22:] as soon as we passed the
[23:] fort & gardens at Aboo Roba
[pg: 339]
[1:] and got into good water
[2:] We anchored alongside the
[3:] bank & remained without
[4:] any purpose; The S.S.
[5:] Phrat appears up in the
[6:] distance about 2 miles
[7:] away bound down, She
[8:] is not moving probably
[9:] waiting for us to pass
[10:] the turnings;

[11:] At 8,30 the SS. Phrat & Barge
[12:] came & passed down;
[13:] At 8,,40 We proceeded;
[14:] At 11 detained at Nafikh
[15:] in shoal water Boats are
[16:] In the Channel, sounded
[17:] & steamed over ~

[18:] At 0,,15 P.M. proceeded
[19:] At 1.50 P.M. landed four
[20:] passengers at Kalat Saleh
[21:] & went on at 1.55;

[22:] Weather became warm &
[23:] the breeze shifted from S.W.
[24:] to S. East, very light &
[25:] not refreshing ~
[pg: 340] [1:] At 7,45 P.M. arrived
[2:] at Amara landed 23
[3:] passengers & 10 Bales
[4:] of P. Goods; we took 19
[5:] Tons of Coal & 2 Bales;
[6:] The Khalifah passed Coot
[7:] today at 11 AM. so I
[8:] am living the letters here,

[9:] At 9,55 P.M. left Amara
[10:] Light S.W. breeze but
[11:] cool night;

[12:] [strikethrough: Gave tickets to 67 Amara]

23 Wedn Therm@ 4.77


[13:] Light N.W. S fine cool
[14:] Morning;
[15:] At 5 AM passed Ali Sherghi,

[16:] Gave tickets to 67 Amara
[17:] passengers, we have also
[18:] besides 15 men of the wool
[19:] Press of Lynch free (2 in
[20:] 2nd Class Georgis Moorad
[21:] & Rezooki the Blacksmith)
[pg: 341]
[1:] they have finished with the
[2:] wool pressing for this year,

[3:] At 8,,50 just as we
[4:] touched the shoal above
[5:] Flefleh the Khalifah came
[6:] down & passed us; We
[7:] got inside a blind bank
[8:] along the Eastern bank,
[9:] & kept working in trying to
[10:] cross over it until 10,30
[11:] when we got clear of it
[12:] and proceeded ~ Strong
[13:] wind & not cool;

[14:] At 1 P.M. landed 11
[15:] passengers at Ali Gherbi
[16:] and took 6 & went on at
[17:] 1,,5 ~

[18:] At 8,,30 P.M. passed
[19:] Sheikh Saad; ~ Light
[20:] N.W. S fine weather ;

24 Thurs Therm@ 4.78

1899 Augst

Artin Apikyan died on 16 Augt,

1899 Augst

[21:] Light N.W. breeze &
[22:] fine ~

[23:] At 5,,10 AM arrived
[24:] at Coot, landed 19 passeng
[pg: 342]
[1:] and 9 Bales of Through
[2:] Cargo; Took in 10 Tons
[3:] of Coal brought up to
[4:] us near the Custum House,
[5:] I received a letter here from
[6:] Henry, the Khalifah had
[7:] 66,000 Okes & 140 passengers
[8:] Meneshi Mathalon in
[9:] 1st Class only; Henry says
[10:] that Artin Apikyan
[11:] died on Wednesday the
[12:] 16’ Instt very suddenly
[13:] while he was in his office
[14:] writing at his desk and
[15:] fell at once & died;

[16:] We finished coaling at 7 ½
[17:] and cast off & had to drop
[18:] down to the end of the village
[19:] so as to go up between
[20:] two Islands a new Channel
[21:] being formed there ~

[22:] At 8,,5 steamed
[pg: 343]
[1:] up passing Coot;

[2:] Gave tickets to 44 Coot
[3:] passengers ~ also besides
[4:] these we took all the
[5:] workmen of Lynch’s wool
[6:] Press 11 persons (10
[7:] Tilkeflies & Vartan whom
[8:] we put in a 1st Class Cabin
[9:] all free)

[10:] Detained at Aboo Dukar
[11:] in shoal water from 9.45
[12:] till 10,,30 ~
[13:] Detained 10 m. in shoal water
[14:] at above Bughela

[15:] At 8 P.M. passed Memlah,
[16:] Light N.W. breeze & cool
[17:] night;

[18:] At 11 anchored at
[19:] Deboony & sent to sound
[20:] found only 2 ½ draaz along
[21:] the west bank (Same
[22:] place as last Voyage)
[23:] We remained at anchor
[pg: 344]
[1:] for the night;

25 Frid Therm@ 4.76

[2:] Modte N.W. & fine cool
[3:] morning ~ at 4 AM
[4:] steamed up to the shoal &
[5:] grounded, took out anchors
[6:] ahead & hove, cast the
[7:] Barge astern as the Channel
[8:] is narrow close along
[9:] the west bank;

[10:] At 9,30 got over & proceeded
[11:] after taking the Barge &
[12:] made her fast alongside;

[13:] At 1,20 P.M. passed
[14:] the SS. Ressafah & Barge
[15:] bound down at Shedeif

[16:] Detained ½ hour below
[17:] Azizieh the forward bit
[18:] of the Barge carried away
[19:] as she touched the shoal,

[20:] At 6,20 P.M. passed
[21:] Azizieh ~ And after
[22:] 5 minutes grounded
[pg: 345] [1:] At 6,,35 went on
[2:] Very Light N.W. and
[3:] fine weather;

[4:] At 11,30 passed Baghdadieh
[5:] Fort; went easy in passing
[6:] between the wreck of the
[7:] Dijleh & the West bank;

26 Satur Therm@ 4.74

1899 Augst

Louisa daughter of brother Henry delivered a son yesterday to be

[8:] Modte N.W. & fine cool
[9:] weather ~ Passed Ledje
[10:] at 6 ½ AM went easy
[11:] over the shoals;

[12:] At 8,,20 passed Bostan;
[13:] At 0,,15 P.M. passed Ctesiphon

[14:] At 3,,30 P.M. passed
[15:] Diala river;

[16:] At 5,,10 I landed at Gherrarah
[17:] & walked in to Baghdad
[18:] Jeboory Asfar also landed
[19:] with me & many other
[20:] passengers; at 6 ½ arrived
[21:] at home; found my wife
[22:] well; No letters arrived
[23:] for the last two Posts
[pg: 346] [1:] The Mejidieh arrived at
[2:] 8 ½ P.M. ; Very fine
[3:] & cool weather;

27’ Sund

Called Rufail Henry; was Christened on 3 Setr died 6 Septr

[4:] Modte N.W. & fine weather,
[5:] at 8 am went to church
[6:] with my wife; I called
[7:] on Yaghchi; as Louisa
[8:] daughter of brother Henry
[9:] & wife of Yousif Yaghchi
[10:] has been confined of a
[11:] son, Yesterday at 2 P.M.
[12:] I saw her & Catterina, the
[13:] child is doing very well
[14:] he is a big boy & healthy,
[15:] I called on Jeboory Asfar
[16:] the Assyrian Bishop,
[17:] Sister Medula and
[18:] Henry’s wife & came
[19:] home at 11 ½ ~

[20:] We are leaving on
[21:] Tuesday morning
[pg: 347] [1:] I was going on board to
[2:] work but as there was
[3:] no cargo shipped, although
[4:] Lynch’s Office was
[5:] open from 9 till noon,

[6:] I called on Sister Eliza
[7:] at 2 P.M. & then at 4
[8:] called on Mr. Richarz
[9:] but he was asleep, I
[10:] called on Moseigneur
[11:] Altmayer but was not
[12:] at home; ~ I came home
[13:] & had a bathe; many
[14:] people called on us;

[15:] Light N.W. & fine,
[16:] Johny & Artin called
[17:] in the evening~

28’ Mond Therm@ 4.78

1899 Augs


Draft of Barge 1,,9

[18:] Light N.W. breeze &
[19:] fine cool weather

[20:] At 7 am I came on board,
[21:] we are discharging and
[pg: 348]
[1:] loading; ~

[2:] I heard that an Order
[3:] Again came from Constple
[4:] from the minister of marine
[5:] to the Governor of Basreh
[6:] to stop the towing of
[7:] Barges by our Steamers,
[8:] it has been telegraphed
[9:] here, also Mr. Bottomley
[10:] told me of it that it is
[11:] here; I went to the Office
[12:] for some pounds sterling,
[13:] and came home at 11 ½
[14:] to breakfast; at 1 P.M.
[15:] I came on board;
[16:] We shipped a great deal
[17:] of cargo in the steamer
[18:] & Barge & worked hard
[19:] till after sunset; at 7
[20:] I went home; ~ Light air
[21:] from N.W. & fine pleasant
[22:] weather ~
[pg: 349]

29’ Tuesd Therm@ 4.78

[1:] Light N.W. air & cool,

[2:] At 4 AM I came on
[3:] board ~

Baghdad to Basreh [29 AUG 1899 — V049_26_S] (//) Barge in tow (//)

1899 Augst





Passg Okes G. S. Piast Draft / Draft of Barge
190 150,772 27,395 ¼ 3,,5 / 1,9
[6:] At 5 AM. got underway
[7:] and proceeded ~ Light N.W.
[8:] & fine weather ~

[9:] At 7,55 passed Diala
[10:] We heave the Barge in
[11:] tow, We have loaded her.
[12:] with cargo; We dropped
[13:] anchor at Diala to
[14:] turn round the bite as
[15:] it is narrow & shoal
[16:] & left at 8,,10;

[17:] At 10,,5 passed Ctesiphon,
[18:] Detained in shoal water
[19:] at Seyafyeh from 10,,45 till
[20:] 11,15 ~

[21:] Finished with the Passengers

[pg: 350]

[1:] tickets We have altogether
[2:] 151 (4 in 1st Class, The
[3:] Nadir of the Baghdad Custum
[4:] House, H. Hassan Beg
[5:] also Debono the man of
[6:] Hotz. & Co in the Liquorice work
[7:] & his brother in law Solon
[8:] Calothi going to Basreh
[9:] to work in the dates for Hotz,
[10:] also Nejib Beg the Clerk
[11:] in the Sennyeh to Amara
[12:] and Mr. Nicola Calothi
[13:] the father of Solon in 2nd
[14:] Class; The Nadir has a
[15:] free return passage and
[16:] messing too & eats with
[17:] us at the table;) We
[18:] also 7 men free by
[19:] Lynch & Capt Cowley;

[20:] At 4,35 P.M. the
[21:] ship touched a Shoal at
[22:] below Shaebyeh (Dawar
[pg: 351]
[1:] reach) the steering chain
[2:] of the Steamer broke, We
[3:] made fast alongside the
[4:] East bank & repaired
[5:] the bracket which was,
[6:] carried away ~

[7:] At 5,,45 proceeded ;
[8:] Very light N.W. but cool
[9:] air;

[10:] At 7,,10 We rounded
[11:] & came to above Baghdadieh
[12:] Fort; Light N.W. breeze
[13:] & cool night; ~

30 Wedn Therm@ 4.73

1899 Augst

[14:] Light N.W. air & fine cool
[15:] morning; At 5 AM We
[16:] proceeded, at 5,,15 passed
[17:] Baghdadieh Fort

[18:] At 8,,10 passed Azizieh
[19:] At 8,,30 grounded below
[20:] Azizieh ~ Took an Anchor
[21:] out astern & hove off, ~
[22:] At 9,,50 Proceeded;
[23:] At 11,,10 passed the SS.
[24:] Khalifah & Barge in
[pg: 352]
[1:] tow going up at Sherhan
[2:] below Humenyeh;

[3:] At 2,,35 P.M. anchored
[4:] at Deboony & sent to Sound,
[5:] at 4,,10 proceeded having
[6:] found an other channel
[7:] in the middle of the river
[8:] between two Islands;

[9:] At 6,,35 P.M. passed
[10:] Memlah; ~

[11:] At 7 grounded just above
[12:] Bughela Village, hove off
[13:] into deep water & remained
[14:] for the night; Modte N.W.
[15:] wind & fine, I slept in my
[16:] cabin, as it is nice & cool
[17:] & having a bad cold in my
[18:] head since this morning,

31 Thursd Therm@ 4.78

1899 Septr

“ “

[19:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[20:] weather ~

[21:] at 5,,30 AM. proceeded
[22:] At 8,45 grounded at
[23:] Um el Ajaj close to the West
[24:] bank a very narrow
[pg: 353]
[1:] passage, took out an
[2:] anchor ahead & hove her
[3:] head up stream & dropped
[4:] through her stern;

[5:] At 9,20 the SS. Phrat &
[6:] Barge arrived up & anchored;
[7:] she then sounded & went
[8:] on outside of us through
[9:] a fine broad river, while
[10:] we are still dropping down
[11:] through a very narrow
[12:] place; At 10,,50 we got
[13:] through & proceeded ~
[14:] Strong N.W. wind &
[15:] hot;

[16:] at 12 stopped at Um
[17:] el Boonni & sounded ; at
[18:] 1,30 P.M. proceeded; ~

[19:] At 3,20 P.M. arrived at
[20:] Coot, passed through a good
[21:] Channel below the Islands
[22:] between sand banks,
[23:] Landed 22 passengers &
[24:] 21 Packages; We went
[25:] Alongside the bank below
[pg: 354]
[1:] the village near our Depôt,

[2:] I received a letter from
[3:] Henry he has left all
[4:] the papers & manifests at
[5:] Amara thinking of meeting
[6:] us below Coot, the
[7:] Khalifah had only 184,000
[8:] Okes in steamer & Barge
[9:] (125,000 in the Barge & with
[10:] 2 feet 3 Inches draft only)

[11:] At 4,45 We left Coot,
[12:] took 15 Passengers; after
[13:] 5 minutes we grounded
[14:] below Coot; hove
[15:] off with a stern anchor

[16:] At 6,5 proceeded ~

[17:] At 7,,10 anchored for the
[18:] night; Very light air and
[19:] not so cool;

1st Frid Therm@ 4.76 Noon 103 4 P.M.

[20:] Light Erly breeze & fine

[21:] at 4,,45 Am proceeded,
[22:] At 9,15 passed Sheikh Saad,
[23:] The Soldiers are still in encamped
[pg: 355]
[1:] here, on account of the quarrel
[2:] between different tribes of
[3:] arabs the Jendil and
[4:] Megassis etc;

[5:] At 10,40 anchored at
[6:] Seyd Abbass & sounded,
[7:] Boats in the channel ~

[8:] At 11,35 proceeded ~ warm
[9:] weather; & disagreeable,

[10:] Wind shifted to a fresh
[11:] N.W. & blowing hot;

[12:] At 2,,15 P.M. passed
[13:] Ali Gherbi;

[14:] At 7,10 P.M. passed
[15:] Ali Sherghi; Modte N.W.
[16:] breeze & fine weather;

2d Satur Therm@ 5.76 Noon 102 4 P.M. 112




[17:] At 1 Am arrived at Amara
[18:] landed 44 Passengers (one
[19:] in 1st Class Nejib Beg) & 92
[20:] packages; Shipped 152
[21:] Bales of Pressed Wool (6
[22:] Bales from Eassay’s Press)

[23:] I slept in my cabin but felt
[24:] it warm till midnight
[pg: 356]
[1:] then it got cooler, but I did
[2:] not sleep well from the
[3:] noise at Amara;~ I
[4:] received Henry’s letter &
[5:] my news papers etc~

[6:] At 4,,40 AM we left
[7:] Amara, Very light N. Ely
[8:] breeze & not pleasant at
[9:] all; Took 24 Passengers,

[10:] Weather getting calm &
[11:] warm;

[12:] At 10 grounded at Nafikh
[13:] & took a stern anchor
[14:] out, the place is so in and
[15:] out & narrow blind sand
[16:] banks & Boats alongside,
[17:] It became very calm &
[18:] Sultry warm day;~
[19:] At 12 got off & proceeded
[20:] from Nafikh;

[21:] From 1,,45 P.M. till 2,,30 were
[22:] detained in passing the
[23:] Elbow etc~ and from 2,,30
[24:] to 4 P.M it took get to
[25:] Ghumeyjeh, thence
[pg: 357]
[1:] we went on alright;

[2:] Breeze very light N.W. &
[3:] awfully hot;

[4:] At 4,,55 P.M. passed
[5:] Azair; After sunset it became
[6:] very calm & warm, it
[7:] is 103˚ in my cabin;
[8:] Swetting very much;

[9:] At 8,,30 landed one Passenger
[10:] at Gorna & went on,
[11:] Very warm & calm weather,

[12:] At 10 met the SS.
[13:] Rusafah & Barge going
[14:] up and a steam Launch
[15:] in which the Agent of the
[16:] Turkish steamers Hassan
[17:] Effendi came off to us to
[18:] see the Nadir of the Custum
[19:] House, we towed her for
[20:] about an hour & then they
[21:] went away:

3 Sund Therm @ 5,84



[22:] At 3,,15 AM we arrived
[23:] at Basreh, weather very
[24:] unpleasant, there is a
[25:] light N.W. breeze but
[pg: 358]
[1:] it is not refreshing;~

[2:] There are many steamers
[3:] the “Arabistan”, Westburn
[4:] for Kassim Khdery to load
[5:] Barley as well as the “Norge
[6:] and the “Pollonce” for
[7:] him too, the latter is in
[8:] quarantine yet, there is
[9:] also the SS. Hussein of
[10:] the B. & P. S N. Copy in quarantine,
[11:] The mail steamer has
[12:] left yesterday having
[13:] waited one day for us;

[14:] We are leaving tomorrow,
[15:] Rufail & Rezooki came down
[16:] they went in to Basreh and
[17:] wanted me also to go, but
[18:] I did not like, it being very
[19:] warm & I do not feel well
[20:] having also a tooth ache

[21:] As an Order had been
[22:] wired from Constple to
[23:] prevent us towing up Barges
[pg: 359]
[1:] and the Lynch’s Agent &
[2:] Consul also wired, there
[3:] is no answer up till now,
[4:] So we are to tow one
[5:] this time & stand the
[6:] consequence; we have
[7:] a great deal of Cargo here
[8:] is accumulating;

[9:] At 4 P.M I went with
[10:] Rufail & Rezooki to their
[11:] house, they are packing
[12:] dates, Rufail is making
[13:] about 15,000 Boxes, the dates
[14:] are plentiful this year,
[15:] the Crop is very good;

[16:] A light N.W. breeze and
[17:] a little cool;

[18:] At night the breeze changed
[19:] to S.Est & again to N.West;

4 Mond




[20:] Very light N.W. breeze,
[21:] & fine, at 7 AM I came
[22:] on board;~ There is an
[23:] Other Steamer for the P. & P.
[pg: 360]
[1:] gulf S.N. Copy called the
[2:] Ningchow of about 6000
[3:] Tons;

[4:] At 11 1/4 AM the SS Arabistan
[5:] left for London, she will
[6:] fill up at Fao some more
[7:] cargo; at 11,,45 the SS.
[8:] Westburn also left;~

[9:] The Turkish man of war
[10:] the small Brigantine called
[11:] Sayad; has left for
[12:] Constantinople at 5 P.M.
[13:] She is very small & unsea
[14:] worthy & besides being so
[15:] badly manned, I doubt
[16:] if she will ever reach safe
[17:] her destination~ We
[18:] are waiting for the Barge,
[19:] being loaded at Lynch’s
[20:] wharf~ Mr. Wratislaw
[21:] the Consul came on board
[22:] to see if we are going to
[pg: 361]
[1:] tow her, as he has no
[2:] news or received an Answer
[3:] from Constple although
[4:] the Minister of Marine
[5:] has only wired to the
[6:] Commodore here to
[7:] stop towing, it is not
[8:] from the Sublime Port;

[9:] We received the mails

Basreh to Baghdad [4 SEP 1899 — V049_ 27_N] (//) Barge in tow (//)




Passg Okes / Barge Okes GS. P. Local Draft / Barge
177 61,504 / 116,260 11,760 ½ 3,,6 / 2,3
[12:] Very calm & warm weather
[13:] At 6 P.M. got underway &
[14:] proceeded took the Barge
[15:] in tow, she is drawing
[16:] 2 feet 4 & the Steamer
[17:] 3,,5 Inches~ Very calm
[18:] & warm weather & Light
[19:] S. Ely breeze~

[20:] No one came from the
[21:] part of the Turkish authorities
[22:] to say anything about
[pg: 362]
[1:] the towing of the Barge~
[2:] We have only Khorshid
[3:] Effendi the Ex. Kaimakam
[4:] of Shatra in 1st Class to
[5:] Baghdad~

5th Tuesd Therm @ 5.72




[6:] At 2,,5 AM we passed
[7:] Gorna~ Light S.Ely breeze
[8:] and dampy~

[9:] At 7,,15 passed Azair;
[10:] At 8 1/2 AM we got to Ghumeyjeh
[11:] & here begun our difficulty
[12:] in steaming up, the place is
[13:] shoal narrow & current Strong,
[14:] We kept steaming ahead
[15:] but scarcely moving, took
[16:] a rope on shore & hove up
[17:] to it~

[18:] The S.S. Ressafah &
[19:] Barge is ahead of us about
[20:] 2 Miles, above the Elbow,
[21:] she has had the same thing
[22:] here for she is two days
[23:] ahead of us;~ at 3
[24:] P.M we got up to the
[pg: 363]
[1:] bite & begun to go a little
[2:] quickly~

[3:] We have Altogether 61
[4:] Passengers (Khorshid Effendi
[5:] Kaimakam of Shatra
[6:] only in 1st Class to Baghdad)

[7:] At 5 P.M. we reached the
[8:] Elbow; going very slow;

[9:] Very light air & warm
[10:] Weather & we managed with
[11:] difficulty in passing the
[12:] Elbow by 4 1/2 P.M. and
[13:] at 6 1/2 we stopped below
[14:] Aboo Roba & had to take
[15:] an anchor ahead & heave
[16:] up, the Ressafah is at
[17:] Aboo Roba also trying to
[18:] get up;~ Very warm &
[19:] dampy Weather; it is so
[20:] moisty & no air or rather
[21:] a light S.Ely but very
[22:] moisty & disagreable
[pg: 364] [1:] I cannot go into my Cabin
[2:] it is so warm & moisty;
[3:] We remained at anchor below
[4:] Aboo Roba for the night;
[5:] The Ressafah went on later
[6:] at night from above Aboo
[7:] Roba; Weather warm
[8:] & moisty; It cooled a little
[9:] later at night;

6 Wedn Therm @ 5.73




[10:] Very light air & a little Cool
[11:] We took out an anchor
[12:] & hove up~ At 5,,45 AM
[13:] steamed up Slowly;
[14:] Detained at Aboo Roba in
[15:] the narrow & shoal bend
[16:] & had to heave up~

[17:] At 7,,25 proceeded
[18:] Light S.Ely breeze, at 8,,20
[19:] detained at Nafikh in shoal
[20:] water & going easy; The
[21:] Ressafah is at Kalat Saleh,
[22:] At 10,,40 we went on

[23:] At 1,,50 landed 3
[24:] passengers at Kalat Saleh
[pg: 365]
[1:] & went on, The S.S. Ressafah
[2:] & Barge are still here
[3:] she had lightened herself
[4:] into a boat & took the
[5:] Cargo in here~

[6:] Very light N.W. & hot weather,
[7:] We took one passenger from
[8:] Kalat Saleh; The Ressafah
[9:] is following us~

[10:] Breeze shifted to a light
[11:] N.W.~

[12:] At 6 P.M. arrived
[13:] at Amara landed 10 Passng
[14:] & 24 Bales of through Cargo,
[15:] At 6,,30 the SS. Khalifah
[16:] & Barge came down from
[17:] Baghdad; she went alongside
[18:] ahead of us, I went on
[19:] board of her with Capt
[20:] Cowley in the Launch we
[21:] took the Bombay Specie
[22:] back to her; I saw
[pg: 366]
[1:] Henry, he says he left
[2:] every body well, they
[3:] left on Sunday with the
[4:] Barge in tow; Shekoory
[5:] Sayegh is on board going
[6:] to work dates for Rufail
[7:] Sayegh; She has 100,000
[8:] OKes & 122 passengers,
[9:] besides some free of Lynch
[10:] people going to work
[11:] for dates, (Georgis Moorad
[12:] & Naoomy Bahoshy etc)

[13:] We came on board at
[14:] 7 P.M~ We took 10
[15:] tons of Coal~

[16:] At 7,,40 P.M. left Amara
[17:] fine weather & light N.W.
[18:] breeze~

7 Thursd Therm @ 5.76 Noon 103 4 P.M. 104





[19:] Modte NW. wind and
[20:] fine weather~
[pg: 367] [1:] Gave tickets to 58 Amara
[2:] passengers; (Abdulkadur
[3:] Khdery in 1st Class going
[4:] to see his father Abdulrezak
[5:] being very ill, he goes free
[6:] as well as a Servant with
[7:] him)

[8:] At 9,,10 AM landed 8
[9:] passengers at Ali Gherbi
[10:] and went on at 9,,20; took
[11:] 2 passengers~

[12:] I paid the Ship’s Company
[13:] their wages for August;
[14:] Hot wind & modte N.W.

[15:] At 4,,55 P.M. picked
[16:] on board 4 passengers from
[17:] Sheikh Saad for Coot;

[18:] Wind fell down but it is
[19:] nice & cool; The Moon
[20:] is 2 days old;~

[21:] I slept in my cabin it being cool
[22:] with a light N.W. breeze
[pg: 368] [1:] Light N.W. & fine;~
[2:] Detained about 1/2 hour
[3:] below Coot;

8 Frid Therm @ 5.77




[4:] At 2 AM arrived at
[5:] Coot, went alongside below
[6:] our Dépôt, landed 20 Passeng
[7:] and took in 10 Tons of Coal,

[8:] At 5,,20 AM we left
[9:] Coot, weather getting cloudy,
[10:] it is on the East & South,
[11:] Gave tickets to Coot Passengers
[12:] We have 51 (3 in 1st
[13:] Class, the wife of Khorshid
[14:] Effendi with him in one Cabin
[15:] the Kadi of Haî Rafat رفعت
[16:] Effendi Sinaly, & Izzet
[17:] Effendi an employé in the
[18:] Sennyeh with their families
[19:] & servants on Deck)
[20:] Besides the Hamalbashi
[21:] of Coot free by Capt Cowley;

[22:] At 8,,50 we stopped at
[23:] Um el Boonny the bracket
[pg: 369]
[1:] of the rudder carried away,

[2:] At 10,,45 proceeded from
[3:] Umel Boonny, after passing
[4:] through the shoal of
[5:] 2 1/2 draaz; Wind is
[6:] blowing hot & clouds
[7:] still hang about; It
[8:] became very calm and
[9:] hot in the afternoon, the
[10:] clouds which means heat,
[11:] are fading away;

[12:] At 5,,10 P.M. came to
[13:] the shoal at Bughela just
[14:] above the village, Boats
[15:] of Liquorice aground there,
[16:] We sent to sound; & took
[17:] out an anchor ahead & hove
[18:] off from where we touched &
[19:] drifted back & steamed up
[20:] through the marked Channel,

[21:] At 6,,45 proceeded through
[22:] the sounded Channel;
[23:] Very light N.W. breeze,
[24:] & very few clouds~
[pg: 370] [1:] At 7,,10 passed Memlah,
[2:] Very light N.W. breeze~

[3:] At 12 Came to Um Sneyem
[4:] & tryed to pass but touched
[5:] several times & after an
[6:] hour we anchored for the
[7:] night; I slept in the Cabin,
[8:] it being nice & cool;

9 Satur








[9:] Modte & Cool N.W. breeze
[10:] at 5 AM proceeded;

[11:] At 10,,15 Grounded at
[12:] Brenij above Humenyeh
[13:] took out an anchor & hove
[14:] off, at 11 we got off, but on
[15:] going on, the arms of the
[16:] starboard wheel broke &
[17:] had to come to for repairs,

[18:] I made up my mind
[19:] to land here & walk
[20:] across to Abdulla to
[21:] shoot; there is a fresh
[22:] wind but the sun is
[pg: 371]
[1:] still hot;~

[2:] At 1 1/2 P.M. I dressed
[3:] & took the Deckman
[4:] Shansoka & went out;
[5:] walked across the desert to
[6:] the bank & mound below
[7:] Abdulla reach & walked
[8:] up the bank, no partridges
[9:] are to be seen, the Cover is
[10:] good, but it looks desolate
[11:] & dry; lots of pigs started
[12:] about 15 from beneath the
[13:] cover; I went twice to the
[14:] bank to have a drink
[15:] the wind blowing strong &
[16:] hot; we put up about 6
[17:] or 7 partridges at a distance
[18:] & I shot only one which
[19:] put up before me, after I
[20:] had got far up the reach,
[21:] flashed 3 or 4 hares at a
[22:] distance & by 5 P.M.
[pg: 372]
[1:] I had to come to the bank
[2:] & sit down to await for
[3:] the Mejidieh near the place
[4:] used to be called Cherd
[5:] Dowd el Farman, I was
[6:] very tyred & been so very
[7:] disgusted in not finding
[8:] any partridges; Besides
[9:] I could not walk any more,
[10:] having got the pain on my
[11:] right Knee, a muscle or the
[12:] bone commenced to ache
[13:] fearfully so that I could not
[14:] possibly walk or move on,
[15:] the Weather became Cooler
[16:] as the sun went down, &
[17:] I saw the smoke of the Mejidieh
[18:] at Raddat coming up

[19:] At 6,,15 I embarked &
[20:] we went on; The Mejidieh
[21:] had left Brenij at 2,,10
[pg: 373]
[1:] P.M~ At 4 she stopped
[2:] at Azizieh & the Boat went
[3:] on shore with Abdul Kadur
[4:] Khdery he expected a
[5:] telegram from Baghdad
[6:] about his father’s health,
[7:] but as he had received none,
[8:] so he landed to go overland
[9:] to Baghdad~ Abdulrezack
[10:] Khdery his father must
[11:] have died before this;

[12:] Tom Dexter the 2nd Engineer
[13:] of the Comet was at Azizieh
[14:] he has been sent down to
[15:] explore the best shooting
[16:] grounds by Major Melville
[17:] the British Consul as
[18:] he is coming down in
[19:] the Comet & wants to
[20:] shoot on his way down
[pg: 374]
[1:] Very light N.W. breeze and
[2:] fine weather;

[3:] At 8,,20 PM we grounded
[4:] below the Dijleh’s wreck,
[5:] took an anchor out & hove
[6:] off, at 10,,45 proceeded
[7:] easy~

[8:] At 11,,15 P.M. passed
[9:] Baghdadieh Fort; Light
[10:] N.W. breeze & fine weather,
[11:] I slept in the Cabin; my
[12:] feet are sore & feel very tyred,
[13:] I see that I cannot walk
[14:] so much as I used to do a
[15:] few years ago, especially
[16:] this pain in my right Knee

10 Sund Therm @ 5.73 Noon 94





[17:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[18:] weather; a proper Autumn
[19:] morning; We passed Oweyn
[20:] at 5 AM~ Detained
[21:] at Bostan 15 M in Shoal
[22:] water~ also at Semra
[23:] about 10 M~

[pg: 375]
[1:] At 0,,20 P.M passed
[2:] Ctesiphon; Fine cool
[3:] Weather; Detained 10 minut
[4:] at Jaffer~

[5:] At 4 P.M. passed Diala
[6:] river;~

[7:] At 5,,40 P.M. I landed at
[8:] Gherrara to walk in, there
[9:] are many tents pitched
[10:] out here on the bank;
[11:] Elias Jejo’s family; Antone
[12:] Maghak & many others,
[13:] Also Antone Marine, and
[14:] Jeboory Asfar’s family but
[15:] they are not out yet, they
[16:] only have their Tents;
[17:] on reaching the Gardens
[18:] I got a Donkey of a Sakka
[19:] returning from Gherrarah
[20:] & I rode in~ I arrived
[21:] home at 7, saw Eliza on
[22:] top of the house, she is
[23:] alright;

[24:] I found a letter from
[pg: 376]
[1:] Edward Blockey from
[2:] London dated the 19 Augst
[3:] he tells me that he went twice
[4:] to see Rezooki Metchich
[5:] but could not see him,
[6:] & his landlord told him
[7:] that Alexander had come
[8:] to Rezooki about 3 weeks
[9:] ago on a Sunday, So
[10:] it appears that Alexander
[11:] has not gone to America,

[12:] Light N. W. & fine cool
[13:] night;

11’ Mond.

Yousif Yaghchi’s 10. child died

H. Abdulrezak Khdery died



[14:] Variable air & calm;

[15:] The SS. Phrat left this
[16:] morning at 5 am;
[17:] at 7 I called on Sister
[18:] Medula & came on board
[19:] we went alongside the
[20:] wharf to discharge~
[21:] We are leaving the day
[22:] after tomorrow~
[pg: 377] [1:] The little child of Yousif
[2:] Yaghchi who was born
[3:] on 26 Augst, suddenly took
[4:] ill & died on Wednesday
[5:] last the 6th the mother Louisa
[6:] & the father were very much
[7:] grieved & sorry; ~

[8:] H. Abdulrezack Khdery
[9:] died on Thursday night
[10:] the 7th Instt; from an other
[11:] abcess or cancer he got
[12:] on his side, he was over
[13:] 70 years, his son AbdulKadur
[14:] whom we landed at Azizieh
[15:] arrived yesterday morning
[16:] too late to see him;

[17:] I went on shore at 9 AM
[18:] called on Menusha for
[19:] ½ hour & came home,
[20:] I took a bath, & breakfasted

[21:] At 3 P.M. came on
[22:] board to work, we shipped
[23:] Cargo, at 6 P.M. I
[pg: 378]
[1:] went home; what a
[2:] fine life this is, we arrived
[3:] last night, & today am
[4:] working on board & tomorrow
[5:] also the whole day &
[6:] we leave the day after,
[7:] I am so disgusted from
[8:] seeing such a work;

[9:] I found Antone Marine
[10:] at home he came for ½ hour
[11:] he is going out to Gherrarah
[12:] with his family, & wife &
[13:] children of Jeboory Asfar
[14:] after we leave ~

[15:] Johny & Artin called on top
[16:] of the house ~ The Monseigneur
[17:] Altmayer had called on us
[18:] during the day, but I
[19:] was on board the steamer,

[20:] Very light & changeable
[21:] air, but cool night
[pg: 379]

12’ Tuesd Therm@5.76



[1:] Very light & variable air,

[2:] At 7 ½ AM I came
[3:] on board; we shipped
[4:] cargo & many bales of wool,

[5:] At 11 ¼ I went home
[6:] to breakfast, returned at
[7:] 2 P.M.; ~ Weather is warm
[8:] & sultry no wind,
[9:] all the Cabins are let,

[10:] We finished at 5 P.M. &
[11:] hauled out; I went home
[12:] found there Sister Medula,
[13:] Antone Marine, Adoola
[14:] my cousin & Shekoory
[15:] Andrea; they left at 6;

[16:] Mr. Duncan Alexander
[17:] the clerk of the Comet and
[18:] husband of Regina my
[19:] Niece called on us on
[20:] top of the house till
[21:] 7 ½ ~

[22:] Modte N.W. & fine
[pg: 380] [1:] Modte N.W. wind &
[2:] fine ~

Sept 13

[3:] At 4,,30 AM I came
[4:] on board ~

Baghdad to Basreh [13 SEP 1899 — V049_28_S] (//) Barge in tow; (//)







Passgers Okes G.S. Piast Draft
168 1/2 115,665 21948 ½ 3.3
[7:] At 5,,30 AM. We got underway
[8:] and proceeded; Fair weather
[9:] & light N.W. breeze;

[10:] At 7 passed Gherrarah
[11:] there are great many Tents
[12:] pitched out above and
[13:] below the garden, also on
[14:] the opposite side ~

[15:] At 8,,15 passed Diala
[16:] detained 10 M. in turning
[17:] round;

[18:] Finished with the passenger
[19:] tickets we have altogether 120 ½
[20:] (6 in 1st class cabins, Jeboory
[21:] Asfar returning with a
[pg: 381]
[1:] servant free; the wife
[2:] of the Custum House Mudir
[3:] of Basreh & servant free,
[4:] the Kadi of Montefik
[5:] Halim Effendi; the wife
[6:] of Nessoory Toma Khayat
[7:] & her son Behjet who is
[8:] going back to Beyrout
[9:] to finish his Medical
[10:] study at the university,
[11:] and a Russian traveler
[12:] Dr. Shaniavsky, coming
[13:] from Persia & going to
[14:] Bushire, (Probably a Russian
[15:] spy for the Persian Gulf Affair)
[16:] and 2 in 2nd Class the
[17:] Chaldean Priest Gabriel
[18:] and Faraj the son of Elias
[19:] Serkis)

[20:] At 8,,40 anchored at Aboo
[21:] Hmar & sounded, at 9.15
[22:] proceeded;
[pg: 382] [1:] At 10,,45 passed Ctesiphon,
[2:] Modte & cool N.W. breeze,

[3:] At 6 P.M. passed
[4:] Baghdadieh ~ Light
[5:] N.W. & fine;

[6:] At 7.35 P.M. we anchored
[7:] at Remlat ~

[8:] At 7,,50 the S.S. Ressafah
[9:] & Barge passed up; ~

[10:] I slept in my cabin, it is not so
[11:] warm & got cooler at night;

14 Thursd Therm@5.73



[12:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[13:] weather;

[14:] At 5 AM. we proceeded
[15:] At 6,45 passed Azizieh
[16:] Fine N.W. breeze & cool;

[17:] At 7,,15 landed 2 Passengers
[18:] booked for Azizieh & 4 Bundle
[19:] gunnies at Zwyet el Zereh
[20:] to some grain Boats and
[21:] went on at 7,,30 ~
[pg: 383] [1:] At 9.20 AM passed the
[2:] SS Khalifah & Barge in tow
[3:] going up at Toweel; ~

[4:] The S. Phrat is ahead of us
[5:] on her way down;

[6:] At 0,45 P.M. we passed
[7:] the Phrat at Sheresh where
[8:] she had anchored to
[9:] sound ~

[10:] At 2,,25 passed
[11:] Memlah;

[12:] At 2,30 passed the SS.
[13:] Baghdad & Barge going up
[14:] above Bughela ~

[15:] At 2,,45 grounded above
[16:] Bughela, took an anchor
[17:] out & hove off; at 3,,55
[18:] proceeded; at 4 landed
[19:] 2 passengers at Bughela

[20:] At 5,,10 we anchored
[21:] at Mehdi & sounded

[22:] At 5,,35 proceeded, Fine
[23:] Modte N.W. breeze ~
[pg: 384] [1:] At 7,,25 anchored for the
[2:] night; Fine cool weather,
[3:] I slept in Cabin ~

15 Frid Therm@5.69



[4:] Light N.W. breeze & fine
[5:] Very Cool weather ~

[6:] At 5 AM proceeded,
[7:] it is very cool & pleasant
[8:] weather ~

[9:] At 6,,10 anchored at
[10:] Umel Boonny & sounded,
[11:] found an other channel
[12:] on the west side between
[13:] two sand banks; & we had
[14:] to withdraw up stream
[15:] with a stern anchor on
[16:] heaving up & stopping &
[17:] loosing such a long time
[18:] in this sort of work;
[19:] We then steamed up & turned round
[20:] & steamed through the two
[21:] sand banks & went on at
[22:] 8,,45 AM; ~

[23:] At 8,,55 Grounded further
[24:] down ~ Took an anchor
[pg: 385]
[1:] out ahead & hove off

[2:] At 9,,45 proceeded; Strong
[3:] wind blowing;

[4:] At 11,30 arrived at Coot
[5:] landed 15 passengers and
[6:] 33 Packges; I received here
[7:] Henry’s letter & papers, the
[8:] Khalifah had 233,000 Okes
[9:] including 10 Tons Coal for
[10:] Baghdad, & about 60 Passeng
[11:] the Nadir of the Custum House
[12:] went back in her; ~
[13:] Our Coal in the Depôt here
[14:] has taken fire since 3
[15:] days, there are 200 Tons in
[16:] the room, & they have not
[17:] made sufficiently large
[18:] windows or winsels in it
[19:] for ventilation; We have
[20:] employed Coolies to shift
[21:] it, @ ½ Besh per ton;

[22:] At 1 P.M. we left Coot
[23:] took 16 Passengers,
[pg: 386] [1:] At 6,,30 P.M. landed 2
[2:] passengers at Sheikh Saad
[3:] and went on at 6,,35 ~

[4:] Light N.W. breeze & fine
[5:] weather; It is Hassan
[6:] el Jendil whom we landed
[7:] at Sheikh Saad; there are
[8:] still some troops encamped
[9:] here, on account of the quarrel
[10:] they had the tribes of Jendil
[11:] with the Megassis ~

[12:] At 6,,55 we rounded &
[13:] came to at Aboo Dood;

[14:] Light N.W. & fine cool night,
[15:] I slept in the cabin;

16 Satur Therm@5.72; Noon 94; 4 PM 98

[16:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[17:] morning ~

[18:] At 5 AM. proceeded from
[19:] Aboo Dood ~

[20:] At 9 Passed Ali Gherbi,
[21:] At 10,,45 grounded [strikethrough]
[22:] above Flefleh reach,
[pg: 387]
[1:] Took an anchor out Astern
[2:] & hove off; ~ At 11,,45
[3:] proceeded;

[4:] At 3 P.M. passed Ali Sherghi
[5:] weather became very Calm
[6:] by sunset, & warm in the
[7:] Cabin;

[8:] At 8,,45 P.M. arrived at
[9:] Amara landed 38 Passengs
[10:] and 93 Packages; (the
[11:] Chaldean Priest Jubraîl
[12:] landed here); Took 5 Shipped two
[13:] tons of Coal; ~ Shipped two
[14:] Boxes of Pelican Feathers;

[15:] At 11 left Amara,
[16:] Light N.W. & fine

17 Sund Therm@5.70



[17:] At 0.45 AM we anchored
[18:] above Aboo Sedra ~

[19:] At 5 AM proceeded
[20:] Light N.W. & fine cool weather

[21:] Took 28 Passengers from
[22:] Amara; ~

[23:] At 8,,30 we grounded
[pg: 388]
[1:] at Nafikh on the west bank
[2:] at 9.50 went on and
[3:] passed through the shoal
[4:] place; Detained in several
[5:] places going easy & stopping

[6:] At 1,,5 P.M. passed Azair,
[7:] At 5,,10 landed 11 passengers
[8:] at Gorna (one of Basreh)
[9:] Went on at 5,,20; weather
[10:] calm & not so cool;

[11:] At 10 ½ P.M. arrived at
[12:] Basreh ~

18 Mond Therm@5.74







[13:] Light N.W. & fine; ~
[14:] We discharged cargo; there
[15:] are here the S.S. Turkistan
[16:] for Asfar & Co, & the S.S. Norge
[17:] for G. Mackenzie & Co, no
[18:] steamers in quarantine,

[19:] The S.S.


Afghanistan for
[20:] G. [strikethrough] Asfar & Co arrived
[21:] in quarantine at 7 AM:

[22:] Mr. Daw (one of our
[pg: 389]
[1:] former officers in the Service
[2:] of about 24 years ago, has
[3:] come up from Bombay with
[4:] his wife & goes up with us
[5:] he married Blaney’s
[6:] daughter in Baghdad,
[7:] he was up here the last
[8:] time about 5 ½ years
[9:] ago; ~ We were ready to
[10:] go up today; but the Agent
[11:] of Lynch here Mr. Richards
[12:] postponed our departure
[13:] till tomorrow as had
[14:] already notified so;

[15:] At 1 P.M. I went up with
[16:] Rezooki Sayegh to their house,
[17:] saw there Tookyeh, also
[18:] Shekoory Sayegh employed
[19:] by Rufail to superintend
[20:] the packing of his date
[21:] Boxes about 10 or 11,000
[22:] The price of dates has been
[23:] fixe at 260 Shamies (10
[24:] G. SP. per Shami) the Hellawy
[25:] & Khadrawi per big
[pg: 390]
[1:] Kara of 40 Baskets &
[2:] the Saîr at 120, it is the
[3:] cheapest price that they
[4:] have seen for many years
[5:] as the the crop this year
[6:] has been one of the most
[7:] extraordinary abundant
[8:] But now the price went
[9:] down so low as 220
[10:] & even 210, & the Saîr
[11:] too in proportion; The
[12:] exporter of dates will
[13:] make a good profit in
[14:] England, as it is selling
[15:] in London at 14 Shillings
[16:] & now came down to
[17:] 13 & 12 per one hundred
[18:] weight;

[19:] Rezooki Angoody came there
[20:] & we all dined together,
[21:] then Yousif Marine came
[22:] from Shaebyeh he
[23:] went to see Jeboory
[pg: 391]
[1:] Asfar & thence went
[2:] back to Shaebyeh,

[3:] The SS. Phrat came
[4:] down at about 10 P.M.

[5:] I slept in the room with
[6:] windows open & was not
[7:] warm, every body is
[8:] sleeping down ~

19 Tuesd


[9:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[10:] morning; at 7 AM I
[11:] came on board with Rezooki
[12:] Angoorly ~

[13:] An English Gunboat
[14:] arrived up to the quarantine
[15:] station, at 11 the Lapwing
[16:] We finished cargo at 2 P.M.
[17:] got the Barge alongside,

[18:] Nessoory Andrea &
[19:] Rezooki Angoorly came
[20:] to me & went away;
[21:] Wind falling down,
[pg: 392]

Basreh to Baghdad [19 SEP 1899 — V049_29_N] (//) Barge in tow ~ (//)



Passg Okes / Barge Okes G.S.P. Local Draft / Barge
248 ½ 77799 / 113,010 18932 ¼ 3.6 / 2.5
[3:] At 5,,20 P.M. got under=
[4:] way & proceeded ~ Light
[5:] N.W. & rather warm in
[6:] Cabin; Ship is drawing 3,,6
[7:] and the Barge 2.6 Inches;
[8:] Mr. Daw his wife, & Mr. G.S. Fisher
[9:] of the American excavating
[10:] mission at Nuffar are
[11:] messing with us ~

[12:] Weather became cooler later
[13:] on, I slept in the Cabin,
[14:] Fine clear weather and
[15:] ful moon today ~

20 Wedn Therm@5.68








[16:] At 1.30 AM anchored
[17:] at Gorna landed [strikethrough] two passenger
[18:] and took on board the
[19:] Motserrif of Nasryeh
[20:] Towfik Pasha and
[pg: 393]
[2:] his family & servants and
[3:] a great quantity of Kit,
[4:] they all went up on deck,
[5:] On our way down he sent
[6:] to tell us that he wanted
[7:] two 1st Class passage &
[8:] I left two Cabins for him,
[9:] he has a lot of Kit which
[10:] was all weighed, 1450 Okes,

[11:] At 2 AM left Gorna,
[12:] Light N.W. & fine cool
[13:] morning ~

[14:] At 7 passed Azair,
[15:] Finished with the passengers
[16:] tickets;

[17:] We have altogether 149
[18:] from Basreh & 14 ½ from
[19:] Gorna (3 in 1st Class Cabins
[20:] Mr. C.S. Fisher of the Americans
[21:] excavating at Nuffar who
[22:] went down with us on 7
[23:] May, & Mr. & Mrs. Daw
[24:] our former mate in the
[pg: 394]
[1:] Dijleh coming to stay about
[2:] 18 months in Baghdad &
[3:] his wife is the daughter of
[4:] Blaney the old carpenter
[5:] of the Comet his widow
[6:] is in Baghdad & was married
[7:] to Mr. Cole who was the
[8:] chief Engineer in the Khalifah
[9:] & is now in Baghdad;

[10:] From 7 ¾ after passing
[11:] the Canal of Ghumeyjeh
[12:] we commenced to go slow
[13:] the current became strong &
[14:] narrow; we kept steaming
[15:] & advancing gradually
[16:] & then took a rope on shore
[17:] & also an anchor & hove
[18:] & steamed; at 2 P.M.
[19:] the foremost Capstan
[20:] of the Barge broke off
[21:] & rolled overboard, We
[22:] are not moving at all;

[23:] They worked in heaving
[pg: 395]
[1:] & steaming till 9 ½ P.M. and
[2:] knocked off ~ The weather
[3:] is Calm but cool, in my
[4:] Cabin the mosquitoes and
[5:] sandflies are very troublesom
[6:] I could not sleep, until
[7:] I put the curtain at 11 P.M.,

21 Thursd Therm@5.70



[8:] Very light N.W. air and
[9:] fine; At 5 AM begun
[10:] to steam on going very
[11:] slow, at 6,,40 we got
[12:] over the place & went
[13:] on slow the current being
[14:] very strong; we detained
[15:] above the Elbow in Shoal
[16:] water & heaving till 2 P.M.
[17:] It was 3 P.M. when we
[18:] passed Aboo Roba a
[19:] distance of about 3 miles
[20:] we went since this morning,
[21:] Weather very Calm &
[22:] warm a little ~ A light
[23:] Southerly breeze but so calm
[24:] & warm it became &
[25:] very unplaisant;
[pg: 396]
[1:] From 6 till 6 ½ P.M. We
[2:] were detained at Nafikh
[3:] in steaming over the shoal
[4:] between an island & the
[5:] West bank; Very Calm
[6:] & warm in the Cabin;

[7:] At 7,,55 P.M. landed 9
[8:] passengers at Kalat Saleh
[9:] and took 4 ½ & went on
[10:] at 8, very light Southerly
[11:] breeze & Calm weather;
[12:] It is warm in cabin & there
[13:] are mosquitoes ~

22 Frid Therm@5.72






Regina my niece delivered a son on 18th

[14:] At 2 AM arrived at
[15:] Amara, landed 21 Passeng
[16:] & 15 Bales of P. Goods through
[17:] Cargo by Arabistan ~
[18:] We took 10 Tons of Coal
[19:] & some 12 packages of
[20:] cargo ~

[21:] At 4.45 AM left
[22:] Amara ~ Southerly breeze
[pg: 397]
[1:] & dampy;

[2:] We took [strikethrough] 50 passengers
[3:] from Amara ~

[4:] At 11.30 passed Ali Sherghi
[5:] Alle 1.45 P.M. met the
[6:] S. Khalifah coming down,
[7:] we stopped, & sent her
[8:] the through Indian Specie
[9:] for the Mail Steamer, &
[10:] my letter & Papers to Henry,
[11:] she has the Barge in tow
[12:] empty; she has 104,000 Okes of
[13:] Cargo & 80 passengers,
[14:] Mr. Mayle the wife
[15:] Michail Raffy, Mr. Rigo
[16:] of the Public Debts an
[17:] other Mohamedan are
[18:] in 1st Class; Henry tells
[19:] me that Eliza my wife is
[20:] out encamped with Yousif
[21:] Korkis etc at Gherrara
[22:] but it is curious how I
[23:] did not receive a telegram
[24:] from her ~ At 1,,55 We
[25:] went on ~
[pg: 398] [1:] Weather Very Calm,
[2:] Hazy & even some clouds
[3:] are hanging on;~

[4:] At 5,,40 P.M. landed
[5:] 9 passengers at Ali
[6:] Gherbi, took 5 ½ & went
[7:] on at 5,,50~ Very calm
[8:] & hazy, but it is cooling down
[9:] a little, the sky is dim and
[10:] foggy like;~

[11:] At 6,,50 touched a Shoal
[12:] above Maghessil sent to sound;
[13:] Moon rose at 7 ½, Pilot
[14:] came back at this time too;
[15:] Very light Westerly breeze but
[16:] Cool Weather~

[17:] At 8,,30 we dropped down
[18:] to opposite Maghessil Grove
[19:] & then steamed up the East
[20:] bank~

[21:] Weather became very cool
[22:] but dampy, with a light
[23:] S. Westly breeze~
[pg: 399]

23 Satur Thr @5 67




Rezooki Yousif Serkis died on 16th

[1:] Light S. Westly, & very cool
[2:] weather~ At 3 Am passed
[3:] Sheikh Saad;

[4:] At 1,,10 P.M. arrived at
[5:] Coot near our Depôt, landed
[6:] 16 passengers & 13 Bales
[7:] of P. Goods through cargo,
[8:] Took 10 Tons of Coal;

[9:] I received an other letter
[10:] here from Henry, he tells
[11:] me that Regina my
[12:] niece & daughter of Sister
[13:] Eliza Wife of Mr.
[14:] Duncan Alexander the
[15:] Clerk of the Comet has
[16:] delivered a son on Monday
[17:] the 18th Instt at 9 am;

[18:] I here received a telegram
[19:] from Yousif Korkis
[20:] telling me that Eliza
[21:] my Wife is encamped
[22:] out with them~

[23:] At 3,,40 P.M. we left

[pg: 400]

[1:] Coot; Very Calm Weather
[2:] a very light S. Erly air,

[3:] Took 23 Passengers from
[4:] Coot (one in 1st Class
[5:] Abdulwahab son of
[6:] Abdulrezak Effendi Agent
[7:] of the Turkish Steamers)
[8:] also Skander Aziz on
[9:] the upper after deck as
[10:] there are no cabins on
[11:] paying extra half deck
[12:] Viz 3 Mejidies~

[13:] An other Sad news I
[14:] heard from Skander Aziz
[15:] of the death of Rezooki
[16:] Yousif Serkis on the 16th
[17:] Instt, I don’t know from what
[18:] cause, but poor man he
[19:] was always delicate in
[20:] health & miserable, he
[21:] leaves his wife Catherina
[22:] daughter of Reesha Andrea
[23:] & about 7 children all
[pg: 401]
[1:] grown up & the daughters
[2:] not married yet; he was
[3:] ill for 3 days only;

[4:] We passed the S.S. Ressafah
[5:] & Barge going down at
[6:] about 1 P.M. at Mahomed
[7:] Abool Hassan;

[8:] At 7 P.M. We anchored at
[9:] the top of Umel Boonni at
[10:] Algaya & sent to sound,
[11:] found 2 ¾ draaz, Pilot came
[12:] back at 8;~ Moon rose
[13:] at 8 ½; We remained at anchor
[14:] for the night; Fine clear
[15:] moonlight night~

24 Sund. Thr @ 5. 70



[16:] Very light N.W. breeze,
[17:] and clouds are hanging on
[18:] At 5 Am steamed to the
[19:] shoal grounded, took an
[20:] anchor ahead & hove off

[21:] At 6,,40 proceeded from
[22:] the top of Umel Boonny
[23:] reach~

[24:] Detained 15 M. in shoal water
[25:] on the top of Umel Ajaj~
[pg: 402] [1:] Hot N.W. breeze is blowing
[2:] with clouds around us;

[3:] At 1,,30 P.M. landed
[4:] 2 passengers at Bughela
[5:] and took 3~ At 1,,35
[6:] came to the Shoal above
[7:] the Village, sent to Sound,

[8:] At 2,,40 we steamed over
[9:] & went on;

[10:] At 3 passed Memlah;
[11:] Detained at Sheresh from 5 ½
[12:] till 6 in shoal water;
[13:] Clouds disappeared, a very
[14:] light N.W. breeze~

[15:] Clouds still hanging on the
[16:] N. & W. horyzon & not so cool,
[17:] We easied & stopped at many
[18:] places~

25 Mond Ther @5. 75 Noon 98 4 P.m 100

x At 1,,20 P.M. passed the SS. Baghdad bound down

[19:] At 0,,45 Am anchored
[20:] at Zeljeh, weather became
[21:] hazy & a little foggy;

[22:] At 5 proceeded; Very
[23:] light air & clouds spreading
[24:] every where~
[pg: 403] [1:] At 7,,40 am passed Azizieh
[2:] Village~

[3:] I paid the Ship’s people
[4:] their wages today for this
[5:] month, as our two day’s
[6:] stay in Baghdad every time,
[7:] would not give me time
[8:] to do so;~

[9:] At 1 P.M. passed Baghdadieh,
[10:] Clouds still & hot day; x
[11:] Southerly breeze and warm
[12:] disagreable Weather;

[13:] After sunset it became dark
[14:] & weather very unsettled with
[15:] a light S. Erly breeze we got
[16:] to Aweyn by 7 P.M.~
[17:] We touched here & then anchored,
[18:] sent to sound, & remained for
[19:] the night at anchor, the
[20:] channel is very good and
[21:] weather fine~

26 Tuesd Ther @ 5. 74










[22:] Light S. Erly breeze, with
[23:] some clouds on the East
[24:] & southern parts;

[25:] At 5 Am proceeded
[pg: 404]
[1:] from Oweyn;

[2:] Detained in Shoal water
[3:] at Bostan from 8,,10 till
[4:] 9 Am~

[5:] At 0,,30 P.M. passed
[6:] Ctesiphon~

[7:] At 3,35 passed Diala
[8:] river; Still cloudy &
[9:] breeze from West;~

[10:] At 5,10 I landed just above
[11:] the Bridge of Gherrarah &
[12:] walked back crossed over
[13:] the bridge to Yousif Korkis’
[14:] Tents where my wife Eliza
[15:] is encamped with 2 Tents
[16:] & 2 the Very small ones;
[17:] there are also Yousif Korkis
[18:] & his family & mother,
[19:] Georgis Segman, & Rezooki
[20:] Tessy;~ and on the other side
[21:] at Gherrarah are over
[22:] 50 Tents lots of Christians
[23:] & among them Antone
[24:] Marine & Sedy Wife
[pg: 405]
[1:] of Jeboory Asfar~

[2:] Eliza is well; she has
[3:] some letters arrived for
[4:] me two from Shweiger
[5:] one from Joory son of
[6:] Antone Marine from
[7:] Beyrout, and one from
[8:] my sister in law Blanche
[9:] from Eplissier par Poix
[10:] Somme, France where
[11:] she had gone to see her
[12:] sons being unwell, and
[13:] she sends me the correspondence
[14:] she has had with my
[15:] son Alexander in London
[16:] she wrote to him [strikethrough]
[17:] & he answered her on the
[18:] 17 Augt a very long letter
[19:] which she sent me to
[20:] read a tremendous long
[21:] letter telling her all
[22:] what happened to him
[23:] and how I behaved to
[24:] him in an ungrateful
[pg: 406]
[1:] manner etc etc, it took
[2:] me about an hour to
[3:] read & translate to Eliza
[4:] which made us feel
[5:] quite sick & sorry to
[6:] see him still insisting
[7:] in his former pretentions
[8:] & telling all sorts of
[9:] fibs & lyes; so much
[10:] that I could not eat or
[11:] sleep the whole night &
[12:] there were plenty of Sandflies

27 Wednes




[13:] Light N.W. & fine or
[14:] Calm, at 6 Am after
[15:] I took my tea I left Eliza
[16:] Walked over the bridge
[17:] & there found the donkey
[18:] waiting for me I rode
[19:] to town, arrived home
[20:] at 7 Am, there are a
[21:] Mossully & his Wife sleeping
[22:] & looking after the house
[pg: 407]
[1:] I washed & called on
[2:] sister [strikethrough] Medula
[3:] & then came on board
[4:] at 8, worked & at 9
[5:] left & went to see Sister
[6:] Eliza, & then to Regina
[7:] her daughter who is confined
[8:] of a son on the 18th~
[9:] I called in Office took 60 £
[10:] from Mr. Bottomley, also
[11:] called on the Assyrian Bishop
[12:] & on poor Catterina Wife
[13:] of Rezooki Serkis who
[14:] died on the 16th Aged about
[15:] 63 years old; at 12
[16:] I went & breakfasted with
[17:] sister Medula & came
[18:] home at 1 P.M. had a
[19:] cold bath & at 3 P.M.
[20:] came on board, worked
[21:] in shipping cargo,
[22:] at 5 went home,
[pg: 408] [1:] Weather became very cloudy
[2:] all over & a few drops
[3:] of rain fell; Artin came
[4:] and we both went to Sister
[5:] Medula & dined with them
[6:] on top of the house;
[7:] At 9 P.M. we left I came
[8:] home, I slept below in
[9:] the big room, It blew a
[10:] Very strong wind squally
[11:] & dusty & cloudy;

28 Thursd




[12:] N. Erly Wind & cloudy [strikethrough]
[13:] Weather not cool & fresh

[14:] At 8 Am I came on board
[15:] having waited for Eliza
[16:] my wife but she had
[17:] not come till 9 Am;

[18:] We are shipping cargo a
[19:] good deal; Weather got cloudy
[20:] all over & hot~
[21:] At 11 ½ went home saw Eliza
[22:] came in from Gherrara,
[23:] We breakfasted & I came
[24:] on board at 1 ½ P.M.
[pg: 409]
[1:] We are shipping cargo, it
[2:] is very warm & cloudy a
[3:] curious Weather now
[4:] The Thermotr. was 98 in my
[5:] cabin this afternoon;

[6:] At 5 P.M. I finished and
[7:] Went home, Johny &
[8:] Artin called in the evening

[9:] A son of Azoori Chanteduc
[10:] about 4 years old
[11:] died yesterday evening
[12:] from having been burnt
[13:] while playing with his
[14:] brother; Azoori or Lazar
[15:] Chanteduc is the brother
[16:] of Menusha Henry’s
[17:] Wife, he is employed at
[18:] Lynch as clerk;

[19:] We slept in the big room
[20:] but it is awfully warm
[21:] no air & suffocating
[22:] Weather is cloudy
[23:] too;
[pg: 410]

29’ Frid



[1:] Light air & warm~
[2:] At 4 Am Eliza & the
[3:] Watchman Muttar
[4:] came with me to the
[5:] steamer to land them
[6:] at Gherrarah; I asked
[7:] Capt Cowley Yesterday to
[8:] land them; also to Allow
[9:] the Khoory Toma Bahi
[10:] to let him land with her
[11:] as he wants to see the
[12:] Assyrian Bishop Aghnatius
[13:] off, as this latter is going
[14:] to Calcutta for 6 month’s
[15:] leave for business & the
[16:] Khoory Toma is acting for
[17:] him; But this morning
[18:] when Capt Cowley came on
[19:] board he sent to say that
[20:] he cannot take Khoory
[21:] Toma to Gherrarah as
[22:] Mr. Bottomley Objects
[pg: 411]
[1:] to landing any people,
[2:] I offered to pay the
[3:] Coot passage, & even
[4:] that he objected, so he
[5:] went back on shore,
[6:] I am awfully sorry, for
[7:] it, as my wife had invited
[8:] him to stay & breakfast
[9:] with her; I am so very
[10:] sorry & disappointed at
[11:] such a disgusting way
[12:] of treatment~

Baghdad to Basreh [29 SEP 1899 — V049_30_S] (//) with Barge (//)



Passeng Okes G. S Piast Draft
210 79411 19,663 ¼ 3,4,,
[15:] At 5,,45 Am. Got under-
[16:] way & proceeded~ Barge
[17:] in tow, At 6,10 went too
[18:] close to the East bank at
[19:] Cherd el Pasha near a Sunken
[20:] Boat & she touched & grounded
[21:] had to take out a stern
[pg: 412]
[1:] anchor & heave her stern
[2:] off~ At 6,,30 we went on,

[3:] At 8,,10 landed my
[4:] Wife Eliza & Muttar the
[5:] Watchman below the Bridge
[6:] of Gerrara, below their
[7:] Tents on the West bank;
[8:] Went on at 8,,15; Kass
[9:] Toma Bahi was out &
[10:] came down the bank to
[11:] Meet Eliza;~

[12:] At 9 passed Diala river,
[13:] At 10,,55 passed Ctesiphon,

[14:] Gave tickets to the Passeng.
[15:] We have altogether 183,
[16:] (3 ½ in 1st Class, the Assyrian
[17:] Bishop Aghnatios;
[18:] Abdulkadur Khdery free
[19:] to Amara, and the Wife
[20:] of Artin Malcon son of
[21:] Abdulla Malcon, & her
[22:] daughter to Basreh, and
[pg: 413]
[1:] 1 ½ in 2nd class the daughter
[2:] of Abdulla Malcom &
[3:] a girl with her)

[4:] Weather is very unpleasant,
[5:] Cloudy, dusty, S. Erly wind
[6:] and very hot & oppressive,

[7:] At 7,5 we anchored above
[8:] the Fort of Baghdadieh~
[9:] Light Southerly breeze,
[10:] It became cooler at night,
[11:] I slept in the cabin;

30 Satur Th@5. 72



unusually warm weather

[12:] Light Southerly breeze &
[13:] Cool weather~

[14:] At 5,,15 Am proceeded,
[15:] At 5,,50 met the Khalifah
[16:] coming up, below Baghdadieh
[17:] she stopped & sent us back
[18:] the through specie, hers &
[19:] ours of last trip not having
[20:] met the mail steamer,
[21:] she arrived in Basreh on
[22:] Sunday morning and
[23:] left on Monday evening
[pg: 414]
[1:] Henry sent me the letters &
[2:] Papers, the Khalifah &
[3:] Barge having about
[4:] 190,000 Okes; and no Passengs
[5:] in cabins, & about 120
[6:] Deck;~

[7:] At 6 Am we went on;
[8:] Breeze shifted to N. West
[9:] at 6 ½ & became nice
[10:] & cool; again it shifted to South,

[11:] At 8,,30 passed Azizieh,
[12:] Detained at Zwyet el Zere from
[13:] 9 till 9,,15 in shoal water

[14:] At 9,,25 passed the S Phrat
[15:] & Barge bound up~

[16:] At 4 P.M. passed Memlah
[17:] At 4,,15 grounded above the
[18:] Village of Bughela, took an
[19:] anchor out, sounded &
[20:] hove off & left at 5,,15;

[21:] At 5,,30 landed one Passeng
[22:] at Bughela & went on,
[23:] at 5,,35~
[pg: 415] [1:] At 6,,30 anchored for the
[2:] night at Hamrayah~

[3:] Very light N.W. breeze but
[4:] not cool;

Octor 1st Sund Ther @ 5. 73 Noon 99 4 P.M.



[5:] At 5,,15 Am. Proceeded
[6:] from Hamraya~ Light N.W.
[7:] & fine~

[8:] Grounded at Umel
[9:] Boonni from 8 ½ till 9,15
[10:] & got off by an anchor;

[11:] Wind shifted to a fresh S. Erly

[12:] At 11,15 Arrived at Coot
[13:] landed 21 ½ passengers
[14:] & 19 Packges; It became
[15:] Very calm & hot with
[16:] some clouds & very nasty
[17:] & oppressive weather,
[18:] a remarcable thing
[19:] for this time of the weather
[20:] since the 21 Ulto it
[21:] has not changed for the
[22:] better;

[23:] At 0,,50 P.M. We dropped
[pg: 416]
[1:] down & left Coot; Took
[2:] 5 passengers~

[3:] At 6,,45 P.M. we rounded
[4:] & came to for the night at
[5:] Aboo Dood;~ Breeze
[6:] Very light from N. Wester
[7:] & dark;~

2 Mond Th@ 5, 78 Noon 89 4 P.M. 98

[8:] Light S. Ely breeze & cloudy

[9:] At 5,,15 Am. proceeded
[10:] from Aboo Dood~

[11:] At 6,,45 grounded at
[12:] the bottom of Seyd Abbass,
[13:] took anchors out & sent
[14:] to sound~

[15:] It became very cloudy all
[16:] over & Wintry look, and
[17:] looks like rain falling
[18:] in the distance;~

[19:] We got off at 9,,30 & steamed
[20:] to the shoal & grounded
[21:] took out anchors ahead
[22:] & kept heaving;

[23:] At 11,,40 got off & proceeded
[pg: 417] [1:] At 1,,55 P.M passed Ali
[2:] Gherbi; still cloudy &
[3:] light S. Erly breeze; Clouds
[4:] still are some hanging on,
[5:] The breeze fell down by sun
[6:] set & became Calm and
[7:] warm,~

3 Tuesd Th@ 5, 77 Noon 91 4 P.M. 96



[8:] At 1,5 Am arrived at
[9:] Amara landed 43 ½ passeng.
[10:] and 41 Packages (and
[11:] Abdulkadur Khdery in 1st
[12:] Class free without ticket)

[13:] The SS.


Ressafah & Barge came
[14:] up at about 2 am from
[15:] Basreh; We shipped 4
[16:] cases of feathers;

[17:] At 5 Am left Amara
[18:] S. Erly breeze dampy & cloudy
[19:] Took 22 Passengers;

[20:] It took us from 11 Am from
[21:] Nafikh till 2 P.M. when
[22:] We passed the Elbow;

[23:] At 4 P.M. passed Azair,
[24:] They are demolishing the
[pg: 418]
[1:] Dome which had fallen
[2:] down 2 Years ago to rebuild
[3:] it;~ Clouds all over and
[4:] Very light S. Erly & Warm,

[5:] At 8,,5 P.M. landed 4 ½
[6:] passengers at Gorna and
[7:] went on at 8,,10, dark
[8:] Cloudy & Light S. Erly warm
[9:] weather~ I could not
[10:] sleep from the heat & dampness
[11:] in the cabin, so warm and
[12:] disagreable~

4 Wedn



1899 Octor

of Cholera at Basreh




Okes: 158,460

[13:] At 2 Am dropped Anchor
[14:] below Maghil & left at 5
[15:] for Basreh, arrived at
[16:] 5 ½ landed the passengers
[17:] & were told to go up along-
[18:] side the Blosse Lynch and
[19:] load cargo from her;

[20:] Very nasty warm weather,
[21:] cloudy all over dampy
[22:] & a very light N. Erly;

[23:] There are here the S.S.
[pg: 419]
[1:] Turkistan, Kurdistan and
[2:] Afghanistan for Asfar
[3:] and the Norge & Treasury
[4:] for Gray Mackenzie and
[5:] the English Gunboat Lapwing
[6:] and in quarantine,, there
[7:] are the “Muristan” for Kaideri
[8:] Asfar, the B&P Gulf Str
[9:] the SS. Wingrove for G. Mackenzie
[10:] the Malamir, & about
[11:] 50 Bugalows;~

[12:] We went up alongside the
[13:] Blosse Lynch at 7 AM;~
[14:] Breeze shifted to S. Erly and
[15:] Clouds still remain, it is
[16:] very warm & muggy;
[17:] Yousif Marine came to
[18:] me for few minutes;

[19:] I have just heard from
[20:] M. Cooper the Agent here of
[21:] the Persian Tombac Society,
[22:] & from others that there
[23:] is rumour of Cholera
[24:] here, at Abool Khassib
[25:] about 6 Arabs got attacked
[pg: 420]
[1:] With disentry & vomiting
[2:] while working in packing
[3:] dates, also the son of
[4:] Teophile Tonietti’s wife a
[5:] young boy of about 18 years
[6:] died the other day, but
[7:] it is not sure yet whether
[8:] it is the Cholera;

[9:] At 11 the “Norge” left & at 11 1/2
[10:] the Turkistan left for New
[11:] York direct;

[12:] Rezooki Sayegh came to me
[13:] at 1 P.M. & I went with him
[14:] to their house, saw there
[15:] Tookyeh & Roofail; The
[16:] Assyrian Bishop Aghnatios
[17:] called on them; he has
[18:] put up at Jeboory Asfar

[19:] At 5 P.M. Rufail Rezooki
[20:] & I went to call on Jeboory
[21:] but could not see him, he
[22:] is too busy in his office.
[23:] We sat with the Bishop
[24:] & came back at 6,
[25:] I saw Shekoory Sayeh
[pg: 421]
[1:] who is working at the
[2:] dates of Rufail up at
[3:] Ghubai (above Shaebyeh)
[4:] Rezooki Angoorly also came
[5:] We all dined together,
[6:] They say that all these
[7:] Arabs & the son of Toma
[8:] Kroomy, Antone whom
[9:] they said that they had
[10:] the Cholera is false, they
[11:] died from other causes,
[12:] from the way they have
[13:] been living in those date
[14:] Chardaks very dirty & they
[15:] eat much dates & Salt &
[16:] dead fish; ~

[17:] The weather is still very
[18:] disagreable, light S. Erly
[19:] air & dampy warm,

[20:] I slept in the big room
[21:] with all windows open,
[22:] But it got cooler at
[23:] night & there were plenty
[24:] of mosquitoes;
[pg: 422] [1:] Very light N.W. air and
[2:] fine weather, no clouds
[3:] but very little on East,

5 Thursd

[4:] At 7 AM I came on board
[5:] The mail Str. Assyria
[6:] has arrived last night in
[7:] quarantine;

[8:] The Captain of the Lapwing
[9:] accompanied by M. Wratislaw
[10:] the English Counsel had visited
[11:] the Waly Hamdi Pasha
[12:] and this morning he returned
[13:] the visit on board the Lapwing,

[14:] Today is the first new
[15:] moon & I think the weather
[16:] as it looks is changing for
[17:] the better;

[18:] At 10 1/2 the S.S. Treasury left,
[19:] at 11 1/2 the Afghanistan also
[20:] and 1/2 hour later was followed
[21:] by the Koordistan;

[22:] At 1,,30 P.M the SS. Baghdad
[23:] & Barge left for Baghdad;

[24:] Rezooki Angoorly & Nessoory
[25:] Andrea came to me~
[pg: 423] [1:] At 5 AM we finished loading
[2:] the Barge from the Blosse
[3:] Lynch & an other Barge;

[4:] At 6 we got the mails,
[5:] we have two mails to
[6:] take up;

Basreh to Baghdad [5 OCT 1899 — V049_31_N] (//) Barge in tow (//)

Passegs: Okes / Barge GSP Local Draft / Draft of Barge
129 100,921 / 158,460 11,348 3,6 / 2,,6
[9:] At 6,,15 P.M. we cast off
[10:] from the Blosse Lynch &
[11:] proceeded; Very calm and
[12:] warm weather;~. I
[13:] could not sleep in the Cabin
[14:] from the great heat & moisture,
[15:] It got cooler after midnight,
[16:] and weather is fine, there
[17:] are no clouds, a very Curious
[18:] weather in this time;

6 Frid Therm @ 5.70

1899 Octor.


[19:] At 3 AM landed 3 passeng
[20:] at Gorna & went on

[21:] Light N.W. & fine weather,
[22:] At 8,,5 passed Azair
[pg: 424] [1:] We have altogether 68
[2:] Passengers, (only one in 2nd C
[3:] Cabin a Greek Orthodox
[4:] Priest called Khariton
[5:] Nicolaides, coming from
[6:] Constple Zanzibar etc)

[7:] From 10 AM been going
[8:] very slow from Ghumeyjeh,
[9:] the Baghdad is ahead of
[10:] us about one mile;

[11:] We kept working in steaming
[12:] & heaving on with ropes on
[13:] Shore all the day until
[14:] 6 P.M. We had only got up
[15:] to the Elbow~ I worked
[16:] very hard with Metty in Copying
[17:] the Cargo in my book from
[18:] 2 P.M. till 6 & still we had
[19:] not finished the work;

[20:] Light N.W. & cool weather;

7 Satur Therm @ 5.68



[21:] Very light N.W. & fine cool
[22:] morning~

[23:] At 5,,30 AM we begun to
[24:] steam up from the Elbow
[pg: 425]
[1:] going very slow & touching,
[2:] very shoal all the way

[3:] At 9 1/2 AM We got over the
[4:] shoals & passed Aboo Roba,

[5:] Detained in Shoal water
[6:] at Nafikh from 11 till 12,
[7:] Very calm water;

[8:] At 1,,50 P.M. landed
[9:] 4 passengers at Kalat
[10:] Saleh & went on at 1,,55,

[11:] A very light S. Westly breeze
[12:] & warm~ New Moon
[13:] two days old;

[14:] At 9,,15 P.M. arrived at
[15:] Amara landed 12 passengers
[16:] and 20 Bales of through cargo,
[17:] Took 10 Tons of Coal;

[18:] We got detained from 7 1/2
[19:] till 8 1/2 in shoal water
[20:] below Amara Gardens;

[21:] We shipped about 32 Packges
[22:] of Drugs & Copper etc. ~

[23:] At 11,,30 P.M. left Amara,
[24:] the Baghdad had left this
[pg: 426]
[1:] morning at Sunrise ~

[2:] Light S. Erly breeze~;

8 Sund Therm @ 5. 72

[3:] Light S. Erly breeze &
[4:] fine; some clouds on the East
[5:] & South horyzon;

[6:] At 6,,40 passed Ali Sherghi,
[7:] Gave tickets to 43 1/2 Amara
[8:] passengers;~

[9:] At 11,,35 AM passed the
[10:] S.S. Khalifah & Barge going
[11:] down below Ali Gherbi;

[12:] At 1,,10 P.M. landed 8
[13:] passengers at Ali Gherbi &
[14:] took 3 & went on at 1,,20;

[15:] Weather is very warm &
[16:] calm with some thick clouds

[17:] Detained at the bottom of
[18:] Seyd Abbass in shoal water,
[19:] 6 Boats in the Channel, sent
[20:] to sound, from 4,,45 P.M.
[21:] then steamed to the sounded
[22:] place & touched, backed off,

[23:] At 6,,20 we passed and
[24:] went on~ Very light breeze
[pg: 427]
[1:] from N. Wester, & clouds
[2:] faded away;

[3:] At 10,,10 P.M. landed three
[4:] passengers at Sheikh Saad
[5:] & went on;

[6:] At 11,45 dropped anchor
[7:] for the night it became
[8:] cloudy~

9 Mond, Therm @ 5.78, Noon 88, 4 P.M. 85

1899 Octor

[9:] Light S. Erly, & cloudy all
[10:] over, overcast & Gloomy,

[11:] At 5,,30 AM. proceeded,
[12:] Very cloudy all over; Some
[13:] drops of rain falling at 7 1/2;
[14:] dampy & warm;

[15:] At 1 P.M. arrived at
[16:] Coot landed 7 passengers
[17:] & 5 Bales of Goods though
[18:] Cargo; Took 10 Tons of Coal,

[19:] I received a letter here from
[20:] Henry; they left Baghdad
[21:] on Wednesday having arrived
[22:] there on Sunday morning,
[23:] the Khalifah had 136,000
[24:] Okes, & 150 passengers
[pg: 428]
[1:] more in the Cabins~

[2:] Wind shifted suddenly to
[3:] N.W. with dust & remained
[4:] very cloudy all over one
[5:] patch; They say that at
[6:] Bughela it rained heavily,

[7:] At 2,,40 P.M. left Coot,
[8:] took 11 1/2 passengers~.

[9:] Very strong N.W. wind is
[10:] blowing & dusty; Wind
[11:] fell at sunset, but remains
[12:] very cloudy all over, a regular
[13:] Wintry weather, this atmosphere
[14:] is cool;~

[15:] Detained at Um el Boonny
[16:] half an hour in Shoal water,
[17:] Weather very cloudy and
[18:] dark,~

[19:] At 11 we grounded at Umel-
[20:] Ajaj; worked with anchors in
[21:] heaving off & we remained
[22:] for the night; Very cloudy
[23:] all over & cool weather,
[24:] rather dampy~
[pg: 429]

10 Tuesd, Therm @ 5.72, Noon 80, 4 P.M 85


[1:] Light N.W Breeze & cloudy
[2:] Overcast weather~

[3:] At 6 AM left Umel Ajaj;
[4:] At 6 1/2 detained on a shoal
[5:] at the top of reach until
[6:] 7,,15; It rained last
[7:] night just a few drops;

[8:] At 10,,5 passed the S.S.
[9:] Phrat & Barge going down
[10:] at Hamraya~ Clouds
[11:] breaking up & sunshine;

[12:] At 10,,50 detained above
[13:] Bughela in shoal water,
[14:] the Baghdad is in sight just
[15:] passed Memlah, she was
[16:] aground here;~ At 11,,20
[17:] we passed on~

[18:] At 11,,40 passed Memlah
[19:] Clouds cleared off & became
[20:] very clear & fine weather,
[21:] The Baghdad keeps going ahead
[22:] of us~ At 6,,5 We passed
[23:] her at the bottom of Shedeif
[24:] very fine & clear weather
[pg: 430]

11 Wednes, Therm @ 6. 70


Detention at

[1:] At 0,,5 AM I awoke by
[2:] the noise at Azizieh, of
[3:] some zaptyehs singing out
[4:] to anchor & not to go
[5:] further, & to send the boat
[6:] for a telegram there is from
[7:] Lynch; We anchored &
[8:] sent our Boat, and received
[9:] the following telegram
[10:] dated 28 Septr Greek Style
[11:] (10 Octor).

[12:] ..عزيزيه كاولي مجيديه ++
[13:] ..لسبب شايعة ظهور الكوليره في البصره ++
[14:] ..المواصله مع بغداد ممنوعه اقضو في العزيزيه ++
[15:] ..الى ان تأخدوا اوامر جديده مننا ++
[16:] ..و هذا التعريف طلبوهُ من الاستانه ++
[17:] .. بواسطة القنصل الانكليز ++
[18:] .. لنج ++

[19:] We expected something
[20:] like this may happen as
[21:] when leaving Basreh on

[MISSING PAGES] [pg: 431]
[1:] ++ ..عظيم اذا اوجب الرجوع اعملوا
[2:] ++ .. تدبير تركان الدوبه في عزيزيه
[3:] ++ كاولي..

[4:] The zaptyeh on watch
[5:] at the bank wont take the telegram
[6:] [page is cut off]
[pg: 432] [1:] [page is cut off]
307 1/2
59 1/2 59 1/2
28 May 2 Total 36 1/2
[6:] Passage there & back 4 M….
[7:] (partial) or 75 G. S. Pias….
[pg: 433]
1st Jun 1899

1,000 G. Asfar, due 1st Rabi Awal
1,000 R Sayegh, due 6 Rabi Thani
500 Nawab Agha Mahomed due 20 R. Than
300 at home

1st October 99

1000 G. Asfar
1000 R. Sayegh
500 Nawab Mahd Agha
500 at home Cash
[pg: 434]